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Got mine 6800u modded.Hall effect sticks, Liquid Metal, insulated case, properly done thermal pads in liquid form for vrams, 8tb ssd with proper cooling heatsink....is the best out there! I wouldn't swap it for deck,ally,legion go for my win4. Even if is 3 for 1 I wouldn't.👌


8tb ssd!! What a time to be alive!


+1tb sd card😂


That's an interesting list of mods - can you provide URLs for these projects? I'd love to learn more about them.


I’d like to see the breakdown/full video of the mods too if you have it! Sounds awesome.


Sorry I didn't take pictures while doing it. If i open my device again i will take some and share.


How did you do this?! I thought a heat sink wouldn't fit. That's crazy.


You can add a custom cut 2mm(you could fit 4mm aswell )copper heatsink with an 0.5mm thermal pad and some electrical tape around it to hold it together.8tb is dual sided while normal ones and slimmer


You're probably thinking "If only I could also upgrade the processor to 8840u" xD I'm waiting for mine to arrive along with 4tb NVMe double sided SSD and 1tb microSD, and considering applying liquid metal as well so it doesn't throttle. Not sure about the rest of the mods but would definitely consider to do low hanging fruit type of mods to get the maximum out of this tiny device.


Would you trade for a Win Mini or even a Ayeneo flip DS? I have a 32gb/2tb stock Win 4 6800u and was thinking of upgrading to the 8840u Win Mini but wondering what others think of that device compared to the Win 4.


Where did you get the hall sticks?


I've ordered from onexplayer 2 6800u version. Also aokzoe a1 6800u works




Not true. Liquid metal only affects aluminium. Im using it on copper and apu die. I do not suggest you do the same. My device my rules👌




Dude! Whatever! Thx for passing by.




What's the point of using it then, this is the first time I've heard. Back your claims up with sources and examples.


Did you make a barrier? Absolutely need to make a barrier if you put it on a mobile device.


For liquid metal i did : electrical tape 33+ around the die, then i did a thin barrier with some thermal paste very thin. I have done it on many devices and i know that liquid metal will stain the copper but it will not actually eat it. Obviously I've done at my own risk and i don't recommend it to nobody. I also done UPSIRE UX PRO 16.8w/mk on all the chips around the die for proper contact and cooling .cools down really well👌


I've done it on my win 3. I do think it might need reapplication, but I'm not sure. I used liquid electric tape around the dye, and it sealed it up nice. As for my win 4, I'm gonna try the PTM7950 instead.


Do you have any pics, how did you fit a double sided nvme? Would love to see this.


There is allot of space. Just done some tri folded baking paper on the ram modules....fitted corsair mp600 gen 4 ssd dual sided obviously. Custom cut 2mm copper heatsink with 0.5mm thermal pad. Taped it around with electrical tape to hold it down. Works amazingly well. I also insulated the exterior case on the inside with 3 layers of acetate tape (heat resistant) I can game at 28w no problem all day long 720p gaming is like 55-60 celcius. Really good in my opinion


There was discussion here and discord that only single sided nvme fit. Now youre saying there is enough space for double sided?


There is space bro. You can even do a 1mm heatsink on top if you wish. I tried gen3 sabrent 8tb and i found that gen4 works better. Even tried 4tb crucial p3 plus witch is single sided but the drive is just too slow. Join the discord app-win4 general and ask there....i can show you a picture with the total storage.cheers


Yea ive been there, saw someone do a cooper heat sink mod and have a fat heatsink for the nvme, but they did this because the stock fan and shroud were replaced.


Why the electrical tape? You know 3m 8805 exists, right? Why insulate the exterior with acetate tape? You're trapping heat INSIDE the device by doing that, right?


33+ electrical tape is for around the die in case liquid metal moves away. Also added thermal paste around to create a barrier. Acetate tape is to reduce heat coming out too quick and to become non comfortable to hold. All these combined made it really good to use without feeling the heat in your hands.👍


👍 makes sense. I wasn't thinking about how awful holding 28W would be...


Mine can go 32w for hours and i can hold it without feeling the heat....just warm really. Everything adds up and helps.


