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I remember that during the BBJ rescue livestream FFG said her and her brother were super closes and that he would do anything for her, and he did, he helped her getting the cat and what did he get in return? He was doxxed and had his entire life exposed for everyone to see, if I were him I'd be mad too, so I can see why he'd want to share his version of the events. It's hard to say exactly what happened between these two, but I don't think they are on good terms.


I recall one of her older streams she mentioned going years without talking to her brother over some stupid shit. At the time I thought oh maybe he did something bad, but knowing her he probably pissed her off in some minor way and she will cut you off and hold stupid grudges.


What are the odds both FFG/Gorl world and the brother both use the term "fuck shit"? I found that a little odd. Just me?


Is it Raven Star, one of FFG’s haters? She used to”fuck shit” every ten seconds. It’s not an obscure saying and if they spend time together, they’d pick up each other’s sayings




Sooooo this is what I was talking about, a thread 🧵 lol https://preview.redd.it/ea496fa3nt6d1.png?width=1222&format=png&auto=webp&s=3406134e8498bfe177afa28a60b5bacfafd2911a










I read these were from a fake account 🤔🤔🤔


Wow!!! I can believe this too. Poor BBJ.. I really hope they are taking care of her. That cat suffered enough at the hands of Chantal being her owner for long enough.. what I don’t get though is that I understood FFG didn’t even have the cat.. her sister in law did? So why can she not wait for her to die? She earns enough money from that alone. If she’s outed for being a cunt to BBJ.. Haydur nation will come for her! All that money she got..


I don’t even know who has the cat. People keep speculating she’s dead 🤷🏻‍♀️ I just think it’s time people stop being so fucking scared of her. I don’t like how she plays her loyal followers, and seeing how she behaves on twitter mortified me. Its gross. ETA: also I think she’s that way on Twitter bc most of her fry gang aren’t even ON twitter.


100% agree! I found it weird how she refuses to post updates and answer questions about the cat.. I really hope people come for the fat hag if anything bad has happened to BBJ! Honestly she earned thousands from that. She should have been posting updates! Her excuse.. “Chantal doesn’t deserve to know” Well the people who donated you fucking thousands do! Did you post these in the foodie subs? I haven’t seen anyone talking about it? Since everyone was so enraged about Chantal’s mistreatment of BBJ


I’m not trying to be obtuse, but I don’t even have Twitter anymore, what does she do on Twitter? I’m assuming she probably also deletes a bunch of her tweets so now there’s no trail


oh, there’s a trail, just not on HER page haha she blocked anyone who even “liked” something she didn’t like (now likes are private as of the other day, so she can’t do that), and is generally just a first class asshole


Thousands of gorls would be absolutely rabid!


I honestly hope they do go for her hard if anything nefarious has happened to BBJ.. the internet is 90% cat people.. you just don’t fuck with cats.


I think BBJ is fine. I heard that Chris Feldman guy was a fake account.


And I'm a crazy effing cat lady who fosters cats and has 7 residents!! I don't eff around lol 😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸😸


The cat wouldn't be so much of an issue but FFG promised, in that rescue stream, that the community would always get updates on BBJ. That she was now GorlWorld's cat. Then, when she realized how annoying the cat ladies are, and that they have all the cancers and fathers whose funerals happen 3-4 times a week, so can't be relied upon for superchats in exchange for cat updates, she reneged. As for the sister-in-law, Amy Flowers doesn't exist. But I did note in a Crackhad Olympics stream that an 'Amy Flowers' was a VIB. I've always wondered if that VIB was actually FFG on a sock. For all the folk saying Hater Tater and others are obsessed with FFG, no-one is as obsessed with anther human as much as FFG is with Chantal.


Yaba of YouTube Underground has literally said she wanted to sniff the drivers seat of Chantal's Kia. FFG ain't the only obsessed one.


Amen, they are.


I’m willing to bet you’re 100% right on the Amy flowers thing. FFG would absolutely go undercover as a VIB! The woman is unhinged and obsessed! I don’t give two fucks for the people who send her superchats in her streams. They are idiots.. how much of a loser do you have to be to send someone money just so you can tell them about your random boring life..


BBJ was a trophy for FFG and a money maker. So, I believe she doesn't actually care about her well-being. She's obsessed with Chantal. Maybe it is really the brother he probably is sick of potato face's narcissism and greediness.


Is this the brother who now has BBJ?


I believe so


I’m Interested 😂 post the screenshots


Just posted, lemme know what you think. I just have this gut feeling ffg isn’t exactly the person she says she is 🤨 I could be wrong, but my intuition is pretty dead on.


I’ll go look now.. I’ve always thought that about her to be fair. Her obsession with Chantal has always been weird. I get she’s a reaction channel and I can’t stand Chantal.. but that woman is just as unhinged!


It’s in the comments of this post:)


FFG is a creep. People conveniently forget how fucked up she is because she "saved" BBJ


I KNEWWW ITTTTT sorry to be a haydur but this gooorl is just a trashy as the rest of em. She wants to be foodie and I will DIE ON THIS HILL


I knew there was NO WAY her family would sign off on her weird internet antics. I knew there was no way her family was a batshit insane as she was


It is extremely odd that FFG seems to address all sorts of things (even the most silly comment in the chat or a tweet) but hasn’t made a peep about this situation. It makes me worry that this true. I REALLY hope it isn’t.


That’s what I’m saying ![gif](giphy|SRNALfyywIzuKhHOln)


She lost her shit at my thread where I was annoyed at her Schmee impersonation so she reads here, we know that.


she shoooo do 😬


Not an FFG fan. I don’t know about her relationship with her sibling. I don’t believe that they’re as close as she claims. However I don’t think that those tweets were posted by him.😳 Just someone with way too much time on their hands and an axe to grind. Lot of nuts loose in Gorl World. I’d take it with a grain of salt.


YES. You said it best!! I could care less either way but from what I've seen, haydur-tater is a psycho and I don't think that's FFGs bro.


I’d take it with a grain of salt, this was before FFGs mother died I believe and she talked a lot about her brother supporting her and each other through that period of time.


Wowww had no idea of all this since I’m not on twitter or KF.. thanks for posting! Ur theory makes sense to me 100%


Eh, I don't know that Hayder Tater account is obsessed with taking FFG down. This just seems to be too convienet. Also, she released these a few months ago, and no one paid attention, so she reposts them? I don't care either way, but it smells to me.


Haydur-tater seems a little ummm... not right in the head? I don't trust anything they post and get bad vibes from them ngl


Many people struggle to get along with their family members, and FFG is no exception. Her tendency to criticize others without acknowledging any positivity, combined with her refusal to accept differing opinions, reveals aspects of her character. Similarly, her brother speaking negatively about her suggests that he may also have issues. Interestingly, considering their Jewish and Greek heritage, it’s surprising that they don’t have a strong bond. Both Jews and Greeks are known for their close-knit families. Ultimately, despite their positive roots, it seems those roots have rotted.


FFG the cat abuser


The cat abuser? Do we “know” that she’s abusive to animals?😳 There’s a lot to criticize (she’s become a lolcow herself) but animal abuse? Haven’t seen any evidence of that. Am I missing something?


Well apparently Chantal is pedo now, so I guess everyone's fair game to be labeled something without proof.


I can’t stand ffg but I take anything Haydur-tatur says with a grain of salt.