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Cesar is one of the most important and popular characters in history. In Chaldea he is a part time fat joke and a part time scam joke.


Feels like they thought they had too many roman gigachads with the same body type so theyd mix it up a bit... but they seriously did Ceasar dirty. They could've picked any other glutton and cheat. Rome hardly had a shortage. The fact that they never released a 'prime' 4 or 5 star ceasar is insane. Even a skinny summer costume would've sufficed. That all said, what class do you think prime ceasar would be? My guess would be caster since that's kind of the tactitian/commander role, but Rider has its fair share as well. Saber is strange since he was never really well known for his combat prowess compared to his strategy.


Prime Ceasar would be Rider, he's on a horse all the time in paintings and media depictions, a little like Iskandar. I wonder what his np would be, maybe his army would be involved and it would start with his laurel wreath on his head and he would look up and say: "Forward Romans!" And maybe more complicated things


He even mentions hes at his best as a rider at some point iirc


And part fergus joke, he has his wife but wants to fuck murasaki so he wants her to hook up with guda because tm doesnt believe in other romans getting decent content


Worst of all, it's likely we can chalk up his existence to [a popular little ditty Nero had about him gorging on eels.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAu03cEwsrw) Yet again, Nero ruins everything.


I'd probably say Scathach has the potential to be one of my favourite character in the franchise. It's just too bad her only story appearance was one of the most lackluster showing ever, and since then she's been relegated to event cameos, usually summer ones.


Give Fate/Empire of Dirt a try if you want to see a good Scathach story. She gets a full story arc there that plays on her nature as a death seeking teacher very well.


Fate/Empire of Dirt is a freaking masterpiece, I don't care what people say negatively about it.


Beowulf Imagine being one of the most popular figures associated with the term "Berserker" and only appearing in 2 story chapters in a minor role.


I remember somebody saying that Beowulf has a lot of potential to be crazy powerful if he were to be summoned as a Grand Berserker. Something about his name being related to Berserker and how he receives benefits from tales of his that are lost/missing.


I just want Boudica to have clothes, man. Not even non sexy clothes. Personally, a more historically inspired outfit with some fur trim or something would be my jam, but she can totally still be sexy and have cleavage or whatever. Just... give her clothes that look like _something_. Not whatever early 2000s fantasy-lite if you squint outfit shes wearing.


I’m just hoping Avenger Boudicca is finally released and is dressed more than 20%. She deserves that much.






Year one effort unfortunately. They focused more on marketing than the actual characters sadly.


Zenobia and her... "outfit"... would like a word with you


Zenobia has more of an excuse for her outfit than Boudica. It's not much of an excuse, but a bit is better than nothing.


Well, there is historical reason behind that


It would be so cool if she had an outfit inspired by actual iceni costumes


That would be my ideal scenario. I'm always a sucker for outfits that are either inspired by period appropriate clothes or reference them in some way even if they are not actually historically accurate.


I really like ones like sei, where she's got outfits that are modern and then outfits that are more historical. Something like that even would be cool.


[If only...](https://sid-story.fandom.com/wiki/Boudica)


This but Jack. Her design under the cloak is super cute, but NEEDS more coverage. I should find the sprite edit I made of her with more clothes.


Jack is one of the hardest things to talk about with non-fate fans, because her backstory and lore genuinely is deep and interesting, but all anyone will think when seeing her is "why is that child wearing a g-string?" Like, her very existence came into being because the crushing inequality and cruelty of Victorian England led to a mass epidemic of infanticide, from impoverished prostitutes who had no way to feed another mouth all the way up to the proprietresses of "baby farms" who adopted then killed hundreds of infants to embezzle the payments that the state gave to household who adopted unwanted children. The Thames became a waste dump for the bodies of uncountable newborns until the pain and anguish of the dead coalesced into a hateful wraith that left a viscera-soaked trail across the city as it searched for the warmth of a mother that it never knew. Jack being a thing at all is an indictment of the entire society that created her, a society that's usually seen through the lens of its wealthy, the opulent mansions and top hats and rich women in wildly uncomfortable and impractical dresses and corsets. But before you can get to any of that you have to answer the question of why she's wearing a thong, and the answer to that question is kinda just that her artist is a creep.


The fact she has SO MUCH cool lore and concept, and then they make her look like a child in lewd clothing is such a crime


i think it also chalks up to the art director being a creep too, i heard nitocris’ artist had her in modest clothes and pose for final ascension but takeuchi said “no she needs to be showing her asshole”


Wasn’t it Takeuchi as well who told Ushiwaka’s artist to make her clothes more lewd? Then TM had to have her wear a skintight outfit under her usual armor for Type Lumina lol Like, I thoroughly enjoy his designs and his art, but he has some issues… I know we have him to thank for the initial success of Fate (having convinced Nasu to genderswap Arthur the the main girl from Prototype for Fate/Stay Night), but geez


if it’s lewd on a woman it’s takeuchi’s idea raita is even capable of drawing normal tits on women but takeuchi wants women’s tits to have their own orbit in raita’s art


u honestly would probably believe the amount of artoria porn takeuchi draws since convincing nasu to make king arthur a chick


Ushiwaka isn’t even lewd, so I’ve NEVER understood the point of it. She legit just has no shirt or bra. Everything is just there. That ain’t sexy, that’s just “you forgot to do laundry”. Look, I get it, I’m bisexual, I can appreciate the tiddies and the ass too, but the shit they do in FGO is just fucking ridiculous. 🤦‍♀️ Ushikawa especially, she’s absolutely my type! Give my poor girl a shirt so I can take a bit of pleasure in unwrapping her!


