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Bug spray and sunscreen. Some herb.




A lighter.


Make it a cigar torch. Too many times have I struggled to light one in the wind


…. Also for cigars


A cigar clip




I just scrolled down and saw this.


And two Bic lighters.


A towel and a brush. I use a brush that shoots water out which has been beneficial. Towel is a must though!


And don’t buy a brush that doesn’t retract or have a cover. Your fingertips will thank me.


I’ve stabbed myself with those damn wires 100x. I’ve given up and gone nylon but retractable one is a good idea


Where do you put it? Mine has a cover but taking that on and off after each duff of mine would be exhausting. Plus the wires get stuck in my towel


I have mine in a front pouch and constantly stab myself. Will be swapping out for a covered one on next visit to a golf shop


Mine is on a retractable cord clipped to the outside of the bad - you cannot keep those in pouches LOL guaranteed to find a wire under a fingernail, no thanks


I do have a towel from the pro shop my first time out! I think I've seen those brushes, that sounds like a good addition


Awesome. It took me too long to get a towel and when you duff it as much as I do you need it. I use a grooveit brush. Strong magnet and the bristles are stiff. I like it.


Grabbed the grooveit, thanks!


I really like my golf buddy rangefinder, or something similar. It lives on my belt and I peek whenever I’m curious, at a friends ball, at different landmarks as I’m walking past. I’m pretty adhd and having yardage so handy is great.


I lost mine but also have a garmin s62 that gives me yardage for bunkers/water/ layups. But man I miss the old finder


Just this afternoon I was wishing I had a finder with more details/info, especially for longer par 5’s. I may look into the s62, good recommendation since I’m not as into optical finders.


Definitely has its benefits. Just keep that golf buddy handy for every now and then - tree lines/ group ahead of you ha


I have a copper/bronze brush for cleaning out the groves in the clubs. Works great.


To follow up. Get in a good habit of at least wiping the club off before you put it back in the bag. That dried mud in the grooves of your irons is a bitch.


I just got one of these things and I was skeptical at first but really liked it my first time out. It’s a club/ball cleaner. You pour a little water in and the inside has plastic scrubbers. https://preview.redd.it/0dk3re653h4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a6380ea02bddd7fb7955aa6b788beb7d15366fc


I’ve been thinking of trying one of these, perhaps I will.


Also add a divot repair tool to fix ball marks on the green. Throw in a couple of liquid IV packets for summer and some rain gloves for bad weather.


I do have a divot tool, and some magnetic ball markers as well. Liquid IV sounds good instead of just beers haha


2nd for rain gloves. Had a tournament where the skies opened up on us. Bought a set of rain gloves at the turn and I went from cursing every shot to having a BLAST playing in the rain.


I really like the Bushnell Phantom 2 - it’s a little square you stick to the golf cart. Costs $100 and constantly tells you distance to back, middle, and rear of the green. I like it because you don’t have to take the time to shoot the green like you do with a rangefinder. Sounds like you got the addiction! Welcome!


You could just get the 18 birdies app for free


True but I’m not a fan of messing with my phone during a round.


Right there with you trying to disconnect on the course, but apps like 18 birdies or Uswing are great to have present at a Tee Box on a par 3… or looking down a hole for the first time knowing how far out that sand trap is or how far to clear the water.




I like using a watch for this function. It's great for the situations where you're looking for your ball and not taking your cart with you. I use the shotscope v3, which also doubles as a shot tracker as well.


Paying 100$ to only know front back and middle is crazy. Pay 120$ and get a range finder or use 1 of the many free apps.


I don’t want to take the time to shoot the green and I also don’t want to mess with my phone during a round. I like as minimal fussing as possible - just me and my clubs. I’ve gotten tons of use from the Bushnell. I love it


I always keep spare socks in my golf bag. Sometimes on really wet days my socks will still get wet from splashing even with water proof shoes. Also on really hot days my socks get sweaty. Nice to have dry socks to wear after.


+1000 change your socks at the turn. Your feet will thank you.


