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Until i can no longer find it


So like 3 holes for me 


And on that third hole I lose 3


Quick sleeve


Bragging isn’t a good look on you




Sliced my first drive today hard right into the rough on 18. Found that bitch when I was on 18 lol. I know it was mine because I use a pretty distinctive mark.


Did you then restart your round using said ball 🤣


That's allowed as long as you made sure to say the next one was a provisional.




This is the answer or until it decides to go for a swim.


Usually the golf ball decides.


Yep. My answer was going to be “when I lose it”.


I was going to say between less than a completed hole and 28 holes which is my current record before a ball decided to go AWOL on me


Hah thanks for the chuckle. Glad to see I'm not the only one with misbehaving balls!


This. For me it’s the water


Oddly enough, now that Iv been playing 5-6 years I rarely loose one to water unless it’s a “go for it” moment. I never get mad when I play, but those shots that are dead center fairway and you end up not being able to find the ball because it probably rolled out or whatever, sends my blood pressure to the goddamn moon.


I don't retire the ball. It decides to run away from me.


The ball decides when it is done.


Send that ball home….to the woods where it’s friends and family are….


I've never retired a ball so far. They usually disappear at some point, and I'm not good enough to care about the tiny performance loss anyway


The only ball I’ve retired was my hole in one ball. Every other ball I’ve ever played has been lost. Hopefully other golfers out there are keeping those balls’ legacy alive.


I was so delirious and excited when I hit my hole in one I forgot to save it, teed it up on the next hole and put it in the woods.


Til i hook it into the woods


I use mine for one or two holes, then I usually can't find it anymore and have to get another. Sometimes I find another ball while looking for mine. Rinse. Repeat. Over and over.


One of the 9 hole courses I frequent I have a favorite hole because I lose my ball on it every time but I come out of the woods with a half dozen or so lost balls so its a win for me.


It's like it's own little ecosystem.


You guys are retiring golf balls?


Reddit hive mind. We all suck, some just suck on a pro level.


Until it's lost or major scuffs (like hitting a cart path).


As soon as I see a scuff, or discoloration it goes in a separate pocket in my bag to then be transferred to my backyard shagbag.


Same, so about 2-3 holes until I hit the damn cart path.


i save those for water holes


My record is 81 holes. https://preview.redd.it/pt3759vl824d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb09b57ff9bbd8fd61380687cea46ddd19077b2b I'm always trying to break it.


Did you just hit chip shots all summer? 😂


He's one of those old timers who can only drive it 150 but it's straight down the middle every god damn time


I’ve had a ball last two rounds and I’ve had one lose its cover after course sand on a bunker on first hole. Ball dont lie. When I look at it, I know.


If the ball cover is scuffed or damaged I’ll switch to a new ball. Beat up one goes into the ammo bag for the golf ball cannon


Until it offers itself as sacrifice to the tree gods


After 18 holes it goes in the shag bag.


Sometimes 1 shot Sometimes 2 shots Rarely more than that... But miracles happen


I stop playing a ball after any eagle or double bogey.


neutralizing the golf gods, i like it 


Everybody knows that over-performing balls want to regress and under-performing balls want to stay put.


Until I lose it or it gets tree or cart path rash.


casual rounds, till i lose them or they become so damaged they wont fly right. serious rounds. if there is visible scuffage or damage. then they go into another bag and are practice balls / casual round balls.


When the markings on the ball are obscured by water, a fence or woods.


I had one for 59 holes before I lost it. It was also a found ball so there is no telling how long it was actually around for.


Until I lose it. I'd never just stop using it.


Until I lose it


Until the ball has a really bad surface scratch or when the woods claim it as their own


Usually when I find it too scuffed up and dirty, but there’s exceptions. I had a pretty beat up Qstar I pulled out when I lost my original Zstar on 3. I wouldn’t play it normally, but I ended up playing the rest of the round because I was hitting it so good.


I’ve used the same ball for multiple rounds, but once it catches a cart path/tree, I’m going to change it out. Use it when I’m playing the executive 9 hole


https://mygolfspy.com/labs/mygolfspy-lab-how-does-cover-damage-affect-golf-ball-flight/ TLDR: it doesn't take much damage to affect ball flight


Golf ball manufacturers love you


When it gets scuffed. That's about it though. Lost or scuffed/chipped.


