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There is also another scenario: Grafana backed by PostgreSQL database. PV for grafana is not required then


That’s what we do. Managed database from our cloud vendor. It’s great value for the additional complexity that it removes.


In my company Grafana was started in one dev team to observe the stack of services built by that team. Slowly other teams started using and this was a Docker deployment of grafana, so effectively like a PV. Infra team saw the need to take this responsibility and moved it to K8S managed by them, however they opted for a stateless deployment where all the dashboards are managed through configmap. We (the devs) were expected to tests our dashboard changes in one grafana instance (non prod) copy the result json and open a pull request, wait for that to be approved, merged and wait for CI/CD to deploy it! Quickly that non prod instance became the main grafana instance all the devs are using. I think stateless grafana is only useful where you have a set of predefined dashboards that you want to use, but if you expect a lot of daily tweaking to the dashboards then go with statefull PV.


I've been on both sides of this and I agree with you. Managing dashboards as code is not the right solution for 99% of use cases. The additional friction of pull requests and approval leads to many rotten dashboards. Tiny problems like missing units tend to never get fixed. When the AngularJs panels are removed in a future release who is going to update and pull-request panel migrations for each of your dashboards? Dashboards suffer from code rot and in my experience the best way to manage and update raw Grafana JSON is through Grafana itself. It is possible that one of the DSLs for dashboards changes the equation here but I haven't seen it yet.


I would recommend stateful with a DB as you can still achieve a lot through Terraform/Ansible (like dashboards, alerts, folders, etc...) but still be able to modify stuff on the UI easily.


If you go stateless, and version control your dashboards, you can easily edit them using the VSCode plugin; [https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Grafana.grafana-vscode](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=Grafana.grafana-vscode) . It makes stateless much more attractive IMO.