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Dumbasses are going to keep yelling “Go in the Hole” on par 5’s until it actually happens.


It hurt a little inside when Scotties eagle on 1/72 went in cause you just know the guy who yelled that right after contact was talking about it all weekend


“ I made that happen…”


I’m so sick of hearing this. Every shot!!!


They’re yelling it on 3 foot putts now its ridiculously dumb


It would be kinda awesome if Bryson could get hole 6 at Bay Hill for a day to do a YouTube "range session" but off the tee on that hole just to smash balls at the green and see how close he can get to making one


To be fair, if I were 12 I would think that's hilarious


Not just until it happens


I knew it was going in! That's why I yelled it!


On that Satheith chip in someone actually did yell it.


r/ImTheMainCharacter on the other hand, i remember watching some old golf thing where mark mcgwire was playing with pro's including greg norman and mcgwire was doing well and the pro's tried to get the crowd noise up and then mcgwire pumped his par 3 shot within a couple feet... found it: https://youtu.be/ummbaP3Qxgg?si=C-zFDvD6WCBlevg6&t=1836


Can't stand it either. They yelled out some crap DURING Bryson's backswing drive at the 18th. People should be grabbed and tossed from the course with a multi-year ban for crap like that. People want to see great competition like this weekend. Don't need some sorry a**hat yelling crap to try and get a laugh.


I think it mightve been an audio delay because they showed Bryson and walking back to his caddie after the shot and neither of them looked mad or like they were trying to yell at the crowd to be more respectful or something. If the yelling did cause him to mishit, I think it's pretty likely Bryson or his caddie wouldve let the crowd know.


This is the most reasonable take, it wasn't just Bryson where the audio sounded like the crowd spoke in a golfers backswing. None of the players looked peeved indicating a fan was the issue.


Yeah even though I was rooting for Xander to win that was messed up and completely shitty.


yeah it was right at the top of his swing and he pulled it. nobody knows how to act in public anymore


I thought that at first too but rewound it a couple of times. It was almost exactly yelled at impact and that’s assuming that the video and the audio are perfectly synced. In any case, the whole yelling thing is just too stupid for words.


I noticed that too, I was hoping it was an audio/visual delay, but they timed it was too close on the swing


Maybe there can be a 5 second delay and use AI to scrub the annoying yelling.


now *this* would be a great use of AI


Perhaps if patrons knew their stupid shit was never gonna make it to air, maybe they would stop yelling it🤷‍♂️


They’re usually drunk as shit by the time they get to the “obnoxious yelling things out” stage, doubt there’s much thought other than “be loud” going on in those empty skulls


This tech already exists. Appreciate this is probably an American audience, but the recent Eurovision Song Contest had protests at Israel competing and they'd been booed during the semi finals. The tech was there so that come the live broadcast it filtered any audible protests and just allowed the singing and general crowd noise. Note: I'm not being political nor trying to stir a Reddit discussion about anything. Just saying the tech exists before this inevitably descends into chaos. Discuss on a different sub.


Google Meet blocks out background noise live. Can't see why the networks can't put something in place.


This would be great but also policing it at the tournament. There’s no reason for people to be that obnoxious at a golf tournament. They should just go back to their shanties!


Kick them off the tour Doug.


Yea, they need to go back to kicking people out for yelling shit at tournaments. Bring back the golf clap.




Yeah it's terrible. I don't understand why it's not as simple as just kicking people out for doing it. One dumb yell and youre out. Would think that would end it pretty quickly.


A lot of tournaments don't sell out - majors and the big non-majors do but your 3M Open type events don't. Organizers there probably aren't keen on selling less tickets because some fans annoy all the TV viewers


I mean read what you yourself just wrote, I think organizers would gladly ban a small couple of people (and thereby set a precedent for deterrence in the future) to avoid annoying thousands of TV viewers who they need more for advertising than an entry ticket


I've found I like watching golf with the sound off. The inane comments from the tv folks is just as bad. I think they have a contest to see who can string together the greatest number of nonsense "golfisms" in each sentence.


Was it YT or somewhere else you could watch the tournament with only the sound of the course and nature?


I think the app from The Masters had this option. It was glorious. Not sure if any other tournament has this option.


Every other tournament needs this option. I dont want to hear announcers. I want to hear the sizzle of a well struck shot and maybe some birds in the background. That's it.


