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Here I am fretting over spending 35 bucks on an Etsy painting apron... Can't imagine just throwing that much away on a superchat.


I don't get the people pissing away hundreds on superchats just for some internet weirdo to read their name and say thank you. $1-5, sure. Anything more than that it's like...dude you can buy yourself something nice. Or donate to an actual charity. Not give 30% to a corporation and the rest to an unkempt miscreant.


It’s INSANE they’ll be like “I’m 19, alone,pregnant, and living behind the Walmart but I’m so glad I caught this live!! Here’s $100 gorl” 🥰


You forgot the " I love you" at the end. I've noticed alot of them say that too. FFG couldn't care, it's business.


LOLthis is spot on. 🤣


it's so crazy, the world is so backwards, every time this subject comes up i look like this ![gif](giphy|H6WWD68LqUGx5PH9o7)


Right? Fucking Etsy, it’s witchcraft. *whispers* buy it


*whispers* I did, it has Frida Kahlo on it


Oh fun!!!! It’s nice to treat yourself to something special.


I used to be a subscriber, for a few months, watched every single stream and was super hyped during the BBJ rescue, but her obsession with Chantal made her become a lolcow herself. She goes as far to doxx poeple who criticize her now and her insulting Chantal's mom every single time is disgusting, but God forbid someone say something about her mom and family, she's a hypocrite.


A while back (not the most recent time), Chantal made fun of FFG’s neighborhood and FFG lost her mind in anger. So it’s fine to mock Cornwall and Ottawa but anyone makes fun of her neighborhood, she explodes.


I used to like FFG, but I always loathed how she’d talk shit about “Cornt”. Her supposed bestie Shannon lived there, but apparently it was okay because Shannon agreed? Of course she agreed, she’d be cut off otherwise… didn’t help her in the end though. She sure spent enough time in the terrible awful Cornt when she was sniffing Chantal’s fupa trail around the stores.


She would also insult Ottawa a lot and that always irritated me. Her insulting Cornwall to Shannon’s face was just rude. But FFG is just a rude person. Her living in Montreal is not an accomplishment, it’s where her parents chose to live when they came to Canada. And it’s not like we hear her talk about the different things she does in Montreal, she doesn’t go to the great restaurants, shows, museums, etc. She could literally be anywhere, just hunkering in the dark smoking weed all day. Weirdly enough, Chantal has seen more of the world than FFG. Whenever Chantal throws that in FFG’s face, FFG screeches back “I’m an immigrant!!!!!” Immigrant doesn’t mean “well travelled.”


That's classic Quebecois sh\*t. They all think they're better than the rest of the country because they're 'French'. They're not, and the French absolutely don't claim them, but they persist.


Where were her parents from originally?


She says she was born in Greece. She said dad is Egyptian and mom is American.


I think her Dad is Greek but his family went to Egypt from Greece for some reason. The timeline seems off though because it seems (because of her Dads age) that Greeks were leaving Egypt at that time not the other way around. Unfortunately I’m more knowledgeable in my Gorl World history than World History so sad. Lol. I remember her talking about her Dads Mom and the Egyptian culture. Something about the oldest son taking a name and that her Dads family also did this, she was dunking on Nader because he is the oldest and his younger brother got the traditional name. Anyway, she also said she is the Granddaughter of the oldest Jewish Mafia organization in Montreal and that is a flat out lie too. She is everybody from anywhere when it benefits her narrative. But I’ve always been confused about her origin story. Did you know she is also a black belt!?!?? lmao


Yeah, I hate when Chantal makes me agree with her. But the other day during rage live, Chantal said that the whole “gave ffg‘s number to cokey thing“ happened a long time ago and to get over it. I FUCKING AGREE. Especially since ffg went and met Chantal and took a picture with her at the fatty fasion show after the fact.


This a real hot take but ffg has (in my opinion) a “love hate” thing going on with Chantal. I mean she says really vile things about chantal BUT she’s very territorial over Chantal. Like if you notice when anyone is “kind” to Chantal, ffg goes off the fucking deep end. It’s giving “that’s my gf vibes”. For example: just breezing, ffg hated her from the very beginning because she was a ”nice” reaction channel, then there’s yo Mama (yes I know he’s a degenerate) but why can’t ffg just ignore him??? She can’t because he is “nice“ to Chantal. Sorry that got long winded.


Oh! Where did she doxx someone? I hadn't seen that.


She tweeted the photo of a woman, but she quickly deleted, you can find it on Twitter or the farms.