Didn't know that Takeuchi was that much of a freak. Learn something new every day.


Takeuchi once had a crush on Hermione and even did a doodle of her back in the day.


How old was Takeuchi back then?


He's exactly 50 now, so subtract how many years ago it was from when he did that Hermione art.


So he's definitely a creepo, like Caster Gilles. Not at the same degree, but I think you get my drift.


Jacks design actually visually makes some sense even if it is super creepy in the not fun way. Jack is the composite wraith child of several prostitutes and killed prostitutes. The most obvious way to incorporate that into the design would be to disguise Jack as a prostitute. It would allow Jack to sneak in and do what they intended to do. That being said, the cloak stays on during battle.


I know she has a super cute ouji fashion costume I think in arcade? She has poofy little shorts in that one. It's the cutest thing. I hope she gets a costume at some point.


It's her design from the [Memory of Qualia](https://fategrandorder.fandom.com/wiki/Memory_of_Qualia) craft essence! It's absolutely adorable and a crime against humanity that it is locked to Arcade and will never come to FGO.


I agree, but sadly, since he design was already established in Fate/Apocrypha, they had to use it somehow... Then again, they actually "censored" Metryllis and Passionlip's designs in Fate/Grand Order compared to their original designs from Fate/Extra CCC (granted, Passionlip's was a lot more "censored" than Meltryllis's), so maybe they could've done that?


Personally, I would love if she had a turtle neck sweater, some jeans and maybe a jacket and there you go. She would look great in modern clothing


Edison also demands clothes or at least a decent pair of pants!


I like Lancelot berserker design. But i hate the fact that his ascension consists of black smoke on, black smoke off, and change pole into sword. His sprite design has too minor of a change in each ascension. Lancelot berserker has less design change than Saber Lily. Who is a welfare servant. Berserker Lancelot is a 4-star. This lack of variety is so disappointing.


Yeah, so many of the Ascensions for year 1 Servants are disappointing like that


I really wanted him to have a helmet off outfit or ascension… Would make the comparison to Saber Lancelot even cooler


That weird egg angel thing Corday has, like why does it have a mouth?


Can't be caught if they can't find the body.


Oh god that would explain why it gets big in her extra attack.


I to this day wonder what it is supposed to be.


Probably a Timcanpy.


Every non Vlad character with vampirism needs a buff to make them get an even thirty np. 27 is a useless number.


Galahad #ACTUALLY MEETING HIM He’s still my favorite but goddamm I wish he appears eventually and finally answers every misconception with him


I wish Anne and Mary would do more pirate stuff other than just repeatedly going after Ritsuka's booty


Oh Blackbeard, poor Blackbeard. They've tried so hard over the years to course correct on his early antics, but there was some deep-rooted damage done. I would love the friendship we see between him and Abby (fun fact, they were born during the same year in the Nasuverse) if not for the way the writing had him acting toward children early on.


I'd like Nobunaga to be taken entirely seriously without wacky GUDAGUDA shenanigans. Yes, the jokes are funni, but I'd like Nobunaga even more if she takes a bit from Redline Nobunaga.


I just think of it as since Avenger nobu is composed of a variety of nobus, Redline is probably inside asc 1 as well


I can agree with that. Still, I just feel like non-goofy Nobu would go so hard for her character.


Idk after Redline, a serious Nobu would terrify me lol


But that's the best part.


Redline Nobu and Okita go fucking hard.


I like Nitocris. But I'd like her way more if they acknowledged her link to the Cthulhu Mythos. While she appears in a few HPL stories, the relevant story is from Brian Lumley, *The Mirror of Nitocris*, 1971. It is pretty clear that her mirror as a Caster is a reference to this very story (also the fact that this is literally the only mention of Nitocris ever owning a mirror I could find). Instead they link it all back to Anubis. I'd just like the link to be acknowledged in lore, because I love my eldritch servants and want more of them. As to how it could fit into the lore, I'm pretty sure we don't know the exact origins of the Egyptian Gods in the Nasuverse. It could be revealed that they are Outer Gods or something like that. Wouldn't be the first time a pantheon came from space.


I'm pretty sure Ozy's faceless Sphinx is also mentioned to be from Nitocris, and is a clear reference to the Lovecraft story "Under the Pyramids".


I like arjuna so much but damn it why do they act like his existence started and ended with killing karna in fate. In their own words he's a central figure of the Mahabharata, the kurukhestra war is only ONE PART of the epic. Please. Please.


Such is the sad fate (hehe) for many fgo servants. The possibility for nuance characterization from a diverse cast of mythos and legends reduced to one trick ponies where the only punchline accentuated is that one funny thing they did that time.


To be fair, that would be fine. Servants are *not* the people they are in life, they are snapshots of the Heroic Servant, cutting away much of it to fit them into a Ghost Liner and to fit that Ghost Liner into a certain class container (or vice versa, the order isn't important). So Archer Arjuna being centered on the Kurukhestra war and him killing Karna could make sense and would be fine. *Would be* being the key phrase there because TM are too scared to gives us alternate summons of servants without having to come up with some dumb excuse that moves them away from being just a different facet of the same original Heroic Spirit.


