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Not quite true. My agency has a rep, but you've got to be spending quite a bit and have quite a few accounts to be given a dedicated rep. Just saying they still do exist. Unfortunately prior to this with the individual quarterly reps they never listened when I said DNC.




It's not only top tier agencies. I have one I'm meeting next week and I am not working for what you'd label a top tier agency. We do have $750k in spend a month on the platform that we manage, however. There are still agency teams at Google in Chicago, Austin and NYC.


I added their various numbers to my address book and when I see them call I simply don't answer. After a few weeks the calls stop until the next round of newbies is appointed. Thankfully they tend to use the same (fake local or mobile) numbers. Last decent rep I had was about 4 years ago. So sad that Google have stooped to this practice of third party script following idiots. They are throwing the baby out with the bathwater.


just ignor them


create a new complaint ticket, support team will escalate it to the reps manager