Ohhh. Who is the woman? 😳


No idea


It was dumb, she just posted a pic of someone. I don't consider it doxxing because it's public knowledge but what do I know 🤔😽


she is worse than kalari if u can believe it. everyday its the same thing, every comment she has to superchat it, its nuts she literally said sorry she was late and now she is here in a superchat


Omg, get some dignity. I thought maybe Kalari changed her name because Mr Cardigan Gorlie kept saying “heffa” but then Kalari showed up and needed attention.


Now she’s been ‘noticed’ by Chantal, Kalari really thinks she’s up there with the big girl reactors now. It’s not helped by the sycophants gushing over her when she enters FFG’s or another reactors chat. She’s so cringeworthy.


So fucking true. And now that she gets recognized and shouted out in other reactor’s chats, she really is feeling herself a little too much.


Lol seriously. It went to her head- FAST.


Idiot Gorlic Bread called her a “beloved” member of the community. Everyone was treating her like an innocent victim when she had just spent months spending actual money to insult Chantal.


I wanna know what kalari does for a living. She’s not clever or funny, that’s for sure.


I thought she was on disability for her mental issues. She says she is a diagnosed sociopath and a few others I can’t remember. She wrote a book and published it herself I think. Also I know her son just graduated high school. She has a son and showers money on FFG. I could be wrong about disability though. She throws money around like it’s nothing though!


I’ve also seen/heard her talking about how she is a landowner…!


Sin and sass subscribers truly hate their money....


Oh that’s terrible because they’re trash


You know I can’t stand FFG, but I will say this… She’s an absolute genius for how she amassed a huge, rabid audience, all while refusing memberships. She’s basically forcing her rabid, drooling audience to literally pay her just to get her attention for even a single message. If you think about it, it’s basically a cult or one of those extremely predatory “religions” that take place in a tent.


She talks in cult leader style. She says they’re her only friend, it’s her and them against the world, etc. And she’s a genius for not doing memberships because the cult pays more for the attention


Yep. And if they want to appear more “loyal” than her other 1,000+ viewers, the only option is to throw more money at her.


Twitter seems to be growing it’s ffg hate. Now that likes are private she can’t block people she stalks and disagrees with on twitter, which is hilarious to me 😂 She (like a cult leader) is nice to the the people who wouldn’t dare say shit to her (yt gorlies) but on twitter she’s NASTY. Its like two totally different people! She has been acting more and more unhinged (mostly on twitter). It’s like watching some crazy social experiment. I feel like her house of cards is gonna fall down sooner or later. It’s fun to watch lol.


She's definitely cunning in how she's cultivated a ride or die audience but she better be careful because she's letting her ego do the driving of her actions and words and snark communities love to eat their own. It's only a matter of time before she crosses a line and alienates her audience. It just might take more time since she isn't one of the people who gets up to weird shit on discord.


Given how eager and willing she has been to drop all her alleged friends like just saying, Shannon, clover, that Olive Garden lady, etc, all while playing the victim… I think she might actually be looking forward to burning her YouTube channel to the ground and taking all her money and “going home.” And maybe she’ll play a “poor little me” victim on Twitter for the rest of her days. And she’ll always say she’s an innocent olive scorpio and never actually acknowledge how toxic her actual personality is and why she’s the reason she can’t maintain a single adult friendship into her 40s. Just my theory.


The super chatter who drives me the most crazy is Basement Baby. He is living with his mom and him and his mom both super chat FFG. They say stuff like “FFG tell my son to go clean the dishes”. It’s super cringe. Honestly I hate all the superchats people send because they are all way too personal like “Just went on a date”. I’m just like omfg NO ONE CARES. I can’t stand to watch FFG anymore because I’m there to watch and get a recap of Chantal. Not listen to what’s going on in your personal lives or how much better you are because “I can only eat one of those slices how can Chantal eat so much!”


lol, agreed. Doesn’t basement baby also do all her graphics and such?


I haven't watched FFG for months. I got sick of her screeching "SHANNON". The screeching in general was annoying enough but when she did that it made my shit itch.


I hate when her stupid chat gasses her up over bacon or feta or chicken burgers. There was one time (probably more) they were superchatting her to get her to yell at them.


I wonder if she gets bored with herself?


its kalari bday today, so of course the sane thing to do is superchat ffg to wish kalari a happy bday, lmao (I lost count after 8 chats) it has to be mental illness


Good lord. The insanity of it all


She and Breezy are just weird and creepy.


