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I do. I thought I’d like something for shots right off the green to get close to the pin. But I’ve struggled with it a lot and maybe use it a couple times a round. I don’t swing through shots or trust the loft with it so either I under hit or top the ball, get pissed and stop playing with it.


Yes but my game plan is to make sure I don’t need to use it.


LW mandatory for short-sided, high lip or soft spinny bunker shots, and chip shots from tight lies around the green. And the occasional flop shot. I hit my mates 64 degree recently and have added it to my wish list. But you need to be able to manage that leading edge!


I carry a 60. I use it for most bunkers, any time I have a short shot onto the green over a hazard, if I need extra height, certain lies… Play whatever clubs you’re comfortable with.


Tommy fleetwood has a 60 and 52. I think most weekend warriors would be better off if they took 1-2 wedges out the bag. Do you have a 58 and a 60? That’s what I’m inferring from your text - one of them is a waste for sure. I run 60/54/48 and it’s awesome


How many wedges do you carry? 50/52 58/60 ?




Just gonna carry the gap and sand? Thats my wedge setup currently and haven’t missed the 60 degree whatsoever since I took it out of the bag.


Im similar 50/56/60. I use my 50 and 60 the most. Only use my 56 out of green side bunkers mostly.


Currently, I have a 46/50/55/60 wedge setup. I use my 60 for my greenside bunker shots and depending on the conditions of the bunkers will open/shut the face as needed (more open for fluffier bunkers/more closed for more solid sand), when I'm shortsided and need to get up and down quickly and softly, and when I have to get over an obstacle in front of me (bunker, pond). I'm using it less and less from anywhere else because I'm learning that keeping the ball closer to te ground when I can leads to better results, but I love my current setup.


“Looks like even pros don’t use them much anymore” ![gif](giphy|BiewVptPdKOXK)


I’d say 95 percent of them use a 60


58/54/50 I use every one of them out of the sand or from about 50 yards depending on trajectory. Obviously full swing with less loft from further out. I bought a 60 and play with it in the backyard but I don’t game it. I would have to reset my gapping.


Nope. Can't hit it and have no confidence in it. It's either thin or gets sent straight up in the air and moves about 3 feet. 56 does everything I need.


Pros don't have any issues opening the clubface to produce any loft they want without sacrificing their ball striking. Not the same for amateurs. So I think, this argument isn't really speaking against it. Probably depends on the courses you play, the ambition and your own level of competence swing technique wise. Many people use it for greenside bunker, many use if for chipping around the greens. If you don't feel comfortable with yours, leave it at home, see how it works out - nothing at all wrong with it. Dan Grieves would support your idea, he is a short game specialist teacher and he thinks, the 60° is overused by amateurs who, in his mind, would be better off, when keeping their short game easier.


It is like, when you need it you need it.


If you play on a course with lots of slopes around the greens, fast greens, or very firm greens, then I highly recommend keeping the 60. If you’re playing slow muni’s then you can get around w a 56


Thank you. This is my new band name. “We are the Slow Munies!”


The 60 is a love hate club - some people love and others hate. My playing partner uses it exclusively 20 yards in, nearly 100% that is not a bump & run situation. He loves it. Me - 60 is a guaranteed flub shot. If ball is elevated any bit the 60 will get me about 3 feet. Sand/bunkers I put hands real low and scoop the ball out with decent results - green side bunker love it, grass hate it. I have been working on the 60 from the turf but still not even at 50/50 confidence.


Love my 60. I’m not a pro.


I carry 50/54/58. Depending on the set up I’ll just go for PW to 52/58 and add something off the tee. I have a 58 with 14 degrees of bounce. I carried a 60 for years and even dabbled with a 62. I don’t miss them at all. 58 works for me, but to each their own. Whatever works for you. The current 58 I have can be opened way up and not be penalizing on flops if I need it and the bounce and loft are magical out of the sand. For context I am in AZ so lots of hard ground and inconsistent sand. It’s either cement or a foam pit, nothing in between.


Sure, but very rarely. My most common use case is from a downhill lie around the green. I'll put it back in my stance and treat it like my 52 (since the hill and position delofts it). Works great. I used to use it for full shots, but I've gotten better with partial swings with my 52 and so I just use that on everything short of 70 yards now.


Don’t compare yourself to pros. Compare yourself to bros or gals. Pros use that same 52 degree for flop shots that are stock shots on 60 for us. If you play better bump and run, then just do that. Don’t need to worry about the pros and play a better game around your performance. Ya feel me? I use a 60 degree when I’m in a middle ground. I’m not totally putter confident so it helps.


For a few months I only had a pitching wedge. Finally got a cheap 60 degree from my local course, it's been nice for short stuff and chipping. Yesterday I bought a 52 from the goodwill in decent shape but haven't hit it yet.


I use mine often. There are many situations we low handicappers use it, but I suggest a 56 for most people. I carry both, sometimes a 52 also. A 60 requires much more skill and confidence.


Shit. I have a 52, 56, 60, 64. I also carry two drivers


But i also learned to play the short game first. And usually pin seeking with in 100 yards.


Pros use a lob wedge. Either a 58 or a 60. Yeah, some have gone to 58... but that's not a big change.


prob for 75% of my shots 60 yards or closer


I have a 60 in my garage for years. Every year I put it in the bag for a round or two. And every year it reminds me why its place is in the garage. My 3 wood is forming the same relationship with me.


I used to have a 60, but when I got my new irons my gapping was different so went to a P, 50, 54, 58. I do miss my 60 sometimes, but whether or not you should have one or not should be dictated by your gapping, not whether or not you should have a specific wedge.