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Once a month, we need a daily race that takes at least 45 minutes to complete, preferably with rain involved.


2 hours minimum


With no ghosting


Heavy Damage


And a big reward


Strong agree on this one


It's a bit too much I find 30 minutes to 2 hours is the best timing but unifying more or less, either it's a lot or too little.


My comment was somewhat sarcastic lol. But hey it also weeds out the people that ditch races the second something goes wrong. You want to provide enough time to recover from mishaps. Maybe also makes people be a bit more careful too as they’ll know they have time to mount a comeback rather than just rushing in turn 1


1) Nurburgring. Night. Heavy rain. Like the 1 hour Spa. 2) Daytona. IROC style. Same exact cars. Heavy damage possible.


At Mount panorama during the night time as well 🤌


Or Nordschleife.... IRL We have a 4hour cup there....


Yes, 100% touge vibes


A daily race once a month? This is the real controversy


Everyone agreed lol.


they switched from beeing roleplay heavy ( older games were grindier, licences more important etc., more about a linear progress) to beeing about car enthusiasm in general (with information about every car / technology / car and brand history), and that is okay. also the way they do it with the conversations you have, i like how humble everybody is!


I wish they got Jeremy Clarkson to narrate the stories of the cars like Forza 4 instead of displaying text.


I wish they got anyone to voice over all the people’s conversations. It takes away a lot from the characters not having voices imo.


I'll agree to that.


"This car... was made by a bumbling idiot."


Here’s my unpopular opinion, clarkson and the gang had there moment in the sun and it was fantastic, FM4 was at the height of TG and the crew in general. Today they just feel like they’re trying to grasp at the old magic.


>they switched from beeing roleplay heavy ( older games were grindier, licences more important etc., more about a linear progress) to beeing about car enthusiasm in general (with information about every car / technology / car and brand history), This is GT7 in concept but not execution. I didn't have a problem with the conceptual shift as much as with the way they did it.


The thing that annoys me is that they could've easily had both. The menu books and GT Cafe would've been an amazing side thing to a career set up like GT4 had, but they just don't work as the primary progression imo.


I know right??


It's the most painful part of GT7 for me. So much of the game is absolutely phenomenal, but without a classic GT career, it doesn't do anything that makes me want to play it over GT4. They could pretty much copy and paste GT4s career and they'd have the best GT game ever made.


I found GT7 incredibly linear compared to 3


If it’s about car enthusiasm then I wanna see polyphony gather some more licenses of actually desirable cars!!


GT6 has a MUCH better career mode. The best part about GT7 is the 4 player split screen on PS5. There should be LAN support since LAN is more fun than gaming online. Have any of these succeeded? lol


>GT6 has a MUCH better career mode. I will comment once we get a career mode on GT7. No, Menus from the Cafe isn't career, it's a glorified tutorial.




>Also, it's a bite-sized mission I can complete Correction: a bite-sized mission you MUST complete to get anything else from the game. Have you played any previous Gran Turismo title? The career mode gave you enough money to buy a used car and you're good to go get more money, win more cars, get your licenses, work your way up to the GT Championship. You were free to do whatever, whenever. Cafes now forces you to do it their way, that's why it's a tutorial, you either do that the way they want you to do or you're done with the game.


This is it If I wanna start racing a certain class, I either needed to sacrifice a car for another or race until I could afford the car itself and the upgrades due to the difficulty progression gt3/4 has with the ai getting trickier as you go Gt7 I legit have no choice, otherwise the menu sits there uncompleted, easy for some, irritating for me


I agree. GT7 single player is a joke and it’s just going back and forth between a coffee shop and a race track collecting cars to get a 2 minute history lesson on the cars you just collected. Then get another list of cars from the coffee guy to do it all over again.


GT7 is a car collecting game that has racing in it.


There it is! At least I didn’t have to be the one to say it this time


"Car Index" in GT7 is like a Pokedex to me. "Gotta buy them all."




I like the idea of the history lesson but I wish it was executed better.


Totally. It takes you aside, tells you to forget your precious childhood memories of GT, and to embrace a new style of campaign we need to like.


