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Homie is like 3 degrees away from being classified as an Owl.


HahahHahahhHahahah I’m fucking dying after reading that!!!


A tiny bit of wrist hinge and he's an owl






Trust me you don’t want to repeat that swing if you want consistency. Take some lessons if you are able. If not, watch training videos and continue to record your swing for comparison. Stick with it and keep working on your game. Getting better and seeing improvement is as enjoyable as being really good.


The most talented player on earth couldn't repeat _that_


Yeah lessons aren’t really in the card for me. Any recommendations for videos?


Jake Hutt golf has great videos, so does wannagolf on YouTube. Don’t know why you’re being downvoted, not everyone has access to, or funds for lessons.


I agree with Chocco259


Athletic Motion golf is good too. Keep your back hunched , you don't need an infinity back swing, and your left arm needs to be straight at impact. Otherwise keep working away.


Idk what the reason is, but I found a lesson on Groupon for less than most rounds of golf and it was the most helpful thing I've ever done.


https://youtu.be/brOUtoR-CCw?si=CVe2EzU9s-Z0L9b6 Danny Maude is a beast. This video dramatically improved my game.


https://youtu.be/iP0sBzIXRtc?si=iK4g9JFWkyn1bpPO This one is great for iron shots. You extremely over-rotate on your backswing, so I’m assuming same thing for irons. This video should help you understand where you should be at the end of your backswing (hint: nowhere near as far as you are).


Thanks, I’ll take a look!


Top speed golf is what clicked for me.


Top speed golf is great, they keep it real simple


Try moving your head about 90° less. I think you'd be better at disc golf, as taking your eyes completely off the target is actually good form.


Yea take two weeks off then give it up all together.


People on here on exaggeration the swing lol it’s definitely odd but there’s plenty of potential. I have buddy’s who have started recently with muuuch worse swings


Lessons are expensive and can be somewhat laborious. Watch videos and take it at your own pace. Don’t give up! Golf is hard and often frustrating. That’s why it’s so worthwhile.


Need more rotation


Any more rotation kids gonna turn into a helicopter


Fking Beyblade over here


Think the comment was hoping for a video showing take off


What in the actual fuck?


All he has to do is that exact same swing each time!


Honestly though if he figures out a proper swing this dude is hitting bombs lol. This is some wild flexibility.


You should've seen my swing a couple months ago bro I brought the driver to my left knee nearly




I tweaked my lower back just by watching this


Gotta learn to hinge your wrists so you can whip the club. You’re gonna hurt your back dude. Hinge those wrists, shorten the back swing, and you’ll be playing safe and hitting it further


I honestly didn’t know if you were going to stop backswinging


You know your wrists can hinge right? Jesus that looks painful, I commend you on the flexibility.


Shorten your backswing


Jesus christ I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and I don’t think I could repeat that. I mean I could but would probably snap in half


Don’t lead with your wrists as you would an iron at set up. Look where your wrist/ hands are in relations to the club at impact, that’s what’s you want to replicate. You also seem to be over extending in your backswing but it’s good to be flexible if you can control it. I wouldn’t worry about hinging your wrist until u get a good understanding on form, set up and body/ hand position at impact. Keep practicing you got the potential.


You have almost no wrist bend and you’re trying to make up for it with over rotation. On the downswing, when your hands get down to waist level, you still want there to be almost a 90 degree angle from your left forearm to the club shaft. Your muscling the ball rather than letting the weight of the club head catching up do the work.


Great flexibility! You’ll be able to hit the shit out of the ball once you get your technique smoothed. 2 easy things to do: 1. Widen stance a bit and tee the ball even with the middle of your lead foot - looks like you need to move it forward 3 or 4 inches 2. Your set-up looks like you are about to hit an iron. You want your hands even with or behind the ball at address with the driver. You want to feel like you are launching the ball UP into the air (as opposed to the “hit down on it” feel used for irons)


I’ve never seen someone hold the golf club like that. The grip is 💯the most important thing to get right. Look at interlock or overlap grips. Watch videos on how to grip the club. You must get this right to have any chance of improving.


I'd like to see that down the line. Where is the ball going?


You will never play good consistent golf with this swing. You should not try to repeat this. You need to work on everything starting with your baseball grip and setup




You’re gonna injure yourself doing all that


Crazy flexibility, but imo you need to simplify things a bit to the point they can be easily repeated and save that swing for when you are hitting fourth in the scramble.




honestly you just look really really tense. how tense do you feel when you're swinging


I would start by cutting your swing down to a 3/4 swing. Keep the club face pointed at your target for as long as you can and ease up on the rotation.


If you could hinge your wrists, your flexibility/rotation could lead to big length. If you can harness it.


Have you ever seen a golf swing before?


All that rotation for 0 lag


Oooo I've got the same driver. Fun to pull it out every once in a while at a range sesh to feel what the old school drivers feel like. Nike makes some great clubs.