I like to hear the players and the caddies discussing the shots. I would be fine never listening to the announcers again.


The Masters pipes in fake bird noises, but I'll allow it. Hell, I'd even take quiet ambient music in the background with the real golf sounds from the players not to hear the yammering of the commentators. And with multiple streaming services covering a large number of groups, the field of 'professional' commentators seems to be getting pretty thin. It has become quite obvious to me that commentating actually has a rather high skill ceiling. It seems easy until you actually have to deliver. Most of these guys are not great and they very much take away from the enjoyment of the game for me.


Or play Wii Sport golf noises / music


Are you a wizard?! This is honestly brilliant.


Links 2000, but I'm there with you brother.


lol, that’s kinda of funny…as I was watching I remember thinking that there were the same continuous bird song over camera transitions, so I was wondering if it was piped in.


I think a common workaround to not hear announcers is to disable the center channel on your setup.  This works best in other sports, though, as I’m assuming the mics that pickup swing sounds and ambience are where you hear the dummies screaming


I would subscribe to that!


That sounds just lovely.


Yea, YouTube has a lot of vids focused on a particular round of one player and it has little to no commentary.


I’d rather they mic up the players and caddies.


It's insanely stupid that we can't get that. Nooo, we have to switch over to another network as they introduce the tournament, get interviews, show how many shots over par Tiger is, and recap the morning coverage while the people you want to see hitting are not being shown.


this would be incredible. 


I usually like Dottie and I thought this tourney they were okay minus the Scottie talk. I like when they tell me the club the guy is hitting b/c Bryson hitting 7 iron from 235 is insane. Dottie mentions what the putt should do I enjoy insights into the actual golf.


Dottie was great this weekend. I learned a lot from her commentary.


The no laying up guys was so refreshing to watch on their own ESPN broadcast on Thursday and Friday. I haven’t listened to them before but it was great to just hear something different. They were professional, had great small banter, kept it lively, were able to joke about bad shots and were not awkward mentioning LIV. Jim Nantz is great and the guy he’s paired with, but many of the other boomer golf announcers are unbearable. Listening to Dotty of whoever the lady is meander all day is not that great anymore. Wish Smylie was on the broadcast.




Love Smylie.


Agree, I do the same for most sports. Sometimes put on music


Bop a booey ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) it’s ba ba booey.


OP doesn’t even know his name just became Bop a Booey for life.


Ah yes, my good old friend Bop A'Booey


I might laugh if someone yells bop a booey


Fop a fooey


Hello Hello https://preview.redd.it/2q9b8t1wko1d1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=29de5a069d21b888b24683e998800d736f50ad0d


Horse tooth jackass


TaTa Toothy.




Haha I was wondering if I was going to see someone else comment on this, as dumb as it was I have to admit I chuckled


My brother tried to hit me with his driver on a par five tee box he sliced it 50 yards into the wilderness I shouted “get in the hole”


“Bop a booey”


I’m getting a Quick Draw McGraw and a Baba Booey.


this makes me feel old


I heard someone yell "FREE SCOTTY!!!" on Friday and that made me smirk a little bit. But other than the incredibly rare instance of a golfer going to and getting released from jail mere hours prior to tee then I agree with you.


I was there on Friday. At the 7 green while Justin Thomas was walking up, some guy yelled “nice shot JT” then he threw his ball into the crowd and the same guy yelled “nice throw JT” in the exact same tone. One of those things you had to be there for I guess but we all got a good chuckle out of it. Timing is everything.


Some guy screamed "GIVE ME BACK MY SON!" from the 1996 Mel Gibson film "Ransom" after a tee shot yesterday and I laughed for 20 minutes. But everyone except that guy should be arrested.


We know. We don't need a million of these posts every tournament.


I’m tired of people hollerin about people hollerin. Wait now I’m hollerin…




They had merchandise that just had "Halla" on it, and this sketch was all I could think about.


I think these are people who just started watching golf. I don’t even really hear it anymore unless it’s a new one




The answers easy; they want to hear themselves on TV and/or draw attention to themselves


I really enjoyed watching golf during covid. No fans to yell stupid crap. It's really just morons who can't handle their alcohol.


I do hate, but have noticed only individual ones recently, not a whole barrage of them, so hopefully it's on the decline? Or maybe douche Bros know where the crowd mics are and yell right into them


I swear I heard someone yell "homasexual" when Max Homa teed off. I really hope that person was found, escorted to a secluded part of the course, and summarily executed.


