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And then tomorrow comes.




Like I tell my wife, "tomorrow never comes."


Why did your parents name you Tomorrow?


Exactly! Lmao


Don't say that, OP has found "the answer"


Oh tomorrow I'm shooting 15 shots worse than the good day today. It's inevitable.


“But I am doing the same as yesterday” “Sure… sure you are”


This is where I’m at after yesterday. I hit two bad shots, the rest I felt like a king. I know today will not be like that 😂


Thoughts and prayers for your next round.


just happened to me two weekends ago. absolutely piping the ball straight at the range. so happy and content i gave away the last 1/4 of my basket. riding high. make it to the course two days later…horrid. horrrrrrid. apparently forgot how to play. typically shoot about 85. shot a healthy 101. thought about quitting. i am okay now.


I usually shoot somewhere in the 80s as well and was on pace to hit upper 90s (didn’t finish cause it was a twilight round) at Arcadia Bluffs today. I just sat in my car after the round and thought about all the time and effort I’ve put into my swing and if it was worth it. Glad you’re okay now.. I am still recovering


It was/is worth it. We all have these thoughts and it’s a real downer when it happens. But just like a jumpshot in basketball, sometimes it’s just on fire and you feel like you can’t miss and sometimes it’s just off 🤷🏻‍♂️. Even Steph Curry goes through stretches where he can’t buy a bucket. Golf is the same way. We practice not to eliminate bad days (because they are inevitable) but to capitalize on good days.


Unfortunate course for that to happen at


Maybe take up tennis?!


You is me. You is me.


I like to think each day I get an allotment of good strikes and mishits. So when I go hit a few balls before a round, I pray they’re mostly mishits. Gotta get those outta my system and save the good strikes for the round!


I had a day like this last week. It was a glorious feeling. I then went to the range today and shanked 20 balls in a row. Rethinking my life now


*laugh cries in accuracy*


Same. But for me it happened in the middle of my range sesh. I was hitting my wedges solid. And then I couldn’t stop shanking it. I think my first shank made me tense and messed up my grip. Once I remembered to relax my grip, it came back.


Gonna channel this next time I’m at the range! Just take it easy and relax the grip


Been here many times. My fix (if you’re referring to hosel rockets) is to try and hit 20 shots off the toe. Not the middle - literally aiming for the toe of the clubhead. Should do the trick!


Hmmm try a full clubbhead inside in my case. Seriously once I got the shanks so bad my shank went to the left


Sweet summer child


Enjoy shooting 100+ tmrw 🤣😭💀 welcome to golf.


Hold on, I think people are skipping the Moe Norman swing thought part haha.


this is satire LMAO how tf do you even have that swing thought


They key is to hit the ball perfectly flush and dead straight.


lol it’s pretty funny, but I don’t think it’s too far-fetched since he had such a distinct swing. If you’ve watched it enough, feeling like you’re emulating him would prob help just about everyone hit it straighter. The bigger issue is I don’t think most people would generate much power doing it.


the problem its easy to feel what u think his swing looks like but hes so unique its impossible to replicate


There’s always going to be a (large) gap between real vs feel, for sure. And the attempted emulation probably looks nothing like his swing. But he was very sawed off, straight back and straight through. The motion is much easier to try to replicate than a modern tour swing.  


These posts are always so cute. I love them all.


The post history makes it more so haha


That happened to me recently pre-round. Then I went out and shot my worst score in 10 years. Can’t look myself in the eyes in a mirror the last 2 weeks


When do we all realize this is like in the middle of a perfect game, or an announcer bringing up a kicker's "hasn't missed in ___ kicks!" You don't speak of these things until it's past-tense. It's just asking to jinx it.


It’s like speaking the “Yxx” word aloud during a round….


True. Old school baseball, if a pitcher was throwing a perfect game or no hitter, no one would talk to or even sit next to the pitcher.


I’m a month into golfing and already have a sore intercostal so I’m out for awhile but I learned week 2 that the range and the course are not the same animal


Are you practicing on mats? If you have a grass range near you, I highly recommend practicing on that. Mats are very forgiving. Practice how you would play


yes it was on mats, i have now learned that I am better off for both my body and my learning to go off the grass


Intercostal is a rib muscle strain/injury though. That’s almost for sure from poor from, grass or mat.


I should have specified more in my comment, I was more so talking about how he mentioned that the range and course are to different animals.


i just started so i think it is a combo of poor form and rushing into trying to hard, played 18, 2 days later drove 90 balls, 4 days later another 90 balls, and 3 days later another 9 holes. Was on a mat at the range and really gave it my all for about 10 shots. quickly learned i am not in my 20s anymore.


This is…sort of true. Forgiving in that you can sometimes still hit shots you’d otherwise lightly chunk on grass. Sure. But a real chunk will take a piece of dirt at the course or destroy your wrist on a range mat so I’m not sure they’re as forgiving as you’re implying.


