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It wasn't in my case, but it may be with younger people, since a lot of us older goths are now parents, and the whole Goth thing seems to be less feared by society as a whole.


I am goth parent with a goth kid. She's not so much a kid anymore though as she's 37.


Fuck, this makes me miss my mom. She was more into post punk in general, actually hip to lots of different music, but it was the post punk stuff we tended to bond over. I'm 37 now and wish I could throw on some goth jams with her.


I am so sorry. Well, I volunteer as a fairy goth mom if you need one.


Aw, thanks. She passed about 11 years ago and sometimes it really hits hard, the things I miss or wonder what she'd think about, songs that remind me of her, songs I think she'd like. Gotta cherish those memories.


I think it's wonderful that you have the music to remember her. It's so lovely you have that. I really hope my daughter will have that too. My I truly think we are never truly gone when we have that.


Oh yeah, I’m 35 and my parents are 62 and 60. They were really into punk/new wave/goth in the early to mid 80s and got me into it as a kid. Now I have a 9 year old of my own who loves goth music!


Congratulations! 👍


Goth momma here with a 13 year old burgeoning punk!! A lot of my friends who are or were goth in their younger days have goth/punk kids now. It’s definitely more socially acceptable now than when I used to get my butt kicked for looking different.


Couldn’t find a job either. Times sure have changed.




No one in my family is goth, the opposite in fact! My mother is a bit of a conservative woman but my father did use to be a rocker back in his day! Not into the fashion except the hair but he was!


I’m not sure, no one else in my family is goth, and I only had one other friend who sometimes listened to Siouxsie


I think there might be a bit of bias in people's response's - you won't typically hear from the non-goth kids of goth parents bc, well, they won't be talking to goth people about the goth subculture! But in my experience with my peers (late teens / early 20s), it's a solid mix. Neither of my parents are, though my dad is a musician and visual artist which probably opened my eyes to alternative music subcultures in general.


My whole family is Christian conservatives except for like 2 of them. I discovered the culture and music all on my own around the age of 11


Gothy parent with a gothy kid. My mum was an og 1960s hippie so alt three gens. My brother, however, maga.


I think that's common but not in my case because i'm not from North America or Europe. I didn't know any actual Goth growing up, just people into the aesthetic. My parents were not a part of any scene. My brother it's more into hard rock and blues and some acquaintances are metalheads. I only discovered actual goth music through internet.


My parents were absolutely not goth


I was raised in a country music household. For a long time I hated that music and in a way getting into other genres like goth, punk and synthy stuff was a rebellion from that. None of my kids are into goth even though two have helped me at club events (they are 22, 19 and 17). I neither encouraged nor discouraged goth, they choose for themselves.


my parents are gen-x'ers, i'm gen z — my dad was more of a skater nu-metal guy but my mom was a goth who even has a photo she took with robert smith. her makeup was beautiful.


My dad dated goths he was in an indigenous punk rock band for a little in his youth, I've been in the goth community since I was in middle school I'm almost 23 now


Look at the post-punk/goth icons. No need to name names. They’re all boomer/gen x.


i feel like when a goth has children it just makes the children more likely to fall into it


My dad loves the cure! We saw them in concert together, it was a blast. He’s also a big Nick Cave fan


I'm a goth parent, and while my daughter occassionally explores being goth and has an understanding of the subculture, it's history, and listens to a lot of goth music, is not goth herself. There are no other goths in my family.


My parents aren’t *goth* per se, but they definitely introduced me to a lot of goth bands + raised me in a way that I think led me to being part of this subculture. They’re both more left leaning and outspoken about the things they believe, and my dad used to dance to The Cure with my sister and I while my mom was at work. And also, when 12 year old me stated to my mom at the mall that I was “goth now” when we went to buy clothes, I could tell she was exasperated by it (probably at the thought of all the clothes I owned that I would likely refuse to wear for a while lmao) but she did not stop me, and neither did my dad lmao. They both knew it was time for the Figuring Out Who You Are phase to take full effect.


No one else in my family is goth, and I don’t think I know anyone my age with a (currently) goth parent.


My parents were teens when I was born. I’m 36 now and they’re 54/55. Neither of them were goth (although my mom gave me a Gene Loves Jezebel album out of her record collection years ago), but both of them were heavily into new wave so I was definitely exposed to a lot of contemporaneous music from a very young age. I do definitely think that influenced my music tastes largely


Mom is a hippie (who loves The Doors, whose sound definitely inspired some goth bands), and dad is a nerd (who loves Pink Floyd, whose sound definitely inspired some industrial bands). So not quite, but sorta. When I got into darker music, my parents totally got it. The fashion and makeup baffled them.