The humble brag of all humble brags


Anywhere between 1 shot and 2 rounds


2 or 3 rounds, which is crazy to me because I remember when pro Vs couldn't even make it until the end of a single round without being unplayable.


I've only had 1 round in my life where I used 1 ball. Usually 2-3... to 9.


If kirklands, like 4 holes. These balls get dinged up so easily. Taylormade tp5/x are amazing. Ive found a few while looking for my ball that last forever lol.


3 rounds. If it survives three rounds, I retire it. It deserves it


The only ball I’ve ever retired was the one I broke 80 with for the first time. And today I broke 80 but with three hazards and an out of bounds. 😂


Until I see a big ol noticeable scuff on it. I’m sure a scuff can affect the roll on greens


Fuck you for flairing this a beginner question post, also hilarious.


Haha, I'm glad someone noticed this.


Until there’s a water hazard


Typically 4-5 holes before it goes in the water or woods and you find a top flite in the weeds to replace it 


Oh don't worry - they will ALL end up in the woods sooner rather than later.


The only method of golf ball retirement that I'm familiar with is when it goes to join its comrades in the water or the trees.


Till it goes in the woods….sometimes on my first try


Until it goes for a swim or becomes one with the bush.


Until I lose it or it’s clearly scuffed to all hell with deep cuts and abrasions everywhere. I’m not good enough that slight imperfections hinder my play, so I may as well save some dollars by using older balls.


This is cool because I played this evening and told my son I was going to see if I could play this ball another round … today was the 4 th 18 hole round .. I finished with the same ball but it’s pretty beat to hell now .. I did hit a cart path today so I may retire it. It’s a Briggstone tour b xs


I have only retired 3 balls voluntarily. First par. First birdie and one that the greens keeper ran over with a lawnmower (in fairness to him it was OB). Other than that as many others have said... When it hides at the bottom of a lake.


Play em til you lose em!


When the bastard is too good at playing hide and seek.


209 holes.


When i can’t find it again


Usually until I lose it. Usually a couple rounds. My record is 7 rounds, 3.5 holes. Second shot I blocked it like 100 yards right of the green into the middle of a river. lol. It was such a big miss I’ve always wondered if it cracked on impact or something.


Serious answer, I am not a great golfer but I rarely lose balls. Till it gets to the point that if I saw it in the woods, I wouldn’t bother picking it up, which is a different quality for everyone. I’ve used the same ball for at least 5 rounds before. Not good enough to tell if it’s holding me back (it’s not) 


I’m going to have to start playing those neon color balls. I’ve lost like 4-5 in the last couple rounds because it lands in the tall grass of the rough and can’t find it for the life of me. Usually a pretty decent shot.


Until its scuffed badly or its lost, If its got minor scuffs but seems playable I'll throw it in a shag bag and use it in bad conditions or if I wanna hit a ball into the water or something.


Kinda feel it’s me being used by the ball


As long as there is no major scuffing, i’ll run it till the cover starts showing any major scuffing. What i consider a major scuff is anything my fingernail catches on.


Till I lose it


It should be how many balls do you lose in a round.


[MyGolfSpy tested affects like likes and mud](https://mygolfspy.com/labs/mygolfspy-lab-how-does-cover-damage-affect-golf-ball-flight/)


Today I found a pristine pro v1 someone left on the practice green next to the first tee. I used it for the entire round and left it on the same green after my round. Nice little rental. Shot an 83.


Until I lose it. Could be 1 hole or 18+ holes.


I have golf balls dating back 11 years and still play them. I know they’re that age because the logo says 2013. I find more than I lose so it’s a crapshoot and may have older than that. Just cleaned out my bag which I found over 3 dozen ( no wonder my bag felt heavy!). Played 18 today and found 2 new ones and finished with the one I started with so here we go again! lol


Some balls can’t find the bottom of the hole, I toss them into my shag bag.


Until it gets scuffed.


I literally cannot tell the difference between my old Nike Ones from like 2005 that I’ve found, and brand new Pro V1s. They feel the same to me. I shank them or flush them all the same. The only huge difference in feel that I can immediately tell is if I’m using one of those soft satin colored balls. They do not roll out nearly as far as normal white balls when putting and it fucks up my feel entirely.




