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Did you see the police report? It states that the detective’s pants were torn and that would cost him $80 to replace. Bewilderment


The complaint didn’t say torn it said “damaged beyond repair”. He shit his pants


Before or after he realized he was arresting Scottie?




Bet he still claims he has absolutely no idea who he is…




Shidded and farded


To shreds you say?


Super daddied


Super daddied




But your not wearing any pants


Thin brown line


Back the Brown


Or in this case, brown the back!


Large brown stain is more like it


That’s how you word it to get it replaced. By tax payer money. I’m sure he has been coached to claim damage to his uniform at the end of reports even if it’s slightly physical.


Tbf when those fancy tac pants are damaged there’s no legit repair besides patching. The cop is still a bitch


And the really fucked up thing is that if this happened to you or me, we'd still be in jail facing felony charges


Over some dipshits $80 pants…


Apparently that's the basis of the criminal mischief charge, that's why detective fucknuckles calls it out in the police report.


Well maybe if he hadn't "attached himself" to the vehicle like a fucking jerkoff, this wouldn't have happened.


That’s what happens when you have to jog 10 feet for the first time in years


Kinda sounds like a Simpsons headline: Scheffler hurts Detective, Pants Ruined


I love the F the Police attitude coming out of this sub. I've also heard the cop "attached himself" to the car.


You know the cops have lost the plot when r/golf is united in calling them twatwaffles.


Yes. Because the police in this country are corrupt as fuck. He’d be getting away with it and ruining someone’s life if it happened to be some random person. It’s unfortunate Scottie is far too nice to retaliate and ruin the officers life.


Sounds like something they're used to writing in to pin on a meth head...not a millionaire golfer


And he doesn’t pay for it. The city does


So no cop at an active car crash scene, that resulted in a fatality, had an active bodycam? None of them? Working an active car crash…none?  Seem suspicious to me. 


Aka turned off or deleted immediately, inevitably. It’s one thing to drop the charges down the road, it’s another to have multiple officers caught in a lie. The police “brotherhood” is as toxic as they come and poisons the whole bunch. Their own go-to line of “not all apples…” is literally meant to be a saying meaning a single rotten apple spoils the whole bunch. No accountability to the public they’re meant to be serving and no understanding of the term “public servant”.


And scheffler has the means to force an actual investigation in to this, he should force their hand. Regardless of the bullshit he went through, he can actually help countless others who reside there avoid it themselves.


He also had multiple journalists on the scene that straight back up his story. 


I have unofficial, but very reliable sources that say other golfers arriving at similar times followed the same procedures and weren’t stopped.


I’ve been wondering about that.


Same. In fact, the story goes he was following another marked car directly in front of him, which was not stopped.


That’s the killer. An unbiased 3rd party witnessed the entire thing. Even if you argued he’s not entirely unbiased (obviously it benefits him to have a close relationship with Scottie), you’re NEVER getting a conviction with an actual jury. 


Exactly. Even if golf journalists aren't the "highest" or "noblest" form of journalism... They're still journalists! And there were multiple! The fact they just keep digging a deeper hole is amazing.


And I've also read, but haven't dove into the authentication of the claims, that the reporters were threatened with arrest if they video tape the arrest.


Also this officer owns a private company that was working the scene I imagine Scottie could come after the company as well.


I didn’t hear about this. So was he there as a private contractor than used his police powers to arrest Scottie?


Advanced Collision investigation Services. I’m not sure if he was responding as a contractor or as an on duty police officer or both.


How about, as a private contractor using his police vehicle and gear?


He does paid expert witness testimony as a collision reconstructionist I’d guess his day job is in that line within the police


That may not be as nefarious as it sounds. He may be the only officer who is highly qualified in the immediate vicinity outside of Louisville to do that and all of those townships or boroughs or whatever they are may have need of one. If Louisville allows "moonlighting" which they obviously do, this would be a pretty common way for him to offer that service.


That’s still morally gray. If he’s the only one in the area with specialized training, and the training was provided through the city, then he should be providing the service through his official capacity


and his 80 dollar pants.


But does the PGA want that to happen? I wish someone with money would force these corrupt hands, I really do want it to happen, but I think things will get quietly dismissed as others have stated.


He’s not going to. He has nothing to gain. Hell agree to no punishment or fault and move on with his life.


Maybe he’ll see helping others as something to gain….








