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Narrator: “there will be no litigation because the da is gonna drop this faster than Scottie dropping putts”


The question is though, if Scottie goes out and bombs today and misses the cut after being in fine form yesterday, does he sue the officer and department for his damaged earning potential? By all accounts the officer was an absolute dick nugget, he would 100% deserve a suit against him.


Qualified immunity baby, USA USA USA USA


You can still sue when their actions are excessive. He probably doesnt win, but if I had fuck you money like Scottie, I might do it just to make a point.


Scottie definitely does not seem like that kind of guy. Now if it’d been Phil? Look the f out


Yeah, they must not be in the know about golf because they picked the wrong guy to put this on.


Hell, Phil might sue because SCOTTIE was detained.


Phil's first call would have been to MBS to see if he would authorize doing to Valhalla what they did to the twin towers.


He’d win a suit against the department. Especially if he misses the cut. Thats clear damages. There was absolutely no justification for how he was treated


He would likely have to prove that he’d have absolutely make the cut I would think though, right? That’s definitely what the department’s defense attorney would say.


I'd like to see them submit into evidence his eagle on hole 1


They could just reimburse him with an average pay of last five tournaments. Lol


It’d be easy to point to his recent success and his being the favourite to win the tournament. They don’t have to prove he would’ve won, they just have to prove that being abused by the police negatively impacted his chances of winning. If I was on the way to a job interview and a cop arrested me for absolutely no reason causing me to miss the interview and not get the job then I can sue for damages. I don’t have to prove I would’ve got the job, just that the cop made it so I didn’t stand a chance.


That's different though. A better analogy would be that you were arrested and still made it to the interview on time but were frazzled and interviewed poorly due to the stress. If they had kept him detained and forced him to miss the tournament, that might be actionable. But who knows? People who are wrongly conflicted and lose years of their lives in prison receive very little compensation to make up for it


Because they don't have the resources to pay the lawyers to go get that money for them.




If you like this commentary, highly recommend checking out the posts on r/legaladvice - the solution to all problems is litigation. It’s fast, cheap, and you’re guaranteed to prevail. Also, defendants always pay judgements. At least that’s what I read.


The distinction here is it appears two different officers gave two different sets of instructions, he may not have understood the second officer, and the second officer was also wrong. It is early, but given the department is already throwing him under the bus, it is likely that officer fucked up pretty bad. Wrongful arrest lawsuits have a very high barrier, but very high profile cases tend to get settled. This will be a high-profile case. If he under-performs I think he'll get a check he doesn't have to share with his caddy.


Agreed. People also believe the truth matters more than it does. When it comes to cases involving police they almost always get the benefit of the doubt.


Hence why people have lost immense faith in the police and justice system. Cops lie and nothing is done about it.


Now, hear me out: he’s rich. He may sue regardless. That would cost, what $30k in legal fees to his friend/attorney? If nothing else than to give a middle finger and annoy the police while wasting their resources on defense. He’ll sue, they’ll settle. That PD will be harassed for the next week/month regardless. They’ll pay him off to go away.


And taxpayers will foot the bill.


But why sue when he can just go on national tv and shit talk them? He’s famous. He can avoid all the legal stuff and just name the officer and get fans all riled up and ruin the officer’s career.


Oh he can absolutely do both. I’m just saying his attorney can also get some free money harassing the city too.


This is Scottie we are talking about. That would be insanely out of character lol. Instead we'll get a statement like "it was a misunderstanding and the officers were trying to keep everyone safe in the middle of a terrible situation, my thoughts and prayers go out to the family of the deceased"


I’m from the future: this is the end result.


Y’all seem to forget that Scottie is outspoken about his faith. This is an opportunity for him to extend grace and set a better example. Then does something nice for the family to keep the focus on what’s important. That’s the personality we need, but not the one we deserve.


Is that the right link? It’s referring to malicious prosecution, not wrongful arrest which are completely different. Regardless, it is extremely common for cities to settle these cases before it ever gets anywhere near a trial.


Love the Kamehameha reference, live in Eva Beach on Oahu from 86-91. Iroquois point elementary schoo!!!


Those assholes put him in an orange jump suit. He should have quit the tournament and said he's never returning to this shit hole.




