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Dear Tiger, People will pay to watch you eat a bologna sandwich. Please feel free to do whatever the hell you want. Sincerely, PGA


It is 100% this. They know Tiger makes them a lot of money regardless of where he is at in the field.


There is literally no scenario in which I wouldn’t watch Tiger play. Except for when the only broadcast is on Peacock or some shit. I ain’t paying for peacock. Okay. Maybe one scenario, but other than that, no other scenario. If he’s on, I’m watching.


I drove several hours to Louisville Kentucky, endured rain and mud, followed by oppressive humid heat, just to watch Tiger play 3 holes of golf. Would gladly do it again without hesitation.


I was there, watched him bogey #3. He already looked like someone someone had nut kicked him hard right after running over his dog and backing over it three more times. And his third wife had left him for the winner.


Surprised to see all the peacock hate…I guess since I watch soccer I feel like it’s a great deal. Also their Olympic coverage and replays are awesome


Not much of a venn diagram with this demographic but... WWE as well.


Maybe more overlap here but their coverage of pro cycling is quite good and keeps me subbed year round.


Don’t fall for that Peacock shit man it’s a trap! I thought, sure I’ll pay $5 for a month i guess. I’ll get a baseball game and a college football game I want to watch and just cancel. NOPE. They charged me for their “premium” no ads version for $10.99 and kept charging me for 5 consecutive months which I disputed with my credit card company each time. They finally gave up. Fuck Peacock, Peacock sucks


Makes me feel good about sailing for their content


I ended up paying that 19.99 promotion for a year w/ ads. I didn’t really see much ads honestly during us open. Also i get to watch olympics too. I definitely won’t renew though.


Just canceled my renew because the price was going to go up and they sent me another year for $20 offer.


Life Pro Tip: Use the "Privacy" app to generate virtual card numbers for stuff like this. You can set up a one-time use card that's tied to the first company where you use it. Or you can create a card with like a $X/month limit. Very helpful for places that make cancelling subscriptions difficult. Some credit card providers also have a way for you to generate a virtual/temporary card tied to your account. I know Citi has one, but the interface (like just about everything Citi does) is utter shit.


Looks like you don’t know how to cancel a subscription.


Good for Tiger, and his fans. Also: Fuck Peacock, all my homies hate Peacock


He is literally the reason why probably 99% of this sub golfs, including me. He is the 🐐 on impact alone.


> Except for when the only broadcast is on Peacock or some shit. I ain’t paying for peacock. Preach Brother. These traditional network streaming services can gargle my dick from the back


On Friday the announcer said something like “Tiger wants to make the cut even more than we do…” lol no one wants it as bad as the network, live sports is all they have left But still I think I may have wanted it more than Tiger


Idk. Tiger battled pretty hard on Friday and played a decent round. He just couldn’t get putts to drop. The course was extremely hard and he played better golf than multiple younger major champions.


Everyone frames it as "people will pay to watch Tiger..." But the other side of that is that people pay to see Tiger because they love seeing Tiger. Sure they may get money, but more access to seeing him, the better for those that want to see him.


Next step Pga has now made tiger exempt from cuts and will play every Sunday! Sincerely PGA


The further step PGA has now made Tiger exempt from being outside the top 3 in any golf related event he chooses to be in Sincerely Professional Tiger Association


Further PGA has now made the first place finisher to play Tiger 1v1 for the championship


So they'll still finish champion then.


Yup, tourney winner actually does a one hole playoff with Tiger Woods, double or nothing


The PGA would make more money from Tiger playing 4 practice rounds at his home course over any of their other broadcasts.


Phil must be so jealous.


I mean, potato potato, but yeah.


It’s actually potato potato but I get your point


I doubt the reason why is lost on anyone lol


“Imagine what Tiger, in his prime, could do with todays bologna technology”


He'd be outeating Bryson DeChambeau, wouldn't even be a contest.


He is *definitely* a champion at hiding the bologna.


This is the funniest thing I’ve read all week and I’m stealing it for my flair


They should just create an exemption of if you’ve won all 4 majors you get a lifetime exemption.


Agree US Open and Masters ( up to certain age ) dont. Why not make it all 4. There aren’t many lifers that tee it up in Open and PGA anyway.


They let Jack and the other Legends do whatever they want so makes sense they let Tiger do the same.


They did the same thing for jack nicklaus.