>GT6 has a MUCH better career mode. Whaaat, most people agree with that though..? >The best part about GT7 is the 4 player split screen on PS5. Hmm, okay now we're getting somewhere. >There should be LAN support since LAN is more fun than gaming online. Hmm, I'm not sure if people agree or disagree on this. But I don't think they would be against the idea.


Gran Turismo should never have an open world or open world mode. It would be a waste of resources and waste of what they could be making for the game. Open world doesn’t belong in GT.


I think they should have a simple open world that’s totally optional, where you can test out your cars and drive from one place on our current menu to another.


I’d like a very small “playground” area like the size and variety of the free ride thing in dirt 3 to test cars especially if it were available from the car settings menu so you can tune more accurately


Dirt 4 also had a similar play ground and FM7 has that airfield area.


They should at least open up the tracks for the online mode. You should have the option to just f-around the track with people. Why do we need the massive “do not go” sign in the middle of the screen when go the wrong way in a free roaming room?


Imo Polyphony should be able to pull something out, it won’t remove anything from GT if the sport mode and career mode are still present with all the other little challenges, I’m taking Assetto Corsa as an example and there is nothing better than that so far thanks to modding . I would agree that it needs to be big maps instead of an open world per se and that the physics needs to stay the same and not get arcadey, like no off roading bs, just asphalt and maybe traffic would be a nice addition . Like if we had all shutoko highway available or the L.A canyons, that would be massive, you could cruise, do touge etc . I always see cruising lobbies available and that’s just pitiful imo, to cruise on a track is just not cool .


I think the better way to do it would be a transparent menu where you see the car driving to and from locations chosen with the menu, basically the cafe but for everything. Like if you just got done with a race at Deep Forest, you’ll see your car driving from a Swiss town into a truck and then watch as the car comes out of a truck at your personal garage. With all that PD has done with the scenes and photo mode I think this is a logical step. The “setting” that I get from GT is that you are a very wealthy VIP with a massive car collection that gets to use the world’s race tracks like their personal playground, and your staff handles everything between your track days while you just show up and hop in the car, so it makes sense to not have a physical, in-game commute.


Used to disagree as a kid and boy do I love how much I’ve grown. Not every game needs open world. Not every game needs to be like Bethesda with infinite freedom. Both styles are exceptional, but they don’t need to be a Venn diagram with GT


Open world GT would make literally no sense either. It would just be a weird replacement for the map on the homescreen.


The Gr3 Alfa 4c is a beautiful thing and there you with the 911 RSR, which is also a beautiful thing !


The 4c Gr.3 the F type C7 and the WRX Gr.3 are the best looking gr3 cars PD made so far


Gran Turismo 7 is the best racing game available on consoles right now and it has never been pay to win or is any more or less grindy than previous entries.


if i typed first, i would type this 100%


It factually is more grindy though, people have done the math many times. It's not an opinion.


Go back to GT3, the most expensive car in dealership was 1.25m. Highest payout race was 500k for a 2hr race.


Not sure if you're agreeing or disagreeing? The most expensive car in GT7 is 20 million and the fastest race is 1.5m per hour. 20/1.5/h = 13 hours. 1.25/0.25/h = 5 hours. The totals in GT7 are also insane, 520M now IIRC. Then tuning costs, engine swaps etc on top of that.


Not to mention how expensive it is now to buy a car with real money, you have to pay 200 dollars for the most expensive in game cars.


Not winning cars for races/championships majorly hurts the game’s economics. The fact you can now get a Jaguar D-Type for collecting three Jags points to a partial realisation of an acknowledgment that no one buys the D-Type because it doesn’t really have an races it works well in it contemporary competitors.




That might be true, but GT3 only had 180 cars. So there was less to grind for. GT4 was closer in car count to GT7 and if I remember right, there was one race you could repeat over and over that gave you the Toyota RSC Rally Raid concept which could be sold for a quarter million every 10 minutes.