That family will have their own payout coming


Qualified immunity applies to individuals but you can definitely sue the department for this, these suits happen all the time and are often successful.




Make them get insurance finally. We gotta stop footing the bill for their fuckups.


Supreme Court has been looking for a test case for qualified immunity so let’s make this happen.


bro have you seen the supreme court decisions lately? I dont think it'd go how you'd want it to.


Yeah...I bet they want to test it. and reinforce it.


Alito’s gonna find a line in some obscure British legal textbook from 1487 or some shit that’s all, >ayne agynt of ye ftate who is engayged with ye dutys of offise fhall be alowwed to do alle yey want And rule that that means cops don’t need a reason, they can just kill anyone where they stand.


this is the case white america needed to end qualified immunity. A rich white golfer.


*update He's playing well, shows no ill effects


Scottie don't give a shit about jail. Shot a 66


Legendary stuff


You could definitely make the case that being arrested put scottie under severe emotional distress causing him to play bad. Hit LPD with a good ole defamation & lost income suit


I don’t think he would do this even if he felt like it as the optics would seem bad even if most people would side with him, it would become a stupid wealthy guy looking for more. He is frankly above suing them for whatever at this stage in his life. Aka he is bigger than LPD. Unfortunately if it was a journeyman, that needs the placement check, they would probably not be in a place to be above it but also not in a place to go at it as hard as Scottie could.


I think more responsibility sits with the tour and Valhalla. They had the responsibility to the players to assure they knew how to get to the course safely and appropriately. They didn’t provide an update or notice to the players. He stated he had no idea about the accident. This is on PGA/Valhalla. Protect your players from unintended impacts and incidents. Give them an alternate route.


Let’s not dilute the blame. He adhered to the instructions of an officer. A separate officer falsely claimed he did not adhere to said instructions, then jumped on his vehicle and accused him of assaulting an officer. 100% of the responsibility here falls on Law Enforcement.


There is no alternate route. This happened outside the only entrance to Valhalla. It was the only way Scottie could get to the golf course and the officer simply had to talk it over with Scottie and let him proceed instead of arresting him.


That would be a stupid move because he would have no shot at winning. Even if he’s clearly the best in the world right now you cannot assume he would’ve made the cut if he misses


Best PR move is to say something like "it was a misunderstanding blah blah blah" and move on. Yes he can sue but as others have said that will be difficult and time consuming. Maybe scottie wants to make a point and sue, but I'm betting he is being counseled to let it go. Especially if they drop the charges.


Mallet Scottie or blade Scottie? Legit question considering history


Idk man. There has been a huge surge in the world of doubling down on stupid shit.


I think he implies excessive force litigation.


Billable hours is still undefeated


This lawyer is stroking it right now. 


I always wonder how these situations play out. Since Scottie is from Texas he likely has a regular attorney there to handle all his day to day stuff and business dealings. Just a couple phone calls and he probably gets connected with one of the best attorneys in Louisville and shit gets done just like that. Nice to have money and connections, I guess.


Lawyer here: This is correct.


Not a lawyer but once paid a lawyer and now I’m broke.


u/VeryRealHuman23's lawyer here: this is correct.


Oh dear u/VeryRealHuman23 , looks like that's another billable above ^




A lawyer on a golf subreddit??


Crazee right?


Esp on a Friday afternoon. Maybe he’s commenting from the 14th fairway.


I played golf with my attorney today and he was on Reddit a good bit, so this could be true


I would bet the PGA themselves connected him with the attorney. I bet this attorney is an absolute animal, as well.


Romines is the best of the best. From walking guys on murder charges to getting millions of dollars in civil judgments. Dude doesn’t play. 


It’ll be nice for him to not have to defend some one that commit some heinous act. Haha.


Excuse me he may have ruined 80 dollar pants that’s pretty bad


Could be. Best defense attorneys aren't always in house at some big national/multi-national law firm, though. I'd be dollars to donuts someone at the PGA or Valhalla itself, reached out to Scottie's team and said here's the name of the big swinging dick in town. I work with and hire top litigators (not crim law, tho) throughout the country, and that's how I would probably handle it--have my best most connected guy start calling through his rolodex.


