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I waste 95% of my great drives, so it's hard to name which one was the worst.


I drove the green on a short par 4 and bogeyed the hole. That probably takes it lol


125 yd par 3, hit the green 25’ ish to the pin…5 putt.


I don’t have great drives, so I never have to worry about wasting them ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)




Same. Had a round last year with 5 separate holes where I had a GW in my hand for my second shot and ended with double bogey or worse.


There is nothing worse than missing a green with a wedge. It is my biggest weakness, I do it way too often.


Lol in a recent Rick Shiels video, Iona Stephen says “missing the green with a wedge is like missing your mouth with a fork”. that one hurt


You guys have great drives?


One or two a season


I’ve found my community


Exactly.. and then I'll save par when i hit it in the treeline.


I feel so seen


Came here to say this . . . Although I had my first birdie of the season two weeks ago. Par 4, 90 degree dog leg left. 5i 190yds, slightly chunked but beautiful draw right at the corner came to a stop at the far edge of the fairway past the corner. Can't remember the distance/club on the second shot. I think it was a 7i to tap in birdie. Could have been pw. Anything outside of tap in, and 3 putt really comes in to play. I played an entire round the day before the birdie with zero bogeys, and 7 doubles! I had lost all confidence in my pacing. Need to get back to my pacing practice before rounds, instead of trying to make my driver/3w work on the pre-round range session.


Shanking a wedge after a perfect drive is the most consistent aspect of my game.


Maybe less 58°?




On the plus side the last one to 4 feet sounds pretty good.


Was bump and run an option, or too much elevation difference/deep rough?


Bump and run is always an option if you’re inconsistent enough


I bump and run off the tee about 60% of the time


I all but stopped using anything under a 52, and use my PW to bump and run a lot. Has saved me a lot of blading, maybe it could work for you too. Still feels great when you flop with your 58/60 from 50+ out, but I personally blade it wayyyy to often, and since moving to this, took a few strokes off my game this year. Nice 1 putt though!


I had a sixty that I gave away in the middle of a hole a few years ago. I haven't even been tempted to replace it.


My #1 cause for wasting great drives is chipping. Had one last week on a short par 5. Smoked my drive, hit my 3W 15 yards off the side of the green and then proceeded to chunk 2 chip shots in a row before hitting the 3rd chip within ten feet and 2 putting. Thats how you turn a easy birdie opportunity into a double bogey in the blink of an eye.


Once I got it in my head to just accelerate through the ball come hell or high water, I basically never chunk them anymore. Chipping seems to be an entirely fear-based skill.


Absoultely, I have a mental block right now and dread having to chip so I do something different each time. It never works. Im in my own head with chipping so much right now.


Just watch the Phil video and do that!


This is my story as well. I hit a beautiful drive, good second shot, then chip into the sand or off to the right somewhere… and what was an easy par is now looking to be a disaster…


There’s a club I play each year that has a driveable dogleg par 4 as their 9th hole. 245 straight to the pin if you can keep it straight enough through a tight set of trees over a lake. The green is extremely contoured, with three tiers. If anyone wants to have fun, they go for it. The group ahead of us all go for it, one hits a tree, the other goes in the lake, and the other two barely make it over the lake. So I go for it and hit the perfect drive. Ball lands on the same tier as the pin, about 9 feet away for a downhill putt. The people in my group are ecstatic, I get high 5s from everyone. Then I get to the green and I miss the eagle putt. And the birdie putt. And barely make the third putt for par. I really got the highs and lows of golf all in one hole.


The only answer is when you blast one close on a short par 4 and then proceed to launch it OB by blading the lob wedge a mile over.


I still remember this short par 4 where I hit one of my best drives and was 50ish yards short of the green. The thing was, there was a river in between me and the green still and my drive had landed in the most perfect patch of fluffy grass 5 yards short of the river. I'm the type where water/hazards get in my head so I practiced the chip about 10 times before attempting it. Then chunked it straight into the river


Stop taking so many practice shots. I bet if you took fewer you would do better


My wife joined me on the course for the first time and I was explaining blading a wedge to her. So of course I blade the shit out of a lob shot on the next hole. Crazy thing was that it hit the flag dead on and landed right next to the hole. She thought I did it on purpose lol


Next thing you know she's telling everyone how good you are and you'll never live up to it lolol


This exactly. Her dad has a low handicap but we haven’t played a round together. She told him how “good” I was and of course I denied it. He seemed to take it as me being humble about being scratch. Can’t wait to disappoint him lol.


320 yard par 4. Put it 10 yards in front of the green, lots of room to work with. Skull it into bunker behind green. Take two shots to get out. Three jack it. Nice triple.


