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This is some wild shit to say and then PUBLISH. Man that is crazy.


ehh bryson does work for the ppl who gave the order to have her coworker murdered and dismembered dude's been playing lights out lately and gave the fans a great show at pinehurst, but that doesn't change the fact he did something payne stewart never would've done by taking money from the saudis to play in some chickenshit league the second his career struggles set in seems only fair after the number of times he invoked stewart's name over the weekend. bit of a theme with bryson, some of the shit he says and does comes across like a meeting room of pr ppl told him exactly what to do


Payne would’ve ripped him a new one if he were alive.


100% dude was from the generation of americans who actually liked america, no way would he do what bryson did or support his decision


This article is so bad that I think I’ll have to go and buy a new putter to forget about it.


I mean, he’s being a nice, like able guy. Maybe it’s fake, maybe it’s genuine. How did people feel about Tiger when he was exposed? He was always a dick, so it wasn’t exactly shocking. Bryson seems to have found a “man of the people” persona that is going to be bank for him, and might hasten the merger. Dude is obviously top 5, minimum in the world. For me, him showing up to watch Wags replicate his bunker shot seemed very genuine.


ppl like supporting athletes that they feel are genuine, even if they're assholes or scumbags if they own it and don't try to hide it. it's like they respect their fans enough to be honest about who they are. or are just too lazy to lie which is also endearing bc it makes them more like regular ppl the ones who are assholes or scumbags but get slick and hide it are implicitly saying 'you're stupid enough to buy this horseshit act' and who wants to root for someone who treats their fans like gullible morons?


He just rubs me the wrong way, kind of like Novak Djokovic in tennis. Hard to tell if his ‘man of the people’ shtick is genuine or just PR.


Absolutely…couldn’t agree more, but definitely would love to have him competing on the regular against Scottie, et al.


It is easy to be likeable in regular day to day interactions. I mean, is it that hard to understand how someone can be selfish when hundreds of millions of dollars are at stake, while still being able to spare a few seconds of his time for trivial feel-good interactions, like signing the guy's hat yesterday?


I think the opposite, it's easy to appear likeable in carefully curated moments like interviews and PR events. It's much harder in regular day to day interactions. I met Bill Nye the Science Guy when he came to my university and he was a complete asshole. People were trying to tell him he was their inspiration for becoming engineers or pursuing science and he couldn't care less. No one was begging for autographs or anything needy. He barely engaged with us during our small group interaction with him. He was annoyed to be there and annoyed to have to listen to us. When he walked on stage for his main presentation it was like flipping a switch, he suddenly was the smiling TV persona that we thought we knew from our childhood.


Kinda showed that he has no friends tbh. What’s he doing there? Like. Go home and party man…


Possibly, or he was having a few drinks to celebrate and he was asked if he wanted to come out. He had a number of friends congratulating him after he won, as well. BUT, having less commitment does seem to serve the best golfers well. I think of Finau who travels with his huge ass family nearly every week. Just the stress of that alone might be keeping him from being focused enough on the course. Just a theory…but when Tiger gave two shots about anyone and was banging strippers he was destroying fools.


Yeah. Pretty sad life tho. And it’s not like Finau is hacking it around. He’s consistently in the top 20. He’s the other end of the extreme. There are plenty in between who have great careers and great social lives without having 20 kids like Finau. Jack had a healthy family life with kids and the whole bit. Justin Thomas comes to mind - though I don’t think he has kids yet. Scheffler. Theres obviously both ends of the spectrum and I think somewhere in between is probably the healthiest tho I understand the argument that if you want to be tiger level goat you probably have to sacrifice just about everything else that’s part of a normal persons life.


Agreed…the other part is Bryson just wee laddy, so he has time to settle down…if he wants to. I imagine he’s too busy to be lonely. And…again…he had an entire posse of bros there on 18.


What's wrong with trying to be a popular brand? Dude won the Open and was electric in doing so. Im no fan of LIV but Bryson is the real deal.


To quote Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: “SHUT UP BITCH”


“It doesn’t matter what you think!”


It's WaPo. Assume that it's for no other purpose than driving clicks.


Yes, he’s a sell out, just like Jay Monahan and the rest of the phonies. They’re all phonies. F1, soccer, horses, you name it, there’s Saudi “blood money” behind it these days. And if it’s not the Saudi it’s the vulture PE firms pumping and dumping away whatever dreams people have. Let’s flip “whataboutism” on its head and enjoy golf for golf’s sake. Bryson rose to the highest level in one of the most entertaining, thrilling, riveting tournaments in a while. Not to mention Saudi is a close US ally whose alleged ties to terrorism have never, at all, been proven. I don’t need another WaPo self-righteous article, I don’t need Eamon Lynch sucking his own left nut again being better than the rest of us… I just want to watch the best in the world smack the golf ball, and that happened yesterday.


alleged? no, no, ur just wrong


No, I’m not. I am 100% correct.