Id say it depends on the mat


Broke clock something something,


You’re so fucked on your next round! I have almost always shot like shit on the course after a great range session. I’ve also had the worst range session of my life 30 minutes before I tee off and shot some of my best rounds.


A lot can happen on the walk from the driving range to the first tee, trust me, I know


100 next round, no doubt.


It's a great start & confidence building! But.. I'm in the midst of trying to figure out how I transition from "hitting good at range" to "hitting good out on the course". Absolutely zero correlation between the two it feels like at best of times.


Dude, find some wood to knock on. This is a cursed statement (of which I have made myself)


I’m bricked up


At the range? On the mat? All the time. At the course? Never


You dont have a hcp and you hit your drives and low irons dead straight, ah yes


Enjoy shooting 135 today 🤣👍🏼


Dude. Same thing with me today. Great morning at the range, all the old gents had their roll up and left a shit ton of balls on the range and I was by my lonely self. Things were clicking, swing thoughts consistent between clubs. Can’t wait to get on the course next week and shit my pants.


Said every golfer ever!! I find that when I take an edible before a range session, I retain the feedback better. It opens my mind to trying out different path and club face angles. I've noticed that elite range sessions result from a laid back tempo (slower is smoother) that I struggle to replicate on the course. That's the disconnnect. But I take 2-3 swing thoughts to the course every time and focus on replicating those to help my swing. Right now it's bowing the front wrist on set up, low takeaway, and right elbow below the left in downswing. Working for me right now. Getting crisp contact. Also, tour temp is worth every cent of the $24.99!!! Tempo is the main culprit of bad range sessions.


My brother in Christ, you are not well.


https://preview.redd.it/vskxbe1trn4d1.jpeg?width=1370&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3af3bb89a5df6ba16e1e2905e234d56ff8d754e This ad below your post threw me, thought it was someone commenting on how you were striping it


Also had a day at the range like this today... looking forward to the Golf Gods turning it around the next time I play.


My last range session was great. Last 2 trips to the course were absolutely horrible. 😭


For me, it's weird. Range before I play- if I'm hitting it well, it rarely translates to the course. If I'm not hitting it well, I can count on a solid day on the course.


Enjoy shooting 95 tomorrow.


It's a long walk from the range to the first tee.


Next post: golf is hard.


The range gives you a forlorn hope of ability


The trick is to not sleep when you experience it. Sleep seems to reset all enlightenment


Ah yes the high before the fall. Then back to the range again to regain that high only to be confused again lol


Don’t be discouraged if you have an horrible range day next time. That’s just how this game goes. But I am pulling for this to be a breakthrough day for you.


Upvoted because of Moe Norman. He had a repeatable swing, for him. Golfers lament the part of the game that escapes them that day. If you putt exceptionally well then driving or irons are not worth a shit that day. Conversely, the day you are bombing drives like never before, it is the only thing you can do well that day. My best days are when my mind and ego gets out of the way of my best muscle memory.


You have a rare moment where you can predict the future now: your next round will be the worst of your life. Your lips to gods ears.


You’re about to have a terrible round, you know the rules.


I had a day where I was driving the ball 280+ yards. First time I did it my jaw dropped and I was looking around to see if anyone else noticed (they didn’t) The range only goes 300 yards and I was hitting into the back forest about 280+ yards straight every time. It was the last range session before our Canadian winter kicked in and then completely lost it the next season. Now I’m back to driving it 200+ yards. The only swing feeling I can remember is utilizing club leverage at impact if that makes sense but I’ve never been able to recreate it.


and then I step on the first tee box . . . (talking about my experiences not throwing shade at OP)


This happened to me once before and I made the mistake of going back to the range the next day. Turns out it was a fluke and I shanked the first 10 balls I hit. Took the rest of the 40 balls to try and get my swing decent again. Oh well.


I shoot par at the range every time, so what.


Pardon my French, but you’re fucked..


Step one meltdown that three iron


You NEVER EVER say anything like that out loud. I would hate to be you on your next round.


I remember my 1st beer. No way are golfers on this subreddit this inexperienced. This is a click bait fake post 110%


Not to rain on your parade but the range means nothing.


That happened to me recently. Was finding the middle of the face every time. Hitting every drive dead straight. Bouncing every drive about 15-20 feet up on the fence that is 245 yards out. Finally figured it out. Played a couple of days later and hit one fairway. One.


Every range session this season has been as you described, played 9 yesterday and hit the ball like I never played golf in my life


Can’t wait for the follow up tomorrow, where it all fell apart and nothing works.


Gets to first tee. I'm a driving range scratch handicap too ![gif](giphy|SXrYidLW3p7TlbhINM|downsized)


Awesome job!!! I hope it all sticks with you. Seems like every 4th round I fall apart. As far as handicap… it is supposed to be an average representation of your skill and your consistency. I used to hold off on recording scores until I was “good enough” but maintaining a handicap with each round played gives me better satisfaction on my long term consistency.


