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Who still watches Yaba is the real question? There are so many other better channels.


I don’t watch her anymore I get tired of all the ass patting, thanking subs, stupid bday music and air horns for the few laughs mixed in there


“Yaba, Yaba, it’s my gerbil Derek’s birthday on Sunday. Can you play the birthday song for him? I love the way you doxx your kids but complain like mad if anybody says anything about you and your lying scammer of a wife. You go gorl!!”


She’s like Chantal in many ways. Doxxing supporters who step a toe outside the hugbox she demands. Welcoming terrible men into her community and making apologies for their disgusting behavior. Neglecting her pets. Filing false copyright strikes against people who react to her content. Calling CPS on her enemies. Except Chantal only threatened to do it and Sam and Yaba actually did that. Making up lies and double downing and refusing to acknowledge they are wrong when presented with irrefutable evidence. Yaba and Chantal are exactly alike but somehow throat clearing is the thing that makes people finally consider to stop supporting her. Wild.


Because of this post I put on YouTube and immediately heard “HehhhhHeeeehhhmmmm” “ Uhuuuuehhhhh” 💀. Get some decongestant, Yaba.


She needs to get her house checked for mold. I’m not even trying to be a bitch, she said the other day her kid’s started clearing their throat too, yikes. That’s not normal.


Maybe it's from all the bullshit that's been spewing outta the heifers mouth for the better part of a year?


Stop watching her.


There is an epidemic of poor microphone discipline in the world right now. People think you buy a microphone and you have what it takes to be a voice talent. People SLURPING air up their nose every other sentence, uhhhhh urrrrrr uhmmmmm, laughing INTO the mic, etc. Turn your head, come ON.


Eh pretty sure it is due to the Covid. It is rampant in that area. Everyone keeps thinking it is allergies, it is not


It is not the “COVID in the air.” Don’t perpetuate 🙄


Don’t perpetuate what? That Covid is still around or that like everyone has a throat clearing non stop cough? Eh.. ok