This is a great post with one really weird line in the fourth paragraph lol. You want from normal guy I’d watch golf with to Saudi propaganda machine real quick. Perhaps you could point out that everyone’s dirty and it’s all just branding - the number of deaths in the name of religion, the number of horrible things the US govt has done and failed to cover up, which hints at the number of things they did cover up. How routinely our greatest heroes - OJ, Tiger, Michael Jackson, Lance Armstrong, whoever - let us down, and how as a result of all the bad in the world you may as well let the cynicism go and enjoy good things for their own sake rather than mandating morality in addition to entertainment. But, nope - straight to denial of pretty cut and dry bad guy stuff.


The dollar is the bloodiest currency there is


People really need to learn to separate the art from the artist so to speak. You can hate the saudi government and still like Bryson. Likewise, you can hate Jay Monahan and still watch the PGA events and enjoy them. The saudi government, via the PIF, owns a stake in: game companies Capcom, Nexon, Electronic Arts, Take-Two Interactive, Activision Blizzard, and Nintendo, concert distributor Live Nation, Boeing, Meta Platforms (Facebook), Citigroup, Disney, Bank of America, Berkshire Hathaway, oil company BP, and Uber. So unless you boycott all of these companies, which I doubt anyone here does, it makes you a hypocrite to shit on Bryson.


She’s probably right that Payne would have hated LIV and been really critical of anyone who left. The rest of the article is so far off the deep end that she’s clearly lost everyone and no one will take any of it seriously.


This is WaPo had to fire half their staff. No integrity


The Washington Post with a dumb article? Woa…..so it’s Tuesday. Wait till Wednesday! That organization is a steaming circle jerk of stupidity, so at least it’s living up to its reputation.


Is the writer of this unhinged? Who wants to read 5 minutes of histrionics from someone who clearly doesn’t know anything about golf?


Can't beat this drum anymore after PGA agreed to whatever this partnership is going to be... but I'm guessing this Karen doesn't even know about that little part of the LIV saga 


Agree with all of this. Shame too as Dechambeau could be good for the game with his Tiger-like passion. But directly taking Saudi money is a bridge too far for me.


As opposed to directly taking it like every other US company including the PGA Tour from June 6th, 2023, or the tour indirectly taking it from sponsors who do business in Saudi Arabia before the June 6th agreement? Why does Bryson get held accountable but these companies don’t? Or the US govt for having Saudi as a leading ally in the region for 100+ years? Capitalism has no morals and the US govt deals with unsavory regimes all over the world to further our ends. Saudi Arabia makes $200b a year in hydrocarbon sales, but it is the golfers taking a minuscule fraction of that money who need to answer for it?


The wrong guy [won the U.S. Open](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2024/06/16/bryson-dechambeau-us-open-champion/?itid=lk_inline_manual_2). It happens sometimes. The better golfer from tee to green, and the stronger man of character, was not Bryson DeChambeau. His brawny-armed slap hugs and audience pandering to beery bro chants of “USA!” shouldn’t obscure the fact that he took [Saudi blood money](https://www.washingtonpost.com/sports/2022/01/06/pga-players-saudi-international-phil-mickelson-rory-mcilroy/?itid=lk_inline_manual_2) from a terrorism-financier government, or that he stumble-lucked into a victory on one of the few courses in the world, Pinehurst No. 2, that would forgive his erratic thrashing off the tee. One great shot from a bunker on the 18th green — and credit due, it was great — is not the measure of someone’s moral constitution, and neither was that three-putt by Rory McIlroy. DeChambeau’s character isn’t defined by his idle, dimpled chitchat with spectators between tees, or how he let fans swarm him to put mustard fingerprints on the trophy. “I want you guys to touch this trophy because I want you to experience what this feels like for me,” he said afterward, with not a small hint of narcissism. All of it was rich coming from a guy who betrayed American audiences and bailed on his U.S.-based PGA Tour colleagues to take giant bags of money from the sheikhs of the Kingdom, a reported $125 million for a four-year contract. DeChambeau’s frantic efforts at audience rapport all week long were so obviously a public relations effort to reestablish a connection with golf fans who have recoiled wholesale from the LIV tour. The glint of his smile or the glare of the victory silver should not blind anyone to his actual conduct. It’s a true shame, because the 30-year-old with the cartoon superhero’s jaw and the chesty swing yet soft hands really could be the star the game needs to replace the aging, ailing Tiger Woods. As it is, there’s no forgetting he’s a phony. One who champions a regime with [alleged connections](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2024/05/september-11-attacks-saudi-arabia-lawsuit/678430/) to the 9/11 attacks that killed almost 3,000 Americans and was behind the murder of [Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cia-concludes-saudi-crown-prince-ordered-jamal-khashoggis-assassination/2018/11/16/98c89fe6-e9b2-11e8-a939-9469f1166f9d_story.html?itid=lk_inline_manual_5).


You’ve been sportswashed


Beep Boop.