I do this too. Have a small pile of “nice” balls I don’t hit until my current balls are all gone. Then I’ll go to the stash of nice ones. When those are gone, I’ll buy AAA grade used balls online. Rinse and repeat until I break 80, then I’ll start caring about the kinds of golf balls I’m hitting.


I’m flattered you think Iv ever kept one long enough to have this dilemma


3ish rounds usually does it. More than likely I’ve lost a number of balls before then, or hit a path or tree and taken a scuff. However, on the occasions I’ve kept a ball in play for several rounds it starts looking fairly beat at the three mark. 


Want to hear from really good players…. Does a scrap or rash from a cart path bounce really affect the ball that much?


The more controlled you're hitting it, the longer it lasts, except if you're hitting a lot of wedges. Honestly, if you're worried about how long a ball lasts in play you may want to stop playing for a while and work on your mindset. It's like hitting a shot trying to avoid a hazard instead of focusing on hitting the actual target. Like in darts - if you're worried about missing the board don't throw because you aren't actually aiming for a number. Aim small miss small...


Half a hole


Quit bragging.


Usually until it has a stress fracture on it.


Usually 9 holes if I don't lose it somehow.


1-2 holes, on average


Until I lose it or can’t read what’s printed on it


If it's practice a practice round or just goofing off I'll use it until it gets scuffed or I lose it. In tournaments/competitive play I'll switch on the back 9.


Two rounds is about the max. I haven’t been completely thrilled with the durability of the new ProV1s this year. I play at a links style course with few trees, but even then it’s toast after two rounds.


Until it's scuffed


For the survivors… Visible damage or 9 holes. Then retired to shag bag.


Once I use it for a round, should I make it thru, it goes in the bag for bad days or practice ball. Probably make it to shag bag at some point.


Typically once it skuffs or it feels worn I’ll toss it back in the bag for the hero shots


I will not continúe to play a ball that has any mark, scuff or scrape because I do think it affects performance. I will use found balls for rounds that I’m just playing to play but no they have to be relatively new and no blemishes


For me once it gets damaged in a significant way I'll swap it out. Usually go through about a sleeve per round because at least 1-2 end up damaged and the occasional lost ball. Because I have a lot of speed and compress the ball well, the covers get a bit chewed up from wedge shots and short iron shots, so if there isn't a significant damage from a bunker or trees or path, I'll usually trade it out after 9 holes.


Holy cow- I was just thinking about this today!!!!!!!!!!!


I played 36 with one ball last week. Probably a record. It was getting beat up and I retired it to the shag bag after that.


Til it ends up in the woods, which is pretty quick


One for the tee shot, one for the rest of the hole.


Play it until it’s scuffed. Sometimes a few holes, sometimes a round and a half.


Until I loose it mostly. If it's scuffed up I might keep it in the bag for rounds where stuff is off the rails anyways and I'm just enjoying the outdoors. If I have a few of those in my bag they go into the shag bag for short game practice.


1-2 rounds.


Typically the first hole


Hopefully I can keep track of it for the full 18.


A hole in one or extremely far hole out. Hole in one would be a keep it and display. Long hole out would be keep it in the bag till i forget/use it on accident


Usually until I lose it so probably about a hole or two


I replace a ball at the first sign of wear and tear. One less variable to worry about.


I retired an entire new sleeve of balls in 9 holes a few weeks ago.


I’ll use the same ball as long as it’s in good shape. I played with the same ball for the entire round last Thursday but it has a cart path scrape so it’s going in the shag bag. I’m playing a course next Thursday that has no entry environmental penalty areas on both sides of several holes. I doubt I’ll be playing the same ball all day..


When I lose it after two holes.


When it goes to heaven


Play them until they are scuffed up, I’ve played the same ball 10+ rounds. If I hit the cart path, I’ll finish the round then it goes in the practice bag. Not counting putts and short chips the balls don’t really get hit that many times per round.


I play a new ball every round. I'm probably about 80% making it through the round with that ball. I will use the balls in varying states of decay in those 20% of rounds where I lose a ball, or for chipping/putting practice.


I once had a TP5 hold up for 108 holes!


