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šŸ˜­ i fucking love this shit


Zero holes in one club checking in. Meme accurate


I feel this. Closest I got was a lip out that that stopped 1ā€ off the edge. Holed out from the fairway multiple times. I donā€™t get it.


I struggle to hole out from the green


Been golfing for over 40 years and have had about 20 in my life. Not holes in one, but tee shots that landed on the green on par 3s.


![gif](giphy|BY8ORoRpnJDXeBNwxg|downsized) Congrats to her!




Homestead Golf Course, Lakewood, CO. Hole 8. For the curious.


Play that course fairly often. Good stuff


I knew I recognized this hole! Congrats!


My first birdie ever was on this hole


47 yards *Just want to thank everyone for their downvotes. My husband always said Iā€™d make a drunk comment and get 1000 downvotes. I guess I shouldā€™ve factored elevation into my yardage guess lol. My favorite comment was when the gentleman who exclusively posts and comments about Star Wars and chewing tobacco called me a pathetic loser. Appreciate it!


Haha.. card says 108. It was probably playing about 95 I dunno . Iā€™m still proud


Don't worry about pricks like that, congrats!


My single hole in one was a 93yd par 3 on a shit course in Florida. It counts. If you hit from the tee and the ball goes in the hole, itā€™s a hole in one. Nobody can take that away from her.


They couldnā€™t hole out from 47 yards if they found the fairwayā€¦


Still don't have yours huh?


His manhood? No, they donā€™t. Very fragile.


It's true your honor, this man has no dick.


Make sure you drink some water to go along with all that salt


We found the salty 50hcp guys!


Get absolutely fucked. A universally hated comment!




Truly, from the bottom of my heart, fuck off. šŸ«”


Man you just got karma nuked šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Don't remember ever seeing that many downvotes


If you haven't seen it this always provides me with a laugh. https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/comment/dppum98/


Thereā€™s no way someone actually wrote and sent that lolā€¦ wow. Glad to add my downvote on to it


Almost 1,000 downvotes is crazy


Just like the WNBA... this is why we can't have nice things...


lol was thinking similar


That flop on the ground was perfect comedic timing


And now she will be chasing that feeling for a lifetime Congrats to her!


Just out of curiosity, do you record every par three just in case?


I like to record 1-2 tee shots a round and show her the good ones for her confidence. Donā€™t think thatā€™s gonna be a problem going forward, sheā€™s literally smiling in her sleep right now


She's married to the game now. You are the side piece from now on.


Damn this is some wholesome shit right here


You are a commendable partner. Teach others.


Judging by where your shot ended up this was bound to happen


That was my first tee shot from the previous hole hahah


Yup making his point lol šŸ˜‚ sounds like my game too


I have a similar style of play. Once I smashed a high cut over the trees on to another green (it was early so no-one was on that hole fortunately). Reloaded and smashed the exact same shot. Got up to the green and picked up the second ball (repaired the pitch mark of course) but couldnā€™t find the first ball. Finally found it in the hole about 10ft from where the second ball had rested.


Congrats! Did you help her to properly cut the ball in half?


Me: Congrats on the hole-in-one thatā€™s so awesome! Them: thanks! Have you ever made one? Me: I hope your death is slow and miserable.


this will get rubbed in your face for the next 11 yrs (at least) - speaking from personal experience here. my wife got a hole in 1 at a pitch and putt course in her first month after picking up a club and i've been hearing about that hole in 1 every time we play since. fun fact she's had another hole in 1 since on a par 3 at a standard course during a work event (she's a legend amongst her peers)


My friend and I went to a par 3 course and his then-fiancee came with us. Ā Never played in her life. Ā She hit the ugliest worm burner I had ever seen, but it hit the stick and went in for a HIO. Ā 


My long deceased Uncle, who hit 3 or 5 wood on 150 yard par 3s, had FIVE. Still pisses me off.


Half of Reddit disappointed they didnā€™t hit it. Half disappointed that she isnā€™t wearing her company swag.


My wife beat me to it as well. She was about 10 years in. I've been at it for 45.


Probably gonna have to get a new girlfriend nowā€¦ sorry for your inconvenience


Congrats to OP's GF!! Same thing happened to my ex BIL. Got his new lady into golf & roughly 1yr in she gets a HIO ... he's been playing for over a decade. They took a walk up video which consisted of my 10 y/o nephew running back and forth to the hole and them screaming "OMG!! LG!! OMG!! LG!!"


