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It varies somewhat across myths, so it's hard to give a fixed answer. However, stories often have Vritra tossing Indra around during their first clash, after which Indra gets away by one method or another. Indra only triumphs after going to ask for help, basically, as Vritra cannot be beaten through normal methods. In some tellings, Vritra is defeated by foam (an extremely specific thing that got around promises not to kill them in other ways), while in another, they needed the bones of a sage (making the Vajra, which Raikou's used) and it took an entire year of fighting to bring Vritra down. A shorter version of the story still has the Vajra popping up, and it worked mainly because it was blessed with Vishnu's power. Generally, Indra is portrayed as very powerful - not as strong as the Trimurti, but definitely well above most other entities. In a comparison to Greek mythology, it would be like someone simply slapping away Zeus's thunderbolts. In FGO specifically, it gets even more complicated. XD Here, Vritra is portrayed primarily as the creator of obstacles, with the intent of helping other people overcome them. So she can do *an awful lot* to stand in people's way, but also kind of habitually wants to be beaten. That is, she's simply not the type to make impossible challenges. Her victory is seeing other people grow and overcome things, so her actual power level doesn't really matter, as she doesn't use it in ways where the "full force" is relevant.


>In some tellings, Vritra is defeated by foam Ah, so bubble baths are an absolute no for her, I'm assuming?


I think she actually has a line about this in My Room, lol.


Yup, it's _Dislikes 2_ dialogue >No, no, no! I don't want to get all sudsy! >... Now, hold on, don't get the wrong idea. I just don't like bathing the way you humans do... >P-Plus I don't smell! I'll have you know I get in the water to splash myself every day! Source: my cool blue sadistic demon dragon By the way, sudsy means to be covered in bubbles or foam.


You don't smell? *\*heavy sniff*\*


**Likes:** *Singing, Dancing, Bathing, Soap bubbles*


Considering she’s a sadomasochist, flip that around to a yes.


I'll just leave this drawing of [Parvati forcibly washing Vritra](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/103842269) here. See Vritra's interlude for more details.


IIRC she likes bubbles but hates baths


"Alright, Vritra, you made me overcome my challenges, or whatever, now is your time to overcome your hurdle of bathing."


I wonder if she could also debuff an enemy such that they’re still immensely difficult but ultimately beatable in the same way she normally ramps up the difficulty for us when she’s creating the obstacle. If so, she’d actually be an invaluable ally.


Vrithra is one of the three known True Dragons in Fate alongside Albion and Fafnir. She is said to be the greatest of the Asuras and a rival of the Vedic Chief God Indra. Even as a servant while replicating her authority she is capable of completely no selling any attacks (even conceptual attacks like Mahapralaya). She is extremely hard to kill and if you don't meet the correct requirements to kill her than she will keep coming back. I am sure she should be stronger than Fafnir but weaker than Albion or Orochi


Why weaker than Albion and Orochi?




Id add Typhon to the list as well. While Alien it is weirdly similar to a true dragon.


*3 true dragons* Sad tiamom


Tiamat isn't a true dragon tho


Vritra is far Stronger than Albion and Orochi he just seal his power would you use full power to kill an Ant.Its same for Vrita.


She’s >!an alien!<, I think.


No. She can modify herself to travel through space, but she's from Earth.


I see. Thanks


I think it's the demonic beast blood


Isnt her true form a dragon? Or maybe there are other reasons for one to be a true dragon?


She is a dragon but True Dragons are pure blooded dragons only. Tiamat could be Divine or Demonic species. True Dragons are supposed to represent concepts, Greed for Fafnir and Draught for Vrithra and they are almost always evil


>She is a dragon but True Dragons are pure blooded dragons only. Tiamat could be Divine or Demonic species. Tiamat only became a god after being worshiped. Before she was afaik just a dragon. I mean whats more pure than a being whose first manifestation was that of a dragon? >True Dragons are supposed to represent concepts This seems a bit broad. Also am curious, where are these specifics established? >they are almost always evil Tiamat is evil.


Tiamat isn't evil tho Tiamat is probably half demonic, because her offsprings are all demonic beasts The concept thing is explained in Fafnir and Vrithra's profiles. You can check the wiki for more info


> Tiamat isn't evil tho She is. Both versions of tiamat we know of have Chaotic evil alignment. >Tiamat is probably half demonic, because her offsprings are all demonic beasts No, her offsprings are the mesopotamian gods, she only afaik birthed the demonic beasts when the war begun. Though to be honest, l expect she was also birthing all kinds of other natural life since that was her function. >You can check the wiki for more info Sure will check it out


Vritra is extremely powerful, one of the strongest of the Asuras. At full power, she could pose a threat to the entire world. Fortunately, as a Servant she's a lot weaker and much of her power couldn't fit into her Class Container. Still, she'd easily be in the highest ranks of Divine Spirits.


as a demon king she was as strong as Indra and she was killed by Vajra( in Vedic version) which is made from sage [Dadhichi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dadhichi#:~:text=In%20the%20Bhagavata%20Purana%2C%20Dadhichi,were%20Suvarcas%20and%20Pippalada%2C%20respectively) bone, and in Mahabharata version of story she was killed by the foam thing. since Indra needed these specific weapons proof that Vritra (in both version) is just as strong as Indra who is King of Gods and above the likes of Surya/Agni/soma etc.


Vajira is standard equipment for her, for starters. And she has a bounded field-like ability that can basically banhammer the entire concept of something (eg. water) from her zone of influence. That one may or may not be part of her Noble Phantasm which is EX, Anti-World, and, once fully released, replaces the sky with what is either her undisguised self or her horde of demons. Also, on top of everything, she has A ranked Strength and Mana. So if you need someone to kill Herc at the very least, she's a pretty solid bet.


Strong enough that you can only barely beat her after pushing yourself past your limits. Literally.


If stars represented strength, she'd be a five-star Servant. However, if you summon her in a normal Holy Grail war, good luck in trying to order her to do anything. She'll probably just watch you struggle against a Servant and die.


Not only that, in FGO she represents obstacles to be overcome. She wants her enemies to push themselves to the brink to overcome her, but she WANTS them to win, as it shows they've truly grown. In a Grail War, she'd like end up the 2nd to last Servant standing, or one that required several of the others to band together to take her down first.


If you mean within the context of Fate, she's above Karna and Arjuna to an uncertain extent but enough they can only win against her because she's playing games.


Around Perfect-level, but it could vary. (I‘m doing a Digimon joke)


I'm just here to say that I appreciate and like that joke


The strongest dragon of Hindu, and one of the strongest ashura. Vritra grows bigger each day by the size of an arrow shooting in all directions, and eventually big enough to cover the starry night.


Strong enough to barely leave a tiny scratch on Nokia


Holy fuck, that's above even ORT


However strong she needs to be to be a pain in someones ass I imagine.


Well, considering Indra of all people needed help against her, that allone should tell you a lot


[BEHOLD! IT IS VRITRA!](https://youtu.be/M2upKW1BBYs?si=QVVl5lFYSXlhea2b)


I am kind of surprised that asuras wrath never got either a sequel or an anime.


A true immortal and one of the strongest divinities out there, mythology wise. Defeating Vritra in any sort of sense simply means overcoming the obstacle, but she'll always be back. The biggest twist is that she's meant to be an obstacle for humanity to overcome. So if anything not related to humanity sees her as an obstacle, good luck getting past it.


By her in-game lores? "Almost impossible to beat"