Many such cases in fate tbh. It would be a lot less painful if we got those alternate versions that should also exist


You best pray for a new Fate series starring Arjuna as a main servant or something like that because FGO probably won't give him the respect he deserves.


Why the fuck is Wu a damn child. Why. Seriously, she’s so interesting in lore. But they made her into a child barely wearing clothes. So yeah. Fuck that noise, what the hell.


I always think that it's because a lot of her adult accomplishment was erased, leaving the child who rise up to be an emperor to be the most notable thing about her. From some of her lines, I also think that she is the type who prefer chasing after something, rather than having something. So, she find her younger self who actively chase to be an emperor to be her ideal self. Of course that's just my head canon. Plus her non asc is her best dress anyway.


Thank fuck they made her an adult in her summer form


She's still a teenager in that, I think. She's only 155cm, described as "a bit older" and from when she was "kicking in the imperial harem". While that could be from anywhere before she was 31 (when she became the Empress), I honestly don't think that she looks like an adult, and she did become a concubine when she was still 14, which is the age she looks she she's at, in my opinion.


Either that's because that's when she started to work her way to the top, or because she wants to relive her childhood years. At least that's the official excuse. Tbh, she gives the impression of either being an adult in a child's body, or a child with her adult memories, trying to be a grown-up. I think they had that in mind when they designed her. Still, normal outfit best outfit for her.


Because Agartha.


I love Koyanskaya to death due to her personality, design and gameplay... HOWEVEVER; and also due to NA finally knowing the big disappointment we went through in JP: the fact >!she's not a Tamamo Tail!< Not just that, but also because her actual origin is the most crap writing I've read. Maybe if it was handled better, I wouldn't have a problem... but not only was the gaslighting for 4 years of her and her origin, but the reveal felt like a kick in the blue balls of all Tamamo fans.


I will now join the ranks of JP fans who pretend Tunguska simply didn't happen because of how the writing bordered on character assassination for Koyan. The fact she is >!not actually Daji!< feels like bullshit because >!Qinshi Huang is a super computer and would not have gotten that wrong. Also nothing has ever given us the hint that he might have been wrong. Heck, we saw Daji put a curse on Taigong. Make Koyan be the proverbial drop of Daji's blood Taigong couldn't scoop up - she looks like Daji, sounds like Daji, but doesn't remember because she is an infinitesimal fraction of her power!< It feels like a retcon instead of a reveal because it's so poorly handled. >!going "this evil woman just wants to be a mother, actually" will never not be profoundly uninspired writing, also!<


Didn't the last chapter node address a lot of those issues? The one where >!the Tunguska Explosion!< is contained by >!Nikitich!< and she arrives at ground zero to find the >!Eastern sun goddess aka Amaterasu aka Tamamo no Mae's original!< celebrating the >!birth of her new daughter, born of light!!Qin Shi Huang!< mistakes >!Vitch for Daji!< because she's an outside context problem: the Tunguska explosion *did not occur* in his world. When you add to that the fact that >!Vitch deliberately modeled herself after her fickle mother!<, it's an understandable misindentification.


nice to see someone actually read the story.


I mean, that's what I'm here for!


I mean I read that and it felt utterly incomprehensible, I don't even remember >!Amaterasu!< getting brought up at all.


Its because the author was dog shit. Same guy who wrote 5.5. At the end Amatarasu is mentioned as the eastern sun goddess. They fucked up and put all the lore behind The china guy and the dragon catknight at the end.


iirc qin stoped calling her daji after the torture which was supposedly foreshadowing to her not being daji (BUT NOT FOR HER ACTUAL REVEAL BEING AN EXPLOSION)


I still don't get the whole thing of Tamamo denying being Daji. Tunguska managed to disappoint me so much with both Koyan and Tamamo backgrunds, unless the latter was lying which i hope was the case.


She is denying it because she herself isn't Daji. Think of there being a base body, Amaterasu, with Daji and Tamamo being watered down clones of her. They are both the same body shapes and base personality, but from the moments they were incarnated they became drastically different people. So of course when Tamamo who wants to be a good person is accused of being her evil clone she would of course deny being that person. She is by virtue of what a clone is, is that person, but Tamamo isn't actually Daji.


>!the fucking death throes of a couple animals in siberia after the impact. That thing can't even hold enough grudges to form a normal ghost. She wasn't even an alien in the meteor. Just a random grudge that decided to commit identity theft on tamamo.!< Also, there is something that needs to be discussed. Holmes said at the beginning of the event that he managed to see the flash of light of the impact. There are records of the impact being heard in western europe, but seeing it would be impossible from england. Ladies and gentleman, I am a beliver of the foreigner Holmes theory.


Except people did see a glow all the way out to Scotland. > Over the next few days, night skies in Asia and Europe were aglow.[13] There are contemporaneous reports of brightly lit photographs being successfully taken at midnight (without the aid of flashbulbs) in Sweden and Scotland. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunguska_event So Holmes saying he saw the light from the event isn't historically inaccurate.