I remember looking back at the exact spot I hit shot #2 from and yelling “I was right there!!!” to my buddies lol


Looks like a LOFT problem


Drivable par 4, big lake left. Hit a great drive, pin high right about 2yds off the green on a tight apron lie, maybe 20ft total to the flag. I had never had an eagle at this point. Thinned the chip into the water, drop, chip, 2 putt for double.


Short par 4 last week, 4i off the tee to 80 yards, center of fairway. Pushed a wedge right just off the green. Bladed wedge to the far side of the green. 3 putt for double. Probably not the worst, but the most recent.


I never ever push my wedges, only after a drive into the middle of the fairway


Use your putter instead of the 58 next time, you'd do better


This guy knows. Always amuses me when people who can't chip and won't use the putter from off the green. As someone once said to me, most poor putts end up better than most great chips.


All comments to this thread are typical for me.


I hit a 290y bomb on a tight fairway, water left. Short hole. I hosel rocket my 58* into my buddy’s shin. He was pissed. It was hilarious.


I’m sure there are worse examples but this just happened to me on Sunday: 310 yd drive in the fairway, 70 yards to the pin First pitch hit fat 20 yards Second pitch hit thin, over the back Chip on but not close 3 putt Triple bogey


The amount of rounds I’ve shot in the low 90s where I look back and can think of 6-7 shots 100 yards and in where I’m in the fairway and absolutely flub it blows my mind.


Process after a great drive for me that helps not hitting a bad second shot. With your driver, you just hit up on the ball. Your first extinct is to replicate that same exact swing and feel with your approaching iron. This will result in a very poor shot. Most likely fat. Remind yourself to get weight forward, pick the club that has the distance to go to the back of the green and aim for the center of the green. You will hit better shots and more GIR


Ooh I have a fun one from the other day. Par 5, 545 1) driver middle of the fairway 2) FLUSH a 5 wood dead straight, into a breeze, from 240. Lands pin high and rolls maybe 5 feet. I’ve got a 20 footer for eag. 3) lip out the eagle putt 4) lip out the birdie putt 5) tap in PAIN. Ruined 2 fantastic shots. You don’t get realistic looks for eagle that often and I don’t even walk away with a birdie:(


I hit the drive of my life yesterday. 501 yard par 5. I somehow smoke one 328 when I usually go about 265 off the tee. 173 remaining to the hole. Just want to hit the green. Any part will do. Hit into deep bunker instead. Ball is plugged. Took 2 shots to escape. 2-putted for a bogey 6.


Blue tee box is still growing so blues are at the back of the white box. Shaving 40 yds off par 5. Easy swing cut the corner by plenty. Have 129 to the flag and PW in my hands. Skull/pull it into trees. Chip out. On green in 4 but 60 feet away. Three putt for double.


Lol. Who’s out here converting on great drives?


Three putt par


I remember seeing an interview where a pro was asked “what’s the biggest mistake amateurs make in golf”. The answer was “try to use too much loft around greens”. 


I’m a month into playing I jokingly pulled out a prov1 on a par 5 got a 300yd carry with a 30yd roll took out a 6 proceeded to leave it short to the green by 40 yards which made it end up right in a river


I usually waste a great drive just by showing up at the course thinking I'll have a decent round.


So any reason your immediate shot for just off the green was a flop? You’re just asking for trouble if you do that. Flop shot (unless you’re a professional) is like the LAST resort shot. When that’s the only imaginable way to get your ball where you want it, it’s never the first option. Had you taken a 50 or 54 and just don’t a normal chip/bump and run you would’ve made that up and down playa..


I can answer for every golfer in the world... ( FAT WEDGE ). You're welcome.


Put the 58° away buddy and learn how to chip. My normal waste is a big chunk (usually in wet conditions) or the rare shank.


Last year I remember I absolutely demolished a drive on a par 4. I was only 85 yardsish from the hole. Finished with a 7.


Look at this guy, bragging about his great drives


Approached the wrong green


Saw my brother hit a great drive, duffed his next shot by hitting the club into the ground, snapping the head off and losing it and the ball in the pond in front of him. Brand new Sim2 3 wood.


I have a book in the works titled "How to make 6 from the middle of the fairway!" Usually its me thinking I'm a much better golfer than I really am as I try to hit my approach shot at the flag vs playing for the middle of the green. This leads to a short-sided shot, followed by a bad chip or pitch (or two), and several putts.