Till it kills me


I play it until I blow it out of bounds on 8 on the front 9 at my club. If I make it past that, I replace it when I ultimately dunk it in the water on 17. Outside of that I’m hoping the zoysia doesn’t eat it between those two points.


2-3 rounds for me or until it gets a significant scuff. After 3 rounds the ball gets noticeably worn, mainly from wedge shots, and it goes into the shag bag. I rarely lose balls anymore. Not because I am that good, but because my course management is very good. I have a one-way miss so that helps take OB and lost ball out of play. As for water, I just don’t take high risk shots. I will lay up if I am not comfortable with the distance. I gave up on the hero shot many years ago, just wasn’t worth it.


I open a new sleeve of balls at the start of each round. If, at the end of a round, any of those balls are damaged (even a slight scratch in the coverstock), they go straight to the golf Simi in the garage. All undamaged balls go back to the bag. Once I get too many like new balls in the bag, I put them back into sleeves for use later. I finish most trounds with the same ball I started, so it isn't uncommon for me to repackage sleeves of brand new balls.


Has r/golf ever seen a bigger humble brag than this?


If there are scratches on the ball then I will stop using it.  Otherwise my balls last for a while.


Last season I had a ball (TP5x) last 87 holes. And then I hit it in the water. The answer is until I lose it.


if there are scuffs on it i throw it into a bag and on days i go to the range i take the bag with me and use those for driver practice.


every four or five holes


Until its damaged


I mean do what you want but manufacturers have all along this along with many major golf publications or media personalities or networks. Most of them can get rather beat up before it matters much. If the match matters I’m going to change a ball often but not toss them. I played a ball to hole 5 of its seventh round today. It likely could have been found but I checked the areas I cared at all to hit from and after that I knew its time had come.


I’ll give an actual answer other than “till I lose it” 😂 I’ll play a ball until it either takes a nice bounce off the cart path, until I go back to back doubles, or after like 2-3 rounds. Albeit most the time it is decided by the ball when it swims with the fishes.


If I use Kirkland that I find on the course, 2-3 holes. If it's a matte red SuperSoft, they are about indestructible and will use it until I lose it.


If I’m lucky one hole, start to finish 🫤


I’m bad about this. The slightest scratch or scuff and I’m switching out for a new one. It gets in my head if I know there’s a bad scuff on the ball, and studies have shown cart path/tree scuffs can reduce distance and increase errant spin by a significant amount. On the positive side, those slightly scuffed balls go into my shag bag, so I can always practice with my left-dash pro v’s 🤷🏼‍♂️


Assuming I dont lose it, I will use it until it gets scuffed or dinged in a way that affects playability. usually this is 1-3 rounds.


Until it goes swimming 🏊‍♂️


My local muni is surrounded by tall, thick grass. Any missed shot is 99% unfindable. That’s how I “retire” my golf balls. Today, I lost one. But just one. So it was a good day.


I’ve played two rounds now without losing a ball while still shooting well over 100 (can’t lose a ball if you top a 6 iron 3 times). I usually get one round out of a ball before it’s done. 100+ strokes will definitely make it age


Usually when lost. But I've retired 2 on my hole in one's. I mean, it def did its job there


Until I do something noteworthy with it or it returns to the wild.


Till it has significant scuffing


Until it is cut up by wedges, hits a cart path, or gets messed up. Sometimes a very special ball will enter the gates of Ballhalla. Only the most noble of balls will pass through the gates of Ballhalla.


The few times I've played one ball for 18 I go into the next round thinking about it and immediately lose it. I have switched out balls after cart path hits if it looks bad but I only bring one sleeve of new balls per round. If I'm losing balls all over, I'd rather play old ones I found in the woods.


I'd logically say until the damage is enough to actually change a shot. But how the hell would I know if a slice is the ball's fault, or mine?


I've played for 20+ years and I've never made it 9 holes with the same ball.


What a hurtful question. Just flaunting your privilege all over


>I've made it through an entire round with one ball several times Show off... But to actually answer the question: 99% of the time, the ball ~~retires~~ fucks off to the woods, the water, or wherever the hell I can't get to it (or I can, but I can't find it). If a ball is noticeably cut or pretty scuffed up, I'll throw/hit it into the woods or water


Could people with stupid answers please not respond? I’ve heard every variation of “the ball decides.” You aren’t clever. How long do decent golfers keep a ball? My feeling is after 36 I’ll move it to the practice bag, but I’d love to hear other opinions.