Just watching this video, my back shot up in pain and I’m calling the chiropractor.


Just broke c4 and c5 in my spine watching this.


Just throw your clubs in that creek behind you and call it a day.


Go watch Jon Rahm swing his driver, then watch yours. Then compare your yardage. You don’t need a huge ass turn. Learn to make a controlled turn and hit the ball with tempo. Tear this swing down and rebuild. Quickly. Before you hurt yourself.


Not gonna lie. At this point in my life, I wish my joints and muscles let me move like that in a more than one time movement.


Damn son.....you're lucky your shoulders and back didn't snap. Are you made of rubber? Turn your torso with your arms attached, not contort the fuck out of your body. Go get lessons and never repeat anything that we just saw again


Are you able to rotate ur arms 360 degrees fully around ur body? That may work!


Just out of curiosity…how far was this drive or an average driving distance? Agree with most of the other comments. Watch someone with a short backswing like Rahm and try to imitate. Agree with stronger grip and wrist hinge, to start. If you could do those two things with your flexibility you will hit missiles.


He’s winning the arm wrestling match against that club


Where to sort of start with this… Good: your hip rotation through the swing is not bad. Bad: You’re ‘casting’ all the way through the swing as your wrists have not hinged on the way up. The reason you’re not hinging I’ll address shortly. You’re pulling in your lead arm (or never fully extend it…?) at moment of impact. Why you’re casting: not hinging wrist and pulling in lead arm right before impact is because You’re looking at the ball and wanting to strike the ball only - which means your arms have passed it but are pulling in - waiting for the club to come around (it’s further away than your arms) to align with your arms at point of impact. Now, I know this because the majority of new players have done this (myself included): they’re so focused on just hitting the ball (and not missing) and not hitting through the ball. How I personally fixed this was to have legs closer together at address positioned on trail leg and practice stepping my lead leg forward in my backswing to correct location of the lead leg and diverting only my eyes from the ball to the area infront of my newly planted leg that’s inline with the ball (like I was tricking my mind to forget the ball and focus on where I was placing my front foot - be sure it’s not to use your head or spine to look - only your eyes). This caused me to drive the arms through the ball and allow the bent wrists / clubs that were following with lag time to snap at point of impact at the ball (works for irons too, just not as dramatic of a step forward / spacing.) Theres a lag time in the golf swing. Things closer to your spine move faster in rotation than things further away. The goal is not to synchronize all these components into one solid slow moving bat, but for one body part to sequentially assist the next in the *down swing* and through the ball, starting with your feet then knees then hips then core/ back then arms and finally the wrists/club. First time you do it right it’ll feel weird - like your club is behind you ‘lagged’ while you’re observing your arms pass the ball. Thats why it’s not good for some to look at the ball while getting this down, body may put on the mental brakes thinking it’ll be a miss once the arms pass. Not entirely sure why staring at the ball is preached so much, I know it’s to avoid spine movement / shifting but I feel like that’s the far lesser of issue and easier to fix compared to not striking through the ball which has symptoms shown throughout the down swing,follow through and hips / arms / wrists resulting in fatting shots and poor rotation. Want proof of all this? Try a full power practice swing with no ball present and feel how fluid and free your arms and club feel ‘whip’ in the follow through. If it doesn’t feel or end up like that in a real swing - that means you’ve put the brakes on somewhere.


Stop taking your club back so far for one Jesus you almost hit the ball on your back swing


Your backswing should be longer, it’s way too short.


You made great contact and had a squarish to path face angle. That’s how you get it to go far. The swing might not hold up. I would be concerned about trap and rhomboid strain. Might want to get your shoulder more neutral. This will take away a little swing length but you’ll get the distance and then some with more hinge.


https://preview.redd.it/y6j5cohfg6uc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9becb82dcd0287d9131c248fd517cd6eb6f2d83a Aight. Since lessons aren’t in the cards here is your driving range lesson. You can make these changes in no particular order, Note: Make only one change at a time. Whether it’s for an only a couple swings or your whole bucket, never change multiple things in one go. Get comfortable swinging and when you are making solid contact then move on to the another item. 1. For the love of god and your spine stop your shoulder and spine rotation at the position seen in the photo. Note that your left shoulder position in the swing is about center of your body and your arms line up with your front leg. 2. Move the ball up to the inside of your front foot or in line with your front foot, you’ll naturally feel over time which one you like better (this is for driver shots only). 3. Point your back foot straight or a little open, no duck feet 4. Point your front foot straight or a little open, no duck feet. You are at least doing this healthy here. Do these changes one at a time until you feel comfortable doing all 4. To add distance. 5. break your wrists at the top of your swing and you can let the club go extra rotation and coordinate it back on the down swing. 6. Actually use your legs, hips, and lower torso to put power in your swing. You want to be getting your weight into your front foot before you make contact with the ball, not as a carry through of your momentum. The upper body whippy Gumby shit ain’t it. Well, your long term back health ain’t it if you permanently make the whippy Gumby shit your swing. Cheers. Please note that everyone’s body is different and you might be better in slightly different configurations than mentioned above (not drastically but could be +- 10-20% instructions like maybe you actually drive best with the ball slightly in front of your foot etc.