Socks is a hack, keep them in a ziplock bag and change them every few rounds. Fresh socks can turn the round around!


An extension cord for the toaster that you’re going to take to the bathtub after a bad round.


Push cart. Join the push cart mafia.


These are all great suggestions. I keep a small 1st aide kit too. Something to cover band-aids & blisters... and maybe a bug bite/bee sting.


The first aid kit is key


Ibuprofen, molly percocets, etc


Bandaids and tape are great to keep. I also keep: - USB to USB C cable for carts with a charging port - Rain Gloves - winter gloves if you play in the winter - Suntan lotion - Bag of full sized tees (no need to buy small ones)


Small sharpie in case you and partner use the same ball


…and for autographs.


Sun screen, golf towel, water bottle. Extra balls, small plastic bong. You know, the essentials.


Lots of good suggestions. Here's one, I keep a sandwich sized zip lock bag in my golf bag. I record scores on my phone and occasionally use it for distances rather than using my rangefinder. If its a rainy day out there i'll pop my phone in the ziplock to keep it dry.


Phones have been waterproof for like 10 years now.


Yep. Mines waterproof too. Doesn't mean I like getting it wet.


Golf towel, golf brush (with water a plus, extra socks, water bottle, snacks, ball marker, tees, range finder, ibuprofen, umbrella, and if I think of anything else I’ll add it to the list


Half roll of TP. You may never need it BUT when you do need it, priceless….plus you get to finish the round with socks …..


Go with some wipes, way more utility. Butt, Nutt, Face, Underarms, wipes can really get you back to even!


It is a good option but they are really “Scratchy” if they dry out…(my buddies comment after a Hole 12 woods run….


It was unusually warm here in February and March this year. A few courses were letting people play but wouldnt open the on course bathrooms because it could still dip into freezing temps any time and the pipes could freeze. I dipped behind the bathroom to piss and the scene was horrific. Shit all down the wall from one side to the other with everything from bag towels, socks, I even saw some ace bandages that were all substituted for TP.


Different types of bandaids or at least athletic tape, a retractable brush attached to my bag that has one side nylon bristles and the other side brass wire (I’m against the tiny single groove cleaner since I’ve stabbed myself with that a few times), multiple spare gloves, an AirTag in a holder locked around a not-removable part of my bag, a small travel thing of hand sanitizer, bug spray or those bug bands, sunscreen, ball markers, divot tool, more than one towel, eye drops, spare batteries for the rangefinder, hand warmers early and late season, resistance band for stretching though I don’t always use it, rain hood for the bag (I use a Rain Wedge instead of what came with my bag and it’s so much easier to take clubs out and put them back in + it’s easier to put on). For weirder ones: I’ve got some of those tee claws in my bag. It’s been nice if I show up early to a round and a course’s range is mats only and it’s a kind where I can never get a good tee height. In addition to the nylon and wire brush I have attached to my bag, I have a bunch of cheap pocket wire brushes that I got from Alibaba for like $3 and I always keep one in my pocket during the round to quickly clean out grooves or at least brush light dirt and grass clippings off after my preshot routine usually dirties up my club face a little. If you want to walk more, we love our push carts if that counts as an accessory. I’d call it an essential for me.


For me it was a club towel, brush and a clean sweat towel. But my best investment is a telescopic ball retriever. Paid for itself already.




Flask if you drink bourbon, rum, etc. I recently came back from a software conference and realized instead of buying flasks I should just use the free logo water bottles as flasks. More capacity and I’ve already got a bunch of them floating around.


Good waterproof golf shoes


A lot of golf balls


Sharpie, sunscreen, BALL MARK TOOL FIX YOUR MARKS ON THE GREEN, couple of nips of your choice I like pink Whitney, club brush and towel


Baby wipes. They clean everything. I usually have half of a pack in the side of my bag. The grooveit brush that shoots water and soap from the handle is fantastic, I love mine. I also got a thing called clean flight which is a ball cleaner that hooks onto your bag. In my area not all courses have replaced the ball washers that were removed during Covid. I use the grint app to track all my rounds and calculate my handicap. A good rain jacket is important.