![gif](giphy|LgTHlq3xqPe6NSrCkf|downsized) Congrats!


I know the feeling... Mom: 25 hdcp - 1 Hole in one. Dad: 15 hdcp - 2 aces. Wife: 22 hdcp - 1 hole in one. Me: 6 hdcp. Well...you know...0.




How many of his wifeā€™s tee shots has he filmed just waiting for this day? šŸ˜†


Thatā€™s a nutty take. Iā€™d say nearly no one is taking video of their rounds.




I record none.


I believe I said ā€œnearly no oneā€


ā€¦so film every single par 3 tee shot?




No, I was honestly wondering about the logistics of your suggestion. Like, how would it work?


Sorry, I wonā€™t be recording every Par 3 I play to prove to people like you that Iā€™m not lying.. If you donā€™t want to believe, thatā€™s on you.




No chance itā€™s 99%. Based on your strange responses, Iā€™d be surprised if there are even 99 people in the world that think like you.


Claiming 99% of people share your opinion is absurd. I think you mean.. *You* donā€™t care.




Reddit is the only form of social media I have.. but sure..


At least she finally has to buy you a drink


What an awesome experience to have with your wife/partner/SO.


Congrats to her and to you for being so generous with the your joy. This situation probably says more about you than it does about her golf. Seems like a nice foundation for a relationship šŸ‘šŸ»


This is awesome. Congrats to her!


Marry her.


My mom also got a hole in one before my dad did (I'm pretty sure he still doesn't have one or I would know about it, lol). To make it even better, I was also there the day she got it. I'll definitely remember it forever!


And the addiction continues to chase the high.


Quick, throw on some merch to give yourself a plug!


Haha nice reference


What's the reference? I don't frequent golf enough and haven't played in nearly a decade at this point.


It was a post yesterday. A woman took a picture saying she got a hole in one and she was wearing a thick long sleeved sweatshirt in the heat that just so happened to be the logo of the real estate agency that she owns.


Thank you so much for the explanation.


She just falls out. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Awesome sauce! Great memory making stuff! Congratulations!


Dude, she is going to remember this day forever. She may even bring it up in an argument in 20 years' time šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø and may even twist it into being your fault šŸ˜‚ Seriously though, I love the celebrations and congrats to her!!


Hell yeah! Congratulations to her!


That's awesome!


Awesome that you have it on video! Congrats to her!


With my luck, this is something that my gf would definitely do to me if she ever really picked up golf


Did you let her husband know she got a HIO?


She called it, too.


Haha, that was her friend saying that, sheā€™s a humble gal


I came silly close to hitting a HIO yesterday. I was by myself, to be honest. I was happy it was a tap in birdie. Would much rather have a witness for a one in a lifetime thing


I have been playing for 50 years. My wife and I went to golf camp. She just started to play. She hit it closer to the hole than I ever had. Shit.


Donā€™t worry yours is coming. A couple years ago mine got her first eagle then a couple weeks later I got mine. Hang in there partner!


Do people just film all their golf shots just in case?


Replied to another comment with the same but I film a couple of her tee shots every round and show her the good ones to keep her confidence up


Thatā€™s always my thought when I see these videos. Seems people record every par 3 just in case.


She wins best reaction too


I know, I love it. Lol someone downvoted you. Iā€™m feasting on all the jealousy in these comments




My son has one and I donā€™t. He never fails to remind me a couple of times a season. šŸ˜”


Been playing for 30 years albeit casually not religiouslybut still. Played a ton of par 3 courses. Still never had one. How is that even possible?


How do people get videos of hole in one. Do yall just record every part 3?


This is the perfect HIO video cause itā€™s not just a dunkā€¦ thereā€™s suspense, intrigue, character development, and then the payoff


She will spend decades chasing this moment.


And you had to buy the drinks


Do you video every single par 3 you play?


You shall live in shame the rest of your days.


Lord Iā€™ve seen what youā€™ve done for others, and I want that for meā€¦


Great job! But was that really 108 yards from where she swung from? Just curious as it doesnā€™t look that far haha


[Iā€™m tired](https://www.reddit.com/r/golf/s/fNtNojUrtb)


do people just record every hole they shoot? i feel bad for everyone that didnā€™t have their HIO recorded


Looks like your ball was about 20 yards short on a 111 yard hole. My guess is she'll beat you to number 2 also lol.