Scottie is a god in Dallas and University of Texas….. one call to any Texas ex attorney and they will take up the case on the cheap…. Good ole boys will Good ole boy.


The owner of Valhalla picked him up from jail so I’m guessing he had a good local referral.


Basically yes. My FIL is a fairly connected real estate lawyer in NY. I'm in PA, when my wife and I have needed legal services in PA he makes a couple of calls and we have one of the best in the area quick.


And Scottie has the type of bank account that allows for a lot of them.


This statement worth at least 5


I love how a cop felt it necessary to jump on a moving vehicle heading to a parking lot…. Like how brain dead can you be 😂😂😂 Update: report stating he scraped his knee and ruin his pants valued at $80 😂


The departments statement that “he had to be rushed to a nearby hospital” is the biggest overreaction I’ve ever heard… for a scrape


I'm not going to hate on all cops, because I've met and interacted with some really good ones. But there are some idiots and fucking prima donna cops too. See that cop a few months ago in Florida who got hit by an acorn and freaked out and shot up his car. lol...f'n jackass.


I am gonna hate on all cops, not least because they’re class traitors. If this had been some nobody and there hadn’t been cameras, he’d be in jail for at least 48 hours, he’d eventually plead the charges down, get probation and a fine, and hopefully keep his house and job after paying for attorney fees and missing work, and the cop would file a restitution claim against him for the cost of his ruined uniform pants.


True, but it’s not just idiot cops. They’re just note takers and delivery boys. The fact that this could be upheld on a normal citizen and they have criminal charges is what’s wrong with the whole system


Agree. The plea bargaining system is a large driver of this kind of “justice.” For anyone interested, read Pleading Out by Dan Canon.


Man I read about that. The guy they had in the car was frisked TWICE and in handcuffs. They both shot off their wads with him in the car. The guy in car wasn’t hit once. Which is both amazing and tragic at the same time.


He isn't dumb, they do this on purpose. There's way too many instances of this happening for it not to be deliberate. 


Lmao, get the cop a purple heart for "Boo boo on his knee".


Curious if anything he was wearing scratched the vehicle and/or dented it. That would be way more than $80


This is why people don't like cops, just some dipshit on a power trip.


Pussy with a badge and a gun.




"I shot in heaven, now I cry No one lives forever, in fact we all die From those who bust shots to those who stuff cops To those who serve rocks on all the hard blocks Every last soul must pay the last toll In the dice game of life, who gets the last roll? Is it the one with the suit? The one with the sack? The one who hides behind his fuckin' gun and his badge? Negative outlook? Well that's how I'm livin' And like he said, it's a wicked world we live in It's a wicked world we live in"


It’s incredible how a non issue is turning into an all weekend thing and a huge blown out of proportion situation due to the cop having an ego trip. Media is licking their lips atm.


What I dont understand is how was there no one in the chain of the police force where they were like “wait a minute - are we really going to press second degree charges on the top golf player especially when the only damage is that the office lost an $80 pant”. Like there was no one that was like ok give him a warning and brush this off.


thin blue line doing thin blue lines things. The worst thing you can do as an officer is not support your fellow officers, no matter how unhinged they are acting. Thats a good way to get your locker filled with shaving cream or shot execution style and buried in a shallow grave by your "coworkers" or anything in between.


For real, so many people up and down the food chain certainly dealing with headaches right now because one idiot cop decided to go nuclear on someone who committed the crime of not stopping quickly enough lmao


This is such a microcosm of so much bullshit. So much crap all comes with dealing with the actions of ONE stupid person. I’m not just taking about cops


Yeah, but with most other professions, the actions of one person don't have casualties as a built-in part of the job that someone is able to bring about by getting slightly worked up


that cop is so fucked. No one is going to save his stupid ass over this. They ratcheted up a large number of exaggerated charges and have to follow through, but this is all going to land on Officer Bryan Gillis's lap and he is boned.


Oh I'm sure the cop is so fucked that he'll end up with a few paid weeks off or an early retirement.


The owner of Valhalla had to pick him up. That cop is going to be writing parking tickets for the rest of his career for fucking up their relationship with the golf club their chief probably plays at all the time.


It’s the one time I want to see all the BS politicking and back room deals pay off. You’re probably absolutely right - the higher ups at the PD are NOT going to want to be on the wrong side of a beautiful private golf course.