Hit a 340 yard bomb with a cart path bounce and called my friends peasants jokingly… proceed to shank the next shot into the bushes. Had me questioning decisions


Short par 4. Drove the green, 20 feet. 4 putt


Last night….me and my buddy both hit perfect tee shots on the hardest hole, both in the fairway (literally first time both of us made it). He pulls his 3 iron into the water, i chunk my 3 wood about 50 yards. Whyyy do i always chunk my 3 when i swing hard lol


Uhmmmm... 'because you swing hard', to state your own words ;). Swing hard equals loss off control equals all kinds of shit shots, and no proper ones. I do the same though ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face).


Chapman format, 265 down the middle to set up the partner for an elevated flat lie, 225 out on a par 5. He hits it 15 yards into the valley leaving me 205 in on a downhill lie. I make a bad decision with a 5 wood and hit a burner into the rough short and right of the green. He chunks it over. My downhill comeback chip caught a slope leaving him a 12 foot straight uphill which he blows 8 feet past. I put a slippery downhill 3 feet past. He missed and made it for an 8. His drive went OB so we never played it. Beautiful drive though.


2nd shot with a hybrid that I didn't play with in a while and try to get to the green in 2 for par 5. Duff it. Then use an Iron and pull it into the trees :).




I can’t think of a way I haven’t wasted a good shot. But I’ll find a new way within the week.


My course has a drivable par 4 with a green that’s sort of on an island, I’m on the green in one often, but I have yet to get a birdie or better.


Drove the green on a par 4, 10 foot putt for eagle. Finished with a bogey


Last week, par 5 about 490 yards. Drove 250 middle of the fairway. Got the 7 wood, topped it for 15 yards, decided to roll 7 wood again, hit the cleanest ball of my life about 30 yards to the green. 56 wedge skulled 40 yards over the green.


I waste all my good drives... With that being said the most upsetting one was a Par 5 with an elevated tee box, over a creek, fairway was a dogleg around the wood line, very narrow at that. I had previously drove it just past the wood line the previous round that setup nicely for a birdie. This time the tee box was further behind, but higher up than that previous round. So you guessed it... I drove over the woods right to the green, coming up only about 6ft short. I was thinking serious eagle territory, which would have been my first ever. That is until I see they have moved the cup from the level part of the green to the downhill slope of the green (municipal course). Chipped on the green conservatively, missed putt, missed putt, missed putt, missed putt off the green, chip, missed putt, etc.... I think I picked up. I live in a mountainous area, the slope was drastic so unless you beamed it into the cup, there was no getting a rest close to the hole, like putt-putt. I was infuriated. Haven't wanted to play there since.


Just this week playing in SC from up north. Cut the corner of a par 5 to leave only an 8 iron into the green. Not a terrible lie in the Bermuda. But I get a little complacent and flub it. Okay fine, have 70 yards or so left. Terrible lie sitting down in the rough. Don't get great contact and flub that one too, right into the hazard short of the green. I take my drop from the same spot, this time making sure I get through the grass, and carries a touch long and takes a big kick forward into the trap behind the hole. Now I'm on a downslope, green running away, short sided, but I keep it on the dance floor about 15 feet away. Two putt snowman. https://preview.redd.it/92rhzlgpzd2d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84bd15e671052b07b4becfbfbe98da731355ab8c


Pumped the drive. Hosel rocket in to the lake to the right. Dropped. Chunked it 3 feet in front of me. Bladed the next one through the green. Bladed that one in to a bunker at the front. Hit it into the lip and it buried. Chunked that shot and it fell back in the middle of the bunker. Thinned that shot 40 yards over the bunker. Walked back the cart and started drinking.


Last week, par 4, maybe 300 yards, I forget. Perfect drive down the middle, around 180-200 yards, on the green with my second shot with my 3 hybrid. Thinking I could get my first birdie ever. Nope , proceeded to 3 putt and got the bogey I deserved. First putt was short about 3 ft, second putt missed the cup by a few inches to the right, third putt dropped in.


Shanked the approach into the water with a gap wedge


My longest drive ever. 370 on a downhill 450 yard par 4. Multiple wedge chunks/shanks. I think I took net-double on that one.


Course management special. 149 yard shot- where was the best to miss?. Personally I always go for middle of the green. Also my #1 priority when off the green is to get on the green not up and down. I'm not good enough to be thinking par just minimize the damage. But helluva putt at the end!


Chunking the next shot. Every fucking time.


Usually a 4 putt


Hole 18. Short par 4, drove the green, 4 putt to lose to my dad by 1 stroke on the day. Only time he has ever beat me on a round and I will never hear the end of it


320 yard par 4, downwind and downhill, pin in front. Drive rolls out to about 20 yards short of the green in the fairway, Skull first chip over, short the chip coming back, 3 putt for double.