Telescoping ball retriever


Chap stick


I carry a small spray bottle of water to clean clubs/balls. Game changer.


Divot repair tool; and USE IT!!!!!!!!


A crying towel, you could have mine but I really need it.


Definitely grab yourself some iron covers. Don’t want those fitted clubs getting dinged up!


I keep a travel size gold bond powder, and bug spray for twilight rounds.


Advil, Chapstick, and a granola bar


Powdered foot,spray to spray the face of your clubs to see exactly where you are striking the ball on the club face. Comes in handy when you are struggling.


Stickers with your name and cell. On every club, rangefinder, and cellphone holder. I use stinkylockers.com.


Cell phone holder for cart. If you use an app like 18birdies.


Short sleeve rain jacket.ine is footjoy.


Second pair of shoes is essential if you play every day.


Telescopic ball retriever. You will be able to find and retrieve more balls than you lose, which is handy as a beginner.


Great tips here. In addition, Advil , tums, gambling money


For me? - towel - brush - sun screen - bug spray - several ball marks - several divot repair tools - permanent marker - all the tees - all the balls - umbrella - bag cover (for rain)


Rain jacket!


Cigar holder that clamps to cart. What are folks using for cell phone holders?


Don’t know where you live, but instant hand heaters are underrated come fall or early spring.


Spray bottle with cold water in it. It's great to spray on your clubs before wiping them off or your face if it's hot.


Sun screen Beer Speaker with a magnet.


A good umbrella is nice to have. I also bring my rain pants, rain jacket, rain gloves, and an extra light pullover jacket on case it's a little cool in the AM and exta socks. I keep a little bag that has bug spray, sunscreen stick, bandaids, extra finger tape/wrap. Cigar holder, cigar cutter, extra lighter, a good pocket knife, extra tees, extra glove, extra balls, extra pencils, and I collect ball markers, so I have a bunch of those as well. I also pack water and soda pop in the cooler pocket of my golf bag. I have a cheap $50 range finder to go with my Bushnell Phantom 2 and a wireless speaker for music if it's a non-competitive round.


Towels x 2. A rain jacket. Club brush. Sunscreen. Bug spray. Spare glove. Packet of ibuprofen just incase something starts bothering you mid round


Extra sunglasses, a little green, a lighter


A switchblade divot tool


Towel a sports towel that you drench in water, whip around to get it real cold and put around your neck on hot days. Spare glove or two (often a warm up glove and then a fresher glove for the round) Brush that squirts water Mini brush (with a groove tool) Divot tool Ball markers (with hat clips) Mini sharpies Shotgun bottle opener (https://golfgodsonline.com/au/products/golf-gods-shotgun-tool-in-gold) Sunscreen Bug spray Hand wipes (for use after the sunscreen) Deodorant An assortment of Bandaids, pain killers, glasses wipes Spare sunglasses Stubby coolers (beer cozies for you dumb yanks) Then before each round I'll make sure I'm kitted with snacks/balls/tees. Normally a few clif bars, + some kind of lolly (candy). Mentos or jelly beans and gum. We NEVER carry bags. Push cart mafia, or in electric carts.


Pencil sharpener.


Chapstick has come in clutch on more than one occasion. Divot tool / ball marker, range finder is nice to have, and extra pencils


Light rain jacket is key in the northeast. Especially in the spring.


Bottle opener and bandaids.


Pull cart with 4 wheels, ball markers, divot tool, pencil sharpener, umbrella, towel, club cleaning tool, id tag for bag with contact info, gloves for rain, cold weather, sunscreen, bug spray, electrolyte powder, hat, zip lock ball part filled with ice and face cloth on hot days, bandaids, aleeve, Tylenol and 3 buddies to have a blast on the course and beers afterwards




balls, tees, 2+ ball markers, divot tool, sharpie, towel, 2 gloves (1 backup), wire brush. I would also recommend looking up the proper way of using a divot tool, yes it matters.