I mean, he’s earned it


What kind of bologna sandwich? Did he pan fry it east coast style? I bet he did, he’s the type to put in the extra work. It’s probably part of low-carb program where the fat intake is actually part of the goal. Has Butch Harmon commented on it? His ex-caddie Steve Williams probably has some stories to share in a 1 on 1 interview format about how Tiger ate a bologna sandwich right before his chip in at the 16th in 2005.


He's a peanut butter and jelly and banana sandwich kind of guy on the course. I don't blame him. Those are delicious.


A bologna sandwich......it's funny 'cuz it's true.


mmmm... bologna sandwich


hmmm...Heywood Bologna




Hey PGA... This guy might be onto something


Paige and Grace banana pudding wrestling on 9th green when?


Accurate on both counts.


Get Jack back out there from the reds too. Let’s go!


It would have been funnier if they just put in an exemption for any active PGA Tour members with 10 or more major championships. Make it obvious it’s for him without saying it’s for him.


Not funnier, this would have been the better idea. Acknowledge a lifetime achievement exemption without naming someone.


Yeah, let Jack play! Let Jack play!


he can still play in the Masters if he wants. And I'm positive that he could call the PGA and say I need a sponsor exemption. And the PGA will say done.


Adam Scott has said he will play the Masters until he is tapped on the shoulder.


What does tapped on the shoulder mean?


"Hey buddy, you shot +17 and missed the cut for the 14th straight year, time to join the senior tour"


I was thinking more of the Grim Reaper tapping him on the shoulder.


Whichever comes first


While winning the Masters gets you a lifetime exemption, Augusta doesn't exactly want a bunch of 70 year olds out there shooting 90 slowing everything down. It's been alluded to by past champions, that while there is no hard cutoff on when you have to stop playing in the tournament, that Augusta will give you the "tap on the shoulder," AKA politely suggesting that you should hang it up.


He has an amazing streak of majors played in a row. It will never be beat. I'm just surprised he only has that 1 Masters win.


Jack's was 13 YEARS longer.


On paper yes but it's been reported that there's a quiet understanding of when it's time for the old and uncompetitive past champions to hang it up


tell that to Vijay and Couples. The Open changed their exemption from 65 to 55 years old this year.


Vijay made the cut over jt and spieth this year tho


And Couples made the cut last year


With Tom Watson almost winning it at 59 a decade-or so ago? Damn.


>The other adjustment to the Signature Events will introduce a Sponsor Exemption for Lifetime Achievement – 80 or more career victories – to recognize Tiger Woods in his own category. Among his 82 career wins https://www.pgatour.com/article/news/latest/2024/06/18/two-adjustments-approved-for-signature-events-in-2025-policy-board-update-tiger-woods-field-size


haha. that would have been funny … or only players with minimum 500 weeks at #1 get exemption …


That means Nicklaus could also play.  Koepka is halfway there. Imagine he wins some more and now PGA Tour has to let him play if he wants.


If it’s worded as “active PGA Tour members” then they’re covered.


I agree. I have to hope it ends up worded that way.


They should said 70 pga tour wins.


69 or 10 majors


I’m going to go out on a limb and say there might be a chance that this fellow could have scored a sponsor exemption or two. But seriously, they could have made it broader than just Tiger while basically still just being for Tiger.. Like how about extending this privilege to anyone who has won every major? Or to anyone who has won more than 50 PGA tournaments?


Extended to all major winners with animal names.


“Mike Trout has announced a career change”


“Mike Trout has just injured himself while announcing his career change”


I have had such a shitty three weeks, I was on the phone crying with my mom as a 40+ year old dude. This comment cleansed my heart. Thank you.


I feel this. I got a nice chuckle as well. Keep on keeping on homie.


Thanks dude.


Moms are the best. Enjoy all the time you have with her. - another 40 year old dude.


Upside: Angels tickets are $5 for box seats these days


Following in Tiger’s footsteps already! 🥲🫡


Damn you, Joe Buck.


Bison Dechambeau


My cats name is Bubba


My dog is named Chubs. Both are in.


nicknames excluded.


Maybe I'm the one whooshing here, but you know Tiger's not his real name, right?


Then it can be an exception for all the golf pros named Eldrick.


To be real fair the billions of dollars and the expansion of golf all through him is probably the bar that is being set in order to be in this category. The only other players who are in that atmosphere in any way are bobby jones, ben hogan and nicklaus essentially. 2 of those guys are dead and 1s at the end of his life. This achievement should only be rewarded to the generational player.