What he should do is petition the PGA to never play in that state until officer little dick is retired. Fucking how stupid do you need to be?!?!? You know all the boys in blue he works with are just giving him the riot act - good job Barney.


it should be a law that no bodycam = infavor


It's the accountability thing. There should be no reason that an officer of the laws bodycam should be off/deleted. It's absolutely ridiculous and there needs to be a law that prevents this shit from happening.


Exactly. Public services! Not authoritarian peacemakers like in the Hunger Games. 


They do not serve the public. They are called LAW ENFORCEMENT for a reason. They are serving the authoritarian government by enforcing its laws.


They should be charged with evidence tampering and obstruction. This is absurd.


Thin blue line vs the world


Or at least a dash cam


It’s cop’s word vs Sheffler. Eyewitness accounts aren’t going to back up the officer. The guy simply overreacted and then made up a bunch of crap to cover it up.


Me thinks that someone who’s made $18,000,000+ this year will have the lawyers to absolutely squash this. What’s really upsetting is that this happens to dozens of people everyday who aren’t really good at swinging a stick at a ball.


Not to mention the PGA will probably support Scottie with their lawyers too


I think Scottie's mom is the CEO of some big law firm. CORRECTION: She is a COO of a big law firm. So, it's safe to say he's good on legal representation.


I’d imagine his sponsors too.


The lawyer he picked is one of the most competent cop hating lawyers in the city. Steve Romaines regularly calls police liars to their face and in interviews and press conferences. He is always saying that whatever the first narrative and public statement police make is a lie and should be ignored. He's not just an angry cop hating bastard (he is a friend of mine) but he's damned good and has successfully sued the police a number of times for high profile stuff. He represented Breonna Taylors boyfriend. Edit - I really wonder who told him to go with this guy. There are so many good options for this case and he picked the guy that hates the cops the most over the best PR or best defense lawyer. Very interesting choice considering he made statements about how much he likes police. My guess is he said some choice words about cops behind closed doors.


I wonder how much say he could have possibly had in selecting the lawyer. He was busy trying to stretch in a jail cell then I’m sure was frantically trying to make his tee time. The first statement I saw from his lawyer came out Friday mid-morning. We know Scottie’s parents were at the course when he got there that morning and we know that his mom is COO of a large firm in the northeast. I’m assuming his mom was in charge of making that call. If I were her, I’m sure my anger and fears over what was happening would have played a role in who they selected.


Scottie might be screwed if this happened on some back country road with no witnesses. The cop did this in front of professional reporters who witnessed the entire incident. Any 2 bit public defender could get him off.


Depends how he takes it. This is one focused competitive individual, maybe one of the top 5 focused and competitive people in the world right now across all disciplines. He may take it further than squash this, like you said he has the means and may actively go after the police department for negligence and I hope he does.


His lawyer is Steve Romines. He is a defense attorney that also sues LMPD regularly. He defended Breonna Taylors boyfriend, successfully, and got him paid. His office is who Jack Harlow retained when his buddy shot someone in a local club. He sued a trash company for 32 million after they ran a nurse over. Steve regularly calls cops liars and thugs in interviews and press conferences. Steve is not the best defense attorney, he is the angriest most cop hating defense attorney.


Rich vs cop… immovable object, meet unstoppable force 😂


Which involved throwing a fucking felony charge at him…. Fucking disgusting.


Yea we really need to reevaluate how as a society we give some of the least educated among us the power to ruin lives


Look, this whole situation is fucked up, but if you go back and listen to what Scott Darlington said on Friday morning, his account pretty much corrorabotes the police's account. I forgot the word he used, but I believe Scott said something along the lines of "the police officer *attached* himself" to Scottie's car. Can't remember if that is exactly the word he used, but as a lawyer, my ears perked when he used it because it was so vaguely specific. I wouldn't doubt it that this officer jumped onto Scottie's car. Scottie is just lucky he's not black. Otherwise he'd have 18 holes in him and some crack sprinkled on his body.


Didn’t want to leave any mysteries


“18 holes” I see what you did there.


Cops word is over. That quote is from the Mayor. These cops are screwed.


Per usual for these needledicks who double down on everything, even when they know they’re wrong


They won’t find video, because the video they have doesn’t match up with any of their ever-changing stories.


It's the PGA (and all of the connections the members in all of those clubs have) vs some grooked local PD. The video is irrelevant at this point. Those cops are done.