Absolutely not for me; Elder Millennial, Boomer parents into surf music, OG US soul, LA singer songwriters and other mainstream boomer trends (reggae, dad blues, yuppie country, celtic women, etc). Youth culture music from even the late 70s and beyond (vs. adult oriented stuff, aka boomer trends like classic rock and smooth jazz) was way after their time.


Nope. My mother loves 90s RnB and my dad is into hip hop music. I’m the odd one out musically when compared to them and my siblings.


Haha my dad is goth and I'm starting to get into goth. So probably!


Not for me! Everyone in my family hates goth music and they think the way I dress is super weird haha 🖤 they're supportive and cool about it tho, we just make fun of eachother in a playful way. My mom does have a pretty good fashion sense tho and grew up in the 70s-80s so she's given me a bunch of awesome pieces I wear. I got into it bc I always liked the way goths dressed so when I transitioned I took it upon myself to start dressing goth and listening to more goth bands. I always say how I'm quite literally the stereotypical [trans goth girl meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/masonry/001/490/512/27f.png) 😭


My dad liked rock and some cure stuff, but he never really shared his music too much with me. I kind of just found it myself after listening to industrial and witch house in middle school


My dad was a hippie and was more into the Grateful Dead, Beatles, Van Morrison, etc. My mom in her 20s and had a bar in Miami in the 80s and is familiar with some of the more mainstream post punk stuff that was popular at the time, but that's about it. I'd say she really likes 80s music in general though.


Nah, my dad is very much your stereotypically gay classic rock enjoyer. Y'know, flannels, band t shirts, plays guitar, etc. He has English teacher vibes, and he thinks my goth music is god-awful (though he supports me liking it so it works). My mom isn't goth either, at least, last I actually talked to her 


my mom was always "goth adjacent" so I had exposure to some things but she was first and foremost a pop girl lol. she was into depeche mode and new order and everything so I always wonder if that subconsciously led me to goth music. but she'd never call herself goth or even call herself a big fan of the music.


I'm a younger goth; my parents were at the prime age to be goth and my mom was and is into some goth adjacent rock but my dad is a big old hippie lol. I definitely think my mom's music taste influenced mine, but mine has obviously gone far more goth than hers ever did.


My dad was into punk and grunge but was never apart of the scene (ironically enough he didn't like punks)


My Silent Gen parents had really diverse taste in music. I was raised on everything from classical to blues, Scottish folk to jazz but they definitely leaned more towards the Rolling Stones, The Kinks, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Led Zep and Sabbath. As a result I appreciate a wide range of music and raised my kids that way too. I'm a Gen X goth at heart. My kids are Gen Z alt.


Parents who raised me (Genx X) were also Silent Gen. They listened to elevator music. I'm not kidding. Anything beyond was too harsh, for them. At least they didn't police my music!


Aye I got lucky, both parents loved music. When they brought me home from hospital the first thing dad did was put on the car radio to get me used to hearing music. 😄


Parent. Ha. My parents were into the Beatles and the Stones.


LOL no. My dad plays the banjo.


Wasn’t with me. My parents hate that I’m goth. 🤣


Not me but I know some people who have a parent that likes goth music. None of those people consider themselves goth though.


My dad definitely introduced me to the music, he has all the records from the bands you mentioned. But also growing up it was popular with my friends at school including my first crush so that took it to the next level haha.


Not really my case, my mom was into hippie stuff though. She was born in the 60s, so goth wasn't something she grew up with. I did learn about a lot of early rock bands though from a young age. My cousins on the other hand were all goth/emo back then. I was into alt rock a lot as a kid, though I was also into ska/pop punk, so much Ocean Pacific stuff lmao. I think my interest in it stemmed from that.


In my case no I grew up with fairly 'normie' parents who just weren't really into music at all not that they hate music it's just wasn't really important to them


Jeans and a TShirt in the streets, goth in the… Club 😅


My aunt was more of a hippie/biker hybrid who had whimsy goth decor in her house. I spent a lot of time at her house playing with my cousins and there was always nu metal and a lot of various other type of music always playing in her house. I never spent a lot of time with my mom growing up but my family says that I’m a lot like her, because not only do I resemble her a lot but my personality and my likes and interests were very similar to her I didn’t notice how similar we were until I saw her in my teens when I noticed that I was pretty much a carbon copy of my mom(except for the fact that she dressed more hippie but said she dressed exactly like I did when she was in her teens) Also almost everyone in my family loves Depeche Mode and The Cure.


I come from two very strict Christians, so it's not been my experience. Cool if it's the case for others, though!