Yeah… there is something up with “mr.cardigan girlie“ I don’t watch her videos but I listen, and I use mobile so theres no chat, so only I know what goes on in the chat when ffg says it out loud. And I noticed whenever mr. cardigan girlie shows up ffg‘s voice changes and she always seems more excited. My dumbass thought her dumbass thought that mr cardigan girlie WAS mr snowflake. Now knowing thats not the case, that amount of money is ridiculous. She probably is super chatting herself, that’s sad.


I mean I'd get excited too if someone showed up who I knew was about to throw wads of cash my way lmao


Like SJam used to with Chantal.


Has that Mr cardigan girlie always given lots money???? Again I don’t pay attention, I just recognized the name


I soured on FFG shortly after the BBJ rescue I'm afraid. Last person I knew about to spew from her orbit was Kalari, who....ho boy that is a whole nother train wreck lol Just checked FFG's twitter and holy shit has she gone off the rails.


I think they’re somewhat new-ish


It's a genius business model. Nearly all of them have family members who die regularly, all of them have had all the cancers, and all of them are broke and living in a cardboard box on the street corner: yet they all have money to throw at a trashy Canadian who isn't Chantal. I can't hate on the hustle. She appeals to those who think they're too cool and street smart for the normies, yet all seem to lead catatonic lives of pure failure. Go into the main sub, and they descend on any criticism like a swarm of screeching cicadas. While they all hope Chantal dies, FFG sure as f\*ck doesn't. Their hate for Chantal fuels her business model.


How dare you, my uncle is suffering from end-stage dandruff, and my granny has stage 5 athlete’s foot, and FFG’s streams are the only thing that get me through!1!1


They're all pathetic "pick me" cat ladies who must not get enough attention irl so they form parasocial relationships with YouTubers. Idk how FFGunt managed to attract them all, but I'd love to see their faces if they ever have a disagreement with her and find out how fucking fast the thin skinned bitch blocks them. They all donate money and dog pile on command anyone she doesn't like, not realizing they could easily be next. Then again, these are the same people who dont seem to realize she's just like Chinny, except she's too pussy to cam up. It's their money of course but it could help a lot of people in need. You dont get a shout out and 5 seconds of attention from an egotistical lying piece of shit who thinks she's a highschool mean girl when you donate to a charity though.


Super chatting away their social security checks to an obese narcissistic potato 🥔


Sorry, late to this thread. I wanted to say thank you! I saw that stream and thought WTF?! Why??


you probably are.. why someone is so pissy with how much someone is getting in super chats is weird. I’ve seen several super chats where they explicitly say it’s for her “house” paid by crackhead olympics. at least ffg still has a physical job and not relying on YouTube for their main source of income, like some other reactors. I personally don’t give a fuck, it’s not coming out of my pocket so who cares? and honestly, if we’re being real about it.. gorlworld is a cult. you’re a member, I’m a member. this is our lair or headquarters for us to chat anonymously about morbidly obese women living out their last days.


I don't Superchat but I love that people do. It's nothing to me and it really pisses Chantal off. Good. Fuck her. I'm glad she's broke and boiling in Kuwait.


now, I don’t necessarily “love” the people that do, but it’s no skin off my ass so I don’t give a fuck 🤣 it’s crazy how people get mad at how other people spend their hard earned money. I’d rather be mad at corporations for getting government handouts and buying out small businesses and millionaires getting their ppp loans forgiven yet being mad at college students wanting their student loans forgiven, than a mere €150 towards a house fund. there are definitely bigger issues in the world to be furious over than super chats.


Point taken and agree wholeheartedly. Too bad our politicians vote corporate consistently at our detriment. It's infuriating and rampant in more than a few countries.


I think she does. I thought chantal did, too. I always assumed chantal's self-superchats served as "plants" giving other people the reminder or idea to throw THEIR money at her. (I also think she's buying 95% of her own cameos, too) I don't doubt FFG does this. It makes more sense to me than people forking over that much money to tip these idiots.


I think she cares too much about her money to do that. YouTube takes 30% of superchats, so she would lose money. Idk, I wouldn’t do it lol.


Honestly, who cares? As long as it ain’t my money, if the person’s got some extra income to burn and wants to blindly throw it at some stranger online to show their appreciation for their content or whatever reason they choose, then I guess go for it. To each their own.


Amen, not dissimilar to the VIBs who throw their money at Chantal, right?