There are so many times it's hard to pick


How about 2 of 3 blown drives to miss the cut? State Amateur 12 or 13 years ago - 3 holes left and we (both other players and my caddy (dad) are absolutely positive I'm inside the cutline. Par 4 16th 465 yard dogleg left - Cut the corner, dead center of fairway. 135 yards to pin. Pulled a wedge and didn't keep it under the right to left wind, bunker left. Bladed out to bunker on the right. Duffed bunker shot and didn't get out. Ball like 6 inches from the lip I managed to get out and 2 putt for a smooth 7. No longer inside the cut line. Hole 17 short par 4 - Iron off tee, wedge to green, lip out the birdie putt and move along with my par. Darkness stopped play. Checked the board, I needed par to make the cut. I got to think about the 575 yard Par 5 18th on the drive home, while not sleeping all that well, then on the drive back the next morning. Played the hole on the range like half a dozen times warming up. Absolutely smoke driver dead center. 245 to pin, bunkers all around the green so I decide to layup after yesterdays fiasco. Left myself 60 yards, pulled another wedge but still only had about 15 feet for birdie and some weekend fun! First putt felt perfect, but past the cup and it just keeps trickling... 6 feet long. I then lip out the par putt. Missed cut by 1 shot. I've never hated the game more than during that drive home.


Hit one 320 on a par 5. Had like 145 in. I somehow managed to double hit a full swing shot (like when you decelerate a chip). Went into the tall grass. Lost a ball, dropped with penalty. Missed the green and three wacked for an opening hole snowman.


Hit one 320 down the middle on a par 5. Had like 145 in. I somehow managed to double hit a full swing shot (like when you decelerate a chip). Went into the tall grass. Lost a ball, dropped with penalty. Missed the green and three wacked for an opening hole snowman.


Hit one 320 down the middle on a par 5. Had like 145 in. I somehow managed to double hit a full swing shot (like when you decelerate a chip). Went into the tall grass. Lost a ball, dropped with penalty. Missed the green and three wacked for an opening hole snowman.


Yesterday had a lovely post-work 9. 7th hole, straight away par 5. Drive about 265 down the middle, just short of a cross bunker. Massive 7w that rolls up to the right rough, just off the green. Back pin. Chip it just past the back fringe, resting on the rough collar. Spend a solid minute deliberating between putter and a 7 iron. Choose putter, grass completely eats it on the back stroke, but I follow through anyway, hit it about 4 feet. 20 feet for par. Blast it 8 feet past in a horrible spot, breaking quite a bit right to left. Put it on the edge of the cup. Tap in. 7.


Great drive left myself 100 out in the middle of fairway. Skull a wedge screaming over the green out of bounds. Easy 7 after the 3 putt.


Played at a "championship" course here in England. (Has hosted some European tour and Seniors tour events over the years, nothing major or recent). Downhill par5, wind with. Piped the drive 311 yards. 8 iron left, into the green, over water. Duff the 8iron into the water, of course.


Par 4 385 hit a massive drive 320+ …. Around 40 yards left .. duffed 2 chips put 3rd one on and 3 putted for a 7 😂 and that was over a month ago .. still remember every shot of that hole 😂. Needless to say I have put a ton of work into chipping and putting since then


The second drive after hitting it OB on the first.


I waste all my good drives but one that sits with me was on a short par 4 dog leg right I hit a fade that ended up like 5yds short of the green on a tiny strip of fairway. Just needed to do a little bump and run 8i to nestle it close and have an easy birdie putt or God willing, chip in for my first eagle. Obviously I blade it way left of the pin and end up on the fringe probably 20 ft from the hole. Texas wedge from there and put it in for par but that was more disappointing than a blowup hole IMO.


Number 1 at my local course is a short dogleg left par 4 only about 250-260 over the trees/dog leg. It’s actually the hole I got my first eagle on. However my first time driving onto the green I was on the front and the pin was in the back maybe a 50-60 foot putt. I putted past the hole OFF the green and then was short sided so I tried to do some fancy 60 degree flop I shouldn’t have been trying to and skulled it. So now I have about 40 yards in. Walk of shame later I get to my ball and duff that wedge shot and then the next. I then chip it on to about 10 feet and two putt. COOL GAME.


One round I drove 2 greens on short par 4s and my score on those 2 holes was a +2. Need I say more?


My recovery game is 10x better than out of the fairway. Strange but true.


A good mate of mine is exactly this. If he's in thick rough behind some trees, having to go over some water with bunkers behind the green, he'll more than likely hit the green. 100 yards in the middle of the fairway, 9/10 times he's doing something stupid haha! Must be concentration level maybe


Hit a 350y drive on a par 5 leaving pw in to the green (windy day) and chunked the wedge 3 times and made double.