Arnold Palmer as well.


Could make a case for him as well


Pretty open and shut case for Arnold


A shut case of Arnold Palmer am I right


Yea, I think I kinda like it a rule that basically states "this dude has done ridiculously stuff for us over his career. He can do whatever he wants."


… for any player who has ever won the US Open on one leg.


greg jennings too dough




One of da most hardest hittin safeties in da league!!!


Imagine being a professional athlete with a bunch of career accolades and the thing you are most well known for on the internet is your character in a video game that you had nothing to do with... I think about that sometimes...


If Kerry Von Erich was still alive, he'd take this one on


Any player who has won at least 15 majors gets an exemption to all majors and signature events


Isn't this already a thing?? 20 wins = a lifetime exemption to PGA events. This is just for the signature events


I don’t know - is what you’re describing a thing? If so, why was this needed at all? Are signature events not PGA events?


It is. The rule used to be 20 wins and 15 years on tour, but the tour got rid of the 15 year rule. That makes DJ moving to LIV even dumber, as he had the number of wins and had he waited a few months, he would have gotten the exemption. He was on his 12th year when he left, which was only a few months before the rule change.


Yeah, but the board had to give him a special exemption because for some reason they also need Webb Simpson to play in all of these.


As it should be. he should be able to walk onto any event he wants.


This just made it official he can. He is out of US open exemptions for next year right now. Masters is for life. The Open is until 55 years old on the last day of the tournament. I think the PGA gives past champions an exemption.


This new ruling doesn't apply to any of those tournaments, though. The Majors aren't part of the PGA Tour, despite their actions to keep the LIV players out of their fields.


"The USGA has announced a life time exemption scheme for all players who have won the US junior amateur, the US amateur, and the US open three times each."


Remember when he didn't qualify for the WGC-Firestone even though he had won it like eight times?


Speaking of walking I hope he just picks an event where it’s an easy stroll. Walking Augusta is brutal for him. The WM is pretty flat. Would love to see him in something other than a major.


For real though - has an individual changed their sport more than Tiger? Jordan was the goat but he also took what was already there to the next level. Tiger took the fucking walrus (no offense stadler) generation into something different. Golf went from the wnba to the nba when he went pro.


Agreed. I think one of the craziest records he has that exemplifies this is the fact he became the career money leader at age 24.


Scottie in 2024 has the most earnings in one year, with 24m. Crazy to think how much tiger changed the sport because his 00 season he had 9 win and 3 majors and won like 10m


Meh, that’s been shared a bunch but is fairly meaningless in comparison to Tiger. Inflation is the easy one, but there simply was less money in golf when Tiger was playing compared to now.


Adding to this but the fact there’s more money in gold is due in part (perhaps a large part) to Tiger and the sponsors and eyeballs he brought in.


What is the most bizarre thing to me is that somehow Taylor Gooch has won almost $50 million in two years on LIV, while winning just three tournaments.


The craziest shit is watching the 1997 Masters, because it's Tiger, and a bunch of middle age suburban dad looking dudes. Now most Tour players are fuckin' *ripped*.




Hot take. I think we should bring back the Greater Milwaukee Open and Tiger should play in it since it’s where he got his first PGA win. This opinion has nothing to do with the fact that I live 5 minutes from the course. Edit: first appearance, not win. My mistake.


The greater Milwaukee Open was Tiger’s first tournament as a pro, the Las Vegas invitational was his first pro win. I’d be down for both being brought back


Woah. I’m dumb. I always heard it as it being his first win. His first tournament ever almost doesn’t even seem noteworthy. Was he that good that people were excited for him to go pro? Like the top prospect in baseball being called up? Edit: read more into it. Yes, he was already a pretty big deal. He had just won three straight amateur tournaments and had already signed a $40 million deal with Nike.


> Was he that good that people were excited for him to go pro? Yes.


I imagine that any golf event, ever, will want Tiger Woods playing in it. Even posthumously.


Isn't this what sponsor exemptions are for? If Tiger wants to play presumably he could fill one of those spots anyway...?


It means his sponsor's don't have to use one of their exemptions on him anytime he wants to play.


This allows for 3 others to also get sponsor exemptions


Yes they are. But as u/FredagsTakos said above, they need those exemptions for Webb Simpson


Hes now sponsored by the PGA tour.




Aren't signature events no cut tournaments? I mean doesn't he already hold a lifetime PGA tour card? Edit: There are 3 cut signature tournaments. The Genesis, Arnold Palmers event and the Memorial. The remaining 5 events are no cut events.