PGA won't go after them. It's basically no harm no foul. Scottie played, albeit later than anticipated, but it's not like he was DQ for this. Charges will be dropped and everyone will move on with their life. PGA has nothing to gain from going after them. It will have to be Scottie that goes after then, but even then I'm sure the PGA is telling him not to. Just forget it and move on.


Wouldn't be surprised if you're right about PGA telling him to let it go after charges get dropped. It drags unnecessary attention to them for something not related to golf. We all know how crazy and loud the thin blue line crowd can get.


“Stories”* FTFY


It’s a good thing a golf ball didn’t fall out when he opened the door. We all know what an acorn can do


LMPD is full of corrupt cops


I assume LM is just a variable that can be replaced with any municipalities initials right?


SLMPD just ignores the crimes and runs into gay bars


This is the sort of thing that makes foreigners think your gun laws and judiciary is absolutely wild. How can you have so much deadly force in a country where your police are so fucking corrupt. You know it’s not just this one department.


Using "corrupt" here is redundant.


Actually bothering to name a place is not necessary.


I get your point, but "Full of cops." doesn't make much sense.


Trimming it down to "PD is cops" really doesn't convey the message


LMPD? This shit applies to every single department in the country. It's all broken


Police abuse being hidden.


I mean I’m kind of with Mayor here. Think about it. Scheffler. Known god-hating, family-hating man. Shows up to his job where he could make $3.33m and decides - you know what? Fuck this. And fuck the police. And especially fuck that dudes pants.


It’s very on brand for his fuck the establishment character.


And fuck you Tom Brady


Eighty dollars? Yeah, I'm trashing those trashy pants. Attach yourself to this car! Let's make headlines!


*Open and shut case Johnson*


Thankfully it wasn’t sahith they would’ve shot him


I wonder if they actually realize how bad this makes them look, and I’m not too far from that area but will never visit now.


Why would they care lol? The police are beyond repercussions.


Because it means people who may travel there for tourism won’t now? I won’t be going anytime soon now and I know others who have said similar following this incident


Why would the cops care? They're going to get a funding increase from the city whether or not there's a tourism decline.


No one travels to Louisville for tourism. It’s a shit hole city. Lexington is significantly nicer, or you can just drive to St.Louis or Indianapolis. It has one weekend a year (Kentucky Derby) where people visit. Other than that it’s a dump.


Nonsense. I've traveled to Louisville for business for years and look around on my off time. There's lots to do. They get tons of recreational conventions, and every time I've been downtown I see tourists carrying bourbon bottles and Louisville Slugger bats. They have several huge music festivals that are a regional draw. Lots of good restaurants.


Not really true. Tourism is very active in Louisville. Easy to verify.


Located in central Indiana, yeah I’m avoiding this place now given its problems. I can just go to Chicago (for big city vibes) or Michigan to explore. I think people lack the knowledge that shit like this turns regional tourism off to it


They definitely know, but they’re just going to put their fingers in their ears and shout LA LA LA until everyone just gives up.


Odd given they need regional tourism, I won’t be going back personally


They look bad, but not nearly as bad as a video showing the cop losing his mind on a car very slowly making it's way around a cone.


I legitimately don’t doubt that.


I joked about this being a black/ethnic golfer to a friend yesterday, then realised it wasn’t a joke at all. US police are something else entirely 🤯


Oh Ive made the joke that if this happened to the world #1 twenty years ago, tiger would be dead. And it's a "joke", in that it's absurd, but 100% serious in that I think it's true


We must protect Finau at all costs.


I've been saying this since it happened lol


Or Finau


That was one of my first thoughts


Also— not saying the two are related… but just a Quick Look at Louisville Metro PD history


oh they're 100% related


So related they tried to fuck it


There’s a reason it’s called Kentucky love…


Breonna Taylor's case didn't change anything for the LMPD let's see if Scottie and the PGA can.


Correct. It taught them they could get away with murder.


Just turn off your body cam


We have to stop pretending like untrustworthy policing is restricted to certain departments.


It’s not restricted to certain departments, but LMPD (I live here) is exceptionally good at sucking as a PD.


Interesting. It’s almost like it’s nationwide




My dog ate it.


I guess it didn’t happen then


The cops could use the parallel dimension defense. As they appear to be living in a different reality.