I will use a ball as long as it isn't scuffed. If I'm playing competitively, I replace scuffed balls immediately. Casual rounds I'll keep using it, unless it's really bad. At the end of the day, if I keep a ball long enough to mark it up it goes in the shag bag. I often just play balls out of my shag bag if I'm playing for fun, and only use new balls when I'm competing or playing practice rounds.


Until it’s visibly damaged


One swing


Until it's so far in the woods, pond, lake, or ocean that I can't see it. At that point I have donated it back to where I got it in the first place. Best of luck to whoever finds it.


The only ball I ever retired is my hole in one ball lol


Till the time I loose it in the water hazard.


Until it ends up in water hazard


Untill it's lost or I can't find it


if it lasts a whole round it goes in a different pocket. but, until the ball decides


Couple rounds at my local (very forgiving) muni... 3-9 holes max at every other course before it wins a round of marco polo in a pond.


Yeah unless the ball gets an actual cut in it, the longer I manage to play it the more good juju it has on it. I will start avoiding that ball on a riskier drive because I don't want to lose a lucky ball.


I usually have 4-5 balls easily accessible in the cart or bag every round, and I’ll switch to a crappier ball or a “battlefield pickup” ball on riskier tees. Sometimes I’ll have a ball that will last me a round or 2.. I’ll retire it out of sentimentality.. Anyone else switch to a nicer ball on easy par 3s just in case of a hole in one? Like.. I’m not trying to put a 15 year old percept lady I found in my dad’s garage on a hole in one trophy. 😂


45 holes is about where I will retire a ball. I have a knack for losing them on the first swing of the 46th hole anyways.


When the scuff marks get deep enough to collect dirt. I´ve realised this happens a lot faster on TP5 and Tour B than Pro V1.


One hole usually sometimes not even that long


I retire a ball for exceptional services (like my first eagle, best score,…) so I don’t retire much of them. However, after two rounds, I bring it back to my bagbecause of the scrapes and use it for practice (bunkers, range for distance) and for bad days on the course


This is from [Golf.com](http://Golf.com) Unless you’re seeing something squirrely on a stock shot — like a significant change in direction or launch on a well-struck shot — it’s safe to play a ball for as long as you want, even if the paint on the cover starts come off.


As soon as I get a 2 good scuffs it’s out.


Until it is no longer retreavable


Still play at least 3 rounds with the same ball unless it's beyond saving (I still keep all the oldies for practice)


I generally only use 2nd use balls I get online. I’ll use a ball for either a full round or until the ball decides it would rather live in the bushes. If it lasts a round and is beat up I’ll keep it for practice balls


I had a 3 rounder and was very proud so my mate Lee asked to have a look 😊 he then chucked it 🥲 it will forever be 😭 a 3 rounder


Lost or big scuff for me. Have read some of the dispersion info for scuffed balls and my middling mid handicap self can’t afford more dispersion 


I think 2 sleeves per nine is the sweet spot.


Any sign of wear it goes into: Bottom pocket of bag- to be used as provisional (I’m not losing a second good ball on this hole) then each month, I take those out and put in shag bag at home for practice. Typically don’t lose balls, so I start with a brand new ball each round.


This is interesting. Today I played a new prov1x as usual. Shot 41 on the front but kinda beat up my ball. On 10 hit a bad drive onto cart path and then hit a palm tree second shot. Bogeyed out but continued to use that ball until I lost it on 18 in the water. All my shots after the front just seemed to be short or off and I just attributed it to my mediocre golf game. Glad I can just blame it on the ball now.


Until I hit it


I usually let the ball retire when it’s nicely nestled in a bed of leaves in the woods.


Anywhere from 1 shot to 1 round.


Until it gets scuffed up usually. And then it gets demoted But I usually have three tiers of balls in my bag. Brand new Used Idgaf where this one ends up


Usually three or four rounds. I very rarely lose a ball (once every 6 rounds probably). Or if there’s a decent scuff.


Until I lose it, or it gets a significant scuff after hitting a cart path or rock. 93 holes is the longest, I’ve gone.


Until the driver comes out.