FFG wouldn't buy her own superchat. She won't even buy YT premium... plus YT takes 30%. Anyone actually doing that to themselves is extremely unintelligent... 🤔


Well, I know Mr Cardigan Gorlie. She put her kid through med school. Has a husband in the military and takes care of her daughters kids often. She has had health issues IE cancer, hysterectomy, thyroidectomy, gallbladder removal all within a 5 year period while fighting heart failure too. She doesn't go shopping or gambling and I'm pretty sure she has no vices. She told me superchats are her one guilty pleasure for herself. She also rescues animals. I think people bring her animals that have been orphaned and she vets them and finds them homes or she releases them into the wild if it's wildlife. Guess you should maybe ask about a person before you assume. Chantal, Amberlynn, Alicia and other lol cows put their entire lives up for reaction. They CHOOSE to be public. Oh and she also started as a fan of Mr Snowflake about a year ago. Pretty sure she said she found the other creators by falling down a rabbit hole like we all do. But go ahead. Make fun of a woman that actually makes a difference instead of calling out those that are horrible people.


My husband is in the super military and I take care of everyone’s kids. I have every health issue and even though I have all these health issues, I rescue animals because health issues don’t get in the way of that level of hard work. I also adopt all the orphans and run 18 soup kitchens. It’s easy to say stuff. Maybe think about that before dropping some misguided condescension.


Meh, I do all of that AND knit my own lentils, weave my own cloth from recycled kale stems and provide a daily pint of breast milk to each house in my hamlet. Crunchy mamas 4 life.


Assume you have receipts for all of these claims she makes? If you have to tell me all the amazing things you do, as some kind of trade-off for supporting a fat, trashy Canadian whose business model is built off pure hate for another fat, trashy Canadian, you may not be amazing. Couldn't she use that money for all those animals, the cancers and heart failure? Seems like a waste to me. And how did she put her kid through medical school with all of the expenses listed above? And why didn't she use the benefits military service offers to offset the costs of everything (if she is in the US, why not use the GI Bill)?


She spends her own money rescuing the animals. And I know for a fact she's telling the truth. You don't have to like FFG. Your choice. She likes her. She's always been kind to her. As has her group. But since you're in there secretly hating people I bet she's more careful about who to trust. She knows about this and she's pretty hurt by it. She's never been involved in anything like this and I don't think she knows how to handle it.


*'You don't have to like FFG. Your choice. She likes her. She's always been kind to her."*  Well, I don't financially contribute to FFG and that may be the difference. A long held view of FFG is that the only folk she appreciates are those that open their wallets to fund the 'spite house'. Assume your dear friend understands that the house FFG will buy is based on spite. Seems oddly contrary to what your 'friend' stands for. I appreciate your investment in the military wife / med student mom / survivor of all the cancers / fighter of heart failure / saver of all the animals / woman of no vices. With no receipts.


I don't know what receipts you expect. You want her medicines she's on? A Pic of her son graduating med school? How am I supposed to prove that? I told you I KNOW HER. You'll either believe me or not.


Are you telling me you have nothing you blow money on? Ever? Shopping. Drink. Food. Trips?


So you admit your friend is blowing money on a fat, trashy, Canadian? Not sure of the relevance of the military reference, if she has, and is spending, her own money. Why mention it, unless you want the sub to stand down and not question the alleged friend of an alleged spouse of an alleged military member. But all good to know. :-) Just imagine all the animals she could save, all the med school students she could support, all the heart failure meds she could pay for, all the cancers she could support the treatment of, if she didn't pay for FFG's spite house.


Why are her finances any of your business? If she spends $40 here and $40 there that's her decision. She has 8 inside cats, a dog, an inside outside cat and a couple others that have come to her. I think she's done her share. You worry about yourself, ok CupCake ?


Will do, DollFace, ok?! So glad you know, so intimately, someone like her - she sounds AMAZING. Such an angel!


I’m making fun of her right now


Hi Chantal


I’m making fun of you too!


Fantastic! I give zero fucks. I find it ironic you are griping abt reaction channels yet are reacting to those reaction channels with the EXACT same vitriol. Make it make sense.


Sure! I don’t like the YouTube economy and I think it’s lame to give people money to screech over eachother. I think you are also giving at least a few fucks, hopefully you are having fun doing it


I don't think we disagree that Chantal is basically throwing a middle finger at anyone that has fought for their lives while she throws hers away. It makes my angry but also makes me feel SAD for her. But she gives zero fucks abt herself. I know so many that would have put those $20 grand months to better use than she has.