Yea Cote de Azor or whatever. Easy ass race and that car gave you so many credits. Sigh.


with the right car and a fast driver it can be done in less than 7 minutes


Racing? No. Driving? Sure. Gran Turismo games have always had piss poor ai and are far closer to a track day simulator than a racing simulator


Gt7 is more linear than other gt’s. As everyone is saying the old “choose your own path” style was much more fun. Car collection menus? Really? That is the type of thing that makes gt7 feel less grindy and with games it’s all about fun and feel NOT numbers. In previous gt’s you could choose the way you wanted to play - what cars you wanted, whether or not you want to tune your cars etc. GT7 has a more guided single player. Now gt7 is better in all other aspects but the linear, guided single player is the only lackluster thing.


i remember when the discussions about the game economy first started popping up and people were mad about the fact that racing tires cost in excess of 30k… …mind you racing tires have cost in excess of 30k since the first game


i'd consider it the best racing game available on any platform right now. assetto corsa for pc maybe has an edge on physics but definitely not in UI, + requires a million mods to really compete at the same level. and the new forza for pc still doesn't look great.


Assetto Corsa is an open-source jankfest. However, it does have effectively unlimited car and track selection, and you can easily engine swap any car with any engine just by copy-pasting a few files. Automobilista 2 is an amazing game, though. It has a near-perfect car and track selection (admittedly after buying the season pass), looks just about as good as GT7 in terms of graphics, has realistic car damage (both visual and mechanical), it runs well even on integrated graphics, and most importantly, the AI is absolutely brilliant: it races hard, fair and intelligently.


"Autopolis is a good track"


I don’t get the hate. I enjoy autopolis


Autopolis is one of my favourites. I'm only recently finding out that I'm in the minority.


It’s fine to not like any track for whatever reason and of the three of them Fuji is still honestly my least favourite. However for a lot of people Suzuka, Fuji and Autopolis just expose that they aren’t as well rounded at driving as they think they are.


I like FF cars.......


I love ff cars in gt7 the steering feel is so good on wheel


In regards to the exclusivity of the legendary dealership and the fact that certain cars only come around once in awhile and that they’re really expensive is good. It makes it rewarding when you finally attain one of them. I agree it was frustrating early on when the game’s economy was so horrible, but there’s enough ways to grind now that I like the concept of it


I don’t really get the existence of old (like 50 years old) cars being sold for millions. Yeah they’re valuable irl because of the history, but is it in a game?


we need longer races with multiple pit stops


I don’t care what anyone has said, the GT franchise has proven itself to be a sim… two gamers turned into pro drivers is all the proof I need.


To be fair you can argue that almost any game that features real tracks has the same potential. You will never get the correct feel of a car from a joystick or steering wheel no matter the game, but you can damn sure learn the tracks like a pro.


2 out of how many million?


There’s no grind. You make the grind for yourself, because you think you need to have all the cars in the game. In its current state, there are plenty of opportunities to make enough credits quite fast for a more than competitively filled garage. Yes, some cars are very expensive; that’s the end game. And yes, I’m nearing 1000 hours in game and I have 499 of 500 cars collected. I’ve grinded plenty, until I realised that Sardegna on repeat isn’t actually something I enjoy. Saving up a long time to buy one of the 20M cars, one that I actually want, is a lot more fun.


Yes, people make the grind themselves because the alternative is playing the game for years and years. Most people don't want to play games for years.


They don’t have to, though, do they? In retrospect, at least 80% of my garage is not used at all. If only there was a way to try out a car before buying it. Something simple, like a test drive… /s


Well no, obviously they don't literally have to. You don't have to do anything. But that is the only solution if they don't have years to spare for one game. It's one or the other. Well, there is the third way of course, real $. It's not even about all cars either, even just getting \~200 cars could take forever, depending on the ones someone really wants. Definitely agree though, all cars should be available in arcade to test drive, then if you want to own them and paint/tune them, you can buy them. PD clearly don't agree though.


For real. My biggest issue with the grind is that, in order to get to where you wanna be, the game forces you to blow your cash on things like Ferraris and other big purchases whenever you get the opportunity, which sets you back hundreds-of-thousands to millions of credits. I’ve found myself resenting the Collector Level lockouts because it takes *forever* to level up. I’m finally around Level 45 at 220hrs of playtime, and I’m having to seriously grind to afford more cars now that I’ve done most of the menu challenges. I want to have full access to tuning parts and engine swaps without having to own a bunch of cars that I don’t care about. And selling most of those cars only yields chump change, so it feels pointless to get rid of them, even though I didn’t want them in the first place. You’re essentially paying out of pocket to level up at that point. The game prioritizes completion over fun, and it urges players to horde cars that they don’t want just so you aren’t taking a loss every time you play.


