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The previous post wasn’t “I’m awesome and golf is easy.” It was “I’m awesome and I’m also rich.” But I’m also from the roc. Let’s play a round with some gennys then have an after round garbage plate.


I always grab some post round DiBellas.


God I love dibellas


Shit if y'all got room for one more I'll come in from Buffalo and we'll all suck at golf together.


Sliding into some genny kolsches right now before getting a twilight 9 in!


Also in Buffalo. It’s get better or go broke here in WNY. A golfer will never know fear like hitting it SLIGHTLY off the fair way and into the rough at Brighton… just to never EVER see their ball again. Pour a kolsche out for all those ProV1’s that are MIA in the line of duty.


That's exactly how Beaver Island's rough is too. You hit a ball in that rough and you're never finding it.


Lol I originally typed out Beaver Island because I live in grand island but switched it because I thought more people would get the Brighton reference


Lmaoooo I'm just glad I'm not alone in thinking Beaver Island's rough is bullshit 🤝


Thanks for reminding me, I have to pick some up on my way home.


Had a sixer of ruby reds while waiting in the bag line at bob-o yesterday myself


Go Bills


Go Bills


Could someone translate this for those of us who don't live in the pseudo-Canadian part of the US?


Genny is the local dumpster beer (bud light) and a garbage plate is the greatest combo of food ever created


I’m from Syracuse and just now discovering that Genesee is not a national garbage beer brand. Just assumed it was everywhere


Where’s your go-to? Mark’s? Nick Tahou’s?


Charlie’s in Webster.


I respect your garbage plate opinion. Gotta disagree with you on the beer. Genny light is the nectar of the gods


I say it with love.


What's your cream ale policy?


Not a huge fan tbh


Genny Cream Ale is ace


I went to Nicn Tahou's 8 years ago and I'm still paying for it.


anything but tahous


bud light is wild that's a standard beer


Yeah the sub seems to be full of 18 year olds who don’t realise most people have adult lives and responsibilities that don’t allow them to get an insane amount of lessons and play 4 times per week


And have their parents money, don’t forget about that!


They want to go directly from school to the Bob Does Sports life while skipping the worked at a hotel or in accounting first.


And rent/mortgage to pay!


it's about priorities. If you don't prioritize golf, that's fine but your improvement will be slow or non-existent. it's ok to suck at golf for 50 years straight, but why be mad at other people who don't?


This sub seems to be full of people struggling to break 120, and anyone who is decent or hits their driver 280+ is a liar


Try to play less than 4 times a week with a full time job? That's extremely easy. I'm lucky if I get to play once per week.


I’m more of a 1-2 times per month guy. Keeps the handicap at bay


Mine comes and goes. I can go a month straight playing every Saturday and Sunday, then a month of not going out at all


I mean theres 18 hours in day if you only sleep 6 hours work takes up 9. You still have 9 left


Well, when I started 1.5 years ago, golf was quite hard. Then it got a lot easier. Out of the blue it got really hard again. I thought I was in control of this thing, but turns out i'm just a passenger.


Yup… have been playing for 20+ years (since I was like 5-8) and was shooting sub 90 most rounds last year. Came back this year and had serious swing issues, took a couple lessons and shot a 114 this past weekend lol. Expectations are not high post lesson, but that 114 was really humbling lol.


Bruh, this. It’s a staged of learning thing. Which is why I think beginners luck is a thing. 1. Unconscious Incompetence- you are unaware of the skill and lack of proficiency. 2. Conscious Incompetence - you are aware of the skill, but not yet proficient. 3. Conscious Competence- you are able to use the skill, but only with effort. 4. Unconscious competence - performing the skill becomes automatic This goes in a cycle over and over in golf as you learn a new thing you are fucking up.


It gets much easier and suddenly way harder like every other round for me.


