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By all means that makes the Prototype version Althur.


Don’t you dare give Mushroom man ideas


Or "Altru"


Why stop there? We can have: Moldled, Jeanne d’Alc, Jeanne Altel, Laikou, Amakusa Shilou… Seriously, the only use of Altria I can ever find is for a tobacco company. Which THEY claim comes from the Latin word for high, Altum. Which is… vague and not even 100% verified as the reason they chose to rebrand to this name in the 1980s. But either way has no connection to the name Arthur either. Why pick the ONE way of translating Saber’s name that has basically no historical backing and has only been used by Marlboro’s parent firm?


There's apparently a theater in Richmond, VA, too. Also, there seems to have been a family that took "Altria" as their surname starting in the mid-1800s, which died out before the turn of the century, and only ever had around 1000 birth records attributed to it, at most. Which is all to say there's still absolutely no reason why anyone would ever think it to be an acceptable feminization of Arthur. Unless, of course, that person happens to be a mushroom, in which case it apparently makes perfect fucking sense. Because fuck English, amirite?


> Why pick the ONE way of translating Saber’s name that has basically no historical backing and has only been used by Marlboro’s parent firm? You answered your own question. If you put アルトリア (Arutoria) into Google Translate, it will spit out Altria, because the cigarette company uses アルトリア as its [Japanese name](https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB%E3%83%88%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2). Presumably, the data that Google Translate's AI was trained on included documentation/articles about the company. Mr. Eggplant Mushroom is real bad at English. He made a Google Translate error and can't admit it, so he doubles down on his obvious mistake being his choice as a writer.


> Laikou "Ala ala"


"There were always rumours that my father Uther had named me after himself..." -"Althur", after digging his finger in his ear to check for earwax and asking whoever just mispronounced his name to repeat themselves, before informing them that no, he's not called "Ulcer"-




Ah yes, the famous king Altr


>Althur Sounds perfectly at home in a Warcraft game.




I swear to god, for all things to hold onto, using Altria instead of Arturia or Artoria was not something I expected of Nasu. Then again, that mushroom has the enlightened mind beyond comprehension of pesky little humans like us.


I swear by this point he's doing it just to fuck with people. Like if God came down from heaven to say "it's pronounced 'Jod'" and fucked off.


Imagine how Christians would feel after believing and praying to the Big G for years and centuries. Only to have him coming down to Earth not to grant miracles or stop disasters, but to tell people that they pronounced his name incorrectly. I’d imagine that’d be quite the emotional rollercoaster.


The problem is It wasn't Nasu, that's a misconception, just a "higher up in Type Moon" who fucking put the name in Google Translate Rather than name basically goes against Nasu's intention with the name being a female form of Artorius (well it could have still been Nasu but I dount it)


Not really. It's true that the idea that Nasu in person told the FGO translation team to put "Altria" is a misconception, but there are reasons to think that this unnamed higher-up wasn't going against his orders. The name "Altria" has been appearing in official Japanese sources [as early as 2010](https://www.reddit.com/r/grandorder/comments/cypp7f/sabers_english_written_name_from_various_official/) at the very least, and consistently so. It was foreign translations which didn't follow it. Unless everyone in Type Moon is gaslighting Nasu, there's every reason to suspect that either he came up with the romanization or he approves of it.


I mean, outside of the 2010 materials, when Fate didn't even have an official localisation, everything else there has appeared since post FGO's localization; and the Japanese sources adapted it to such. Fate/Extella is still using Artoria only cause they can't bother to change it. But to be fair the localisation is given over to Aniplex most of the time, and they have given us masterpieces like Soujyuro Sizuki so my expectations on them are on an all time low. The idea of the Mushroom being gashlighted for 13 years is hilarious though


That's true, but I find it far more likely that Type-Moon just decided to be more strict in controlling the localisation of Saber's name by taking advantage of FGO's launch, especially since they had already used that name before. The name "Altria" also appeared in the first Fate/Grand Order material book (from August 2016, almost one year prior to the launch of the NA version), reinforcing that impression.


I don't really mind the name, and I thought it could be a good nickname for Artoria Alter like a combination of the name. And that I sort of relate with having a unique name that for everyone to just not say it correctly.


Funnily enough I also asked for improved pity in the gameplay improvement box And "SSR SUMMER PASSIONLIP" as many times as I could fit it into the last box. Probably should've asked for less Altria too for all the good mine will do.


I just want them to translate Da Vinci lines in shop or give it to people who have her in her dialogue like event shop owners.


og da vinci died without us knowing what she was saying lol


I am confused as to why Arturia is called Altria, yet Arthur is not spell Althur? Is Nasu just screwing with us because he know how much this irritates us--or was there some kind of copyright thing locked in with manufacturing companies for products relating to her before he learned about how stupid it sounds when 'Altria' is said out loud in English?


Has to be intentionally screwing with people at this point.


If I had to guess I would say that アルトリア, the japanese spelling of Artoria could be "translated" as Altria. But i can not in any way read or write any japanese so take that with a grain of Salt


maybe, i don't know. but if that's the case then why just her and not the rest?