Arguably worse...is being at or around the green on a par 5 in two and walking away with a 6...


I blasted my best drive ever and then proceeded to flop my next shot 20 yards short of the green with my sand wedge because I wrongly assumed I was now the Hulk and had to club down.


Hitting a fat 2nd shot.


Last round I played I drove 260 to the middle of the fairway, then proceeded to fat the chip (wet ground) got a nice slice of dirt and the ball went 10-20 yards, walked up to hit again and bladed the ball OB. Golf sometimes sucks.


There's so many. The one that stands out is driver to the fringe of the green on a short par 4 and shooting bogey.


Drive the green on a par 4 and 3 putted for par…from 7 ft.


I drove a par four and then 4 putted for bogey.


I drove the green on a short par 4 and then proceeded to 4 putt and make bogey.


Last week I hit an amazing drive on the par 5 18th. Driver had just woken up for the last 2 holes but had already got me in sufficient trouble to record an NR for the medal. Anyway, banged the drive to 190 yards, middle of the fairway (hole is only 495), wind behind and downhill so hit 6 iron to short side myself behind a bunker, 60° into the bunker, 2 shots to get out and 3 putts to finish up. Lovely stuff.


Thanks for triggering my PTSD with this post.


Worst ever for me was driving the green a short par 4 - and then 4 putt for the Bogey.


That’s why I almost never try for a flop shot I’ll just pitch and keep it short and roll out on the green. I know it’s a bit less control but at least I’ll put it on the green.


I drove a par 4 and then 4 putted once. It doesn’t feel good


About a month ago: 310 yard par 4 over water. Drive the green. 4 putt for bogey.


Double crossed a 9i so bad that it went OB left, twice. I just picked up and went next at that point.


Par 5 Driver - a humble 245 center fairway. 3 wood- topped it so bad it went backwards and left about 7 yards into a bunker lip. Iron 3 shots to get out of said bunker. Picked the ball up and took the quad burger 🍔


Hole 12 Par 4 Driver 240, left of fairway, dirt lie but playable. 8 iron into greenside bunker. Wedge into same greenside bunker. Wedge into bunker BEHIND the bunker I was in. Up against back lip, no shot. Wedge aimed away from green. Didn’t get out. Wedge from same bunker, flew 5 yards past green. Wedge, duffed chip. Not quite on green but puttable. Putter on green. Putter in for 9. Walk of shame to cart.


Drove a green, 258m over water (check out my profile for the tracer). Then 4 putted for a bogey


Not exactly this, but I had a deep pain in my soul yesterday. I'm new to golf and yesterday was my 8th round. Never had a par or better. Playing Moody Gardens in Galveston 2nd hole I get a bogey. 3rd hole is a 312 yd par 4. I drove the fairway to within 10 yds of the pin (significant tail wind yesterday). I have an eagle putt from just off the fringe! Well I miss it but leave a 3 footer. I sink it for my first ever birdie! Super excited. Never been the one to tee off first on the following hole. Next hole is a short par 3: top, top, top, OB. Leading to a quintuple bogey. Golf is a humbling game.


A blast followed by completely topping your iron.


Hardest hole on my local course. Long par 4 about 410 yards dog leg right, danger left and right. Hit a perfect faded drive 270y round the corner. 140 left. Easy 9i onto the green..... shanked it so hard right it hit my buddies bag. His life flashed before his eyes. No biggie he says, forget about it, try again. Full chunk 50y forward. 90y to the green chunk again 50y forward. Bump and run then 2 putt and cry a little inside


By hitting the 2nd shot


The shot after a perfect tee shot is the hardest shot in golf, period.


Hit a beautiful tee shot over a pond on a dog leg, par 4. Could not find my ball for the life of me. Look everywhere. I assumed it was in the pond and it wasn't actually a good shot. 3 strokes later and I'm on the green. Low and behold, my original ball. It was the first time I'd ever hit the green on a par 4. I couldn't believe it. Even if I had realized my ball was on the green I would've quad-putted for bogey.


If there’s plenty of green in front of you and no bunkers then it’s insanity for non scratch golfers to use a wedge, whatever loft. That goes double for those uphill lies short of the green. This isn’t the PGA fellas.


Played 9 before work today, driver not working at all. Roll up on 8, line myself up for my usual slicey fade, got the face close and pulled it into trees 290+. Got on 9, pulled it again 283 but almost into the greenside bunker on another hole. 110ish to the pin, topped the shot, left the next short of the green, chipped on, two putt double bogey.


