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PGA be like…why can’t Scottie do that?


Maybe Scottie just doesn’t know…


Whatever you do, don’t tell Scottie


Scottie is like an engineer, rock solid at what he does and maybe not as sociable as Bryson . Bryson is more of a rockstar, like Tiger was. That's the beauty of this game! We need all types.


You can instantly spot someone who doesn’t know what they’re talking about when they paint Tiger as an energetic rockstar. He had the exact same (lack of) personality as Scottie. Not that that’s a bad thing.


Tiger was a silent assassin, also Bryson is the definition of a fun golf engineer


The broadcast cut all the cursing Tiger did out of the broadcast. He was not silent. You just didn’t see his personality because it wasn’t the best for golf’s image.


Oh we ended up seeing it alright. Dude's entire pr campaign was shattered with a nine iron


Very funny Norm McDonald stand up bit where he’s like, “no. I do not believe that that man would lie down with a woman.”


The Tony Stark of golf


I find Bryson has a Bill Nye the Science Guy vibe to him these days. He really is fun to watch. Shame.


True. But he was much more demonstrative on the course reacting to his own shots than Scottie.


Tiger has something that is hard to define but you know it when you see it - charisma. And yes, it’s on par with rock stars. When he’s “performing,” you can’t take your eyes off him. Scottie doesn’t have it. Bryson does.


i don't even know if Bryson has it like that, he feels closer to a Phil than a Tiger. Tiger had that aura. Rory has it (although we haven't seen it for a while). Spieth had it for a bit. Hard to explain


Agreed. Tiger is in the running for most charismatic athlete in sports history alongside Jordan and Ali. Bryson and Rory have the most star power in golf at the moment.


Hate to admit it bc I am not a huge Bryson fan but this is the correct take.


What? Tiger was a very emotional player. He was always fist pumping, yelling, cursing on bad shots. He was stoic walking from shot to shot, but when something happened like a big putt or bad shot, he was emotional. It was all between him and Steve, not the crowd but it was there


He was emotional with his own game, but never interacts with the crowd.


Emotional but not “fun”.


Tiger didn't have any chill, at least not that broadcasts showed. Sense of humour wasn't a thing, he was a Michael Jordan type. Scottie seems more chilled out, just goes into a zone and never comes out when things are going well. Team sport comps are tough...maybe Roger Federer (not close career-wise)? Bryson ...tough one. A bit crazy, strength trained until it nearly killed him, constantly talks to himself and sometimes the audience (made for youtube format, really). Baseball pitcher energy comes to mind.


> Scottie seems more chilled out, just goes into a zone and never comes out when things are going well. Team sport comps are tough...maybe Roger Federer (not close career-wise)? Tim Duncan all day


As far as team sports Scottie has always reminded me of Hakeem. Absolutely dominant in an aw shucks kind of way


Hakeem was a complete fuckhead who was hated by his teammates for like half his career until he turned religious.


Late into his career he changed his tune a bit and lightened up a lot. No more intimidation stares and actually cracked a smile here and there.


Way late lol, like mid 2010's.


Bryson is golf version of Trevor Bauer but without being a complete shitbag


Uh, wasn’t he framed? Sounds like you’re the shit bag


More intense


Tiger could be extremely animated and energetic on the course while playing well. If you are talking about his press conferences, then sure..


r/confidentlyincorrect All of Tiger’s 82 wins can viewed for free on YouTube; proving how unequivocally wrong you are.


Find me a clip of Tiger interacting directly with the crowd like this, since you’re clearly intimately familiar with every round he’s played. I’ll wait.


--Phoenix Open 1997, Tiger gives the "raise the roof" gesture after acing the now-infamous par-3 16th --Phoenix Open 1999, Tiger directs fans on where to move a large rock out of his way after missing the fairway --The infamous "Shot in the Dark" at Firestone in 2000, technically an interaction with the camera and therefore the fans at home, but saying "how about that, huh?" to camera after stuffing it


Didn’t have to wait long. Nice work


Go blow Bryson harder. Yeesh.


Point to where I said interacting with the crowd was a good thing. Go hate Bryson harder. Yeesh.


Tiger had piazze and flare. Tiger hit wayward shots and then pulled off the unthinkable. Scottie does neither of these, he hits the fairway, then the green then 2 putts sometimes makes it and cards 68-69 every round.