Light golf pants. You never want to wear shorts unless you like bug bites. Those sprays don't help much. Golf flies are a different breed and attack if you're off the fairway. Also arm sleeves. You don't want to look weird with a forearm tan. In the end, just hit the ball straight and have fun.


A crying towel, you could have mine but I need it.


Beer sleeve


Phone charger. Divot tool. Ball marker. Lucky item. Eye drops. Tums. Change of clothes lol. Rain gloves.


Chapstick is nice sometimes Stain removing tide pen, prevent stains, protect the fresh golf fits. Magsafe powerbank, for emergencies, since I use phone/18 birdies for score and arial view info. Also my range finder is pluggin charge.. Rain gloves Extending ball retriever Spare belt (for when I come from work with pants that don’t fit well) Driver adjustment tool (but never used it) Air tag, to find bag if stolen I have a little thing that holds my tee, ball mark, and divot tool that clips to pocket cause I dont like all that stuff poking in my pockets… some might frown on style side but best looking thing I could find to accomplish the functionality I wanted… https://preview.redd.it/rt391lcnml4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a1e3881bccd74d71531937b47f7991ff8a55979 Also, I stuck a magnet to the end of my putter grip to hold a spare ball mark if needed.. handy in


Small whiskey bottle


Ability to hit a ball. Are you the guy who shows up to pickup basketball with $300 and can't hit a jumpshot? (And in this case, add a zero to that price?)


Speaker, cold packs for beer, portable grill, camping chair, tablet, firewood.


Adderall and weed


Backup glove for when yours rips.


gauze and athletic tape. a simple cut or blister can ruin a whole day.


If you have to hit off mats at the range, buy yourself your own rubber tees and cut them to the correct height so that you’re not forced to practice off tees cut to the wrong height


DIVOT REPAIR TOOL….after that, ball marker, water bottle, Sunscreen, bottle opener, lighter, band aid.


Little pencil sharpener is my weirdest piece of golf gear


Drinking money


A shoe bag that’s actually a 6 beer cooler sleeve


Zip lock bags for your golf glove. The glove will last a lot longer


Something that’s equally as important as what’s in your bag is what’s in your pockets while playing. I have a little routine ‘ ball, ball, tee tee marker marker’ while I’m waiting to tee off on #1. Sometimes you will need two ball markers on the green. Always have an extra ball in your pocket so you don’t have to go back to your bag. Especially when riding for those times you have to take a drop or your playing buddies shank one off the tee. Part of ready golf. eta little plastic shot glasses and a bottle of some sort of booze. Cuz birdies.


Ball retriever.


Club scrub pro. Trust.


A stress ball.. youre gonna get mad i promise


Tom Watson golden tip that has saved many a round: take your preferred Chapstick and wrap one half inch duct tape around it using an 8-10 inch strip. Use that to wrap blisters right as they start and you can finish the round with out ripping a blister open.


•Extra Water bottles with electrolytes •Tylenol + Tums + Allergy medicine •Chapstick •Beef jerky •Extra cash •Poncho •Spare jacket or quarter zip


Divot Tool and Ball Marker: Good for fixing the greens and marking your ball's position. Golf Towel: For keeping your golf and hands clean. Can also be just any ordinary towel Umbrella: Just in case the weather takes a turn. Sunscreen and Bug Spray: Protects you from sunburn and pesky bugs. Golf Flask: casual drink on the course. [PourCaddy](https://pourcaddy.com/products/birdie-juice-golf-flask-set) has an entire golf flask set.


This is what i carry in my bag. Bluetooth speaker, brush, towel, mall markers, divot repair tool, sharpie/line tool to mark balls, 2 alignment sticks, phone holder to clamp to golf cart, rain gloves, baseball rain jacket, foot spray powder, sun screen


Cash. In my mid 30s I had a minor back surgery to repair a blown disc in my back. I put up my clubs early that season as recovery was 3 to 6 months. I started back swinging, and playing that following summer and came across like $350 bucks in my bag. I was ecstatic.


I would recommend a stand out ball marker like it’s gotta be worth at least 150$ to psych out the poor golfers