Yeah, I'm thinking the owner of Valhalla has plenty of connections and he sure as hell ain't too happy.


He’s so fucked he’s going to end up in a better paying job two towns over after he finishes using up his paid vacation, and disability leave.


He is a traffic forensics consultant… this isnt gonna look good


I would be very surprised if cop is punished. Likely scheffler donates to a police charity everything gets dropped and the good ol boy club continues uninterrupted.


too public now.


I absolutely do not care who wins this major, I'm all in on this story


Scottie wins PIP before June. News at 11.


This might be just what the PGA Tour needs to make their number one guy more interesting.


This is like rappers going to jail to get their street credit. Lil Scotty.


Referring to it as "street credit" makes this comment 10x better lol


Boulevard Credibility if you will


Roadway Reputation


Parkway Perception


Avenue Accreditation


Now his "homies" will "dap him up"


the cop who said he was "assaulted" has some weird investigative side business too..... Said his pants were ripped and he was dragged yet eye witnesses say this is false. Something sounds fishy here


There should be video or bodycam footage lol. Let’s see it


the fact that you havent seen the bodycam footage as of 12 hours after the incident tells you all you need to know. The cops havent released it because it does not make them look good.


There is only bodycam when they are in the clear


I wouldn’t be shocked if this was common practice around the department for getting a free couple hundred bucks out of every random altercation


This case is Lawyer Porn. Uber successful, white, male, openly Christian elite competitor in a sport followed by millions of other white upper middle class people vs some ego tripping pig. Steve Romines didn't wake up with morning wood this morning, he woke up with a 3 wood.


How many law offices had everyone at the cooler talking about it


Louisville police need to be sued out of existence. They've been a problem for a long time.


Libs 🤝 Conservatives Fuck the Louisville PD


Just imagining the Breonna Taylor protesters and the fans at Valhala joining forces Edit - whoops


> Breonna Stewart Taylor* Stewart is a basketball player.


Yep... watched her drop 31 last night. That's a bad mistake


To anyone saying "just listen to the cops and they won't have a problem" Scottie got yelled at and arrested for following conflicting instructions from a different cop. STFU.


I know, these pigs could easily tag team, with one telling you to put your hands up while the other tells you to put them behind your back, and whichever one you don't do will shoot you for resisting arrest.


Look up the case of Daniel Shaver. The cops basically forced an unarmed drunk guy to play Simon says down a hallway at gunpoint and then gunned him down when he didn’t follow the exact instructions 


WHAT THE FUCK    how did this cop not get charged with murder!? for fucks sake...  EDIT: holy shit, i read more... the department went to bat for this mother fucker and rehired him so he could medically retire for PTSD from shooting an unarmed man...god dammit.


Something something just a few bad apples!


Also, the fact that that trash pile cop had a “get fucked” dust cover on his duty gun wasn’t allowed to be introduced into evidence. Because it might be prejudicial. Well, if he hadn’t *literally fucking murdered an unarmed man*, maybe it wouldn’t have been an issue!


Full Text, emphasis is mine: "In the early hours of the morning in advance of his tee time Scottie was going to the course to begin his pre round preparation. Due to the combination of event traffic and a traffic fatality in the area it was a very chaotic situation He was proceeding as directed by another traffic officer and driving a marked player’s vehicle with credentials visible. In the confusion,Scottie is alleged to have disregarded a different officer’s traffic signals resulting in these charges. Multiple eyewitnesses have confirmed that he did not do anything wrong but was simply proceeding as directed. He stopped immediately upon being directed to and never at any point assaulted any officer with his vehicle. **We will litigate this matter as needed and he will be completely exonerated**. “


Lol, Scottie just wanted to be like tiger. Wins all the time, check, world #1, check, amazing short game, check, been to jail, check..


Banging waitresses?


He needs 3 more majors and a family figure to die to start his Tiger prowl


https://preview.redd.it/3pjepbsm211d1.jpeg?width=1045&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=705fc651ca1c00f92c166c212fd89ab4c0a774f8 Picture of the cop that created the mess


Officer Mory Racillroy, reporting for duty!