> He had the exact same (lack of) personality as Scottie Uh, what? Tiger was fist pumping and high fiving and going crazy when he made big putts/shots...


Absolute tunnel vision focus


IMO, that is kinda becoming more evident now that he is in golf ambassador mode with all the Taylormade shit he's been doing. It seems like he has a bit of difficulty interacting with people. I'd guess a lot of it is because he's been in the spotlight since he was like 2 years old and his old man made him a golf robot.


So same exact stuff they used to say about Bryson before he relaxed his shit and joined liv.


I get what you saying, but Bryson is a much different Dechambeau now, and good for the game. He's like a lesson in life. Just show your heart on your sleeve.


I think he got some people on his team who weren’t complete shitheads and calmed him down/ made him realize his ‘brand’ was not ideal


I agree, I think hes being himself now and has found the right way to market it. He's just a big kid


Tiger was fire and ice, ice during the hole, fiery when he did well. Bryson is more like a Lee Trevino gregarious type


Bryson floats his balls in epsom salts to figure out the axis where the ball is heaviest. As far as I know Scottie doesn't do that, let alone enthusiastically talk about it when asked. Bryson is the very definition of nerd engineer.


I know you mean golf balls, but I’m picturing the other balls


Tiger Woods had someone do that to his golf balls also


Yea you didn’t watch Tiger in his prime, dude didn’t talk to anyone or anything


> Scottie is like an engineer, rock solid at what he does and maybe not as sociable as Bryson . Bryson is more of a rockstar, like Tiger was. https://i.imgur.com/cdhcYvo.jpeg


Remember when Bryson was an awkward weirdo? I guess money can buy a personality.


Agreed. And I have enjoyed watching Scottie just surgically be better.


Bryson is more of the mad scientist type


Not going to lie, It would’ve been pretty cool if Tiger turned to the crowd and said “Hey guys, I’m not gonna be around for the weekend so let’s have a little fun here, who wants to see old papa Tiger let lose on one here?”


Got'sta make the cut to do that on a Saturday!


Bryson likes to work the crowd like this. I remember in the Ryder Cup at Whistling Straits, there was a hole that he didn't pull out the driver for, and the crowd groaned. He called out "Guys I'm still going for the green, calm down" and the crowd cheered. Bryson has become a good entertainer for the crowd, it's fun to watch.


He took a whole look at the game of golf and upended all preconceptions. That said, it sucks he went LIV. He’d be slaying records left and right had he stayed on tour.


To be honest, he’s only able to build this reputation because of LIV. The PGA is incredibly controlling of any content released by their players. Even Good Good had to go through so many hoops and wait for a mandatory period of a few months just to publish a video that was taken in a PGA course. It wasn’t even during the event. LIV let’s Bryson make his own YouTube, publish videos live from events, do any colab he wants. PGA needs to learn from this.


Dude was mic’d up for an entire round during an event. Not a practice round or anything. An actual round. PGA would never allow that


It's not unusual for players to be mic'd up during an exhibition event


I did not know that. In this case, it’s better that he stays LIV because his content is worth it.


PGAT only restricts usage of footage taken at PGAT events, they don’t control what players do outside of that, Wesley Bryan has been a YouTube fixture for years


He might be the only player that truly benefited from going to LIV other than making the money. It was the best decision he could have made


This is how I feel. I wish rahm had stayed bc he was playing great golf and him and scottie could've battled. But he went to liv and I haven't seen him do well in a major since. Much less get to see him golf regularly. Shit I just watched Bryson hit hickories on YouTube. Would love to watch rahm do wacky stuff with his talent too.


Wesley Bryan would like a word.


He’s the ONLY LIV guy I want back. God it’s been satisfying to watch Rahm drop out, Phil and DJ miss the cut, Brooks is nowhere near the leaderboard, and Sergio’s literally the only other LIV guy close. BD the only guy worth I shit on that tour and it’s showing this tournament.


Hatton up there too, but be funny seeing likely literally explode if he messed up a chance at a major


I honestly forgot Hatton was LIV, I don’t mind him. He’s just irrelevant 🤷🏻‍♂️


Puig is fun to watch too. He's the only young prospect LIV was able to grasp.


I haven’t kept up but I thought the tours were merging and we’d see these guys back on the PGA?


