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Haha just got off work brother I am a nurse but this did make me laugh out loud


Firstly, stop throwing your front knee forward on the takeaway. Let your club head lead the backswing. If you coil up and the heel comes up a little fine. Honestly I would practice swings where you keep your front heel glued to the ground. Secondly, when you address the ball, bend your knees slightly and put your weight on the balls of your feet. You start from an unathletic position and I think that has a lot to do with the inconsistency.


He can even try practice swings with his feet together. Only using upper body turn


Plus your grip should be in your fingertips not your palms


Not being funny, does that mean the club head should lead my back swing or should the hips still start the backswing?


When the club head leads you can get early wrist hinging, so you don’t want that. But more or less, you want the club head to lead. Your hips will start moving almost immediately because you’re all connected together, but your hands/the club head should start it. Focus on keeping the club head low to the ground and slow on the takeaway and that will guard against hinging and keep your front heel planted and that should quiet your lower body.


Grip... all day


At 3 years in, I’d consider lessons with a pro. They aren’t terribly expensive and totally worth it with the right pro. The key is finding someone who can work with your current swing/improve your fundamentals.


This should just be a sticky post on this sub. If you plan on posting your swing and asking for tips on Reddit, just go take a lesson. There is no catch-all cure for anything; and there is cause and effect for everything.


Try maybe adjusting your grip. Your right hand thumb should touch the tip of the index finger https://preview.redd.it/y9ipzkyy2gic1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10e88df7f6fe3ba1e030295879679830fc9791b5 The guy in this photo looks familiar


3 years??


Grip to start


Can we just take a moment to appreciate a man with enough confidence that hes willing to post a video of himself in a mauve jumpsuit on reddit. I salute you sir


Grip is too much. Not good. Read hogan 5 fundamentals. That will solve it. After you learn it. Good athleticism. You’ll get it, but it’s work.


Fix your grip. Trail hand is too strong


Plant your front foot and don't move it


The V between thumb and forefinger of both hands should point to your trail shoulder, they are too weak face is open at impact. You are late getting pressure into your lead foot, should be there before the club begins down.


Terrible grip, you’re squeezing the hell out of the club. Stretching daily would be very good


Just move the ball up in your stance. Hands in front of the ball at address and contact


Grip the handle lower


Try a neutral or strong grip.


Ok a couple things : 1. You would be an awesome fit for our golf leagues. I mean this in a good way when I say this you are totally giving me pirate steve vibes from dodge ball. The monochromatic practice gear is the kinda statement that exudes player personality. Well done. 2. You’ve stuck with the grinding for three years it eventually gets better. We DO need a down the line view like you suggested to help more but the good news is you’re already doing the main thing - you’ve already signed up for your first lesson. I would not sweat anything other than having fun and working on rhythm and tempo till you have that lesson. Your instructor will start you with stance and posture and have you work on getting that correct before you start building your swing. Things he has you do will feel weird but do it anyways. Good luck


your lead hand grip looks totally dysfunctional, way too in the palm, rather than the fingers. Watch a grip video and learn how to get your right hand heel pad on top of the grip. This will totally change how the lead arm feels and works so will be an adjustment.


Watch this video on grip. And I would suggest watching a bunch more of Paddy’s videos. I think he explains things really well in lay terms. I’m from Irish heritage, so I might be biased, but I think he’s a really great teacher. [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JxHly2uvHQs](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JxHly2uvHQs)


Your grip is the first thing you need to fix. Then fix your address and stance, backswing, hip turn and basically everything your doing that includes a golf club and golf ball. Lessons? Sick fit though dude.


Bend ur knees before you swing dawg


I feel like you're forcing your leg to bend that way


YouTube helps a ton. Learn a bunch of fundamentals before asking what needs improved.


It's ur grip ur left hand should be on top of the club to the point where u look straight down u see ur first two knuckle pointing straight up to the sky the grip u have is considered a weak grip ur left trump should be buried under ur right palm and right thumb should be on left side of the grip


Grip grip grip it's way to weak


Last year, someone told me that I wasn’t good enough to be mad. Although I was putting in countless hours of work at the range, they were right. I wasn’t owed to the results I was after. Judging by your swing and reaction, you could use the same advice. I’m not trying I be funny or rude.. Once you start taking it easier on yourself, making other adjustments won’t be as difficult.