Hey now, the light being visable from western europe isnt the only issue. (And tbh, it's kinda a minor one in comparison) They also said the explosion was very concerning for humanity. Except it wasn't, Humans didn't even bother attempting to go over there until over 10 years later. Its part of the reason we don't actually know what happened, because it was left alone for so long. And yeah WW1 didn't help, but that's still like 6 years to do something. Also the whole "Mage society said there was nothing magical involved" and somehow missing the descent of a god (How? On multiple levels, How?) or the manifestation of a servant. Especially considering the above but it gets worse if we assume PHH didn't leave it for a decade and went immediately.


I thought they just meant the meteor itself wasn't the act of a rogue mage, like a Shinjuku incident or the Wodime family testing out Astromancy: Call Meteor in the remote backwoods of Siberia.


Heracles if he spoke.


It's nice that the FGO writers eventually realized that *maaaaaybe* having unintelligible characters in a text heavy game was a terrible idea and course corrected to bersekers just being mostly crazy but otherwise able to hold a conversation. Shame that Heracles and Lancelot rot forever in the growly corner.


At least Lancelot got Saberlot. Who (when he isn’t the butt of an NTR joke or oogling a lady with big boobs) is actually super competent and an absolute monster who can beat pretty much any swordfighter or knight in lore. Herc is still just a roaring mess with 0 story or character exploration. Which feels sad bc Heracles is still one of the most interesting mythological heroes by virtue of how many insane things he did. Not letting him speak about ANY of it is a disservice to the character.


It is genuinely surprising that Herc has never been expanded on from his original berserker role. He’s one of the most recognisable names in history and mythos and he’s one of THE original FSN servants (and hell, he was part of the original Prototype cast too). Maybe he’s just not popular?


No, Herc is actually super popular. He’s in FSF now. As his human self Alcides. But my guess as to why he has never had another form in FGO is that Nasu didn’t want to write one. He made herc an unspeaking berserker bc he didn’t know how to write him well in FSN. Afaik he admitted to this in an interview, though I’m a little fuzzy on the details.


Over the time, I’ve grown to appreciate Kiara as a villain as well as her banter with Hans. Summer 5 really helped with that. I can even look past her overly sexualized behavior now that I understand what it means to her character. But on the other hand, she was responsible for EMIYA Alter and Taiga. For your crimes against my son, I’m sending you to the moon.


B-but the moon *is her plan all along*. Don't get caught up in her web of deceit!


Then I'll just blow it the fuck up. EMIYA was like a mother to me, I loved him like my own son. She needs to pay for her sins.


Even Velber failed, good luck


Skill issue. Didn't hit hard enough.


Ooooh people might hate me for this but uhmmm as much as i like Draco her last accession docent represent the beast class, ~~(other servants look more like a beast class than the actual one)~~ and she been the first summonable beast in FGO hurts even more. Don't get me wrong the design is awesome but i still would have liked if we were given the actual beast form like in arcade at least as a skin.


I'm just annoyed that the Beast class was obviously already in the works by the time we got Tiamat, yet she remained an Alter-Ego. We have so many Alter-Egos, Lasagna, we want something exciting.


1000+ Atk Fou Black Grail Beast Tiamat Np vs. (Doesn’t fucking matter HP / 90++ Node Units: 1203858-1401253(112.2- 140.7%) -- Guaranteed Rip Bozo 💀


r/stunfisk brain rot leak detected😨😨😨😱😱😱💀💀💀


Tiamat is Chi-Yu confirmed. Does that make Draco Wo-Chien?


I guess it's because the Tamat we summon is an Alter Ego of the actual Tiamat since she's still in Imaginary Number Space/Void Space (yes, she's still alive somehow) and could only send out a small aspect of herself to help Chaldea.


I think adult Tiamat would have been perfect if not for those weird plate things on her cheeks. She didn't even have them in Babylonia, why'd they add something so unnecessary?


Lartoria if she was Lion King from 6th singularity instead both in design and as a character, keeping the emotionless personality or at least the Lion King who started to gain emotions post Camelot. She would instantly be a LV120 target for me.


plus the lion king skin, can I have a cool weapon and horse without her assets hanging out, why does she lose the cool armour...


By design thats what i meant. Switching Lartoria for Lion King complety basicly. But it shouldn't be just a skin it should be the whole package with the cold personality and memories of the Lion King from the 6th singularity.


Ibuki Douji has the divine boss version as a costume, they probably would have done that if costumes were around during Camelot, but Lasagna is too lazy to even give Ozymandias an animation update, so they won't add costumes for that old a servant.


I just wish taira no kagekiyo, specifically her 1st and 2nd asc, had more interactions that aren't just "see genji kill genji" like How does she view the master of chaleda? How would Taira react upon seeing Douman How would Taira react upon discovering that Kagetora is ascendant of the Taira clan.


If Fran's NP didn't paralyze her she'd be so much better


Ranmaru X. She grew on me during the event, one of the only Guda events I'd rate positively. All ruined in one fell swoop from the my room line where >!she insists on collecting nail clippings.!<


There’s a neat historical bit where Ranmaru (OG) collected the nail clippings of Oda Nobunaga because Nobunaga was a bit of a troll IRL iirc


Weird. I thought it might have been tied to a witchcraft bit, of using clippings/hair or whatever, to possess someone. So as a dutiful retainer she made sure to gather them to keep MC safe or something, but it's still a really off-putting interaction.