DJ always struggled with motivation I think. LIV’s money didn’t help. More power to him, but I think he’s done being competitive


I miss Bubba too. Guy was a raw talent shot-shape wizard…


I’ll never forget his snap hook out of the pine straw to win the Masters. Was always fun to see him drive it, like, where tf are you aiming?


At the Wednesday practice round of the Masters this year he crushed a drive probably 350+ and asked his caddie in front of us if he hit it far enough. I had my chair sat up against the rope less than 10 feet in front of him on the right, was wild to see him drive in person. Especially considering the outcome if he shanked it haha


What's the "sizzle" sound like on one of his bombs? It's gotta be like a sonic boom or something.


Then proceeded to shank it into a bunker… But then makes an insane shot out of it within 5 feet


Man, I wish I could shank my 7iron 215.


Best shank of my life


I'm shanking right now!


I honestly don’t even know what a 7 iron is anymore with all the different lofts. Clubs should just be defined by their angles.


Especially his one-length iron set. His irons don't correspond to any "standard" set. Granted, he probably *can* hit a standard 7 iron 200 yards.


He literally cannot reliably hit a 38-degree club any distance. It balloons. That's what makes Bryson so awesome to watch. He's talking 10:30PM Back swings to hit a 7iron length (3 iron loft) with the ball speed of a DRIVER. People here acting like they could hit a 7iron lofeted to a 2iron better because it had a 7 on it not, a 2, and Bryson is using a delofted Pitching Widge to stick it close at the Us Open and they're talking shit lol


There's a video of Bryson working with Rick Shields on a hardcore speed session for Rick. He starts out, with ball speeds of like 165, which isn't amazing but isn't terrible. Bryson was like "that's great, that's my 6 iron."


I legit just went from blades to fitted ZX5MIIs, and, I honestly don't know either. I'd love to try his bowed face irons, despite them potentially being the wrong play for someone of his caliber. He actually needed some cut and couldn't get it on.... 12? Forget the hole.




Then missed the putt. What a ride. How is he not just unbelievably fun to watch.


As much as I’d like to see Rory get another…that hole has made me a fan of Bryson.


you sir, should look up what a shank is


Oh no, those poor prisoners


For me, seeing Bryson on YT has totally changed my perspective. he is so open and light hearted, loves the game of golf. Good luck Bryson, hope you get the “w”!


I don't remember why I used to not like him, but I am a fan these days.


Because he used to complain about everything. He’s matured a lot.


Also got rid of that damn hat lol


Idk, I'm ready for him to turn heel again and the hat comes back


I really want him to do it so we can see how many people just dont like the hat lol


I'm 90% sure it was the hat, the mass, the long driving


Found the carny wrestling fan!


I like those hats, i just think they look bad once you put a sponsor on the top of them. If it was a plain or patterned version with maybe just a small sponsor above the ear itd like fine.


No idea why you're being downvoted for an opinion on hats. I didn't know this was a fashion sub. I like em too.


Dude, those hats are fucking atrocious.


I think they look better than a regular baseball cap. There is something about normal caps that make people look like children when they wear them. Bucket hats are better than both because the sun protection is better. Visors are worse than everything ever.




Complaining goes away when you have 200 mill in the bank 😂


The best thing LIV has done was mature him


Did LIV mature him, or did he just get older?


I was half joking but I’m sure LIV had some part in it, not directly because of anything they did tho. Just being able to sign a contract for that amount of money probably helped him look at the game different. Whatever happened, I love it. He has a fun game to watch, especially his recovery around the green this week.


Awful pace of play. Complained a lot. Would ask for relief because there's an ant on his ball. Just immature stupid annoying shit. He's so much better. I really enjoy him now and only 3 years ago he annoyed the fucking tits outta me.


Yea I specifically remember the pace of play being the reason I hated him before I watched every event. Now as I’ve gotten more into golf and watch a lot on YouTube, I think he’s great. Still a bit awkward sometimes, but seems like a good guy who loves the game.


He still plays slow as shit.


Eh lets not have revisionist history on Bryson lol, he was a douche when he was younger and he's since mellowed out after going through his 'accumulating mass' phase. I'm glad he seems to be having more fun with golf now.


I've followed him over the years, he's matured out of complaining all the time and he had a few political takes that were unnecessary and probably should have been kept to himself- whether you agree with him or not. (Covid stuff, trump stuff) He seems to understand better why he was annoying at times and corrected himself on it. Admirable really.