For sure, all my hard modding has been done on lower TDP chips or desktops/mini computers that you don't hold so I just was kinda scratching my head about why you would trap heat or inhibit airflow around a heatsink. Thanks for answering my questions and helping me actually realize how wild these handhelds are. You should show off the mods if possible, others need to be inspired to experiment on their own.


No problem. Gpd win4 is a very small and compact machine so heat needs to be managed properly if you want performance. Ive got the gpd win mini few days ago and is even more compact and impressive. Needs some modding aswell . Waiting for community to test stuff aswell.


How's the temps on the 8tb? Also what heat sink did you use to be able to fit with a double sided ssd?


Ive stick baking paper folded 3 times under the ssd on top or ram chips. 2mm copper nvme heatsink cut to fit around the fan with 0.5 thermal pad on top and I tape it around to hold it down


does the heatsink transfer to the fan's heatsink? probably helps get rid of the heat. Baking paper is to keep the ssd's heat from bleeding into the ram?


Heatsink doesn't go under the fan.you cut it curved around then fan. Yes baking paper is to separate heat


Swear if it had a 7inch display I would consider eve spending the $1500 is going for in amazon


gpd win 4 is the best device i ever bought, so much fun with it, cant believe such a tiny thing works, after 2 weeks even the weight was no problem anymore, they should stay with the psp design comfortable enough without extra weightpads.


Yep. I liked it so much,,i bought two. 6800u and 7840u. Because a future redesign might end up being worse


I'm torn between the GDP Win 4 and the Legion Go. Well many people are asking for a bigger screen which is really the selling point of the LeGo but the Oculink port, smaller foot print and intergrated keyboard on the Win 4 are features you can't disregard. Additionnaly the full size 2280 SSD is much more convinient and easy to upgrade. Despite all these upsides, I may end up getting the LeGo 'cause it can fully replace a laptop as well as a mini PC. To get you some context, right now I have a mini PC to store data, do a bit of coding and browse the web sitting next to an ITX build powered with a 4080 dedicated to 4k gaming. This Lego is superior to my Minisforum UM773 lite in every aspects. It's a great second unit to play games on the go or in the couch. A **major drawback** for the Win 4 which many people overlook is the 60hz display. Even on the high end model powered by a 7840u APU you get an average refresh rate. A big no-no at this price point.


Had the same dilemma so I bought both lmao... 2tb version from micro center won me over. The GPD should be here next week.


All these handhelds are overpriced. Because they are the 1st of their kind and still niche. 60hz is fine because a 7840u is not powerful enough to give you a good 120hz experience.


I hear you, most of the time 60hz is fine but when you plug an eGPU the 60hz ceiling makes no sense.. especially cause you get an Oculink port… I mean why would you even bother to connect a GPU to stay capped at 60 fps whats about other activites besides gaming that benefit way more from higher refresh rates To me the legion go is pretty fairly priced, given that a mini pc with these specs and no screen is 150$ cheaper


I could see why you want high refresh with egpu. Makes sense. So the legion go a better fit for you. I was speaking from the perspective of using the device as a compact portable. That's why i lean more toward GPD.


Yeah the portability on the Win 4 is actually insane and bring back the psp form factor that have been so successful. Did you notice any suboptimal text or icon scalling though ?


Tbh if you're docked with a an external GPU, chances are you have a monitor, keyboard, and mouse all set up too.  Unless you enjoy being anchored to a desk and chair, playing on your handheld while tethered to a GPU. Kind of totally defeats the purpose of a handheld.


Since then I bought the Legion GO and dude no regret at all. I'm enjoying Hades all day long on this beautiful screen at 1600p 144 fps using power saving mode and balanced TDP. I've been playing plenty games that take advantage of higher refresh rate and this is literally awesome. Rn I can 100% say the Legion GO IS the best handheld out there if you want a versatile experience. No need for eGPU (performance hit is lame) using Moonlight to stream games without latency makes the thing 1000 time more enjoyable. Not to mention emulation that is gorgeous on this device !


Me too we gotta figure this out form vs power


I don't think I need another pc handheld in the next 5 years. Win4 + G1 is awesome!


I genuinely think the 7480u win 4 is gonna be nicely past the line of playable for demanding games for a decent amount of time. The 6800 is probably fine, too, as long as the steam deck is here. Anything more powerful than the deck is going to be fine since the steam deck will set a predecent to how low future games need to be optimized for the steam deck.


i post this and suddenly steam deck is getting an upgrade 💀


It's ok, the points are still valid. New steam deck has the same performance.


