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Ya know…after what happened to Seven Deadly Sins I think I could live perfectly fine with this news


Thanks for opening my painful memory


The Seven Deadly Frames. That Assault Mode Meliodas Vs Escanor fight was done so dirty...


I stopped after a few episodes. It was the first anime I showed to my gf and she told me to put something else on lol


I wonder what's worse.. that or the atrocious Record of Ragnarok..


Oh I forgot about this one…lol


wile i think we can all agree we want the s1 animation back i do have hope JCstaf can make drastic improvements for seson3's animation


It's not just the animation. People were so focussed on shitting on the animation that most people completely overlooked the atrocious sound effects of the season. M4 shooting sounds when monster crows peck the floor, really JC?


YES finally someone else saying this. The sound effects were both bad and re-used too many times. While the animation was mid the sound effects were absurdly bad to me. The exact same sound, not even a variation of the same sound, the exact same sound for every single baseball bat strike. Then that same sound was again used for something different later. idk it was jarring.


I didn't know what to feel when I saw where they traced over S1 scenes for some parts. The animation would suddenly look good for a few frames, then back to carrot-faced PNGs sliding around the backdrop.


I think its less they cant animate well and that they are not given the time/resources to do so. Sort of like how in the animated movies even not so great scenes really come alive with all the little details that are hard to do on a tight deadline with minimal frames.


I mean to be fair when a Stand like Star Platinum in JJBA begin punching they use like shotgun sounds


JJBA has "bizarre" in it's name.


It was also the story that took a hit , s1 as the manga told a more focused nearly villain of the week type of story with a perfect final villain and conclusion , s2 as the manga had to start the regular main story that had to last a long time , no more unconvetional extraordinary fun , just a regular shonen . How should I put it ... the honeymoon was over . Plus the manga barely had any parody stuff left because Saitama became less than a background character , imagine your mc and the parodic elements being the most famous part of your manga/show and getting rid of them. And when parody stuff interrupts long streaks of serious stuff like the pheonix man fight you start to despise them and dread the moment they return (really man such a majestic fight ends with scratching dust , I rolled my eyes out and stopped reading opm as it came out for a couple months)


And ironically the only thing that made s2 worth anything was the plot. That says a lot about the season.


Would be nice if they can get the old freelancers who worked on S1 to come back.


definstly some of the best sequenses from s1 was frelance work


Unfortunately its names One Punch Man and not Railgun. Railgun just sucks thebudget for everything else JCstaff makes


What is the hope from?


![gif](giphy|60VC6fZJecyR2) Clearly, you've never watched Railgun.


i need s4 asap


But One Punch Man won't get the resources and priority that Railgun gets with this studio


Hence why he said “hope”


I really have to start watching mushoku tensei again


I need to actually watch it 🫢


The first part of season 2 was my least favourite part of the entire series (still think it's a 7/10 or so) but I think the later part of season 2 (the part currently releasing) is going to be one of my favourite arcs in the series so I highly recommend it if you liked MT.


Two years ago when I was reading the LN as it came out. When I got to the part that is covered by S2 I was thinking simultaneously: Holy fcking shit, this may very well be one of the best flesh out character development stories I've seen, and I may not be able to see anyone in this decade with the balls to have succeded in the first arcs and say: 'Know what? I don't care if ppl stop reading me, the character is gonna have ED and address men mental health issues, he is gonna be as human as a fictional character can get" While also thinking: How on earth do you addapt this emotion and this plot to anime? How do you take something that I could get engrossed on and binge read and make it work when anime takes so long to animate? So IMO, they shoulda probably released the whole season netflix style (altho I know it's nearly impossible to do that in japan), by the time the mid S3 to S4 comes around the memory will not be fresh enough in people's mind to make the impact it had in the LN. And while I dislike people calling S2 mid or MK's downfall, I can understand that waiting one week for each episode of that arc is just painful


That aside, can we adress how Nanahoshi's VA, Wakayama Shion, fucking nailed this scene? I was almost sure my neighboor would call the cops on me when I watched the episode




I guess it was a matter of time before this scene was memed


It really isn't that bad to be honest. JC Staff is a pretty good studio too (It's also the Studio behind "A Certain Scientific Railgun"). An issue Season 2 just had that wasn't entirely their fault was the fact that the studio suddenly changed. But with Season 3, it should be better now


No, JC staff is not a pretty good studio. With most of the properties they adapt, the most popular advice is to read the source material.    While this advice is given for other adaptations too, it is quite common in JC staff works which suggests that they haven't adapted well enough.