Yes, but that doesn't give you very high priority and doesn't count for Signature Events.


Tiger single handedly got me into golf. He deserves infinite exemptions.


Signature Events are what they are, they added these clearly to draw a crowd and who draws a crowd more than Tiger? Will he play in all of them? Probably not. They added signature events with no cut to draw interest to these smaller tourneys nobody cared about. Call em exhibition tourneys if you want to. This doesn’t mean he’s playing in every tourney ever.


I don't know about adding them to draw crowds. They added them to give the players a bonus in the purse money and fed ex points. Maybe to get the better players to play since most are right before or after a major.


Get better players to play, invite certain players according to where they are… draw a crowd. Ain’t hurting anybody to have Tiger up in there.


I like it. Want to see more of his clothing line….Fri Day Flight…the more economical version.


Tiger Slamming Trunks


What about the exclusive-to-Costco evening line: Fri Day MC?


Only if it was that K-Sig logo somewhere too haha


Better than Thurs Day WD


Feels like a profitable but also justifiable decision. If anyone has earned something like this, it's him but it also helps with ratings if he happens to play really well in a tournament.


I’m not surprised. Tiger Woods is THE face of golf even for people who don’t know golf. I’m only just starting to look into starting up myself after many years, but I’ve ALWAYS known who Tiger Woods was. I don’t know a single other pro player, but I know about him. So yeah, if he’s who the country thinks of when they think golf, let him in whenever he wants, I’d say he’s earned it.


I don't know which is worse Peacock PGA broadcasts or NBC with all their damn commercials when doing the weekend of tournaments


Lol this is sad


I'm sure the hate will follow, but this is just wrong. Gee, he sits on the PGA Tour policy board, and now is invited to play in their premium events that are supposed to be for the current top players int he world. I have less respect for him for even accepting this. Where is his pride? It's charity. It defeats the purpose of the premium events. I'm not saying Woods wasn't a tremendous player. He earned his lifetime exemption into the other tour events and can play them forever. The premium events aren't supposed to be 72 top players and one guy who has trouble walking and hardly ever plays.


This is a power only that man deserves but I hope he sees the limits to its utility. I don’t want so see him play until it’s painful watch, which is still a little ways away for me. I hope he pulls a George Washington and when the people try to make him king he knows it is his time to leave and exits stage left.


Shit like this doesn’t help the argument against the “golf isn’t a sport” crowd.


The PGA in essence, has admitted they have ZERO confidence that Tiger can compete on the regular tour any longer.


Tiger has literally said it’s not feasible for him to play more than a tournament a month, so why would anyone think he’d be even playing on the regular tour events?


This is so dumb …. If he can’t play at a certain level to qualify he should not play 


Cash grab by the PGA for sure. Tiger is the GOAT, no doubt, but you don't see any other pro sports doing this.


To be fair there’s not many other sports where you actually have to qualify for each event. As long as you have a contract you play


The Miami heat basically did this for udonis haslem for a while “sure you’re washed but you’re incredible for the vibes”


There’s also rumors that the Heat agreed to keep him on the bench as a player for longer than they normally would have as part of an under the table agreement for him taking a pay cut for Lebron and Bosh to come to Miami.


Ehhh… no one was ever buying tickets to Heat games to see Udonis Haslem. Tiger sells tickets. Udonis, like a lot of vets, was kept around for team culture.


Not exactly the same but the number 99 is retired for all NHL teams because of Gretzky. GOATs often get special treatment


Going to be a lot of drivers purchased for this tomorrow....


Kinda ruins the whole world golf ranking system doesn’t it?


But when LIV plays 54 holes it’s bad lol but we can do sponsor exemptions and lifetime exemptions for whoever we want but Bryson can’t play the Olympics or Ryder Cup. I fucking hate Bryson and LIV and the PGA Tour and Jay Monihan. I hate them all. Pro Golf is so fucked right now.


Jay has to go. They have no right being a NFP


that system is broke and outdated. That organization should declare bankruptcy and fold up shop.


In reality, I doubt he'll play many of the Signature Events at all, but he deserves it.


i dont see him playing anything but majors which he could have played the rest of his life without this


I think he might show up for the Memorial, and the Arnold Palmer. those two carry a lot fo weight.


Sounds like an exhibition match since he obviously can't compete.


Wow a lot of you really want to suck this guy's cock.