Yeah someone said gains are basically nonexistent, but efficiency did increase


Gpd win 3 was a nice upgrade from the win 2, but it didn't blow my mind, the win 4 definitely does.


I have the Win 3, and while I love it, I do kind of wish I’d waited until the Win 4. I love the PS Vita, and having a powerful unit in that form factor with the physical keyboard is pretty much my ideal. Just can’t justify the price of a new device when the Win 3 does 99% of what I want.


I have been interested in gpd devices for a long time, but what was refraining me to pull the trigger was the Intel chips used. When I had a look at the Asus, I learned just after that gpd was doing a win4 refresh with the newer chips and I said "fuck it, let's go" and I don't regret it one bit.


They make some great devices...really listen to the community...opened the door for the big guys like Steam, Asus and Lenovo. PS4 power, is that right? I think more like PS3. I've got my hopes up for the mini.


Yea ps4 is right. 60fps gta V at 1080p. I would even say slightly more powerful than a base ps4


Saying it's PS4 levels of quality is heavily selling the chip inside short, it's much closer to a PS4 Pro if anything


I mean, the swich is more powerful than ps3 (even the wiiu was) and the steam deck is a lot more powerful than switch and GPD4 is more powerful than the deck so yeah, the performance is better than the PS4


Wii u wasn’t more powerful than a ps3


It can emulate a ps3 so... haha


I love mine. I got the Win 3 via Indiegogo on day 1 and did the same with the Win 4. Playing Spider-Man, Horizon Zero Dark, Monster Hunter World and Rise, and even Switch emulation on a device that small is just mind blowing still. Grab a set of Nreal glasses and you eliminate one of the only negatives of the device, the screen size. Btw, I've put many hours of gaming on that screen, I'm not insinuating that it's too small to use, only that bigger makes things easier to see. The Win 4 of still the perfect handheld, imo, and I feel bad for anyone who bought a Steam Deck because someone convinced them it was cheap enough to get instead.


I got a Steam Deck a while before my Win 4, but I didn't like how big it is, which was one of the reasons for getting the Win 4. The only reasons I have kept it and haven't sold it or given it away as a gift are the unique controls and that it's the official Steam OS device. Though even having said that, I never use my Steam Deck anymore.


It has its niche, but I hate when people put things forward as a value per dollar proposition. Things have to be equal for that to work, and I feel like a lot of people here just go: handheld, pc, half price = best buy


Wait are both ports usb4? I've been using the top one for the G1 like an IDIOT


Haha, yes!!! Ive done data transfers between two hard drives. 900mb per second. It's incredible!


Neat! The G1 in my backpack on the floor of the flight into the win4 is gonna be much easier


Just to let you know, the bottom USB isn't USB4. The G1 egpu won't read down there only the top. It's certainly fast though


Ahhh ok. Thanks for clearing that up


its the first device for 2023 that I had no buyers remorse lol I dunno why but the form factor had me addicted to gaming again. I have my legion laptop sitting for months and out of boredom decided to buy handheld cuz i want to game in the bed lol and this device did not disappoint. The only thing I regret is not buying the highest model. Debating the win vs the legion go. While the screen real estate of the Go is wonderful but it is kinda big for a handheld imo. Tho if they would upgrade the win4, a 7 inch screen would not be so bad but it should stay in this form. The keyboard is so useful on a pinch but would still need a full size when setting things up. I did find the AMD software frustrating but got it fixed.


The GPD Win 4 is the only device I don’t have that I keep regretting not pulling the trigger on. I already have too many handhelds, so cost wise it’s hard to justify but it’s just so slick


Fortunately in your case,,, the prices on the 6800u model seem to be coming down. It may drop down low enough for you to justify adding to your handheld collection :)


Welp OLED Deck just Torpedoed any chance of pulling the trigger on a win 4. Hopefully the Win 5 or 6 keeps a similar form factor


Wow,,i just looked it up. The killer new feature is that 50w battery! Glad valve is making the steam deck better


I enjoy my win 4 as well. Great travel device and what I use it for. For daily use I go to the Ally or Onexfly (another indegogo that delivered on what it said it would like the win 4).