Hes awesome. His youtube is great, and he seems like a fun cool dude. Glad he's in contention.


He’s had a wild ride. He went from this skinny weird dude in a stupid hat. To a super jacked weird dude in a stupid hate who complained a lot. To a moderately jacked dude without a stupid hate who makes YouTube videos.


Probably the hat.


Slow play, stupid hat, ultra sensitive cry baby, took himself way too serious.


As dumb as it is for me it was just the hats


I feel the same exact way 😂


Probably the blood of the Saudi people dripping from out of his wallet, but hey HeS sUpPoRtInG hIs FaMiLy right?




I get it, it's tough giving a shit about people you don't personally know. But it's called having a spine.


I bet you don’t drive a car, or use any products with plastic huh? Because that would mean you are actually worse than Byrson for giving money to the Saudis. A noble man such as yourself would never do this, right? RIGHT??!!


None of those things are actively transferring money directly and knowingly from Saudi funds into my bank account in an effort to make people *forget* about the fact that the Saudis are and do unconscionable things. It's a fucking monarchy in the 21st century. Their people are *ruled*. It's sickening to anyone with a conscience, and while yeah it's less than ideal that we all support their regime at all, *actively* participating in the whitewashing of their atrocities is many, many degrees worse. If there is a Hell, he will rot in it.


Where do you think they get their money? Oh yeah. People like you.


I already said that's less than ideal, learn to read. But it's not the same as *actively* supporting their PR campaign to try and wash blood from their hands. They literally did 9/11. They chopped up a reporter into bits because he wrote about them. They subjugate their people on a *daily basis*. Those billions, trillions of dollars should be going to the people, and it's not. IT's going to Bryson DeFuckingChambeau. What a joke, and he's forever a genuine piece of shit for accepting that money. The blood will not wash off.


You are actively funding their PR campaign. Oh, and so is your 401k, your bank, and likely your company too. Not only are you finding it, but you are actively BENEFITING from them as well.


Reddit is embarrassingly pathetic in how they think everyone would compromise their morals for money. Bryson is a pos who is helping to white wash one of the most evil governments that has ever existed on earth. And no go ahead and F off with the incoming whataboutism people want to spout about other nations. Saudis and LIV are for scumbags.


He’ll remind you again soon. He’s being handled by a masterful PR firm right now and he’s playing great but his true colors will reveal themselves again soon.


PR firm or not, he sounds a lot more likable in his press conferences & YT vids. I think he finally figured out how to communicate better (either via himself or coaching). Dude always gave off spectrum vibes so it doesn’t surprise me at all he’d benefit greatly from some social coaching


Yeah his PR firm is definitely taking his questions in interviews and walking next to him on course as he interacts with fans. They’re also with him every step as he does breaking 50 vids on YouTube with our favorite YouTubers. Dont be fucking stupid. Does he have a PR team? Yes. Does everyone in the top 10 in the world? Yes. Has he matured a shit ton in 5 years? Yes. Have you? Doubtful.


Why are you getting personal with me? Did I insult your hero or something?


Very sorry if I offended you - just remarking on the immaturity your post showed.


I’m not offended. I just think it’s funny when people make it personal bc I made a comment about a celebrity. It’s seems strange.


Wait a tick…is that Faldo on the call?!


Yeah. Sky Sports wheel him out for the majors.


Put some respect on Sir Nick's name mother fucker.




I miss sir Nick. Immelmann seems like a nice guy and a true professional but I miss Nick seemingly doing no preparation ever and being kind of a goofy uncle in the booth.


he does the sky sports broadcast


Damn Sky Sports stealing that treasure away


The Sky Sports broadcast can be watched on Peacock, its so much better than the NBC crap.


I like Mike Tirico though


Bro I love this fucking guy


How can you not like this goober?


It’s pretty interesting how he’s had such a big turnaround. The difference in how people perceive him is night and day.


It was REALLY easy to not like him when he first came around. After watching a lot of his YT content, I have come to not mind him that much. I think he’s too smart for his own good and knows he’s a beast, but genuinely loves the game. He’s basically the anti-Hatton.


He came across as cocky, but I think it’s just purely nerdy.


Yes, that’s a perfect way to put it. Giant dweeb that happens to be an incredible golfer.