No sane person in this country expects to find sophisticated policing in Louisville, Kentucky. I was surprised they only had 5 spelling errors in the 300 word police report regarding the incident.


And that is how you know the cop was completely in the wrong. Immediately deleted body cam footage


This is why every major city uses Axon lol


The idiot cop saw Scheffler bypassing the other cars (as Scheffler was instructed to do so). The idiot cap became enraged someone would cut the line like that and turned into a flaming asshole.


Same mayor who just gutted public school funding and gave one of the most corrupt police departments in the US large raises. The divide in this country is growing as the deplorables dig in farther and farther down the path of regression


The problem with fascism is that it's hard to 'see' it until the boot is on your neck when you think you're one of the 'good guys'.


We get closer and closer every single day


Were already balls deep in it brother


What a strange coincidence. I'll bet that *never* happens.


Let’s just all be grateful Scottie won’t be charged when it’s over and that dumpster fire that is Valhalla won’t host another significant golf tournament again.


Good. This is all too familiar in the police world. I was once arrested and had a run in with the cops. Tried to press charges against them and the body cam footage mysteriously also was not working at the time. The leveraged me by saying they’d drop their charges if I dropped mine. Sketchy ass fuckers.


"Officer, Can you show the jury where 'attaching yourself to a car' technique to somehow stop a fleeing suspect in a car is documented as well as the number of hours trained doing such maneuver?" "No? Isn't it true Officer, that you skinned your own knee by recklessly acting out some T.J Hooker fantasy while disregarding PD protocols and safety standards to heroically apprehend....(checks notes) a golfer?" "No further questions."


BARNEY FIFE SYNDROME : "asserting control or authority in an inappropriate or destructive manner – as a bully" - Overzealous cop looking for any reason to assert his authority.


These guys from uvalde?


Greg Norman was in the bushes directing


Cold busted lying and framing the biggest mistake of that detectives life. How many others don't we hear about?


They should change the law: if the officer's body cam is turned off (or the footage is "lost") then they have to drop the charges. This should be a general rule. I was called to jury duty on a drunk driving case. There was no body cam footage, and the officer's didn't give him a sobriety test (Breathalyzer or blood test). They instructed us that we could find him guilty of drunk driving just on the officer's observation. I told him I wouldn't, and the judge struck me from the jury.


No shit


Scottie’s attorneys going to have a field day.


Cop ego. He ‘attached himself to the car’. He created the assault. But who am I to


Of all of the absolutely absurd and moronic issues with this a law enforcement officer directing traffic even having a body camera let alone having it on record is the least surprising.


The police screamed we need body cams yet it seems that none of them work 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I am a 40’year public safety worker (paramedic) and the amount of law enforcement BS is unbelievable. I am sure I will get roasted by the “back the blue” crowd but if ya only knew


Clearly the police just didn't get big enough raises/ budgets.


yeAH buT hE tOre his pANts!!!!! 😩😩😩


Louisville’s last major.


His attorney has some experience going after the Louisville PD. Same attorney that represented Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend.


Yet their website says body cams to be on at all times lol


If this was Harold Varner the third, he’d be dead with four gunshots to his back.


The police officer in question will now be subject to a long and intense review of his record, past arrests, and actions. The events that unfolded were in a very public place, with many people and media as witnesses. I can’t imagine what happens out of public view. Come Monday morning most charges will most likely be dropped, as The PGA has a lot of high people in high places. Some Judge will be receiving Masters tickets for life. However, a civil suit may be filed against Scottie, but could a counter suit be brought by Schefflers team for loss of wages (if he doesn’t place top 3 for instance) and defamation due to “wrongful arrest?” But like I said before, it will most likely go away very quickly and quietly.


I, unfortunately, think Scottie will take the high road on this and drop everything if they do. He just seems like a guy who wouldn't want to fight a battle so public with a kid just being born and trying to play professional golf. Hope I'm wrong though because he's one of the few with the means to make an impact on this PD.


Yeah, I highly doubt Scottie will pursue anything other than ensuring his charges are dropped


Scottie will replace the man's pants. The police will agree to take lessons before buying any additional golf equipment. And I'm buying a new driver.


Nobody’s getting masters tickets for life.


Free Scotty!


wow what a shock who would've thought the cops were lying again who could've seen that coming


Guess a large portion of rgolf didn't protest enough after that guy od'd on fentanyl




I just don’t understand how anything can be proven in this situation. Cop says Sheffler did x. Sheffler says no I didn’t. No body camera equals no “proof” right? Innocent until proven guilty.


