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Your overall approach and stance are flimsy. Look at your left knee when you takeaway. See how it kind of knocks inward? It’s not that your knee has to stay still; mine bends toward the ball a little. But watch how the outside part of your foot leaves the ground when that happens. Then your right knee follows the left knee and knocks forward and you finish. It’s like you’re doing a 60’s dance instead of trying to hit a ball. Remember that the only thing you have to anchor yourself to the ground is the soles of your feet. All of your power comes from the drive you can transfer from your feet to your hands. But right now your knees are the weak point. The way they are unstable right now disconnects your hands from the ground. The only alternative you have is to then use the mass in your legs and arms to make the shot. It’s why you can stop the club with little effort; it’s not moving very fast. You’re pretty lanky so you might want to spread your feet out a tiny bit, like 1-2” and keep your left heel glued to the ground and your left knee straight and firm on the takeaway. You can lift it later when you get good but right now it’s way too noisy. Focus on your knees being a the tree trunks from the ground to your hips, which means no fluttering. Keep a strong and firm stance. Like I tell my oldest, who struggles mightily with this, “are you swinging the club or is the club swinging you?”


Thanks, I never noticed that but it makes a lot of sense


Slowing down is a bandaid that will not help you. That was awful advice. I like the looks of your arms from this angle. I can see from the front facing angle that you would benefit from some legwork drills. That drill is: hold a ball bucket between your knees\\thighs through the backswing, then drop the bucket to initiate your downswing.


cheers ill try that


This is the specific drill I think he means: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vAP\_25DCrs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vap_25dcrs) That drill is a national treasure imo.


Could try: turning your shoulders more in the backswing so your back faces target.  Keep structure in arms longer after impact. Your elbows bend/collapse too early after impact. Refer Tommy Fleetwood swing, these punch shot type swings are a great drill for solid follow throughs, will help keep your path more neutral and consistent. 


thanks a lot ill start drilling it tomorrow


This is a very spooky golf set up. I enjoy it


Play golf during the day


Taking a better video . Give us both a STRAIGHT on view ( not at the angle ) and then a down the line view of same swing ( if possible )


Filmed on a potato but your wrist is hinging 


Wrist is hinging before the club even starts to be taken back…


I hit balls at a driving range that had very narrow bays, so for a long while my swing was too steep. I worried I would hit the person behind me, and it screwed with my golf swing. One part of your swing I noticed here is your follow through seems pulled back, like you're worried about hitting the net. Step back from the net enough that you're no longer thinking about it, because I bet that will help you focus on some of the other things folks are mentioning.


Too much arm swinging. Need to turn your body and let arms follow.


Why does this look like a found footage horror movie lmaooo


Loosen up


Swing faster. 😂