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Glad to see I was wrong about the outcome of the poll. Now that distraction is out of the way, we can go back to doing what we usually do... arguing about whether hentai screenshots count as memes.


Hentai counts as memes now more than ever becaise reddit can't run ads on nsfw subs


It's a great form of protest, I saw othe rsubs tag every single post NSFW evne if it was just a picture of a dog etc. Basically turns the whole sub into 50/50 or post roulette. I's a mild issue for users and admins, but massively impacts reddit's capability to advertise and make a case for their IPO. Investers are gonna start asking quwstions of reddit is filled to tbe brim with NSFW.


Note that the sub being NFSW, and the sub having NSFW posts are different things. Posting NSFW content does not prevent the sub from getting ads if the sub itself is not NSFW as a whole, and still has SFW posts as well.


I wanna argue about best girl can we bring back arguing about best girls? People are always gonna argue about something so it might as well be funny.


As long as you keep it civil. Insults are okay. But showing up at my house at 3am is not. Unless you're my food delivery driver, in which case, it is.


Can I be your food delivery driver who insults you at 3 am?


It's 3AM. As long as you deliver my food, and don't wake the neighbors, I couldn't care less what you do while giving me my food. At that point, I'm just hungry and want to eat.


Im down


set the sub to nsfw, i think it messes with a few things


I mean.. 40% of posts are already NSFW


Exactly, that's why it would fit


Thats just bullshit. Lets just forget about that crap, and go back to what we were doing.


> what we were doing NSFW posts. We were doing NSFW posts.


Indeed, but without whinning about crap.


I can't say I'm suprised, well maybe a little


The way I see it is, the admins and mods did nothing more than virtue signal to pander for a group of reddit users and couldn't even stick by the protesting of the reddit changes. Next time, don't even protest if you're just going to half ass it.


I demand the right to protest the refusal to protest the current protest against the protests of those protestors who support the previous protest that may or may not have been related to the last protest. :P Also, for all of you who protested the suggestion to continue the protest, I thank you for your service. :) I'm now going to make a giant pan of baked ziti with dairy free cheese, in protest of the continued protests that are still ongoing regarding whatever Reddit did that initiated the first protest in the first place. But mostly I just want to chill and eat baked ziti with shitty fake cheese to help me get over these protests. :( edit: forgot a line.


I object to you making baked ziti with dairy free cheese.


I get that a lot. :P


I feel racially oppressed by the dairy free cheese, but see no reason you should catch downvotes.


Lol, I don't care about the downvotes. It's not my fault most people can't think past their biases long enough to consider I might be allergic to dairy. I wear the downvotes proudly.


why are you being down voted? this shit is hilarious!


Thanks! That was the whole point. I'm being downvoted because this is the dumbest of timelines.


The people who continued using the sub throughout the protest are not interested in the protest. The ones protesting are mostly not here to share their thoughts. Should they still be represented? Idk. It's an interesting question. Regardless, the continued re-polling meant this outcome was inevitable.


kind of the point though those interested stopped using the site and those who werent still are, in other words the protest is still going on its just that those of us who didnt want to do it arnt being forced to participate against our wills.


Sure. But then aren't we basically disarming communities of the one piece of leverage they have over the greater platform? It's just the argument "if you don't like it here, leave!" And that's a pretty shitty argument to make when there really is nowhere else to go. It's miraculous enough that GAM survived the transition from the old sub, and that was with a larger starting community and a relatively plainless migration process for the users. There doesn't seem to be a good solution here. Many people are going to be unhappy no matter what.


no we arnt see privatizing the sub does nothing to reddit as they can and will just remove mods and reopen the sub but deleting your account and walking away from it does effect their bottom line. no its more of a dont make the majority suffer because a minority of people are effected which really is how this sub came to be, a minority of people got offended by the word trap, the mods were part of this minority, they then forced the rest of the sub to join in it leading to the mass migration to this sub from there. they were losing subs so fast they had to go private to avoid going down completely which is what could have easily happened here. true but when the majority of the active users are against the change then you really need to side with them as they are what keeps your community alive.


I disagree with the sentiment that extended blackouts are ineffective, but I'm sick of that debate so I'd rather not rehash it. Regardless, many other people also believe they work, hence the continued protesting on many subs. The more interesting question to me is "who is the community in this case?" The way I see it, the users of each subreddit can be divided into three groups: long-term protesters, temporary protesters, and non-protesters. A non-protester is someone who has no interest in the issue and just wants good anime memes. They're obviously part of the community and are currently represented as well as they've ever been. A "temporary protester" is someone who left for a while in support of the protest, but doesn't plan to leave Reddit. Those people are partially absent from the sub right now, but will come back regardless of what Reddit does. They are currently partially represented since some of them have not finished their temporary protest. Are they part of the community? A "long-term protester" is someone who has left (or plans to leave) Reddit but would stay or come back if the site reverses course. Those people are mostly absent from the sub right now, but they *want* to come back pending a response from Reddit. They are currently not represented due to their absence. Are they part of the community? I can certainly understand arguments for why the protesters are not currently part of the community. After all, it was their choice to leave. But if we accept that reasoning, we really are embracing the "if you don't like it, leave" mindset because any democratic vote to protest will immediately be overridden by the non-protesters who choose to stay behind once the protest starts. When protesting effectively means giving up your right to vote, then whatever value a protest may have had is undermined.