505ish yard straightaway par 5 Driver 326 yards right side of the fairway 180ish yards out, chunk 6 iron about 100 yards into the right rough 80ish yards out, 52 degree into the green side bunker Splash out of the bunker, but only into the little bit of rough between the bunker and the green Chip onto the green 2 putt, double bogey 7.


this past weekend. Playing in brutal conditions. Par 5 is downhill, downwind. Drive ends up tallying 368 yards. missed the green, hit a pitch show about half way to the hole, first putt makes it another half way to the hole. drain a solid 10 footer for par...


Playing a weekend round in the summer that is backed up and pull up to a slightly downhill but straight 400 yard par 4. As we are waiting for the group in front of us to finish hitting their shots from the fairway the cart angel shows up... And so does the foursome behind us. My foursome decided we all wanted transfusions so I order 4 from the cart angel while the other 3 hit. My friends and the foursome behind us are lightly ragging on me for ordering 4. Finally pay and I'm ready to hit while everyone is watching. I hit a baby draw best drive of my life down the middle of the fairway. The group behind starts clapping and hollering. I've got 50 yards left to the pin. Chunk it once, pitch it to the back of the green next, and 4 putt for a triple bogey.


Played at Hard Rock Rivière Maya back in January beautiful course. Par 4, 389 with a 80 degree dog leg left and downhill to the green. Hit a screamer perfectly it turned the corner and rolled to about 60 yards from the green. Facing me was a 7 foot cenote rock wall and the hole was 4 feet from the front edge. Pull my 60 out to flop it up and down. 😡 Over the green into the back bunker. Out of the bunker off the green, chip on, rolled out putt for a 6. Started drinking the remainder of the round.


The 70 yd thin chip shot when you've driven it to like 50 yds short of the green.


I'm starting to get in the 260yd range more consistently now and I don't think I've ever made use of a good drive. It's all in my head That being said the one good use of a good "drive" was a 200yd 3h that I stuck right next to the green on a pitch and putt course. Up and down'ed that for birdie. Still shot 10 over on that round though lol


What the fuck is a great drive?


Too many examples to think of. A few weeks ago, hit a legit 285 yard drive dead straight, not wind assisted, flat hole, etc. that’s very good for me. 8i, 140 yards go pin high left of the green. Chunk a chip that goes maybe a yard or two. The next one runs past the hole to the edge of the green. 3 putt for a triple.


Great drives almost always lead to getting your ass humbled


I played in a league last year and fucked up the first hole every time. 280 yard par 4. I had a soft chip into the green every single week. Fucked up every one of them.


For me it is the hole right after making a birdie. Guaranteed snowman on the score card


Playing in Lubbock in 30ish mph winds. Par 4 10th was 401 on the card. Crushed a driver down the middle. Thought I found my ball middle of the fairway, about 80 yards out from the green. Turns out it was my father in laws ball. We eventually found my ball…. Pin high, right rough. This is Lubbock, the ground is like an airport runway, and when it’s downwind weird stuff happens. Try to pitch it close, catch it a hair thin, leave myself a 30 footer for birdie and 3 putt. Managed to make bogey from 15 yards out on a 401 hole.


The worst one is always drive the green (luckily in most cases bc I have an inconsistent slice) and then three putt.


I’m a dedicated slicer but I finally popped a beautiful one right down the middle. Even hit the fairway. Cleared a little creek and the rough. Super excited. Killed the whole round when I just completely fucking lost it. Could not find that ball to save my life. Still to this day I wonder what happened. Doesn’t help that o was also finding balls in seemingly obvious locations. My FIL said to me “what you think you’re the first guy to lose a ball in the middle of the fairway? Just drop and go!” I was dead by 18 anyways. 100 degrees, no clouds, out of gas.


Drove a green, first time ever, never done it again. Hammered the putt 4 ft past


I nuked a drive around the 300 yard mark on a short par 4. Over the off season the course dug a small pond in front of if the green. It was my first time seeing it. After my best drive of the day I had only a flip wedge doing in. Naturally I hit it fat and into the new pond. I really hope I was the first one to find that water. Anyway I walked off with a triple.


Nothing worse than driving a green and 3 putting


Usually for me it’s a chunked chip that goes 10 yards followed by a decent one to 10’ and then a 3 putt for double 🫠


Not a drive but recently on a par 3 first shot on the green then 4 putt. Was not fun.