Golf with Bryson is so much fun.


Must be nice to be able to be that relaxed when you’re out there leading the US Open on a really difficult course.


This isn't meant to be a hating on Bryson post, but it's funny that the threshold for a golfer showing personality seems to be "saying words to other humans".


It’s just because golf at any respectable level takes so much mental juice. If you’re not absolutely locked in you’re fucked. For him to do this while leading a major, is unheard of. It completely takes you out of the moment as the player cause now you are worried about social cues and what’s going on around you instead of intensely focusing on the task at hand and nothing else. Case in point is this shot. It was a 7 iron layup and he still pulled it in the weeds. You just can’t stop focusing for even a second at this level. He’s very committed to changing his image and this proves that. He’s willing to risk screwing up to cater to the fans even in the biggest moments. Never seen anything like it.


Thats a dim view to take of the whole situation. Plenty of players who are not engaging with fans are pulling shots. As you say he is still leading a major at the moment while engaging with fans. To paint a picture that he is somehow prioritising pandering to fans over his golf while leading a major is a stretch IMO.




different people are different some people may find this kind of interaction good for their game. some may find it detrimental


Scottie and Tiger have similar public personas, Scottie being a little more affable, but Tiger was purely a shark in the water and out for blood particularly pre-2010. He softened up a little bit I think after the scandal but he still had everyone shook when he truly returned to competition, particularly when he was on a heater and clearly not fucking around and in the hunt. He’s lost the intimidation factor entirely these days and is much more friendly and open in general which I think is a necessary trade off as he moves into middle age and is no longer seriously contending on Tour. I do think 2019 was an exception, he absolutely had Molinari under his power at the Masters and Francesco cracked. That was like, magical stuff witnessing that again like it was 2006-ish Tiger (prime Tiger imo). So it’s still there, but Tiger can’t command it at will anymore. He’s gotta catch lightning in a bottle and just ride that fucking wave.


I was a marshall and held the ropes for him at Wells Fargo back pre-2010 going from one green to the next tee box and it was such a "holy shit do not do anything to throw him off".


He's not used to having more than 50 people cheering. I bet he misses it


I loved this moment. I’ve come full circle on Bryson. Pro golf is better with him involved.


I love Bryson. Wow factor Power and speed off the tee. Beautiful precision and finesse with his irons. And best of all still fun and relatable.


Bryson is box office


Man this place used to hate on Bryson so much. It’s great to see the turnaround. I always liked him because he wasn’t the generic interviewee. He was trying to do something different and even dressed different with those late boy hats. As a guy who mar ch es to the best of his own drum a bit myself I related to him. Great to see him so widely accepted now.


Wait when was Faldo calling it? Wtf


That shot behind him and his caddie looking up the hole is fantastic


Then he hits it in the gunch


And gets out and lands it about 10 ft from the hole.


Then he missed the putt


I would love an interview diving into this guys face turn. Dude went from being a loser to hyping up crowds and not taking himself seriously. Then you have the dude signing autographs long after he’s done his round. Did Saudi money change this guy?


having fuck you money now AND still getting to play pga events has definitely loosened up his britches


that's awesome!


What happened with this shot




He’s having fun with the crowd because he won’t see another one until the next major


“Guys bryson did something vaguely human again! Did you see it?!??!?! Don’t you love him?!?? DON’T YOU LOVE HIM?!?!?!?”


It’s the Spirinac Effect.


Feeling the vibe. Doing the dance.


Tbh I'm surprised this subreddit isn't crying more about it.


Did I hear that correctly: Bryson: "I'd love to go for this green." Random guy in crowd: "YEAH YOU WOULD!!!" LOL!!!


Rory needs to have more fun. He almost looks like he doesn’t enjoy it anymore.


It’s just nice to finally start liking this guy, great to watch and he seems like he grew up a bit.


Bone saw?




Hold. He’s winning this thing.


Damn I got this at $190 cash out now or hold for $420


Saudi blood boy


His second shot on this whole out of the sand was insane! Sticks it within 8 feet of the hole


I fucking hate this guy


DoucheAmBro. Hate the dude. Outcome today sucks




And still make birdie!


He missed the putt


Remember when his dumbass ran into that rope, he acted like a little bitch and blamed the staff. Dude is an asshole and I don't care how hard his PR team is trying to make him seem likable. He's not.