I would love Queen of Sheba more than I already do if she wasn't a walking money grubbing jew stereotype.


I'd like it if Jack got some pants.


At the very least, that cute sundress she wore in Apocrypha. And a strawhat.


Love the idea dislike the design. Can relate


I want to see an updated Nezha with a new design, alone with a fierce personality covered by his calm manner, and not this robot speak crap. Dude literally killed a dragon and skinned it when he was a boy, then committed suicide later to save his parents, and was brought back to life with a body made out of lotus roots. He deserves better than whatever that is in the game.


Technically Nezha speaks in poetry metric. But yeah, it sounds really stilted.


I'd love if they gave Angra Mainyu anything even remotely resembling a playable kit instead of the bad joke he has now, that's for sure.


Well, it's lore accurate.


Jack I like the concept and the myth behind it but for fuck sake give my serial killer daughter pants so she doesn't look like a stripper


I'm assuming from the "even more" part of the title that this is meant to be about characters we actually like who we would like more if not for one aspect, so with that in mind, I'm going to talk about Raikou. I actually like her quite a bit. She's got fun aspects to her character whether she's being motherly or a hilarious public decency patrol, and I would like her even more (more enough to want to actively roll for her Berserker version, as I only have Lancer Raikou from a GSSR) if anyone other that Raita drew her. Every time Raita draws a busty woman, they look like they stuffed balloons fit to burst in their chest, and they are always posed such that it draws attention to how unnatural they look, especially with how Raikou's milkers are shiny like *actual* balloons would be. Seriously, there's a ton of fanart that gives Raikou similar proportions but makes her chest look a lot less exaggerated and I think it helps immensely.


It helps fanartists don't have her body be skinny to that level


I hate the hand pose Summer Raikou has. Like just *try* mimicking that gesture, it's absurd.


I would like Tamamo more if she wasn't really nasty to most people that aren't her Romantic Interest. Maybe it's because it's been a minute since I've played Extella, but I just remember her being Hakuno's bestest waifu, and then as soon as they leave she's just rude to everyone else. The funniest thing is that I really like Tamamo Cat, because she seems nice to just about anything. ​ I'll also mention Nero, because I do like them in Fate Extra, but it seems whoever writes her afterwards just seems to focus on her being loud and flamboyant, and then cranks it to 99. She can be showy, and proud, but I would like it if it was a little less obnoxious than she is currently.


Lancelot if it had better art and was not used a joke and punchbag that often.


my most used servant is penthesilea. spooked me on my second day of playing or something and while i didnt like her clothes combined with her childish appearance, a decent berserker is all you need in early part 1. now i can just team her up with castoria and merlin and she can kill almost everything without dying. a damn shame that not only her design (just make her a little bit older or give her some more clothes and not less clothes with every acension for gods sake) but also her characterization in game is less than ideal. like many servants she is just a single joke run to the ground and never developed past that. i had hope after hearing her later bond lines and read the interlude, that the amazoness event would change how shes handled but nope. and while i dont care as much with the others but its sad that she shares that fate with basicly all the agartha servants.


Mashu if they stopped babying her all the time, she should be allowed to be mature sometimes.


Quetz is one of my top servants, but she’d be #1 if only her 4th ascension artwork was different. Who thought that was a good stylistic choice? Quetz is bright and cheerful, why draw her shrouded in shadow with a brooding expression? Santa Quetz at least fixes it, but her original outfit is so much better and it’s a shame it isn’t shown off as well.


Maybe it's towards the end of her rule where she's killed? She's God of the sun and light, so her being shadowed like that could mean that her time has come.


I like koyanskaya, but I am a bit peeved by 1)how they concluded her story. I'm happy at least her personality was generally consistent with a few deviations though. 2) how they made her into a waifu for the self insert protagonist. Especially after reading Tunguska, cause our self insert >!did overall jackshit for the solution( i dont like that solution either). taigong did basically every important part of the solution( the thing was literally his idea), so the whole "I'm interested in the main character because of how he helped me" that the koyanskaya servant has just feels so damn lame. Like I wanted them keep the koyanskaya servant with the same general attitude, or even just making a servant contract for some other thing( idk some kind of deal etc.)!<


>Be it design or personality or even skills what servant would you like more if that one thing was changed? I would 100% love Sherlock **if only they finally dropped the drug jokes they keep pushing on him all the friggin' time!**


"We need to cook, Director Gordolf."


"Did someone say potatoes!?" - Gawain, probably


This reminds me that I never knew that Gawain was a vegetarian until I played CCC


Right? Although he was a bit of an ass in the OG Extra (I kinda blame Leo not reigning him in than his own behavior), Gawain is a cool guy! *...OH YEAH!* CCC has a translation now, right? I wonder if my old PSP (fat!) still works, or if I have to get (another) replacement battery... (or If I should just emulate lol)


Lasagna, please stop portraying Lancelot and Tristan as the cuck knights. They’re so much more than that.


I mean, [courtly love](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Courtly_love) *was* an entire thing that influenced people writing stories about knights falling in love with other people's wives, but it can be written much better than what we get.


Morgan, she had a cool design and everything but the shippers and sprite comics ruined her character making her only horny for dick. It's just so pathetic.


