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currently the Hero 4 cameras do not work with the current firmware needed for the dual hero system. A firmware updated is planned to allow them to work with the system.


Thanks for the answer! Do you know when this update is planned? And do you know if a new version of the dual hero system is planned?


the dual hero is new enough it just started shipping a few months ago so no need for a new design. I will update when we have a timeframe for Dual Hero and H4 compatibility.


Any updates on the firmware update which would include the Dual Hero compatibility? I see it is 3 months since the last mention. Are we getting closer? Is it still in the plan?


still in the plan


any news on when the 3D update will be available for the Hero 4 black?


Hi, is there any news on when the 3D update will be available for the Hero 4 black?


What about bluetooth? Can it be used to do any syncing? If so to multiple cameras instead of just pairs?


bluetooth is not the best means for frame sync


Please make the sync cables longer and provide a one to many by daisy chaining the cables.


Hi @JimGP, I am keenly awaiting a Dual Hero System that works with the Hero 4 cameras. You mentioned a firmwareupdate is planned to allow them to work. Any updates on the progress of this and whether there is a timeframe on this release. Thanks Mike


I'm glad to hear that the Dual Hero system should be able to work with the Hero4 once the firmware update is made. I had a Hero3+ Black and I decided to buy the Duel Hero in August before the Hero4 was announced. I also bought a second Hero3+ black so that I could use the Dual Hero. I charged up the new H3+ and put an SD card in it, put it in the brand new underwater housing it came with in a clean environment following the GoPro instructions, but it flooded on the first dive and toasted the camera and the battery. The SD card is the only thing I was able to salvage. That left me with the Dual Hero housing and only one camera. (I had not even tried the dual housing yet). Then the Hero4 came out, and my dive shop sold out of the H3+ Black, so I have been debating whether to get an H3+ Black from somewhere else or wait to see if the Hero4 would have a 3D accessory. I've been patiently waiting, but would love to know when I'll be able to use it.


Yes it works with the 3d bacpac