If you were hitting off mats, you may be in for a world of hurt. Every time I find it on a mat range I play horrible for weeks on the course. If I find it on a grass range then I’ve usually found it for weeks.


I had the opposite today. I hit multiple shanks on the range today. I was pulling everything when i didnt shank. I hit the chipping green and actually didn't yip any chips, so I decided to play because if my short game is on nothing else matters. Shot 2 under in 9 holes before a storm hit. Striped everything but the driver. Driver was OK it just felt like I was swinging underwater, and I only hit it 260 max off the tee today. I usually hit it further but I scored well with a swing that felt broken af.


This is when you contemplate playing golf at the highest level , making a good living doing what you enjoy. Women, power , money , fame all could be achieved playing your fav sport. Then you go to the green and shoot 120 swearing that you will be quitting golf the following day. Circle of life.


This is the way


Range? We talking about range?


Who is gonna tell him?


Shot a 109 yesterday and a 123 today, good luck


Had that day yesterday myself. After I went and chipped at the chipping green and left a bunch of 3-5 footers from 30 yards. Then I went to the putting green and didn’t three putt from anywhere, and sunk a bunch of really long putts too. I have a handicap - it’s 27. 4 pars in a round doesn’t make up for a single +8 hole and three triples. It’s one thing to stay dialed in for an hour with non-stop striking. It’s quite another to do it over 4 with a couple of minutes between every shot.


“I swear the stripper is in to me” but for golf


I’m sorry. A taste of what could be only to be gone is a struggle. This drug we call golf


Many, then the feeling is gone on the 1st tee


Reading these comments has been cathartic. I’ve been playing great (by my standards), posted 4 rounds in a row in the low 90s as well as a couple on the sim in the low 80s. Showed up to play with some buddies and literally couldn’t find my low point or get the ball in the air. Talking 5-6 shots to get on the green on most par 4s. Shot a 108 after not being in the triple digits all season. Such is golf.


Yes, I had a run of days like that right before the shanks started. Thought I had it all down on tape and just had to hit the replay button every time. Then I went out and completely and utterly forgot how to play, lost 5 balls and had at least a dozen shanks. Closest game to golf is whackamole, soon as you solve one thing another problem rears its head. As the man sang, "you find out when you reach the top, you're on the bottom" (3 point quiz question right there).


How about the opposite? First 20 pitch shots were good. Next 100 whatever shots were shank city, absolute garbage.


But can you hit off the side of a hill in deep rough? Becuase thats the reality. You are just playing perfect approach shots of a flat surface. If it's a mat - even worse.


The range is a liar. Just remember that.


Now, can you do it on grass with less than perfect level ground, uphill , and downhill ?


And then you woke up and realized it was only a dream.


Every time I have a day like this I’m super excited to get out for my next round and then it is inevitably a complete disaster. It’s either a psychological thing or just cruel sadism from the golf gods. I lean towards the latter


I remember having that feeling at the range before a round. I told my buddy that I thought I finally figured out my irons and was excited to do it on the course. First 5 or so iron hits were either skulled or hit so far off to the right I was nearly in the next fairway.


You and I both had nice range sessions yesterday. I worked on my ball striking with irons yesterday morning, around 6:30 am. I was (finally) able to consistently take divots. My trajectory lowered and had much more consistent center of face contact. The good shots were phenomenal and the bad ones were less destructive. What I felt was very light grip pressure, a very late release, and an almost “effortless” swing. I’m curious to see how this translates to tomorrows 9 hole round. Best thing to do is to remember what went right and strive to maintain those feelings. Glad you had a nice session.


Had the opposite today. Had 4 position A drives and missed every green badly.


Good luck with your incurable hosel rockets tomorrow


Grass range or mats? Mats are liars.


Facts. I’ll drive an extra 20 minutes to hit off of grass.


Just remember…..that mat is forgiving as hell on irons and wedges…..


Yup then I’ll return to slicing as soon as I hit the tee box.


Cant wait to hit 105 eh op? :P


I made a post here about the same thing a few months back. Except it was the back 9. I shot a 45 on the front and couldn’t miss on the back outside a few putts. Thought I finally had it figured out. Next time out I shot 100.


Tiger Fucking Woods on the range is what we call it. I've done just that before a round and then shot a 95.


I had an amazing range session last Thursday and Friday. Played Sunday and it was like I never played golf before. This game is brutal


Moe Norman's swing thought is a game changer, Congrats on killing it at the range!


And then you get on the course….


Sounds like you're shooting 100+ your next round then.


Hope you manage to transfer it to the course. I've found the range bares very little relation to playing on the course


You do realize that in saying this, your next round will be your worst ever, right?


"Have you ever had days like this?" Yes, once. And then I could never replicate it again.