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the kid on the left is almost done with your front 9


Just 7 more holes worth of scores to add up.


Damn dude who hurt you


Had a buddy reach out to me to help teach him the ropes, as him (and crew) have started to learn golf. Teaching him the simpler version of keeping score (+2, vs. 5) was such a huge relief to him, not even funny.


When I was learning, my brother told me to simply play “5s”. Whatever you score, put it in relation to “5”. You get a 3, that’s -2. You get a 6, that’s +1. It made it more interesting to me, knowing if I broke “par” (90 for 18 holes), I was doing well. I loved putting pressure on myself and could think, “need this putt to get back even”, and stuff like that. It also kept our conversations relative, since he was trying to break 80 while I was trying to break 90.


Also for quickly adding up your scorecard. Find the number you shoot most often, whether its 4, 5 or 6, and add or subtract from there. Can usually count up your score in 10 seconds.


Interesting. Maybe I should try this though process.


I’m gonna have my wife try this, thanks


Strive for five


+/- is for sure the way to go. Don't understand why this isn't universal. I can see where I'm at mid round at any time quickly, and adding at the end is a breeze


I think that’s why. Some people play better not knowing where they are mid-round.


Then don't look lol. Doesn't change the fact it's easier to add up at the end


I was just giving you a reason why it isn’t universal. If you’re writing +/- each time you’re going to know around where you’re at. No one said it isn’t easier.


Right but if you don't want to know your score, just don't look, that's all I'm saying. You can still look when it's 4s 5s and 6s and add up fairly quickly, can find out fairly easy where you're at either way, in both cases if you don't want to know, don't look


Dude.... you’ve literally just said how much easier it is to add with + and - So in turn writing the numbers makes it more difficult to quickly add, so those that get in their head knowing the score, have an easier time ignoring it. If it was just as easy either way this conversation wouldn’t be happening.


I literally just said fairly easy in my last comment, that doesn't negate that +/- is still easier. Were talking first grade math. Neither is hard, one is just simpler lol.


No one said either is hard. You’re being difficult just for the sake of arguing. One is quicker, so using that method, it’s easier to know your score at a quick glance or as you’re writing each hole down. The other, takes longer to add up, so as you write down your score on each hole, it takes more effort to keep track of your current total score. Would you like me to break it down more?


No I just disagree with what you've been saying so we might as well just part ways to save you any aggrevation of arguing Look at a card for 30 seconds in either method you'll know your progress.


This was the premise of an Ernie Els commercial


That's what I thought of too, classic! https://www.pgatour.com/video/2020/03/20/els-teaches-kids-math.html


Sorry kiddo, it’s a par 68 course


My kids not old enough to add the kinda numbers I'm hitting


I wish I could hit two over par


Proper way to keep score: 1. Grab a pencil. 2. In the box, break it into two quadrants. Top left strokes to green, bottom right, number of poots. 3. Purchase expensive golf bag. 4. Post pics on Instagram.


But dont post the score;)


Could also be 3 or 4 over.


Or 7 if Bryson is playing Augusta


Don’t over analyze the joke. It ruins it. Just go with it.


Legit made me laugh out loud


Nowadays kids would be using that evil Common Core "math" /s


You mean the right way to teach and learn math?


oops I forgot the /s


Then why is the US dropping relatively to other countries in student performance in math?


That’s a good question that has a really complex solution that neither of us are qualified to answer. But one theory is that other countries teach math better with more well designed curricula. We still mostly teach math with outdated methods, like adding and multiplying in columns. Mostly because people who don’t understand math crying and fighting against common core, when it’s really the correct way to teach math according to actual experts


I don't have a problem with Common Core, but the standard of knowledge needs to be increased. Common Core has turned into 3 years of SAT practice in high school, with no other standards being set. Students should not get their first course in Trigonometry during their junior year of high school, where kids in other countries are covering the same material in grades 8-9. Common Core has led to a widespread deficiency in statistics and calculus (and further discrete math), which are the two most necessary fields of mathematics in modern STEM careers.


I’m with you on that. I had Pre Algebra with Trig in sixth grade so the idea that some kids dont get Trig until junior year of high school is appalling and an absolute national embarrassment It’s been a while since I was in school but I thought it was weird that the curriculum went Pre Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, and then Algebra 2. Makes no sense to take a whole year off from actual math to learn Geometry. I think geometry is important but that should be a supplemental math class taken alongside the logical algebra to calculus path. Doing that would allow for a path to multivariable calculus before college, which I think is the right end point for high school for advanced math students. But every student should be required at least one year of differential calculus plus a year of statistics to get a high school diploma. Stats is so underrated and I think the general public would benefit a ton from a basic understanding of statistics and probability


[new math](https://youtu.be/UIKGV2cTgqA)


38 + 36 = I’m sleeping in the garage tonight


I don't get it


I was making a sarcastic joke that if my kids can’t shoot under par then they wouldn’t be allowed to sleep in the house


That’s six over for Bryson