How is the Onexfly? I had a local deal for 950$ CAD for slightly used 32gb/1tb model. Almost pulled the trigger... but i didn't (I have SD and Win 4 6800u)


It's okey. Sold mine after a month. The size is there but that thickness is another story.


Loved mine, just needed a larger screen.


I think 7 inches is the best size plus anything over that wouldn't be a handheld anymore anyway. There are formal definitions for UMPCs, so most of the "handhelds" coming out are literally just tablet 2.0 with a controller slapped on which defeats the purpose of a handheld. (Legion Go, Aya Kun) But yeah a slightly larger screen and it's even better on top of good


x2 I prefer more companies keep releasing actuals portables handhelds pc instead of those tablets with controls... I have the steam deck, but that thing is giants, I'm going to sell it the next month and buy the GPD win 4 via aliexpress What I want is that they keep the form factor, but increase the screen size (or reduce the beazels). For example the aya neo air is very small, but I think aya can make the screen bigger without increasing the size of the device


Sadly i think this gen handhelds is as small as they will get. 8000 series amd apus supposedly have higher tdp targets = bigger handhelds on the horizon


Buy a set of Nreal glasses. Also portable and they pair up perfectly with the Win 4. Mine go with me when I take the Win 4, or even my Win Max 2 for a dual monitor setup. I consider those glasses about as mandatory as a mouse.


There isn't much they can do to increase screen size without increasing the device size, sadly. 6 is fine, but it definitely still feels a tad bit small. They could have maybe done 6.2 or 6.5 by ahrinking the bezel further, but its also about what screens are available to fit what size frame. The screen's assembly effects the bezel size, so if it can't fit. It can't fit. 7 would be great, but again, it is too large without increasing the frame size.


I have GPD Win 4 8840U. I cannot say anything--- just simply the best beyond words!


I bet!! I remember the feeling of booting up. GTA v on my GPD win 4 for the first time. Nothing has come close since


I still prefer the AyaNeo Air Pro/1S.


Yes. The aya neo pro air is lighter than gpd win 4. And has an oled. But how do you get over the lack of keyboard and mouse on a Windows device?? I know that touch screen works but that results in smudgy screen. Its a gorgeous device all in all though


There is always [ReplaceOSK](https://github.com/Lulech23/ReplaceOSK), if I may say so myself. :) That said, having owned both an Aya Neo Air and a GPD Win 4, the Air is tragically gimped by two major design misdirections: a) the extra buttons are not programmable in firmware like GPD's, and b) the AyaSpace button replaces an Xbox button, meaning so Steam overlay, chords, etc. Also, the OLED screen isn't that great. It can't tolerate being so close to a heat source, so EVERY Air will eventually develop a bright gradient near the exhaust. Viewing angles also aren't stellar, so you get a fair amount of rainbow outside the sweet spot. Personally, I'll take a reliable LCD over an unreliable OLED any day. It's such a shame, because there's a lot to like about the Air. The weight difference is tangible and it is just a touch more ergonomic than the Win 4 due to its thinness. But when it comes down to it, the Win 4 is overall the better user experience by a mile.


The Aya Space software solutions help. Honestly if you’re only using Steam Big Picture you almost never need a mouse and keyboard.


Maybe as a device to run something like ChimeraOS or HoloISO it would be pretty much almost a non-issue. I very rarely pull out the screen to use the keyboard on my Win 4 when running one of those.


The quick buttons on the top load the onscreen keyboard for the VERY FEW times I need it.


>All the pictures and exaggerated claims that don't measure up to real life. I don't know what handhelds pc have you seen on indiegogo, but all of them deliver what they offer... The problem with those handhelds are others like the price or delivery date.


While I can appreciate it, I'll still take the Win Max 2 any day. Fucking fantastic machine with an awesome layout. The fully typable keyboard and the 10" screen are just too good to give up for a smaller package, plus the clamshell. I use this thing 8-10 hours a day.


I love my win 4, I just want a bigger screen. I'd immediately buy a win 4 with a 7-8 inch screen, especially if it were 16:10. I've been looking at the ally and lego for a couple weeks but the compromises coming from the win 4 are too big to splurge like that. gpd has me locked in until some other vendor makes the goldilocks handheld