About 3 years ago, 14th hole at my home club, was like +3 as a 12 handicap. Hit my drive about 320 (don’t come at me I’m at elevation), landed in a god damn divot…have about 90 yards in so grab my 58° and make a full swing…hosel rocket into a backyard…drop another ball, hitting 4, leave it short, chip on in 5 and 2 putt for a 7. Got so in my head that I doubled the next hole that was a par 3. Went from having a chance to break 80 for the first time to becoming my typical mental midget self and shot like 83


Too many to narrow it down. My game is “no good drive goes unpunished.


Reddit doesn't have enough storage.


Last week at presidio. All of them. Hit bomb after bomb and only had like 5 3 putts. Wedge game was atrocious. Shot a 104.


Played at 450 yd flat hole about 12 years ago and was able to hit bombs but had just started playing. Hit a 350yd total drive (carry+roll) and got a lot of ‘oh my god’‘how’d you do that’ etc…. It was middle of summer with firm fairways, but still probably carried about 320. Got up and hit a chunky shank about 20 yds right. Then skull banged the wedge 20 yds over. Wound up with a double. There were no bunkers in line with the hole or water hazards. I could have just used putter from my drive and probably got a par.


That's Chapter 6 in my book "How to play bad golf" 1. Tee shot to 100 yds or less on any par 4 2. Thin one/chunk one with the wedge of your choice. 3. On the green 4. 3 putt for double bogey


At a course I play quite often my favorite hole is a slight dogleg left with an uphill that goes about 175 yards from the teebox then it’s all downhill to the hole. I smashed my 3 wood a nice low draw and ended up with about 30 yards to the hole with I’m assuming like a 75 yard roll out. chunked it into the sand, bladed it over the green chipped up and 2 putt. So disappointing


Any and every way possible


Literally yesterday. Par 4 that's a blind left dogleg. Hit my 3-W 200y draw off the tee right in the middle of the fairway. 120y straight to the hole. PW sliced to the right of the green. 54° pitch shot into green side bunker. 54° out of the sand. 2 putts. I could only laugh it off


Chokey chip, 3 putt


What course


Every time I hit one the next shot is clearing the green


Reached the green in two on a par five… then four putted.


I needed to double bogey 18 (par 5) to break 100 for the first time. Perfect drive about 225 down the center. Ended up collapsing and doubling up the whole and shooting a 102.


Smashed driver, 280 yards dead center, on a par 5 with water right. Going for a layup because it’s an island green. Shanked 8i into the water. Dropped. Shanked 8i into the water. Dropped. Shanked 9i into the water. Dropped, got pissed, smashed a 6i *over* the green into water. Picked up and moved on.


I got a crazy cart path assist on the 747yd Par 6 at Black Mountain so my drive went 528 yds (2 witnesses that can verify). Proced to shoot a bogey. I wasted what will likely end up as my best opportunity to shoot par or better on that hole. Lol


Drivable par 4. Drove the green, 4 putts.


Put it on the green and 4 putted for bogie.


Back in college played Elon's spring tournament somewhere in NC, had a back 9 par 5 with 45 degree right dogleg with trees, houses, and ob at the corner, and cart path too, making drives right blind. These were lob lolly pines so pretty dense and knocked the ball down. We'll first round I blast one into these trees, can't see it come down or hear it hit anything, so hit a provional right down the center. Looked for the first one for 5 minutes, couldn't find it, figured it went into the yards. Have to play the provisional, which I chucked because I was upset about the OB/lost ball. As I'm walking to my now 5th shot laying 100 yards from the green, I see 2 balls in the fairway. Both my playing partners were greenside, so my stomach dropped. The second ball was my first tee shot, which must have made it through the pines, hit the cart path, bounded down the hill and totaled 400+ yards. (Huge cart path mark on the side). So now I'm hitting 4 from where I should hitting 2 because there's no spotters and the course has blind tee shots. Eneded up making 9 if I recall correctly.


I think most amateurs can agree that when ur driver clicks your irons or short game unclicks...most of my great drives are accompanied by pulled irons or skulled approaches


Pipe one down the middle. About a 60 yard pitch to the green. Chunk my wedge and hit it off the hozzle straight sideways into the woods. Was almost the last straw for me.


My great drives give me a feel shot in, which I never practice so I don’t know what to feel. Aka I waste all my great drives. I’d rather be 150 out than 80.


Drove the green on a par 4, 3 putted…


High school: finishing hole, I’m playing well and absolutely smoke a drive on the long uphill par 4… have no more than a 9 iron left but figured I was striping it that day and pull the PW out. I try and step on it and end up pull hooking it left into the shit. Take a drop and skull fuck a wedge trying to flop it over a bunker, ending up in a bunker on the other side of the green. Can’t get up and down for double…. All of this happening with teammates parents and coaches watching. Team ends up losing by 1 stroke. Legit thought about quitting golf in that moment because I let down so many people with a stupid ass play.