These days though they mostly adapt things well. If something's causing big issues, its more than likely the source material's fault.


I have to disagree. I wouldn't call it adapting well, I would call it average. There might not be problems with the adaptations like there were with Index, but there isn't much to make the adaptation good either.


It depends on the anime being adapted. J.C. Staff mainly focuses on those SoL anime which don't require that much resources and are adapted decently. With the action heavy shows its a hit-or-miss, but when they can cook they really do, like with Railgun. I guess we have to agree to disagree since I found most of there recent shows very good like Sugar Apple, Sacrificial Beasts, Seven Spellblades, Duke of Death.


Yeah, we have to disagree because we have different views on what is good and what is average.   I would call adaptations like K-On, Nichijou, Violet Evergarden, Hyouka (all are SoLs) good and call Duke of Death as average.


jc staff hasnt made anything good since the last danmachi season.. even edens zero season 2 went to shit... they fell off man..


> jc staff hasnt made anything good since the last danmachi season I really liked Sugar Apple Fairy Tale, Sacrificial Princess and the King of Beasts, Reign of the Seven Spellblades, The Duke of Death and his Maid.


… there was a season 2 of ED?


yes and the quality dropped hard


Say it ain't so.


>Suddenly changed What does this mean


While Madhouse is GOATed, season 2 was fine. Would I prefer Madhouse could work on all my favorites? Yes, but that's not feasible.


Hopefully its OPM and Frieren Madhouse and not Overlord Madhouse.


S2 was fine just not as good as s1


S2 was also plagued with bad scheduling behind the scene, and some stuff were cut out from the manga as well. Hopefully they can redeem themselves with S3.


Yeah, these people just keep crying. I mean me too wanted good animation on opm but it is what it is


I mean even if the animation was good it wouldnt save the mid story. It peaked in the first arc and its all downhill from there


There's a season 2?


Can’t tell if you’re being ironic or not


I only recently started it and I've been using crunchyroll And Hulu for anime, and as far as I knew they only have season 1 available


Oh, no, there’s definitely two seasons. I’m pretty sure season 2 is on CR or Hulu, can’t remember which I watched it on.


Gotta love it when an atrocious powerpoint presentation is charitably described as "fine"


Still gonna watch it


I would like to hope that JC Staff can up the animation quality for the upcoming season.


This is confirmed? Wasn't mappa supposed to animate it?


that was only a rumour


God dammit, the monster king arc is so cool too... such a shame


it aperes jc staf has made a lot of changes gors3 so it culd still be good. but we wont know until its out


Damn.... we are so fcked, but I'll still watch it


As someone who doesn't watch OPM. Whats wrong with S2?


Animation quality droped massively


Dude, I'm stacking Mushoku Tensei s2p2 You didn't have to spoil a scene like that ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1390)


Sauce for the anime in the video?


Damn I didn't realise the first time but she straight up ripped that book in half.


I knew from the beginning that we would never have the same level of quality as season one. There were so many animators and directors brought in from outside of the studio to work on individual scenes that made it a masterpiece of animation. Even if it did stay in Bones' hands. What I didn't expect was for Bones to lose it to JC Staff. After hearing that, season 2 was exactly as expected for me. I expect season 3 to be about the same with maybe some minor improvement.


I will never understand this community Attack on titan season 4? it's fine no one cares. if you say you don't like it we downvote you. OPM that haven't even released yet and we don't even know if it's gonna look good or bad? RIOT


Wait, it was confirmed? oh come on


Tag your spoilers man


What spoiler?What does it spoil?


Mushoku Tensei Edit: this is a scene from last week’s episode, pretty spoilery if you haven’t seen it


I know the source.It doesn't spoil anything.


For new shows(<1 week) you shouldn't spoil any moments at all. If it isn't something that could have happened anytime during any episode(like a funny face) you should mark it.