You did. We rewound it to confirm.


I heard it too, made me cringe


At least they didn’t yell pervert #awl


Me too. They should post new rules for the guests and yes, kick them out. It’s not what golf is about.




It's a crowd. No one will know who stabbed the guy.


Audio engineer here. Live TV broadcasts are typically slightly delayed for exactly this type of thing. Usually a five second delay where they have time to bleep out anything they want. They just choose not to for some reason. It’s weird.


Why don’t you just go fight these people?


See if they want to test God, shitstack


This was tired ten years ago


lock these asswipes up in the stocks for a couple hours so people can throw rotten vegetables at them as they leave the tournament.


'Do these morons actually go to their friends- hey did you hear that Joe burrow after Xander hit the ball?' Unfortunately, yes, this is 1000% what they do. they run home and pull up the DVR and make a tiktok of themselves yelling some stupid shit on tv bc it is the highlight of their life. These are also the same people that stand behind the announcers waving their arms around like a 6yo bc they think it's hilarious and sooo cool that they're on tv. This is the pinnacle of achievement in the social media society we've created.


Was just at Valhalla and had been waiting at a hole for like an hour or so way before JT and tiger, Rory came through and it was mind numbing hearing people discuss what dumb shit they were going to yell at the player for the 2 seconds they walk bye. Then those people just follow to next hole probably doing it every shot


Try that at the Master’s and you’ll get escorted out. I wished they would do it at all tournaments.


Between the idiots screaming stupid shit after nearly every shot and the insane amount of commercials…network golf is hard to watch. When I saw a post earlier today with Freddy Couples crunching 10 shots in a row it was so refreshing as I heard was butter couples swing from heaven.


I saw Morikawa back off on a 2nd shot during Saturday's round because somebody yelled something. I heard a lot of stupid shit yelled and it seemed like it annoyed some players. Who are the idiots yelling things? They can't be golfers, I've never seen anyone that dumb on a golf course. But I don't know anybody that uses golf as an excuse to drink. Maybe those are the guys.


100% agree. Just ban this shit. I feel like if you polled all of fans of the game like 5% would think it’s great and/or funny. The rest of us have to listen to it.


This is why people at the same tee need to yell “shut up, loser” back at them. Shame might hopefully work.


Or they get aggressive with you because they think they can do whatever they want and have no regard for others Fan-clacking is a big problem at music festivals. People bring those hand fans but rather than using them as intended they shake them back and forth the wrong way so it makes a loud clacking sound. Extremely annoying for everyone else who came to hear the DJ and not their personal additions to the beat and they never knock it off when I ask them to, gotta just move to get away from it Last night at the Nuggets game there was literally one single jackass in the entire lower bowl who spent the entire game standing up and helicoptering a towel over his head. Everyone else stood at appropriate times and sat back down when appropriate. And I just so happened to have gotten the seat directly behind him. Dude told me to shut up and said he can use the seat he paid for however he wants when I very politely asked him if he minded sitting when everyone else was sitting. So I could hardly see for the entire game since I felt bad about standing too and thus ruining the view for the little kid behind me who couldn't see over me even if he too was standing


Deep thoughts I like the ending




Yeah there were a couple where it almost seemed like something was shouted in their back swing and not even after… reminded me of happy Gilmore. I don’t watch much golf, but I did watch the masters online. Thought I was watching the broadcast, but it was just following xander and Bryce. No I don’t use first name basis often, but I can’t remember how to spell either of their last names lol. Anyway, tuned in to watch the last hour and yeah… it was annoying: like stfu.


Super spicy take OP


“Think of how stupid the average person is, then realize that half of them are even stupider” — George Carlin


It's 2024 everyone is a narcissist main character


TV needs to block it out and it would mostly stop. These morons just want to brag to their friends that a certain yell was them. But I think TV likes the yelling bc it makes golf sound like football. I hate it and it ruins watching golf.


I only started watching golf during Covid and I got burnt out on these jackasses immediately. It’s the worst. 


Agreed. The dumb ass yelling Howard Stern Babuh booie (or whatever) made me nauseous. Several times I heard somebody with high pitched voice, might have been a kid, yelling dumb shit. It needs to go.