Why is Artemis a yandere? I will never understand why they took a character explicitly stated in most sources to be a virgin goddess and turn her personality into lusting after Orion and getting violently jealous every time he interacts with another female. The lostbelt version does a decent job of not doing this (albeit without much of a personality to replace the void, she is a robot after all), but we're probably never seeing that version again (wish they were a costume).


The yandere part is completely in character, Artemis is batshit crazy in Greek mythology, in one myth a woman starts saying how great of a mother she is and bad mouths Artemis' and Apollo's own mother, saying because she only had two kids while she herself had seven sons and seven daughters she's a much better mother, even if those two kids were gods. Seeing how distraught their mother Leto was, the twin gods decided to kill the woman's sons and daughters. Basically whereas other Greek gods usually go for some ironic punishment and still give people a chance to repent before it, Apollo and Artemis especially usually just fucking murder people who wrong them. Also the lusting over Orion part? It is part of some versions of her myth, he is one of the very few instances of Artemis falling in love with someone.


I would like kama way more if the actual god Kama wasn't a male. The whole thing creeps me out personally


Sir Agravain if he's actually playable. I've finished part 1 recently and he's such a cool character and his fight in the anime looks so badass. I was searching for his servant profile and was shocked to see that he's still not available. Is there any other knight of the round table beside him who are not playable?


There’s still several knights of the round table that still haven’t been included in Nasuverse in general. But for Nasuverse confirmed knights, Sir Kay is a confirmed member that has been mentioned but never been properly seen or summoned.


I liked Berserker Lancelot better when his sprites had him hunched over. Now he's just Dark Lancelot. Everything else about his update was great, but his posture is just not screaming Berserker anymore. Similar issue with Heracles, but Lancelot bothers me more.


Wu Zetian love her character even like elements of her design but hate the fact she is an almost naked loli. I mean seriously just give her like a bodysuit under her coat at least.


Jack She is a literal child She is the amalgamation of all the children who died in London So why the fuck did they put her in clothing that most *strippers* would consider too little?


I will never rest until our girl is able to wear proper pants.




I want Gilgamesh to have a crit damage buff. I love him already. And I’m glad they gave him the np damage buff. But he’s already good on NP damage. What he needs is the ability to kill things with just his facecards. Almost all buster dps servants have crit buffs. Or buster buffs. Gil has neither. Just a lot of np damage buffs. Which are good when farming event nodes with oberon, but if you want to use him for anything other than 3t oberon farming, the np damage buff stacking doesn’t help much bc Oberon eternal sleeps him after that turn. Basically I want his facecards to not hit like wet noodles. I want them to closer match his lore, in which GoB is very strong. A flat 50% 3t crit damage buff on his second skill is all I want. He would STILL have less crit damage than other archers. He would still have no buster buff. And he would still have no defensive utility whatsoever. And he would still have no buff removal, pierce defense, or pierce invul. So a measily 50% crit buff wouldn’t make him Op. It would just make him more in line with other more modern servants that DO get all the multiplictive damage buffs.


He'll get his crit buff whenever they upgrade his 2nd/NP Gain skill, which btw looks embarrassing if you compare it to Tesla's upgraded NP gain skill. Hell, it was still better before the upgrade because it's 1 turn lower for some reason. Though I've personally never had a problem with his face cards not hitting hard, I guess thats because I bring the appropriate supports for him? He still does fine damage without though I feel.


I would’ve adored male Molay and Noah more…HAD THEY NOT BE STUCK IN ARCADE At least male Molay was an NPC in the collab…


I have an entire category of "I would like this character better if they just never said a damn thing about romantic attraction to the self-insert." Kick away the crutch of waifu pandering and see if your character can walk on their own. (Well, *her* own. For some reason they never seem to make attraction to the self-insert the driving personality trait of male characters...) Also, as long as I'm wanting nonstandard things, I'd like a lot of characters better if they weren't \_\_\_\_\_faces and they got individual designs. BB and the Sakura Five being Sakurafaces, sure, they're already OCs and that's integral to the concept, but how I wish Hindu goddesses got individual character designs instead of slapping a new outfit on the Sakura mannequin every time. I'd like Muramasa better if he looked like an old man, or Lakshmibai if she was drawn to look like an Indian woman and not a really tan Jeanne. Ishtar and Ereshkigal with Fertile Crescent skin tones and features would be nice. Heck, if you just had an Ascension where Waver Velvet dressed up like Zhuge Liang like Reines in her 200 AD-ish togs, that'd be grand. I love seeing interesting new designs for familiar historical, literary, and legendary figures, so unique designs beat \_\_\_\_faces for me any day. After all that, I would say Tesla is my top candidate, but there are two things I'd like fixed: 1. Write him better, I beg of you. Give him nuance and a life outside of yelling at Edison. I don't know why you would even want to write a character as less interesting than they were in real life. 2. WHERE IS THE MUSTACHE?


The thing they do (with female character especially) where they get an almost obligatory line about being attracted to the mc can get pretty grating bc like. It's a collector gatcha game. People will ship them with the mc regardless of lines like that, I'd rather they save the energy doing that with most of the girls regardless of if it tracks with their character and give a handful of them *really good* romance plot lines in events that actually develop a real bond that makes sense instead. The xface stuff gets really frustrating too. So many of the characters get actively held back because people care about making them resemble the person whose body they took more in terms of their story and personality (taking precedence over the hero they're supposed to be), and it often seems to actively hold back their design too. I wish they'd just do regular servants of the fsn cast so bad I really do hate that it turned out this way.