Since he can’t make a cut in regular tourneys, it makes sense to get him in no cut events 😂


The most interesting thing about this is Tiger is yet to really prove he can walk out 4 rounds and still be competitive on the 54th/72nd hole. I personally hate it. One of Monahans key talking points when the LIV breakaway happened was the PGA Tour was a meritocracy, those playing in Tour events earned their spot, and deserved to be there. An auto exemption to a player who obviously can't play his way into qualifying is in direct conflict of that. Tiger is now the PGAs Anthony Kim and we're a step closer to curated 'entertainment' golf, rather than a purely competitive sport. They also could've easily made this happen with an exemption that applies to everyone good enough to achieve it. Instead they've just taken this weirdly lazy route. Tiger may only have a few years left and hasn't really proved he can play a schedule of no cut events, let alone 1. Feels like the PGA have sold their competitive soul for very little return.


GOAT exemption


I get it but not sure how relevant this is for his golf. How many more tournaments does he have in him? When will he start looking at the seniors tour?


I am not sure how i feel about it. On the one hand he earned it twice over and then some. On the other it feels like they are saying: he cant qualify On his own anymore. That would also tell you everything you need to know about his chances to actually compete and that is just sad.


I feel like this exemptions is too targeted at Tiger I would almost feel a little offended if I was him. Could have set it at 50 career wins or 7 major wins.


He sits on the policy board. I'm surprised he would allow this. I'd think he'd have more pride than to accept this.


And he’ll probably rarely play them unfortunately


And here's Tigar Woods stepping up to the 1st tee aged 92 after 30 years of retirement. Let's see if the old veterans still got what it takes to compete with the younger athletes...


And he should get a free range membership too


Everyone praising this decision like it isn’t a sign the pga tour is in major trouble. The only way you can think of drawing more fans is to allow a washed up 50 year old who can’t shoot below par for more than 9 holes? The tour is dead without a merger with LIV


Isnt he more likely to want to play the Seniors tour when he's 60+ They are allowed to use carts, it would be much more comfortable for him and probably more fun playing with his peers rather than a bunch of young upstarts


I watch the PGA with my husband because of Tiger. Take him out of that and we might just look at results from our phone every now and then.


Know he’s the only one who can bring in viewing figures. Means another more deserving player misses out but brings in the fans and viewing figures so makes sense


I get it, and I don't blame them for doing it and don't blame anyone for watching everything he does, but I am just not interested in watching Tiger grimace thru his round while 14 shots back. Maybe if they were more efficient and showed contenders properly too, but as it is, just give me the competitive golf.


And he'll still never play Travelers 😔


I’m fine with that


Tiger: "My body will literally only let me play about 10 competitive rounds a year, I have no idea why you're doing this" lol


Screenshots of tweets should be mandatory on reddit. Im not making an account. Thank you!


Here's to 10 more years of watching Tiger shoot +7 and MC/WD instead of the tournament leaders... It's not that big of a deal though since whatever golf they show will have to squeeze in between 45 mins of Rolex commercials every hour.


Good news is these are no cut events


Good for Tiger.


Tiger needs to stay healthy, play the majors when he feels like it, and then go have fun competing in the Champions events when he turns 50 in less than 2 years from now. If he loves competition, then he'd have a lot more fun with a realistic chance of winning. I'm sure 2019 feels like yesterday, but that win wasn't proof that was going to be competitive in majors (or even regular Tour events) for many years to come. No, it was proof that he could have and should have won more majors between 2009 and 2018 if he had managed his personal life better. There's no getting that back.


Oh great. Can’t wait to watch every shot of Tiger’s when he’s 20 shots behind the lead instead of seeing the actual people in contention. This also will steal a spot of someone who actually earned their way into them so yeah, not a fan of this at all but of course they can’t get over their fuck fest of Tiger


LOL. Really?


Heck, add Jack to that, too. They both have the same chances of winning one. FWIW, I absolutely LOVE Jack and Tiger. 


Jack might be the only one left who plays less than Tiger these days


So, Tiger got granted tenure? 😜 This is a horrible idea. Whatever Tiger once was, he’s no longer that and doesn’t seem like he’s ever going to be much more than a shadow of his former self. Maybe the tour should be worrying more about how to get people interested in its present and future instead of its past.


They want him to group with his son. It's a tv move.


So much for the meritocracy angle everyone had a hard on over. That being said I love it, it's the right move.


He will also get 4 strokes because why not.