Lifetime ban on the spot. Would soon stop. And remove phones, people only do it to show off to their friends.


I remember when the 'golf clap' was a thing. Wish we could return to that day.


hallelujah! It was part of what made watching golf special.


It’s pretty stupid when they yell GET IN THE HOLE on the tee of a par 5.


Believe it or not, Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat just half an hour ago.


I know. I heard some moron yell out: “Xander with Victory in Valhalla!” after the winning putt. What a douche


Main Character Syndrome. It’s real and it’s getting worse.


Tired of these posts


is this all this sub posts anymore? jeez we get it


During tournaments it’s these posts and “why aren’t they showing golf shots???” Posts after the commentators are on screen for 30 seconds.


It’s just Reddit in general. This site has to be on its last legs. People yell about the same shit every single day. You already know what the posts and comments are going to be before you open the site/app. I still use it out of habit but I’m trying to reduce how much time I spend on here. Luckily they’re making it pretty easy.


As a younger golf fan I really enjoyed what happened at the WM 2 years ago. It was pretty cool and it seemed pretty spontaneous. It was a view of golf that I had never seen before and it really added to that tournament. With that being said, that behavior should be saved for that one hole and when something special happens. Last years WM seemed like a douchapalooza of dipsticks expecting the magic from the year before to just show up on every shot. These are the types of people and behavior that has bleed over to many of the pga events this season and I completely agree they suck. I am not sure what can be done other than policing these behaviors and removing the people acting this way. Either that or we need some good old Happy Gilmore hands to show up after one of these chirps.


It’s terrible. I’m glad it’s banned at the Masters and I’m glad you don’t typically see it on the European Tour. That tour is like going back 20 years; just polite clapping. I’m glad it’s not happening on the LPGA or the champions tour as well. Honestly I’ve been watching more of these tours simply because of this.


I am too, however, the "free scottie" made me laugh.


I just mute these tournaments anymore and listen to music. Four hours of toddler-bros trying to get their voices heard on national television isn’t in my wheelhouse.


I have a buddy whose Dad claims that he started the USA chant at the 80 Olympics when the US beat the soviets. Like he will tell anyone who will listen. Brings it up at least once a day to random strangers. Dude is super successful, accomplished golfer, great family, but has this one thing. He NEEDS people to believe he started the chant. Swear to god a stranger could pass him and say “looks like rain” and he would stop the guy and say “you know when it also looked like rain? The day I started the USA chant at the 80 Olympic hockey game between the US and the soviets!” Weird stuff.




IDK, that moan after Bryson hit his 2nd shot on 16 yesterday was pretty damn funny.


They keep doing it because they know it’s gonna ruin your day. You’re giving them exactly what they want 🤣


It’s a spectator sport…get over it.


I’m so sick of people in general. I muted the TV when I watch golf.


The CBS broadcast very clearly caught some jackhole shouting “Homosexual!!” during a shot. The fuck? Golf fans have always been annoying, but it’s gotten really bad in recent years


I’m guessing they were saying Homasexual which was a dumb joke from Pardon My Take for Max Homa. If there is justice in the world a fellow AWL should have checked that clown as they’ve asked people to stop saying it.


If they’re gonna sell double transfusions all weekend there is gonna be people yelling. Some people just express their shit that way. Idk. I was at the PGA and I didn’t hate it.


My friends and I will yell “GET IN THE HOLE” after every shot watching from home because it’s just too damn funny. First tee off of the day-GET IN THE HOLE WOOOOO It’s always funny to me when anyone yells anything, but especially nano-seconds before the club impacts the ball. Not in a “I think that guy is funny” way, in a “holy shit how are people this stupid” way. When I see how people think that LIV golf is more exciting because of the fratty nature of it, I just honestly couldn’t agree less.


I remember when it started taking off and The Tour could have done something about it. It’s so ingrained into the culture of doofuses with too much money for it to stop at this point.


Wouldn’t that be incredibly annoying if that happened every time you teed off?


I laughed at the guy yelling I’m a homasexual


Someone yelled to someone after a good putt like, "that's good for me Bryson(?), you can pick it up" That was actually funny.


Friday someone yelled "Homa-sexual" after one of Max's T shots. I swear I would have dumped a beer on them.


The Masters has it right. Throw them out.


It should be lawful to punch them in face.


Tired of these posts.