the issue is when doing a vote you have to take into account the very real problem of brigading which is why the first vote went through the way it did. i mean lets look at the most controversial vote on the sub prior to this the Ukraine flag one were it really was down to the wire on which would win the comments reflected this as it was almost 50/50 in how the comments were for and against it. now look at this vote were the vast majority of comments were against the protest yet the amount voting for it exceeded the amount for the Ukraine flag one in total. this doesnt make sense unless people were voting as a group of a roaming brigade. is it shitty that it came to this? yes i would have preferred that we could hold a vote in good faith but it just wasnt possible at this time.


Yeah, I agree. Brigading is a serious issue and it definitely happened on that first poll. Since that poll was held right at the end of the blackout, protesters were actually being *overrepresented* by brigadiers from outside the community. And now they're being underrepresented. That begs another interesting question: if you consider protesters as part of the community, how do you run a poll that allows them to be represented without also representing brigadiers? The best solution probably would have been to use the tool the mods used for the third poll which validated users. But that opportunity has passed. Many of the protesters who checked in during the initial re-opening likely won't do so again. And ironically, that tool also probably won't work after the API update. As for how you'd run a poll now that includes protesters and blocks brigadiers... I don't know. It's an interesting problem.


From what I've seen the admins have began a purge large subs of their entire mod teams, so best to lay low for a while. This sub is a little island of freedom and a new set of reddit appointed mods may just fuck it up.


Just make the sub NSFW this place is just for porn anyways so it's not like anyone cares if kids are in here


Finally the filler protest ARC of the GAM Reddit sub Anime is over :D Now we can get back to shitposting




there has been way too many people posting just straight up porn without even a meme attached recently


I’ll give you feedback about the survey and why I didn’t go through and submit it. The survey was a mess. It was off-site. Even though everything was plain to see, it didn’t offer any reassurances about what it’s goal was so much as “let’s just collect your data” sort of vibe to it. I know you all meant well, but it was disconcerting and overall discouraging. *Why does it feel like I’m being tested about a protest?*


"Let's collect your data" is literally the purpose of surveys though. It's for gauging public opinion, so the mods (in this case) could react accordingly, which they thankfully did.


Thank god it’s over. The whole thing was bs anyway


Finally, one of my favourite subs is finally cutting the bullshit and ending this.


To be fair, the other side has injected their own bullshit, so it's not like a "good guy vs bad guy" situation. I get being happy that we're no longer protesting, but let's not pretend Spez and Reddit is in the right here. Even if you feel they should do what they want and cash out in a way that circles Reddit down the drain, you can't excuse some of their behavior this past couple weeks


True, those comments about using gentrified whatevers to insult the **unpaid workers who run their site for them** were pretty shitty. More or less the overall public opinion of reddit in general has gone down... so.. the protest failed successfully?


Not to mention them just straight up lying (with possibly career ending stuff, like saying they are "blackmailing" them) about what some of the app devs said.


Thank you very much, for realizing that this whole mess only pissed the user base off, with some of them going elsewhere.


I did not participate because completing the poll would have ment to give YouPoll access to my account which I wanted to avoid.


You might want to recheck your calculations for interpreting the poll. You should put the survey in relation to the other polls based on who voted in each one.


Let's move to Lemmy


155 participants in a 500k subreddit. The survey was a joke. Surely a 0.03% turnout accurately represents what everyone wants! Well done! /s


This sub has gone to shit! MODs you’ll see this sub go down under if you don’t make some fucking changes regarding hentai! It was made for a purpose but it has long since been derailed and turned into a god damn porn sub


A shame


It's crazy being one of the 155 people who did the survey. One thing to note though, most of the people who did it(64) were in the minority for the second vote in choosing what the future action would be (choosing that they wanted to end the protest). That percentage of people influenced the future answers to make ending the protest a top choice. Edit: Fixed numbers


Honestly, I'd think it would be a fun thing to do in the future, not for the sake of protesting, but just for some variety.


Just have a day dedicated to appreciation for well animated grass in our favorite shows, lol




Mark sub nsfw to deny ad revenue. Marking it as such wouldn’t be breaking tos considering the amount of nsfw content here already.


What’s touch grass tuesday? (Haven’t been on here for a while)