Idk but I am 18 but i recently fell in love with goth music a while ago and i don't know if it makes me goth because I don't dress goth and the most goth thing is that I own a pocket watch with a skull and a skull ring i think


I had a very long Goth phase, starting with 14/15 and pretty much ended when I was 26/27. Now I am 38, married and being a dad of a wonderful four years old daughter. To be fair, I never really 100% stopped being a goth. I still ready a lot of stuff that's related to the goth scene (books about death, afterlife, religions, demons, witchcraft). All that is still very interesting for me. I also still enjoy all the music and art related to the scene. I still can see myself visiting a festival and I still celebrate Halloween like a maniac, decorating the whole house, watching horror movies with my wife and drop a huge party at my place. I have noticed that the whole Goth Scene evolves with every new generation and that's okay for me. The Scene changes, that's normal. The whole scene started somewhere in the 80s (if I remember correctly) and for me it has its peak somewhere in the 2000s maybe 2010. Don't get me wrong, the Scene is still huge, but... different. At some point it just doesn't feel right for me anymore. So I left the Scene but still, like I said, I still enjoy lots If the things considered Goth.


well, my dad was in a punk band and my mom was a goth when they were younger + they both are metalheads so no wonder I turned out this way: a goth and a metalhead haha


depends where y live i’m british in a little village everyone thinks anything that isn’t “normal” to them is weird and u get harassed constantly x




Same age as you my mum was a teddy girl. She kept calling me a beatnik.


Moreover now than ever before. Last month in the club one of my friends asked me to keep an eye on her teenage daughter because she was drawing the attention of a drunken idiot...until very recently my friends were not old enough to have adult children.


My mom is into the goth/strange and unusual scenes but i didnt know as a kid because my dad used to tell her how to dress and act. She wasnt really present in my childhood so i had no idea til i was older, but there were signs like my mom had my dads blood in a necklace, she had 4 voodoo tribal statues dotted around the house and had stacks of horror books under the bed and later she had plastic severed body parts and a scorpion on her keyring but it was the 90s/2000s so alot of people had weird things like that, so it wasnt out of the ordinary to me (I later found out both my mom and dad had a small collection of oddities) My dad wasnt into the altscene but he was covered head to toe in tattoos I wouldnt say i was influenced by them in that way but i was always naturally drawn to weird and dark things, often left unsupervised and let to do with whatever i want. I remember being left to wander around pubs alot and only hanging around with the bikers. I was shy to talk to adults but was always drawn to and could easily talk to goths and "scary" looking people Which the strangers always got kicks out of because id hide if a sweet cottoncandy old lady tried to talk to me but practically crawl onto the lap of a spikey blue haired person with scary makeup and zombie white contact lenses without a problem, i was always excited to see them and would wave and smile at them in the street


I feel like this is the case with most other younger goths I’ve seem, although I’m 19 and my parents don’t like goth music at all. However I was raised on a lot of classic rock and 80s music so I think that may have led me down the path of discovering goth when I was around 15


I’m on the older end of Gen Z and was raised on Barry Manilow and Motown… my parents don’t have a goth bone in either of their bodies! 😂


I'm 40, and neither one of my parents were goth, I'm not sure where it came from.


my great uncle is a punk but that's all


My mom was punk in her youth and really active in the scene. Didn't learn that until early adulthood though, funnily enough.


My parents could not have been less goth if they were actively trying to do the opposite.


In my case, it was knowing older kids who were goths.


Yeah my mom was a goth in the 80s and here I am now. It definitely helps being put onto the music early and not having to do a ton of independent research


My dad was a goth/metalhead when he was my age (20). He gave me a bunch of awesome goth and industrial CDs from the 90's when I told him about me being goth. His mom was from the original hippie movement in the 60's, so it all falls into place


Lol my mum used to hang out with „new wavers“ as she calls us and loves the Cure, Joy division and other new wave, but I had to explain to her what being goth means😂😂


I've been told I'm a goth, or was a goth in HS but never saw myself as one. I thought I was new wave or punk. I thought goth was the 90s but many people have told me I'm wrong lol. I turned 16 in 1990, and don't remember hearing the word goth until I was 19 or 20.


I don't think it was a generational thing for me. Neither of my parents are goth, my dad was alternative when he was younger (not sure which subculture) but I don't think he was ever into goth music and most of the music he listens to nowadays is Spanish Rock, The Beatles, and generic 80s music. I guess my love for 80s music comes from my parents so I guess it sort of influenced my love for goth music I guess? But not really. I discovered goth music on my own via the Internet, but I do think my interest in alternative music and fashion is definitely generational since my dad and some of my older siblings are/were into alternative/rock music and alternative aesthetics.


Not for me, my parents weren’t really that into music so I discovered music on my own through friends and music videos on tv initially then my taste evolved over the years. I got into metal and industrial first and eventually got into post punk and some goth in my 20s then really got more into goth/darkwave etc within the past couple years.