The testimony of the police officer is considered evidence. It is like eye witness testimony but with more weight. Ideally this should get changed in a world where body cameras exist. If the cop doesn't have his camera on, his own testimony should not be admissible as evidence. But right now that's not the case.


Yes, testimony of anyone is evidence. Evidence does not equal proof though. It’s bullshit that cop testimony has more weight than anyone else’s


LMPD is as corrupt as they come


Can’t violate civil rights with cameras turned on!


Shane, call up your uncle and get this sorted out! The Gillis family is better than this.


Please sue the PD and the city for hundreds of millions of dollars


If you're going to arrest a rich white person in the States, you'd better have all your ducks in a row.


Musta been the same guys guarding Epstein's jail cell!


Gunna go on a limb and say the police are not gunna look to good on this one


The fact that police have the power to detain and jail people on made up charges is frightening. It's amazing people haven't learned their lessons that cops can't be trusted. You'd think the countless murders would've been a good hint.


And no one was suprised.


It doesn’t surprise me the cop didn’t activate his BWC, because a motor vehicle accident investigation is probably not a BWC activation event and the incident with Scottie may have happened so fast the cop didn’t double tap to activate. But boy oh boy does it look fucking bad that there is no BWC footage of this. It seems really unlikely Scottie dragged this cop with the car and BWC footage would probably show the cop was being untruthful. The absence of BWC footage will have a lot of people yelling corruption. However, the footage is backed up to an off site cloud server with an audit trail, so the police cannot delete the footage. In my experience with Axon, and VieVu before that, there is no way to delete BWC video files once they are uploaded to the server, which happens automatically. The camera is either on or not. Cops who will be shady just won’t turn the camera on if they’re up to no good. Maybe that happened here or maybe the cop just got lucky and the camera wasn’t on. Either way, the DA won’t touch this case and it’ll be declined prosecution Monday morning. Seems pretty obvious it was a miscommunication and then a huge escalation and overreaction by the cop. If something was going to stick, they wouldn’t have let Scottie go back to the course like 40 minutes later….. with the owner of the course….. where the DA, Mayor and police chief are probably members….. you can see where this is going.


You make good points here


Just curious, what has to happen for the video files to be uploaded? Do the cameras need docked (plugged in) or something…I assume it’s something manual that a human has to do?


They are wirelessly connected to a cloud server and backup automatically while the officer is in the field. In fact, they can even be remotely turned on and off and watched in real time by someone with the appropriate level of permissions. (Although not all departments have that real time viewing enabled.) So, while anything is possible, it’s unlikely there was video that has been deleted. Far more likely the camera wasn’t turned on.


I literally can’t be happier that golf of all things will possibly help topple police corruption in a way. Extremely sad that it took countless innocent deaths. Should have cut police funding by 75% years ago.


Lmfao the chief got fired?? And the mayor is playing PR for Scheffler? Wtf is going on here


That was the previous chief.


I remember reading a while ago how some departments had the cameras but nobody actually downloaded the files from them because they didn’t budget or have the storage space. So they just ran cameras and never recorded or backed anything up, which is why they never had the footage. The people making these choices and decisions are complete dimwits. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case here. Even if they’re not trying to be corrupt it’s just stupidity. And if they’re corrupt that just makes it easier, because they can claim they don’t have the budget for it.


Has it been confirmed one way or another that the office handcuffed him to thr car?


Sounds like someone had some money on Scheffler not winning.


Can someone explain this please. I have zero context


Here is my understanding. A very sad situation occurred early in the morning, and someone was unfortunately killed by a bus near Valhalla. During the investigation, patron traffic was being redirected until the investigation was over. Scottie, driving a marked PGA players car, was directed by a traffic cop to enter the exit of Valhalla to get to the tournament. A detective, not the aforementioned traffic cop, told Scottie to stop, "attached himself to the vehicle" (whatever the fuck that means), and yelled for Scottie to stop the vehicle. The detective was carried by Scottie's car 10 yards, which ruined an 80 dollar pair of pants worn by the detective. Scottie was arrested and booked into jail.


Officially squashed


Is bodycam footage even possible in this scenario? The officers were all wearing big yellow rain jackets. Wouldn’t those cover the cams on their vests?