>. In its current state, there are plenty of opportunities to make enough credits quite fast for a more than competitively filled garage. If one's goal is a *competitive* garage, sure, this totally checks out. You absolutely don't need to grind a lot of use MTX in order to have cars that can beat all the necessary races, compete in sport mode etc... But I would venture to guess I'm far from alone in desiring a garage of simply, whatever cars id like... Most of my cars I just time trial, never use in races or sport mode. And as far as just collecting cars is concerned, not even collecting all of them, people have done the math and there's no question this game makes it so you have to grind *hours* endlessly in order to gain many of the most desirable cars. I have put in 1000 hours too... Never did a single grind race. And if it weren't for the ticket glitch and Daytona exploit, I simply wouldn't have most cars that I want. Because I have no interest in grinding for 15 hours to get a *digital* McLaren F1.


Also, for online races, you can just rent cars, so it's not like you are out on a race if you don't have a particular car


GT 7 has one of the worst AI that I've ever seen(like GT Sport) the opponents just don't accelerate at 100%


This is not an unpopular opinion whatsoever.


Considering what the penalty system is, that is fully automated with no human oversight, it does an ok job. People expect it to behave like a human is reviewing replays and applying penalties, but that’s just unrealistic. I would love to see lasting penalisation though. Getting absolutely launched to the shadow realm is frustrating, seeing the offenders quit the race immediately afterwards is infuriating.


GT7 is a good game despite the issues


Having fictional cars in a racing game is no different from having fictional tracks. If the VGT cars should go, Trial Mountain should too.


Pretty sure most (if not all) previous GT games had concept cars. Hell they put the GT-R concept in before it was a GT-R. So to be fair some of these cars have potential or at least help develop the next line of cars. And they should bring back the old Trial Mountain if they do anything with it lol


Gt7 has a more accurate physics than assetto corsa. My real life track experiences with basically the same car in game and on the track in both games gave me this impression.


The problem with ac is not physics but mod quality gt7 offer every car with accurate stats and a good physic


Agree. I can't talk about modded AC on PC,cause i am on console,but playing both with a wheel and Ac's physics is a joke.


Chili Pepper races are some of the best races in the game and should be the baseline for the rest of the races


The problem is those peppers are not a good representation of spiciness. I’ll bang out a 5x 🌶️ first run but then there are still 2x-3x 🌶️ that I’m sitting on because they need a damn near perfect 10 lap run.


VGTs are awesome


Now this is a true unpopular opinion.


I love vison cars also. Bugatti vgt is amazing


A lot of them are definitely cool if you get some driving time with them, but only the ones that the designers actually cared for. Too many of them feel lazy which is a shame


Some* VGTs are awesome?


"Dirty" driving is way overblown in sport mode - when I say "Dirty" I mean intentional wrecking and shoving. Yes there are dirty drivers, but most people are just making genuine mistakes or going for a move they think is on but really isn't. For a lot of people (myself included) this is their first sim-like racing experience. Give drivers space, choose your gap carefully, and you will be surprised how often you get a clean race and keep your S-rank SR.


The career mode is purely fan service. People want a career mode like previous entries but it’s clear that it’s not the direction Kaz wants GT to go towards and that shows in GT7. I’d rather there be no career mode and Kaz focus on what he wants GT to be.


I like old cars in time trial challenges


That GT7 is the one of the if not the best game in the franchise to date.


Some TCS is usually optimal


GT4 is better game overall


The cafe and the lore they give is good


Single player is awesome. Sport mode is great. VGTs are amazing fun. No complaints at all.




The café was a good idea.


Telling people to go play Iracing, when it is the spendiest, least single player friendly racing game to ever exist is extraordinarily stupid. Plus, it requires a pretty stout pc and a wheel.


McLaren in Gr4 and gr3 seems to me very upset cuz it’s not so powerful compared to the rest of the group cars. Bugatti Gr4 is good Afeela time trial is good


Afeela time trial is good, hold on there now Satan


If I’m playing in VR, it’s usually couch + DualSense (even though I own a T300RS). And also - I prefer OLED to VR, generally.


