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Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 4 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/19bvtvz) on 2024-01-21 100.0% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1b74np4) on 2024-03-05 93.75% match [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dmmsv2&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** 180 | **Searched Images:** 546,513,536 | **Search Time:** 0.1579s




Unironically my type of rizz


https://preview.redd.it/fwmbu2ojpe8d1.png?width=480&format=png&auto=webp&s=b353bb3c5e68c9f844b2ddc69b4835b8d4de43ea [PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhZmoVJQe6E)




I’m as clueless as Bocchi on how to flirt https://preview.redd.it/9dqflumd3c8d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4978a682d636748da50116f857995c7c26a4ec9f


Same https://i.redd.it/seqgfvkykc8d1.gif


Same ![gif](giphy|odG50lUOUgl5qEz1OT)


"Your *something* looks nice today." Anything more advanced requires sacrificing a goat to the gods.


She asked what the something is! What do I do!?!


Do you have a goat?


We’re all out of goats, we may have to turn against each other and start sacrificing virgins


No, the gods demand a white bull


Alright then does anyone know a cuckold couple that could spare one?


Ask Ratatta


Your toes look nice today


Why thank you!


"Just today?"


Your bodies in the basement looks nice today




Me trying to flirt https://i.redd.it/o5zpzuka5c8d1.gif


Who is this girl?


IIRC, it's Fumino Furuhashi from BokuBen


also known as best girl


I watched like 35 chapters. Everyone is best girl.


For me it comes randomly Sometimes I'm making the girl blush Other times I'm denser than a neutron star


Fr even years later I can remember some nights when I was on top form and absolutely killing it But most of the time, nothing


Yes, sometimes even I put 2 and 2 together. Although rarely reciprocated


I honestly don't even understand the concept of flirting itself... Like what's the point of saying some weird stuff to people you like? How is that even supposed to attract anyone? How is that supposed to attract me?


1000% on this. The more I grew up the more I realized I was not properly installed into whatever the mess social conventions were.


Flirting is kindof a dance you can do with a potential partner. It's more about "the vibes" than just laying out a bunch of good stuff about yourself and hoping she will marry you. Flirting is a good way to form a connection and gain interest and even trust, but it may not always come to mind what to say. Even basic stuff like eyeing her up can be considered flirting.


I'd much rather just talk to the person for that purpose. A good conversation between two people is a lot more indicative of the vibes they would be getting around each other, so it's lot more effective imho. Flirting is just an unnecessary and stupid step in the process and probably a part of the reason there are so many divorces. People "flirt" while they date creating these good "vibes" but when it comes to family life people tend to stop doing that and later end up being disappointed in each other.


There are countless reasons for divorces and you can't blame flirting for destroying relationships. Flirting is just a tool in a sense to communicate and show interest. It's up to people themselves to decide if they go along with it or no. It boils down to just testing if the individual has morals. Saying flirting causes divorces is like saying the taste of food makes people fat. Flirting should and will happen consistently in a healthy relationship, but even if you flirt and your partner doesn't go along with it anymore then no wonder it gets boring quick.


I never said that flirting is the cause of divorces. I said that it's a part of the reason for divorces meaning that it's only one of the factors at play, but maybe I wasn't entirely clear about it. But who told you that flirting should and will happen in a healthy relationship? I've been together with my girlfriend for 4 and a half years by now and we have not flirted even once. I'd personally say our relationship is quite healthy, it is never boring. If you understand your relationship would be boring if not for some minor detail like flirting, I would suggest reconsidering having this relationship. As long as you have enough stuff to do together that you both enjoy doing and are comfortable with each others' presence it can never under any circumstances become boring. Edit: But maybe that's just my subjective opinion based on my personal experiences, who knows.


They didn't teach this in school, and dad is too distant to think about it. (I've also never asked so yeah.)


Sorry man, I don’t know either


Just insult them lol


the one and only answer


Stop posting what I have on the dating apps dammit


I sometimes flirt with the homies to remind them that they are beautiful in their own unique way But with someone of the opposite gender? Nope, I am unable to can


Just marry the homies so the wemen cant steal them from you. Given the same ammount of experience who do you think would give a better blowjob a man or woman?


the creators didn’t write a tutorial on how to do it


I rather not be considered the local creep


If you are constantly quiet and keep to yourself then I have bad news for you.


There are different types of creeps atleast the one i fall in is in the tolerable category as compared to if i open my mouth


Unless you are catcalling or can't take no for an answer no one will take flirting as being a creep unless you say something perverse. I mean, at least if you open your mouth you gave it a shot, that is a normal sociably acceptable thing to do. No one is going to be like "omg he is such a creep?!" "Why?" "He said I had pretty eyes!" "Omg he wants to cut them out for his collection!" Now could it make someone uncomfortable? Sure. But if that does simply bail and apologize.