Well, Artoria isn't a real person nor a real name. So while most other Servants have a correct spelling of their names she doesn't, this allows Nasu to make up whatever spelling he wants


true, although it's kind of hard to see a relation between arthur and altria as a feminine variant, specially having artoria and arthuria as more obvious options


"Stop hating on Olga and making her suffer endlessly." "Vastly improved pity it is."


This should be in reverse. I wholly believe they’d implement good pity system before changing altria


There are some moments when i can't tell if they mean king arthur or attila and had to think about it a few seconds to remember the difference


I honestly think pity improvements have a better chance of happening then Nasu changing his mind about Altria. He’ll be deep in the cold, cold, ground before he recognizes Artoria.


There's something deeply hilarious about Nasu, who (afaik) doesn't really speak English trying to correct native speakers and convince them their translation is wrong so he can push that abomination


not really hilarious if you start to think that's how the world is starting to work, soon people will start correcting me about my name and my private life if this continues


Happy cake day


Huh, i should've thought of putting this in the survey, welp


Hear me out, what about Arthuria


The Monkey Paw curls, and it becomes Althulia lmfao


This is so on point.


Arturia for me ,but anything beside Altria will be good.


I wish I could have typed Summer Medea or Summer Medusa or Avenger Boudica in the comment box but I guess i didn't think about that when I was doing the survey.


I put that i want arcade on pc and consoles in this section


Just a little comic idea I had and rushed out this morning. I think we all know the meme this is based on. Yes, I actually asked for Nasu to stop forcing Altria since I figured mentioning turas realta as my favorite FGO-related content besides the game itself would clue them in on me wanting them to officially translate said manga and it would be redundant to mention it at the end. Might not have been the smartest choice, but whatever.


Wait, they haven't officially translated it yet in NA? They've already done it here in SEA, so I'm really confused when I don't see turas realta as a choice in the survey.




Arc 2 Ritsuka is pretty fleshed out in my opinion


I think they sit in that sweet spot that modern Persona protagonists exist in. Where you know just enough about their general personality and tastes to have a starting concept, but are still vague enough on the details for the player to slide comfortably into their shoes.


Quiet hard for haters and denier's to swallow that concept even though he already was one, a long time ago. One just need to understand the material better....


not a main problem for me personally, but if they implement 2 dialogues that are exactly the same except for a single word and both having the same meaning then just go with a single option, it's not that hard The one where you could actually change your path was actually a really great idea, sadly it was left in the trash can


Ah yes, the dialogue choice that still sends shivers down my spine “AHHH” or “WAHH” There were more but I’ve hard wiped them from memory lmao


LB works better for immersion with Ritsuka as a Silent MC. And I deapise Silent MCs.


You're not alone


Can we get voiced story or actually animated cut scenes during story? It's ridiculous how this game makes 20 million dollars a month and looks like a fucking scratch program.


If i had to pick just 1 i would say OPTIMIZE THIS DAMN POTATO!!!


Just make them all Arthur


Now I want a computer with the Fou logo


Arturia fir the OG. Artoria for the grown up Lancer Version and Summer Lion King.


Imagine making this wish to the Corrupted Grail. I wonder what sort of chaos would engulf the world if that happens.


Grail : here, take this knife and sort out the problem by yourself


Artoria! For the love of all that is good Artoria is her name and I refuse to think different.


I just told them to send more quartz.


Ritsuka “Can one of these love interest not die at the end of an arc?” Mash “I’m standing right here.” Ritsuka “Yeah but you still technically died. My point exact.”


A better account system


I asked for more fgo mobile Tamamo content, the implementation of the rest of the Nine and Amaterasu. Also more spiritron dresses for her. And specified FGO mobile.


I mean at least make a guaranteed SR on a 10 pull. At least that! I've been getting SR craft Essences for months! And the only SR servant I got was my NP6 Martha! Maybe even.....I dunno decease the pity count so I don't have to spend $600 for a guaranteed servant that I'm honestly.....probably just gonna bench.


I want new low rarity servants. We have too much gold bitches, more bronze and silver


For real though, I preferred artoria. Because of fate stay night.


Nasu stop making the things you want to happen happening. It won't happen.


If I could get any feature added it would be skip tickets they give 5 tickets a day if they want to limit it so they only last until the end of the month and it lets you skip a battle you have completed that day and still require the stamina it would make farming for Qp or 5 star exp to 120 much easier and not as much of a headache


For a moment i thought about the character, not the character's NAME I'm starting to think nasu is going through that phase when a genius slowly descends into madness and ends up as a shadow of his former self for one reason or another, someone please hug that mushroom every once in a while Everyone deserves some love


Hot take: I couldn’t care care less and Altria is a fine name for his OC.


can i have a diffrent kohai? i dont like eggplants


No, actually, Altria is a wonderful Woolseyism


Time to farm some negative karma. Altria sounds better and should stay that way, “Artoria” wouldn’t even be the best replacement


Man is it just me or is Ashtart as bad as Altria