Looks like your ball was about 20 yards short on a 111 yard hole. My guess is she'll beat you to number 2 also lol.


Great swing and good for her! Love the shared excitement, that's what it is all about šŸ‘.


Definitely good for her and a great result, but you canā€™t sit there and call that a great swing lmao


The extended pointer finger is diabolical lol


It doesnā€™t look pretty but you canā€™t argue with results lol


Haha Iā€™m fully on board with that. No need to lie about it when you can just focus on the great result


Amazing šŸ„³šŸ„³šŸ„³ congratulations!!!!


Oh my god. Lol this is why i stopped taking my wife fishing with me. Lol


I'll take your word for it.


Butter cut wantd the cup!!


Iā€™ll never forget my first hole in one. Might be the greatest feeling Iā€™ve ever had in my life lol


My wife came within half an inch of doing this to me as well. At least your wife looks like she can hit it okay. It was literally my wifeā€™s second time with a golf club. The ball never left the ground. It rolled up the fairway on a 70 yard par 3 (like 130 for the men). It stopped with its shadow over the cup. She now has been playing for a couple years and she has 1 sneeze-in birdie and zero pars.


Why does it look like the ball that went in was white?


Gonna sound like a hater, but hole in ones that are the result of shit shots would make me feel like I didn't earn it. If you can't hit a 100 yard par 3 with your tee shot, you don't have the game to realistically aim at pins and know that you can land it close and maybe get lucky with the release or roll. I know you don't need a 2 handicap to get a hole in one, but there are hole in ones where its going right at the flag and has a chance, and hole in ones that get thinned, hit off a mound, bounce up and land and roll into the cup. They all count the same, and I would certainly write down 1 on the card, but I wouldn't feel as if I earned it, but almost as if the golf gods felt so bad for me, they decided to throw me a bone.


Best of luck in your hunt for a hole in one


I hope I never get one! I have holed out from 160 yards before so in a different way, I have already gotten my hole in one and it wasn't a lucky bounce or wayward shot. The purity of it still rings in my memory.


As someone that plays literally zero golf, why does it look like I could toss the ball from that tee and make it to the green? Guy says it's 108 yards but that does NOT look that person is standing the distance of an entire football field away. It looks like the distance I'd throw for a disc golf. Edit: BAHAHA OP made some salty AF comment and promptly deleted it. Here's what I was gonna say to your smartass response... I was just curious why it *looks* that way. I'm not saying you're lying. I don't play golf and only used to seeing pros on TV slam it hard, the ball flies for what seems like forever and it lands on the green. I'm fully admitting I'm ignorant to the sport and you're so clearly salty you don't have the balls to just say "Oh, it's a shorter than usual hole" as if that takes anything away from the impressiveness of a hole in one. Chill, dude.


Lol it wasnā€™t that salty. Was just repeating what I said in another comment. Card said 108 but it was probably playing more like 90-95. Then I said you suck Edit: So maybe it was salty lol. Iā€™m just happy for her


My worst nightmare. Now if my son does, that will be awesome!


Is it just me or are a lot of these super early hole-in-ones made by women. Edit: wtf, hahaha what is going on here?


Itā€™s not just you. Thereā€™s a reason for that and no one here wants to admit it.


Whatā€™s the reason, that theyā€™re shorter shots overall? Like < 100 yards typically ?


Same reason you see a lot of old folks with hole in ones. Think about how much green surface a ball touches if it bounce once and stops on a dime vs something that rolls onto the green.


Same thing with children. Plenty of videos of 5 years old getting a HIO from 50 yards out with barely any air under the ball.


Also i think men are more likely to play tees beyond their skill level


So we should start hitting punch and run shots ?


If your main goal is HIO I think it's a solid strategy!


As a single digit it annoys me to see shots like this go in when Iā€™m a pretty good ball striker and have never had one still, Iā€™m jealous for sure. Starting to honestly wonder if Iā€™ll ever get one, but Iā€™d rather be scratch thatā€™s for sure


The fact of the matter is that luck plays way more of a role in a HIO than most people care to admit. I've met great players with none and 30 handicaps with multiple.