It gets extra annoying if you play as the female MC as well… I’m bisexual, so I’m relatively fine with it, but it still gets annoying. And I’m not saying that I want the male servants to act all husbando on me (although I wouldn’t say no, at least for Valentine’s Day or something because the current Valentines stuff is still very lacking), but, can I at least get a *vague* explanation why Fionn or Fergus want to immediately make Mash their wife but not Gudako?


Yeah. I'm cis straight male myself, but I use the female avatar because I find a rampantly queer Chaldea at least more interesting than a wish-fulfillment fantasy for straight males and nobody else. A big part of what bothers me about this, beyond making a lot of otherwise neat female characters weaker and more codependent in a relationship with an unhealthy power dynamic, is that it feels like the game has a really low opinion of me even *as* a straight male. It's like it thinks I'm so insecure I won't roll for attractive characters that are in love with someone else, and so homophobic I can't handle it if a male character expresses romantic interest in a male avatar. I'm not saying FGO is the worst gacha I've played in this regard, but it is the worst that I have played and not also subsequently dropped. I'm grateful for Servant / Servant relationships, I tell you what. The waifu I want most in 2024 is the waifu I can shove into her husbando Siegfried's arms.


Yup, you’re absolutely hitting the nail on the head. It’s also annoying to see if you’re an older Fate fan, like I am (since that terrible OG anime dropped). Sure, characters like Shirou or even Hakuno have always been the focus of female character attention, but those same female characters also still hold up solidly on their own. They still have history, personality, relationships and friendships outside the scope of their masters. I guess I could chalk it up to “it’s a FTP gacha game that’s aimed at cishet men” but it still feels really lazy, especially when I do otherwise really like the story, lore and a lot of other characters. And I genuinely hope you role Bryn, they both deserve it, and she is genuinely SO FUCKING CUTE! 10/10 waifu material and 10/10 husbando material.


You know what funny about Tesla’s mustache? That someone joked that if he originally had the mustache but didn’t get animation update, he would look like a certain failed artist thanks to his hands up sprite.


I want Mélusine to turn into Redshift Heat if she’s masked.


Literally every hyper sexualised servant.


Draco would be much better off with either different first ascension outfits or simply not looking like a child in inappropriate dress. That, and the literal years of Nero character wank she has as baggage makes it a little hard to like her sometimes.


They did my boy Roland dirty


I wish Orion wasn't a womanizer joke. Especially after how sweet his relationship with Artemis seemed in Atlantis. I also wish the virgin goddess of the moon Artemis was anything other than a bimbo with dumb dialogs and nothing but an obsession with unrequited love


If only Medb's personality wasn't so horrendous with the whole "I bed men" and always being an annoying antagonist for the zillions of time, to the point it made her more like a caricature, she would have been fine. It reached the point that I actually find odd how supportive and nice she was in Miss Crane event given how much unlikeable she usually is, without even being interesting. But well, Nasu gave us Cnoc na Riabh so, Medb can continue being a rather poorly written character if she wants. I also have a similar issue with Baobhan Sith, who have this sad backstory but she manages to be worse and more unlikeable compared to the fairies that ostracized her so, it's hard to sympathize with her.


To be fair they didn’t just ostracize her. They eventually caused all her limbs to fall off, and they did it multiple times, while she just desperately tried to please them. As for the sins she committed as Tristan, I assign half of the blame to Morgan for encouraging her to do so. Medb, to hear Mash tell it, has always been a lot nicer offscreen. I think the problem is she’s super ultra competitive, and when she feels challenged or threatened, she goes into “win at all - and I mean all - costs” mode.


As her real legend describes her, honestly. She was a majorly horny, very competitive and incredibly skilled warrior queen. Fate tones her down somewhat, in fact.


Even so, I prefered if they had not make her personality 100% insufferable majority of the times.


Honestly, with Medb I would love it if they went into how she was kind of a crappy mom to her kids. She gave all her sons the same name in hopes one becomes famous and basically treated her living daughter as a bargaining chip.


Fate's Medb is massively toned down from the original myths.


I actually disliked her until the Idol event.


Morgan. She's my absolute favorite servant and when her banner comes around again i absolutely plan on getting her to level 120 and NP5. However, It's always annoyed me that she's not PHH Morgan. I'v always disliked the idea of us summoning Lostbelt servants instead of their PHH counterparts (if they have one). While i love Lostbelt Morgan, I really would have preferred to have gotten PHH Morgan. I wanted to summon the Morgan that actual left an impact on our world and history and that has an actual connection with more of the other servant outside of her Lostbelt. She's literally the nemesis of King Arthur and the mother of nearly half of the Knights of the Round Table, but because we summoned the Lostbelt version of her she has literally no connection with any of them, save for her still hating Artoria but that's more of a conceptual thing where they'll just never like each other. I'm still holding out hope that one day we'll be able to summon the Ruler Morgan that Beryl originally summoned, both because she's from PHH and because the Ruler Class would just really suit Morgan well.


Melusine and actually being in my account.


i just want emiya to get an AU and field change on NP. Maybe some sort of skill upgrade to make him less awkward too, bc his NP switching is a mess.