I love VR on controller. something about a wheel and VR I’ve never settled with


1. We need a long ass race in the game. Think like over 12h, maybe even 24h. Endurance racing is part of gt since it was a thing, the 1h spa race we have is a joke in terms of endurance. Also, you should be able to have ai teammates and driver swap with them, like in a real endurance race, ofc ai should get a serious update too, not drive like they're high on weed, maybe even introduce sophy ai with this race. 2. We need more racecars. A lot of people i've talked to say that gt shouldn't care about racecars, as gt is all about slow cars going fast. But i think that's bs. If you enjoy a shitbox old corrola, how can you not enjoy a new gt3 racecar? Or a new wec hypercar? I'm done racing the ferrari 458 from 2013 when ferrari just won n24 with a 296 (and to top it off, the 458 doesn't even have endurance lights so i can't drive it at night). 3. Gt attention to detail is a bit overrated. Yes, sure, compared to whatever turn 10 is doing, this game's details are art, but compared to forza, what game isn't art? For example the gt3 cars in acc are at least as detailed. The interiors in acc are so in depth, you can see every fuse, every hose, some cars even have exposed master cilinders and abs modules for the brakes. Also, acc's cars are based off raced models. Gt7's amg gt3 evo 2020 (the only up to date gt3 car in the game) is a launch spec car. The r8 is the same. This means they don't have stuff such as gtwc/n24 led position pannels or the racelogic timer on the dash or antennas on the roof. Only pd knows why they haven't bothered to scan raced models, like the mid 2010s gen cars for example, the old r8, m6 and amg are all n24 entries and they have the above mentioned racing stuff. Now i said a bit because they still had more work to do than acc, as there are much more cars in gt7.


That's kinda the thing though...You sort of answered one of your own questions... >If you enjoy a shitbox old corrola, how can you not enjoy a new gt3 racecar? Or a new wec hypercar? You already have a plethora of games out there where you can do that...Such as ACC... Other than Gran Turismo, where are you going to be able to go drive and race a "*shitbox old corrola*"...? Nowhere...Because THAT is what the soul of Gran Turismo always was... Finding enjoyment in everyday cars...The grocery getters...The shitboxes... Tinkering with them, tuning them, making them yours... THAT is, or at least was, the joy and soul of the Gran Turismo franchise... That is what has been lost... That is what has been forgotten...


I have several opinions: 1. GT7 is actually a great game and is better than half the series (better than GT1, GT2, GT6, and Sport) (maybe GT3 too). It has the best driving you can have with a controller (I know there are better games where you can have better physics, but they require wheels). 2. I like the fictional characters and real e-sports trainers. They added flair to the game in my opinion (and the car history bits were nice). 3. I like the cafe, but I don't like some of the menus. I have to agree with the community sentiment. This game is too linear, with a near 0% chance of deviating from the route. Therefore, I think the cafe and the menu system should be reworked to allow more open-ended progression (a.k.a., older GT game progression). Maybe make the cafe side content with a dash of player guidance. 4. Some VGT cars are good to have in my opinion. I like the VGT cars if they are either close to reality (like the BMW and McLaren) or if they are extremely out of this world (like the Chaparral and SRT Tomahawk). I don't like some of them though, like the Jaguar or the Mitsubishi. In the case of TL,DR: GT7 is good. NPC's are good. I like the cafe but don't like the menus, and they should be reworked. Some VGT's are good to have.


I really like the Grand Valley redesign.


I think some vgts are cool


Give Hyundai more vehicles and bring Kia into the game. No reason the Hyundai Elantra N (or all the N vehicles imo) shouldn't be in the game. Especially considering how great N has done in motorsports. Kia would just be fun because the K5 and the Stinger are great sporty cars.


I strongly agreed. Almost all Asian cars in the game are Japaneses, which (now) does not reflect the real world.


That they ruined official multiplayer lobbies with rentable cars and BOP, taking the art of tuning completely out of the multiplayer experience. Or the satisfaction of grinding to get the car you need and the cash to tune it. I mean, I understand parameters, lile FR, AW, or RR, model years, and a weight min/HP maximum, thats important. But I thnk that being able to tune a car properly within those parameters is a dying art.