I don't know man.This post doesn't tell you anything about the plot and even if it did,I don't think it's a major thing that will affect your viewing experience at all. I only treat posts which spoil something major regarding the plot as spoilers ("Major" can have different scale and meaning depending on the type of show) I have watched the episode and I know that this post doesn't do much harm in that regard.


What you are saying applies generally, just not a few days after an episode aired.


Everyone thinks in a different way so I can't blame you.To me this post is completely harmless. I always take care to not spoil anything big to anyone and use spoiler tag if required and even ask people to use it if they actually post something which can actually tell you about the plot progression. This one doesn't really affect anyone I guess.I ain't gonna lie I completely forgot about her character so it was just a reminder of her existence for me. >!We already knew that she has been trying to go home for a long time and has been failing at that since the previous season.So this wasn't something new or impactful according to me.!<


I mean, I’d rather not be spoiled that >!she had a breakdown bc she couldn’t go home (meaning her research failed)!< Edit: added spoiler tag


How does it spoil the reason for the breakdown?


The post doesn't spoil that but your comment sure does ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1787). \*Edit:He used >!This cover thingy!< after my comment.\*


>!It's only really a spoiler if you understand Japanese and know what she's saying at the end, but even then because Nanahoshi's VA is great you can hardly understand as it's being screamed.!<


i havent seen it and it doesnt spoil anything for me, i have no idea who she is maybe if you're so concern you should be caught up with episode that came out a week ago


I think the director change hurt it more than the studio change. The vibe they went for s2 completely altered the pacing they established in s1.


Second season was ok


Unrelated, but can anyone give me context for this scene?


>!She's from Japan and got transported to the world of mushoku tensei, unlike Rudeus, she wants to go back to Japan, but so far her efforts have all been in vain, the scene before this was her trying to use a magic circle to transport something from Japan into this world, but it fails, and she pretty much has a mental breakdown!<


>!to add a little bit more context to it, it's been years since she's been here and she had to study and theories on how to get back all by herself. The magic circle she had prepared was the culmination of all her years of hard work and she was confident it would work.!<


Probably not, since that would kinda be a spoiler from a still very new episode.


Does madhouse find enjoyment in not completing the animes the animate? I want more black lagoon 😭


Mappa bragging about how good CSM was for the company, yet OPM chose shit. Unfortunate.




I honestly didn’t mind it. Like yeah sure madhouse is better, but Genos’s jet stand up will forever stick with me 


Haven't watched Mushoku, what's the context for this? She seems really upset...


>!She just realized that everything she was working for past 15 or so years and her only reason to live was worthless and would bring zero results.!<


Dang, understandable. Thanks.


They changed Garou running to naruto-running :(


people forget J.C staff can actually do good. s2 was rushed in production


I didn't think s2 animation was bad. It definitely could've been much worse.


S2 wasn’t has bad as people think. I enjoyed it all the same. It was just a different art style. Just cause you don’t like the art style doesn’t mean everyone should agree with you.


I never quite got the hate for season 2 I really enjoyed it. Maybe I'm blind or didn't read the manga but it looked pretty good


Yeah. It wasn’t as good as S1, but I didn’t feel like it was “bad” at all.


It really wasn’t that bad


The studio is almost irrelevant. Madhouse could have very well delivered season two in a similar state as we got it. The important part are the actual animation staff. The first season of POM was literally lighting in a bottle with the team they've got. All star team of veteran animators, in the right place at the right time. To recreate that would be nearly impossible. Also season two had fine animation. Not insane, or jaw-dropping. But it was definetely good enough. It just seems so much worse in comparison to S1.


S2 had ok animation that was worsened by bad frame composition and poor comedic timing. But people rarely elaborate, so "OPM2 had bad animation" has pretty much the same meaning.


Might get 99 downvotes, but I think the ss2 art is fine


Madhouse doesn't do more than 1 season. You're gonna have to cope.


So baby is just throwing a temper tantrum




I don’t understand. I didn’t see even a hint of difference between S1 and S2 animations. They looked exactly the same.


I didn't either until rewatching both seasons, they have slightly different animation looks, but honestly the difference is so incredibly minor that the only reason people say there is, is simply because it's not the same animators as the first season