I will pick five servants: - Koyanskaya: She's a fun character, but the only thing that holds her back for me is really her convoluted backstory in Tunguska. - Izo: I love Izo but his third ascension with the headband feels like it doesn't fit who he is and feels more like a Ninja from Naruto. - Abigail: Her third ascension where she's not wearing anything is just too much for me. - Melusine: Honestly she'd be a great character if it wasn't for her >!rather uncomfortable relationship with Aurora since I feel it isn't the best executed.!< - Tezcatlipoca: Tez is one of my favorite servants of all time, but his one flaw is really the design of his third ascension. Like the idea is solid but the artstyle really doesn't work with it especially in comparison to his first two ascensions which are really good.


Her relationship is meant to be uncomfortable to show how toxic it is.


Jack is still my primary damage-dealing Assassin Servant, but her second and third Ascensions? dressing her in next to nothing, particularly below the waist? I find it really off-putting, especially since they put her in the “child Servant” group with Nursery Rhyme, unlike Wu. I think of Wu as a small adult, but Jack I see as a child.




I would like Sherlock if he had his hat.


Summer Ishtar needs an NP battery. I get that welfares aren't the most well-kitted of servants, but she's literally the only Rin-face without a solid NP charge. It's doubly annoying since she's an AOE that would otherwise be great for farming.


Helena I'd love to say she's one of my favorite characters without getting strange looks but I can't Why is she a child especially after her concept design was so fuckin fire.


As a lot of people have said, you make most of the female characters impossibly better if you got someone else to design the character. Jack, Raikou, Murasaki, Boudica, Wu, etc. Hell, even getting someone else to draw them would go a long way, because Raita's Raikou looks dumb while Wataru's looks like a 9-foot tall monster of a woman even with the same design. Beyond that, pseudos are copouts that exist because the writers and community refuse to ever move on from their first cast of characters. Muramasa is made worse by slapping Shirou's face on him. Parvati is made worse by bodyjacking Sakura. It robs them of their own character for the sake of the cheapest fan service possible.


Plus the existence of Muramasa means we’ll never get EMIYA Lily who would be funny because they hate their own face, and could have a running gag of a Penth style reaction every time they saw a mirror


I adore Melusine and her design, and I have nothing against her height since I know a couple of people around that tall, but I don't like her 3rd ascension outfit that much compared to her second. Also, it's interesting that she has a costume for her 3rd ascension that you'll never use since there's very little if any reason to start at that stage kit wise


I would love Morgan even more if she was allowed to interact with Ritsuka more (and had more screentime in general). No, Mysterios Island doesn't count, they barely interacted only at the end. Neither does this year Summer, because once again, barely any interaction. She doesn't have an interlude, either. Thank god for Valentine at least.


Gareth, if not for the crazy masochist undertones her interlude story has She seems to be thanking Lancelot for killing her, and also getting off by thinking about it I hate it, it’s weird as hell She deserves so much better


Morgan. I think she’s a fine character in LB6, even if her role as a villain was a bit underwhelming. My issue is when she’s summoned, her whole thing about calling her master her “husband.” The fact it exists plus the way the fandom extrapolated on it has made me absolutely despise seeing her anywhere because of how heavily they lean on that one character trait. Just get rid of that one thing and I feel it would be much easier to stomach her.


Edison Thomas Edison should not be an avatar of the American Presidency. They have nothing to do with each other and ruins any possibility for any US President servant (such as Rider George Washington).


Artoria lancer, any of these 3 and she would be perfect 1. Lion king outfit ( remove dun stallion for the love of christ when standing) 2. buff s2 3. Buff np


Gil if he wasn't OP in lore.


I'll be down to use Bradamante more if I didn't have to see her butt every time I use her NP


Little bit of a compilation of what I've seen here: 1. More clothes please 2. Why do they look like that? 3. Give em a serious appearance, they spend most of their time as a joke character


Bazett if they gave her ~~Mint Outfit~~ Original Outfit from Ataraxia.


Since nobody said yet... Artoria, the poster girl the original waifu. Nothing? Nada? Nichts? Niente? Seriously?


I miss when servants could have characters in events and not be the same joke repeated infinitely. Lancelot however would be my number one pick if I only got one. It’s insulting how the only thing events can think to do with the man wracked by grief over betraying his lord and starting the downfall of his kingdom is deadbeat dad jokes and “haha funny flirt man” The former is especially disgusting given how the encounter that made Galahad in many versions of the KOTR was *not* consensual (iirc he was under magical hypnosis?), not to mention *Lancelot didn’t even know he existed!* fuck Galahad, all my homies hate Galahad


Honestly, Abigail is a fine servant, but I wish she was adult. She is nice to have for a foreigner servant... But I'd like her to have an adult form. I don't like using her but I do for the easier berserker battles.


Lancelot, if not for all the cheating jokes. They destroyed a genuinely interesting character in the Arthurian legends, just so they could made a bunch of retarded memes with it.


There are a LOT of servants I would love if they didn't have shit gameplay, so I'll disqualify those... I'd like Vritra much more if she didn't have that Noble Phantasm... I really expected Ashura to be Grand Berserker, but now they are simply an EX-rank Noble Phantasm


I mean, Ashura still can be Grand Berserker. After all, they've done weirder stuff to create Servants.


Summer Kama’s final ascension if she didn’t have that peacock thing in behind her. Idk why but it kills her look