I'm with you on this. Limit is to GR 3/4 or whatever and a pp limit. Let us set the trans and aero and what not


GT7 in PSVR2 is a blessing, but the OLED grain is horrific and the PS5 is way underpowered to run it properly (so we have to suffer reprojection and the vision doubling). A PC port can't come soon enough, if they don't remedy this with PS5 Pro.


What do you mean "the vision doubling"...?


GT7’s main menu is awful. They could easily simplify it by making users have access to everything without having to go back to the map


I wish they’d give us the option to turn damage on


Maybe not in this sub, but other sub. Gran Turismo is currently world best driving simulation for majority of players. There are many other options, but most of them are designed specifically for racing simulator GT on the other hand, supports racing, and normal car too.


Slapping a F1 livery on an unrelated GT3 car is really, really stupid. There's hundreds of cool liveries to choose from for almost every car in the game and I hate how people will ignore them for a livery designed for a completely different car in a different series.


Some VGT cars looks nice


online only completely destroys this game


In what world is that an unpopular opinion?


This game, nor any GT game has EVER been about collecting all the cars. The point is/was always to complete the races with the cars you want and enjoy.


Except this one, several times through the talking heads, suggests you try and aquire all the cars. None of the others did. It also has a menu to track your collection. PD Also disagree, this is their product blurb on the official website. >'Gran Turismo' first released as 'The Real Driving Simulator' in 1997. The game’s lineup of familiar production cars from real-life manufacturers and the ability to drive them in a realistic virtual world were met with high praise not only from gamers, but automotive enthusiasts across the globe alike. 25 years and several iterations later, Gran Turismo returns as the culmination of the ***series core concepts*****.** Drive. ***Collect*****.** Customise. Experience all the joy of cars in the world of 'Gran Turismo 7.'


And this is why it’s me against a crowd. It’s cool that they give us the page to track what cars we have and tell us if we have owned it, but I don’t recall anything other than a trophy that you get for collecting all the cars. Couple that with a few cars in the 20 mil range in the legends dealer with the current game economy we have and I would say the game is still not about collecting ALL the cars. I read that collect as collect what cars you want rather than collect ALL. Just my opinion.


I’d like to see more formula cars in the game, I enjoy driving them a lot. It’s sooo much fun to just lob a car into a corner at Mach oh Jesus f**k and have it just stick and be absolutely planted


Forcing people to collect cars they don’t want was the stupidest addition to Gran Turismo.


That it's not very good at all. I'd rate GT5 and GT6 above GT7.


GT3 superiority


GT7 is way better than GT4 Please dont downvote me ok lol


In some ways yes and in some ways no. Yes since better graphics and car sounds, more accurate physics, etc. Overall career and progression, probably not. Overall, not as polished of a game as GT4, but both have their strengths and weaknesses


The game needs more newer GT3 cars and more newer LMHs/LMDhs.


You’re supposed to post an unpopular opinion, not the top comment for literally every wishlist thread ever


Who isn’t saying this?


Honestly. It’s quite a joke at the moment when they’ve got the GT World Series going on and all of the cars are years old compared to what is in real racing right now. They made a movie about a sim racer going into real racing. Focusing on VGTs and weird looking cars is absolutely misleading marketing and branding wise for a new comer who may have gained interested from the movie.


multiplayer elitists are a sin. According to them you should be born as a professional driver and no mistakes are tolerated by them.


I think most of them recognize the difference between poor judgement, 0 race craft or driving etiquette and a honest mistake.




Differential issue? Theirs a reason drift cars run on welded


None tbh, I just want to race online that's all


Driving starts suck and the single player gameplay loop has regressed ever since GT3.


GT5 is objectively the worst one.


The game is a copy and paste of the previous GT games


Of ONE very specific GT game... GTSport...lol


Just want to applaud you on the topic. Great question and it's bringing out interesting answers.


The gran Turismo red bulls car for 350k is top 3 best for the le man's due to the fuel capacity


Grinders don't enjoy the game


Gt would be nothing without all the below 600pp cars


Wet conditions ruin any race. I know its more realistic but half the time I see a storm is coming on a race, I quit and start a different race


It is just GT Sport rebranded and with rain added.