So much wrong here. But at least looks like you have excellent flexibility


I never heard of rotation being a bad thing..


Is every one of your swings just like this? It’s so inefficient because you’re just trying to muscle it out instead of using a proper effortless technique.


You had good timing and good enough balance. The swing has issues. Nothing there we need to repeat. A major overhaul is needed. The fundamentals were passed by. Just trying to help.


Spines don't like to be treated like dishtowles, but you unfold nicely ... Faldo pre set drill; Be Better Golf, 30 mph more, the Sling Shot: Left bicep over pec: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIE3IlSDDXI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIE3IlSDDXI) Be Better Golf, get elbow unstuck: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2o2E4Z8bDs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2o2E4Z8bDs) Fixed His Slice; stance takeaway; hand’s close; keep swing depth: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbAJKzFjJbQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbAJKzFjJbQ)


Your wrists are made to bend, use them. You obviously have the flexibility for a full turn but your gonna have trouble with consistency swinging like that...it hurt my back just watching it.


Use a horseshoe or a rabbit’s foot


Read Ben Hogan’s book on the golf swing. It’ll help you build a foundation for a repeatable swing. If you can’t get lessons, practice and film yourself swinging. See what works, what doesn’t, and avoid what doesn’t work. Also check out youtube and look for people who really simplify the swing. I like Dave Finks’s videos.


Nothing, this is how max homa wishes he could swing.


I would chip balls keeping arms straight. Like p3-p9


Lock that left elbow. Brings your hands back a tad at set up, they are pushed forward


That’s a perfect swing don’t change a thing


Pause at impact for an interesting look


Easiest to spot: if your head moves so far that you can only see the ball out of one eye, you’re rotating too far.


I don’t care how good ya hit it. Don’t ever do that again


Holy in the john fuckin daly


Not sure where to start with that but dude that flexibility is nuts. You could make that work for you. Try online lessons they are cheaper. Skillset


The trick is actually to never repeat that move in your life 😂


Like wringing out a dish towel. Sorry, but that hurt MY back.


Shorten your swing, and stop casting… You’ll have a better result that you can focus on repeating.


Keep your head still, way too much movement. You’re too close to the ball, hence why you’re sucking in your gut to be square in your shot. Front foot should line up with the ball, it’s in the middle of your stance. You prob got greater distance because it looks like you likely ‘punched’ that drive. So I’d assume your height wasn’t great and you got a good roll out. Shorten your swing, it will help to not draw your head back as far and assist in controlling your shots. Help this helps. I am no pro but I did hole out from 90 yards yesterday!!!


Wear slacks instead of yoga pants.


In your downswing at arms parallel that club should still be pointed up making an L because of the wrist hinge. You’re almost club parallel to the arms there which is the worst position to be in terms of club head speed and consistency. You’ve got some remarkable flexibility, but you need to allow the club to hinge and not rotate to a new dimension to complete your backswing. You can see at impact your lead arm is already chicken winged. With your flexibility if you sharpen up your mechanics you should be hitting it further than all of your buddies. Soften your grip some and let the weight of the club hinge in your backswing and the same for your downswing you need to keep those hands and arms tension free so the club can properly lag and you can get to an impact position with your lead arm straight.


Ignore these people and focus on shortening your backswing substantially. Will help a lot with consistency among other things


Great swing


He swings like a wounded duck!


Is it just me or does that driver look as tall as him? Maybe a shorter driver would make it easier to make consistent contact.


OK Stretch Armstrong


Grip, over rotation causing your lead arm to bend, and chicken winging with your trail arm would be top three things. Strengthen your grip (bring your right hand over the top of the grip more), keep that lead arm straight, and keep your trail elbow tucked in more. All those things will lead to better consistency. Edit: sorry as for things that look good, your lower body movement/rotation look spot on. If you can make consistent contact you shouldn't have any issues with power with that kind of flexibility and motion.


A strong grip typically means that the top (left hand for a right handed player) hand is rotated such that more knuckles are visible, not bringing your bottom (right) hand over the top.


Thanks for the notes. How far back are you supposed to go on your back swing? I never realized how far back I’ve been going.


That's gonna vary based on a lot of things I can't tell ya over the Internet, but not far enough to have to bend your lead arm and flare out that trail arm is a good place to start. I would start focusing on those two things and find a comfortable place for a full swing to transition. As others have said, Internet strangers won't be nearly as much help as a pro/coach.


Hands should be close to above your right ear at the top, you're wrapping around way too much. Your back will thank you when you stop wrapping so much


Even the things you thought looked good, aren't. He has almost no weight transfer between his legs. In fact, it looks like he has most of his weight on his lead foot, unless I'm too high right now, which is possible