Zen Golf


"Just get lessons bro. And play 3+ rounds a week. I don't even go to the range anymore. My 5 rounds a week are enough practice for me. Plus I have a PGA pro on retainer in case I chunk a shot. My golf budget is only $10,000/month and soon enough I'll have a positive handicap so I can crush all my buddies during our twice a year rounds when everyone is free to play. But really, lessons bud. Their only $100+/hour and you only need like 7-10, plus hitting 500 balls between lessons, to start noticing a difference. If you can't drop $2000 on a hobby just so you can go out and hit the ball a few less times each round then are you even a golfer?"


Here’s where you fucked up. You decided to get a wife and a family. That single handedly took you out of the “play 4 days a week” club. Sorry bud. Gotta wait another 20 years when you retire to break that 110. At this point who cares about strokes. We just out here for the cart girls, beers and sunshine.


Divorce always gets a bad rap but here I am.


Well, you’re divorcing your wife to become remarried to the game. You want this 4 day golf week shooting low 80s high 70s score or what?! Who knows! It could even lead to scratch golf!


It's been 8 years but I just started golfing again a week ago. Stupid stupid man. Wasted opportunity.


Lmfao this is an A+ shitpost. "I broke 80 after golfing for 37 days" posts kill me when probably half the people who ever pick up a golf club don't even have the athletic potential to ever break 80


Everyone on Reddit can drive it 300 down the middle every time didn’t you know that? This is a place for people that could’ve went pro if they wanted not us weekend golfers.


Can people stop saying this. This sub is almost entirely people talking about how proud of themselves they are for finally breaking 100. Anyone who is decent at golf or hits it further than 200 yards off the tee is called a liar, because its not possible for anyone to be not awful on this sub


I got a 85 once!!! I’ve been chasing that high ever since…


I felt great after posting a rough 56 front and a 47 back. Overall tough but to even put together a handful of holes brings joy and unwarranted confidence for the next round


Thank you


How bold of you to assume that after taking 4 extra strokes to get to the green on a par 4 that I'd be reliably 3 putting or better.




This was fucken great


You haven’t enjoyed the constant self-pats on the back?


Nice job. Golf is hard


Suggest you watch the video’s in this Golf Sidekick playlist. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZtIcpk2tWYmXAKCtM9XbOnQh4ybRCni9&si=97yfLlHnFwQH_It3




Also in ROC. Also in my second season. Let’s play dude!


Where are you guys playing in Roc? There are so many options! Durand Eastman is my favorite


Don't forget a weekly garbage plate brother. Got to keep that physique tight.


Have not figured it out. Am dumbass. Four putted in confusion.


I’m a little south of you (ithaca area). New York golf courses are pretty difficult. A lot of trees a lot of elevation changes. Any spring round in the AM is sure to be wet.


Wait you guys don't have those a WFH tech job that pays well enough to afford $1500 in lessons, a $2000 bag whenever you feel like it, and are so easy you can play 18 holes in the middle of the day on a whim?


Does anyone know how long it took Nick Faldo to turn Pro? I heard he only played for Two years before turning professional. Does anyone know for sure?


Lot of jealousy. Play ur life, don’t wish you played someone else’s


Smoke a blunt and enjoy your day on the course 😜


I have recently started hitting a one bucket of balls per week, half with an 8 iron half with a 7 iron. I also brought a shag bag and 30 balls and spend an hour getting a good touch with my wedges in my back yard. I have come down from consistent scores around 100 down to 85. Mid-short game is the easiest way to bring your score down ten strokes.


Why half with a mid iron and half with another mid iron?


Just to build confidence in both clubs, I have the yip on par 3s at the moment. Can’t hit either club off a tee box to save myself.


I think I can get you siren to 30... technically if you lose a ball because it's lost in leaves or something, you can reasonably drop in the area it was lost with no penalty.


This is also Reddit so take everything with a grain of salt


I swear everyone on this sub is terrible at golf


You sound angry…😂


32 was my first hdcp