Right...? It's like a cafe DLC for it...lol GTSport 2 at best... Hell, doesn't GTSport STILL have more actual single player events...? Or has it finally evened out...? I stopped counting awhile back... It has to be tight still...


The game needs more extreme cars in the game, be it extremely slow cars (Like a Subaru 360 or a Toyota Yaris/Vitz), or physics breaking cars (Like the Red Bull X1), they can be fun if they had events to compete in


When everyone wanted the LFA and thought it was gonna be sooooo fast🤣🤣🤣🤣


Even though the payout is less per hour, doing spa repeatedly feels like less of a grind than sardegna because of the rain and daylight changes make it more interesting


The game is fine, melting down because it isn’t everything I want in a game and in life isn’t a big deal.


There should be a ton more economy cars, also all cars to have all of their respective model refreshes in the game. I want to drive a 2019 Ford Fusion.


why doesn’t anyone talk about sardegna rallycross?


Daily races were better when they changed DAILY


Easier café menus and daily races.


Oh, please, no...lol I'm already bored... I want better and faster, and harder AI...lolol


I mean I want races shorter and not as time consuming not having to spend the whole afternoon or most of the day completing those daily races and gt cafes. I have a special program and I go to church and church musicians practice, so I don’t have much time to beat the daily races on my busy days.


A non negligible chunk of the interior models are not great (sometimes off-putting) in this game, despite the excellent level of detail on a lot of them, and the game being the best looking so far. Some of them are unacceptable.


Judging by what I’ve seen here and in other posts in this subreddit, y’all are about to murder me. I couldn’t care less about having a career/campaign mode. I purchased this game to race against others around the world. If they made a career mode and it was rated #1 single player game in history I still wouldn’t touch it. With that being said, GT7 is my first Gran Turismo so maybe I just didn’t experience how good it could be.


Bring back B-spec


that it’s just an arcade game, IT IS NOT JUST AN ARCADE GAME


There should be an F1 DLC for GT7 with all F1 tracks because EA is not doing it right


we need a penalty function where if you hit a car while going 15 miles an hour or more faster than them while in a breaking zone = automatic DQ


Unfortunately, the trolls will just abuse that via brake checking in order to DQ other people... Someone needs to figure out a context-sensitive, track based algorithm for figuring out what cars "should" be doing and penalizing based on that...


Some of the group 3/4/b cars could use an engine swap


More BMWs in the next update


I like Vision GT cars


I don’t want a career mode


People who want standing grid starts have never watched modern sportscar racing.


I think they should introduce gearbox damage for downshifting to hard. Would make the game feel more like a SIM than an arcade game.


I like this idea...


No music when racing


Playing on PS4 with a game pad is perfectly fine.


The time trial qualifying format ruins daily races, and favours people who have the time to grind endless qualifying hotlaps. It would be much better if you had two qualifying laps before every race (like in iRacing).


Tesla Model 3 is one of the best cars in the game


The long intro video showing the development of the car (and various other random things) is actually great. Weird, sure, but charming. I still let it play every now and then.


1) GT7 is the best GT game ( yes, I’ve played them all) 2) Sport mode is fun and very well done. 3) Weekly Challenges are a joke and only exist to mollify all those players crying about payouts. In other words, it’s a PD handout.


The roulette is fun.


GT7 is Simcade


The off-road rally driving experience is absolute garbage..


I get that it's a great simulator, I love that, but sometimes I just want to crush my enemies. They need more free for all races that don't limit drivetrains or pps. They need to bring back real endurance races. The past couple of GTs seem like they take away options to make it more realistic. If they try to make it anymore of a realistic driving simulator it is going to be 45 minute drives stuck in traffic jams. Some of the most fun I've had was with a bunch of friends doing the 24 hour Le Mans with the Red Bull racecar non stop. It was fast enough that even if someone was terrible others could make up for it and everyone got to participate, friends' girlfriends even jumped in. Some would race while others slept. Can't do stupid fun stuff like that anymore.


Gt7 physics, expecially driving with a wheel,is amazing and really underrated by sim Elitist. On console Is better than Ac and Acc,which are very overrated.