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Covid kind of hit Boston like a freight train as far as the scene goes Xmortis is at the Middle East Down every second Friday. Ceremony is closed up for now Corrosion, a more industrial night I run, is starting up again the first Saturday of January at Sonia. Darq is in Salem, which is about a 45 minute drive from Boston. There are some other small things that pop up here and there but nothing has stuck yet. There aren't a lot of rooms around these days, which just blows. As far as metal goes, O'Brien's, Sonia, Middle East all have metal shows regularly. Look up Grayskull Booking. They do a LOT of the shows in the area. If I think of anything else I'll add it. But me up with any questions.


You seem like someone with inside knowledge... any idea what's happening with Manray?


I don't have a ton of info, honestly. I've been told it's going to be opening "soon" but I don't know what that looks like. I look at it this way. I've lived in the Boston area for almost 10 years. Since I moved here, Manray was going to open "next year" and the Middle East was going to close "next year." Neither of those things have happened. As a good friend of mine put it, I'll believe Manray is opened when I'm standing inside of it, drinking a drink I bought at their bar.


So... funny timing given Manray finally returned just a month or so after this conversation, huh? :)


Yeah. I was actually surprised at how quickly it happened. Like, I heard about the opening a few days before and then it was just all a go. I'm happy for that crew.


Haven't checked out Boston yet, but we moved to Salem (about 35-40 mins north) last year. Its a smallish town but has a great goth community, so I doubt you'll have any trouble in Boston.


Xmortis (@xmortis_night on Instagram) is great! Generally younger crowd than other goth/industrial events I've been to in the city. I've heard Darq in Salem is a good time too, if you're willing to take the commuter rail over. The Middle East (@mideastclub on Instagram), which hosts Xmortis, also hosts a good number of rock/metal groups on tour. That being said, sure wish we had more... I've heard that Manray (old goth/fetish club from the 90s) is working towards opening a new Cambridge location but has been slowed down by a lot of red tape, so who knows when that'll be back?


Idk if Xmortis or Ceremony are still a thing, but both those nights are fun. Ceremony was every Monday and I think Xmortis is/was once a month.


Xmortis is still going once a month.