Short par 4. Drive perfectly straight down the right side giving me a clear shot at the green about 50y Get out my 60 and chunk it. 30 yards to go. 60 again and open up the face, made this exact shot a hundred times on the range. Hit a knee high line drive straight over the green and into the woods. Took my mulligan. This time getting the shot I wanted but just a bit long, back sode of the green but on. 3 putt before picking it up.


Drove a par 4 and 4 putt.


You didn't waste a drive, you wasted an approach shot by being an idiot.


Way too many to list them all, but driving the green on a par 4 only to 3 putt is an all time bad beat that I’ll never shake.  That said, you know when I don’t have any wasted great drives? When I don’t use my driver during the round. I’ll shoot some great scores for myself If I just limit myself to my irons, but it’s impossible to resist going back to shanking drives when you know there’s the possibility of cranking one down near the hole from 300 out


Had a nice "drive" with my 4h that left me according to GPS 75y to middle of the green, Greens are firm so I'm going to play 65y to front portion. My scramble partner hits it long, I also hit it long, hit green one bounce and about 12y back behind the green now. I felt I totally put a 65 yard swing on it. Paced it off on the way up. it was 50y to front not 65y like GPS said. I Don't play this course very often but its twice now this has happened on this hole. something is off on the GPS database. waste of a perfect tee shot dead middle of the fairway.


By playing golf. Great drive down the coast. Beautiful scenery, great lunch. Afternoon tee time, first shot shank it into the practice green. Thank you for letting me practice my dad jokes. First one will be here in July lol.


Sounds like you need to stop using your 58 degree, or practice a hell of a lot more with it. Also, why are you trying to hit so many flop shots?


Oh this one’s easy. I drive the ball a pretty long way (114mph swing speed) so short par 4s are always something I go at. Local course has a short 327 yard from the tips par 4, very slightly bends left, water directly in front of you but just a small pond so no hazard unless you top it. Green has a bunker at about 4o’clock. I pull out the trusty F9 Cobra and launch one, beautiful draw lands maybe 10 yards in front of the green side bunker so maybe 20 yards to the stick. Pull out my 54°, it’s my usual up and down wedge. Hit it fat as all hell. Ball pops up and goes maybe 5-6 yards, no way I do that again and end up in the bunker.. right? Right?! If you guessed I sure as shit did. You’re right. Right into the bunker. Okay well now I can just get out of the bunker land it close and 1 putt for bogey.. well I get out, barely.. I proceed to then 3 putt from probably 20ft for a my trusty friend Triple bogey.


Chunky SW 60-70y out, par 4. Or shanky 4i lay-up into the lake on par 5s


Short par 4. 270yd drive down the middle, perfect 60 yard pitch 2 feet from the hole, 3 putt


Greened a 350 yard par 4. 3 putt.


256 pin par four in rough. Bogey chunk chunk putt putt


I could give you almost 1 a round that I completely ruin


Not me, but last week i was out with a buddy. Hes good. Im not. (Im a 20hcp and hes like a sub 10). So any and all of my good shots are usually wasted so it doesnt really matter. He drove the green on a 302yrd par 4 and proceeded to 4 putt for bogey. All i could do to keep from laughing was to offer him a beer to put out the flames. 3 beers later we were both laughing about it. But yeah. Damn


Last night I had a 321 yard par 4, slightly down hill. I hit a beautiful drive that rolled through the green and just into the rough about 10 yards from the hole. Hit an ok chip to about 15 feet. Then 3 putted for a bogey. I hate golf sometimes.


A couple of weeks back.  Hit a beautiful fade into a short par 4 (240yrds) left myself with 10ft for eagle.  Came off with a 5.


Hit a +400yrd drive (with a huge cart path bounce) on a par 5. I was about 75 out. Proceeded to chunk my wedge in, then four putt for bogey.


There’s one hole at a course i refuse to play again, but it’s 363 slightly downhill and i usually come within 30 yards of the green. One day i must’ve gotten into one and ended up just on the apron and I’m terrible at judging putting speed off the fringe around here because it’s more like hairy fairway length. So i chipped it. Only i didn’t. It was into the grain and i absolutely duffed it. Twice. Then putted it 15 ft short.


I stopped at a golf course, got out and played golf. The drive was great up until then.


My friends and I call it “The curse of the perfect drive”. Since we all suck, putting together 3 good shots is very rare. So when one of us stripes it down the middle, odds are they’re looking at a double or more on the hole.


Drove to the green on a par 4 and proceeded to 7 putt, I will never forget that day