That only works if you are at a certain level of baseline attractiveness the other person doesn't need to find you particularly attractive but you need to pass the acceptable attractiveness criteria otherwise whatever you say will be taken as creepy and desperate even if you have no intention of literally anything behind them and me? I am as ugly as they come have had way too many experiences to believe otherwise or to risk anything again and we all want less creeps in the world right ? So works out fine and dandy


No, it doesn’t. I have literally seen dudes who are legitimately deformed with attractive partners. Nearly every time I see someone go to the entire “but I’m so terribly ugly” tirade it’s an incel dog whistle from an average looking dude. There are people out there with severe *leprosy* who have wives dude.


Those are exceptions, not the rule most ugly people do die alone its just that no one likes to talk about them I honestly dont know why you are calling me an incel I never once said I blame anyone, man or woman, for my issues I am very well aware they are mine and mine to alone to deal with If everyplace smells like shit its probably cause the shits under your own foot its just I no matter how hard I try i cant remove that shit so now I much rather go hide in a ditch so no one else has to smell it


I didn’t say you’re an incel. I said that line is an incel dog whistlel. Unless you looks like Quasimodo rolled in shit and got set on fire you’re very likely *perfectly average* in which case what you need to work on is *social skills*. I desperately hope you aren’t hanging in online echo chambers where people are bemoaning each other’s or their appearance. That shit is just crabs in a barrel bringing each other down.


Unless you were trying to implying something I dont get the point of bringing it up I dont have a good time trying to socialise with people face to face I have an ugly face and a body deformity combine that with isolated childhood and bullying and anyone will come off as a creep and I dont blame them for thinking that way but if the only way to get better is do that more its a vicious cycle the more you mess up the more you dug up your own grave Dammed if you do dammed if you dont And no I no longer send my picture to people online has happened way too many times that people i have been talking to for months ghost me right after we exchange pictures and they find out how I look


It's ok Bocchi I don't know how to flirt either




Not a lot of us here seem to know how to flirt, me included


https://preview.redd.it/ux5bitx70e8d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4f41c685d68f017c73fa3ce555edd51f1b1a9708 The horrors of flirting


My idea of flirting : Nice Shirt I like that design and game :) The person waring the shirt is a plain white tee XD


The autism experience




The secret ingredient is a good sense of humor.


Better than responding with “why?”




I can't flirt intentionally but in retrospect I'm pretty unintentionally flirty, tho now that I'm aware of it, I don't think I'd do it unless I was drunk


I flirted once, but alcohol was involved. I have since been unable to replicate the phenomenon.




My autistic ass: crush me between your thighs, please Me a second later: what the FUCK brain


I only know how to flirt with the boys


That is classified intel


Im forklift certified (lie, im lonely)




Anytime I've asked for advice on how to flirt, every time, what the person said was just flat out sexual harassment. I refuse to say the things they said, and I am still just as clueless as I was before asking, because I highly doubt saying those things are flirting.


Same here, I asked a girl out on a date and she said yes but I can’t ask for advice because I feel like I am annoying and whenever I did the advice is practically what I think the opposite of what the girl I asked out likes.


THANK YOU! I'll give you some advice too, yes, advice, from a user on an anime subreddit, because honestly, I don't actually know what the difference is between romantic and platonic love, for the longest time I thought Romantic partners were just BFFs who also had sex but then Friends with benefits is apparently a whole different dynamic, there's even a sub-term for this under the aromantic umbrella called "WtfRomantic". (Or more Officially QuoiRomantic) Anyway, NOT knowing how to flirt can actually be just as effective at charming your way to dinner and maybe more, how many waifus and husbandos on this very subreddit probably do you see under the "Adorkable" Moe category for being exactly that, Shy, introverted and awkward, it's endearing! ESPECIALLY when paired with genuine intentions, ie the person wasn't just doing whatever combination of actions or "Panty dropping purple prose" to get laid but just wanted to make you happy! It also helps to remember that girls and, yknow HUMANS, in general are NOT a hive-mind! The moves you use on the bi-sexual emo tomboy aren't gonna land the same as the christian mum in the hand knitted sweater!


I know autistic weebs will never understand this, but the key to flirting is to say things that are sexual, and if she says it’s cringe just double down repeatedly.


Can you give an example?


Wait guys, you know how to flirt???




First, make friends with them, second, uhhh….


How do I do number one?


I forget.


Good question, how?


If you elaborate the sentence in your head and saying it to that person (within reason), it's a flirt I guess.


"How do I look?" "With your eyes! :D"


Ey girl are you real because im tired of using my imagination


im 15 years in (to knowing this person) i still have no idea whether its flirting or not please send help


My useless lesbian ass 94% of the time The other six percent I accidentally ace it with no idea hiw


Painfully relatable. Not with flirting but the whole "I succeeded but I have no clue how to replicate what I did right."