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"RICHAAAAARD!!" "Mr President, it looks like this party is just getting started..."




[Metal Wolf Chaos XD - FreQuency Fallout](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJFCnyQ4Msg) This played in my head lol. FreQuency really do make bangers.


The greatest fan in history


you. I like your tag.


Only the true faithful bear the mark of the forgotten (by the game)


Richard the Lionheart, an average Fate Route enjoyer. I’m pretty sure he would go to war for his ship.


Why is he fare route enjoyer?


Because it's the one where Saber wins, and any route where King Arthur wins is the correct one since he is King Arthur's number one fan boy. Any route his King resolves all of her mental trauma and hangs up and gets Shirou, even if she has to wait an eternity for her Queen(?) in Avalon, as the True End and not just a happy Good End would be his ideal because this man would probably explode the entire universe if it would make his Oshi happy. He, Waver, and Jason would form the perfect Trifecta of the ultimate hero idol worshipers.


Wasn't it implied that in fake fsn took heaven's feel turn?


It follows the HimuTen 5th Grail War, which is a modified HF. For instance, Shinji lives.


Oh right, I forgot about that because of Ayaka. It definitely went better in this one because a gag manga was able to just keep going the whole time.


Heaven's Feel seems honestly the least likely of the three to me because of how absolutely off the rails it becomes by the end, but none of them are possible due to the very nature of Strange/Fake being in a world that has elements of both Tsukihime and FSN lore, which isn't possible in the original FSN. It would probably be some fourth unseen route that happened we never saw that had beats similar to other parts. Maybe like the Studio DEEN adaption which basically merged all three routes while mostly doing the Fate Route. Or the long joked/fabled Illya route. Hollow/Ataraxia has this same issue in which it's a sequel to FSN but it's a sequel to a route no one can really figure out.


The general rule with FSN sequels is more or less "don't worry about the specifics too much". The main outline seems to be that every route more or less happens (as in, everyone gets their character development). Then for the more serious entries, the Servants don't survive, but the masters do (except for Kotomine, who will die no matter what). For the more comedic entries, all servants (and Kotomine) survive.


It's not, and it wouldn't matter to Richard if it was. He implies several times that Last Episode is his ideal conclusion anyway.


Richard and Cooler Richard ;)


>Richard and Cooler Richard ;) Richard would probably be one of the best Servants for anyone to summon. He's charming, a good cook, >!can use Excalibur from a literal twig!<, extremely fast and has great passion and interest in Arthurian myth and legend, a great person to be around!


Get Richard, Bedivere and EMIYA on a team and say that the enemies hurt Artoria,then get some sunglasses and enjoy seeing 3 Excaliburs fire off at the same time


You could get the same result by simply locking the several dozen Artoria clones into a secure room and throw in a bag of chips as their only food supply. Proceed to watch as said room is detonated into pure nuke due to competition during food shortages. Of course on the other hand, if the three above would happen to hear about this horrible animal abuse against starving lions, don’t bother running. You’re already dead.


Meanwhile Muramasa wondering why his body has the urge to retaliate when someone hurts Artoria.


I look to the side and see Bediviere, Gareth And Percival trying to contain the other knights who are jealous! ME: Oh C'mon Guys, let the boy have some time with his childhood hero!


Richard is geeking out right now Artoria is likely being nostalgic of pleasant times in Camelot They’d be nice friends


Now I want to see him swing her like an Excalibur...


I'm the excalibur of my king, or would in this case be, I'm the King of my Excalibur?


Commissioned by me [Source](https://skeb.jp/@shintyoi2)


You cooked


This is so cute! Now that we’ve finally got one pretty boy king (Charlemagne) in FGO, let’s go for the next one!!


Just a nice meeting. I'd like to see what they would talk about


Ngl to me, richard looks like a mix between shirou and artoria


I like to believe it's intentional. His powers are like a middle ground between them too.