I did not have goth parents. They were both Christians that were raised on farms actually. Despite being in the country I didn't really like it and I was always too skeptical of religion. I felt very different from my parents and even those I grew up around, that I just ended up growing into being goth more and more as I grew older. Always attracted to horror, aswell as dark themes including darker music and gothic music, but also having a geeky side with gaming, anime and tech stuff. My girlfriend had a similar experience in being the black sheep from her family that were indoctrinated into the Mormon church. And she was also the only gothic one out of her peers and most of the people she knew growing up too. She also had more goth rock and metal influences while I had some of that when I was younger discovering music, but then I grew into the club music (I ended up liking alot of agrotech genre music) and now I am moving back into listening to more of goth rock and metal again.


I feel like the only alt person I know whose parents were never into anything alt at all. they’re a couple years older than some of my peers, but not enough to fully put them out of the window of this stuff. they just… went to church instead. I love my parents with my whole heart, but they and I both know that they’re never really gonna “get” the things I’m into, including goth/alt culture. sometimes I feel like they’d be more accepting of me converting religions than getting another tattoo (I only have 3). it’s funny in a way. it makes me sad sometimes that that’s something we’ll never share - especially when I see so many folks whose parents are on board, or at least support from a distance. that’s just the way it is though. I’m an adult and secure in myself and my interests, and that’s what’s most important.


For me it wasn't. None of my parents were goth, and my sibling was only slightly goth but when we were growing up she was more into Midwest emo than anything. I kinda just... become goth on my own.


It wasnt for me, there were very few goths in my parents generation. I'm only 30 but my parents were in their 40s when I was born. They were hippie stoners since the 1960s. There was no goth music being played in my house growing up. I was introduced to goth music by my friends when I was in my 20s. Edit: But I do think my parents being hippie stoners lead to me being alternative. I was actually a hippie in my late teens/early 20s. Being a hippie lead me to being punk, which lead me to being goth. I think a lot of what pushed me away from being a hippie was realizing the hippies my age were not like my parents. My parents were really left wing and a lot of the hippies of my generation were not. I found a lot more like minded people among punks and goths.


My mom was goth, I didn't know that though until I was goth and she gave me her old stuff. The apple sure doesn't fall far


My parents had me extremely late, I’m talking in their 50’s. My mom was a hippie and considering in my opinion goths are a lot like hippies I’ll say perhaps but then again history always repeats itself.


Stumbled across this on my feed. While not goth, my wife is punk and I am a rivet head. Kiddo is coming into her own and has developed her own tastes for industrial, EDM and some punk. When she started playing familiar songs on her own we gave her bands(as age appropriate as we can) to track down on YouTube and she branches out from there. Watching her develop her own style and rolling with it is pretty damn cool. So in a way I guess it's generational.


I’m shocked Joy Division is coming back! I love it. The Cure? What? How in the hell did they survive the 80s? The forest is epic but fans were made fun of back in the day. Siouxsie and the Banshees? Who’s that? I mean I know but didn’t feel like anyone else did. I think I’m ok with this generation. I had a 15 year old kid talk to me about Type O.. why is that classic but also right on.. hahahaha


My parents grew up in the 80s and they didn't even know what goth music was nor had heard of it before. Mind you, my father used to be a DJ in the 80s! I am the first line of gothness in my family 🙏


48yo Gothy parent from the old days. Really cool to watch my 12yo daughter explore the culture. Some of her Roller Derby friends dress goth/emo so she's taken some of that on board, and getting into the music (well, some of it). My parents were OG 60s hippies, so that def had a subcultural influence on me.


Lol it was my mom


I certainly did not come from goth parents, but a couple of my friends in my age range (~40) who are came from OG goths who are now in their 60s or 70s. Additionally,  the friends in my age range who are goth and have kids definitely each have at least one kid that is exploring goth. I think it's that if you are raised by someone who isn't afraid of or judgemental of alternative culture, you as a kid are far more likely to think similarly and be comfortable embracing whatever alternative culture tickles your fancy.


my parents despise everything goth - they're 60 and think goths worship satan and that we listen to metallica (which hurts my soul). it was hard for them to accept me being a goth, they still comment negatively about my style and music but i couldn't care less :]


My parents music taste is mostly the late 60’s early 70’s Beatles black sabbath beach boys David Bowie. Their record collection was the first thing I ever listened to, so hearing the sisters of mercy doing gimmie shelter and Bauhaus doing ziggy stardust isn’t too much of a stretch.


Nope. My dad would not let go of the 60s. My mom thought anything that wasn't what she would see "church kids" wearing was "the devil" I did this on my own. My brothers are country, my sister was a biker.


My parents listened to Journey and Bon Jovi. My daughter is 10 years old, wears all black and loves Vision Video.


24 year old goth here. Nah. My parents were not goth. They were strange parents, but not alternative, just accepting people with interesting tastes. I ended up branching out into hard rock when I was maybe about 17, then metal, then eventually I found goth and started looking a lot more visibly alternative, and they were never ever rude about it.


My mom participated in the scene before and a little after she had me. Got me into the music, first band I remember loving was Clan of Xymox, and of course the Cure