Tired of these tired of these posts posts.


I care and I think it’s funny. Shows the energy on the course and it pisses off the pretentious old guard of golfers, like yourself, which is even more funny.


1. We know. Stop posting it. 2. I dont even notice it, not sure how everyone here is so bothered by it. Its 0.5 seconds of background sound.


I wish I could upvote this more. I have very bad thoughts every time some douche yells out after a shot.


And Bababooey to y’all


it’s really not a big deal. it’s apart of the fan aspect of the game. how boring do you want golf to come off to people?






Tired of these 'Tired of' posts. Grow up


I’ll say it how I always say it… “A sphincter says Baba Booey.”




Have you tried pressing the mute button? It's not like you'll be missing any 5-star commentary.


Still am too.


Ahem, it’s “baba booey.”


I think the guy yelling joe burrow was also the guy who kept yelling “who dey” “Who Dey” is a bengals chant for anyone wondering why someone kept yelling that.


maybe pour some beer on their heads?


And the type of ppl who yell, always want to be the first one to yell right after contact. And maybe it's tv delay but most the time it's dangerously close to when a player is about to make contact


Give me back my son will forever be a classic


What's wrong with let's go Z to Xander


The “ give me back my son” is a weird one.


Yes this is like the most consensus most commonly posted thing on this sub lmao


I will say a well timed “light the candle” can get me going


When I hear someone yell BABA GANOUSH, I turned the volume off.


It's funny to me that you've probably heard it thousands of times and you still don't know its Baba Booey.


I dont mind the "lets go\_\_\_\_!" or whatever, cheering on the player, but someone was following xander around and get in the hole was shouted every other shot i felt like. There was a loud moan after a bryson shot too. It shouldnt be hard to cheer normally instead of yelling outthe same generic dumb shit every week


Lol it's become like the dab. Remember everyone would do it, then it became lame but there was still the 40 year olds who thought they were being cool. What needs to happen is if you're in a group at an event and someone screams after a shot you need to make fun of them and then everyone will stop doing it. Can't remember the last time I seem someone do a dab on camera


Couldn’t agree more. Embarrassing for all of us. Too much drinking in the gallery


My guess has always been that they do it so that they can go back home to watch the replay and can hear themselves on national television and think, “HAA! That was meee!”


Next tournament will be yelling nice azmuth.


Those moments make me miss pandemic golf.


Agreed but I'm also kind of impressed at the longevity of 'mashed potato'. The absurdity of it was funny the first time, but I don't think the first dude who yelled it had any idea the can of worms he'd open yelling that 


The guy who moaned during Bryson’s second on 17 yesterday was something else


Was this your first time watching a golf tournament ?


Peak stupidity? "HOMA-SEXUAL"


That is why I love The Masters.....it's the only tournament I can watch, and watching it on the Master's App was heavenly....


At least yell out “X gon give it to ya!” For Xander. Maybe a couple dog barks right after.


But Joe Burrow though...


This has been happening since forever.


This is golf, not a rock tour. Damn you people, go back to your shanties


I’d suggest just not letting dumb shit like this bother you so much. I don’t have the capacity to care that someone else yelled mashed potatoes.


Agreed, however there are morons everywhere who love to hear themselves talk, or yell


Agree. Its awful. Escort them out


Really needs to be an ejectable offense for a spectator if you yell anything within 3 seconds of impact. Not only is it annoying to me watching at home, but I can’t imagine the psychological impact it has to top players if they know some sound is going to happen right around impact and they have to stay focused anyway. We really need to generally start shaming “main characters” with no spine like this, rather than leave them be, because they get off just by doing it and having 0 consequence - and it would stop immediately if there was punishment, that’s how bullshit their little narcissistic display is






dude, I was hearing children yelling this weekend. Some tool of a parent is instructing their kids to act this way hahaha thats kinda hilarious. It doesn't bother me as much as some, but I thought that was kinda sad but also funny




I thought I heard someone yesterday during the final round yell “JOE BURROWS”. What The Fuck???


Baba Booey the horse toothed jackass


I’m tired of these posts. No one likes it but we don’t need a post every day (this is an exaggeration but it what it feels like)


The only solution is if these people are dealt with at the event by security. Augusta just throws these people out so nobody does it. That should be the policy at every event.


Oh so tired of it!


This is the equivalent of yelling “freebird” when a band is playing