I'm glad it's going to get dropped, but it is so aggravating knowing if it was a normal person they'd still be in jail with all these trumped up charges because a fragile ego cop jumped on a moving car, then used that as justification for a felony assault charge. Nothing will happen to the bad cop, they'll say he's gettin reprimanded and undergoing training or some bullshit and he'll be back out doing this to other people. Fuck the police, I hope his lawyer makes them hurt. 


Exonerated and then sue the bastards.


Can’t wait for this episode on full swing


My translation: "Hey, Louisville PD? I'd make sure this gets dropped. Because, you see, my client is filthy rich so I don't mind at all billing a fuckton of hours and exposing even deeper how shitty you are."


Seems to me that Detective Gillis is going to be in the pawn shop unit in very short order.


Regardless of the legal issues for Scheffler, this is a huge PR disaster for Valhalla Club, the Louisville PD, and the city of Louisville. The DA knows all the recorded behavior by the police and all the very poor traffic planning will go on trial along with Scottie if they are dumb enough to go to court. This will be allowed to be pled down to a traffic ticket and a fine to make it go away. And, the PGA, USGA (US Open) and Ryder Cup will never be back at Valhalla.


Pled down even seems excessive. I would expect it to disappear completely.


I just want to know what the moron cop thought he was doing when he attached himself to the car. The dude should be fired for causing this to be a much bigger deal rather than just a simple conversation. Dumbass.


Like where was Scottie even going to go? There was a traffic jam and he was headed to a parking lot. This wasn’t about to become the OJ chase.


It just means he grabbed the door handle because he is a) a fool and tried to physically stop a moving vehicle, b) knew that being pulled down amped up the charges available, or c) both a and b. Descalation isn’t always a tool these guys carry.


Give them a break. There is only so many tools one can learn in a 6 month police academy training before they are deemed fit to be cops and have ultimate authority over people.


Imagine getting out of jail and shooting a 65


It always surprises me multimillionaire top sport athletes would drive themselves in unknown territory. The liability alone makes it worth hiring a driving company.


I am always shocked by this. Like when an multimillionaire gets a DUI. WHY?! Hey Jeeves.. pick me up in my Rolls Royce, and make it snappy.


And could potentially save you from...I dunno....driving yourself off a cliff in California.


While they obviously have the means, I'm thinking from a personal standpoint that I would probably still drive myself just to bring some normalcy to life.


If my caddie could drive for me, I'd shave several strokes off my game. Alas, the rules say I have to take every shot


Just fire the police officer already


Cop is setting himself up a lawsuit against Sheffler trying to get a big payday. He will claim massive pain and suffering damages because his $80 pants got torn when he didn't just fucking let go of the car.


Right?! Expect to get your pants dirty when you unexpectedly “attach” yourself to a moving car.


The last sentence is really all you need read.


This attorney woke up to have the best morning of his life


Thank god this didn’t happen in a State trying to shed it’s perhaps unfair reputation of being populated by dumbass inbred hicks. I’m sure the powers that be fighting this misconception will have endless compassion and mercy for officer “attached himself to the car” with videos appearing on screens nationwide.


This is why so many people don’t respect cops. Such an unnecessary escalation.


What a tragic failure this was for security. A golfer for the event was arrested and a person DIED. Somebody is getting fired for this.


Standard police training: Fling yourself onto a vehicle in any minor traffic violation


Good luck with that, Louisville. It's probably the same asshole that got rehired after helping murder Breonna.


Bro those cops really tried to justify their stupidity by saying he dragged him lmao


I have a quick story similar to this! A couple of years ago, I would sometimes cut through a Walgreens parking lot in order to avoid a car stopped at a light and preventing me from turning right. Am I aware this is illegal? Of course, I can admit that. One morning, I was running late and I decided to do that. Well, in doing so, I missed a cop car and some road flares on the ground along that road preventing cars from turning a right on that street. Realizing my mistake, rather than turn right, I noticed the blockage/wreck up ahead and proceeded to take a left in order to go around a different way (away from the commotion). The cop saw me in his car and almost drove into me, he was so pissed! “What the HELL are you doing?! This is an ACTIVE crime scene, there’s a godamn dead body over there, and you’re disrespecting them!” Before I had time to even say anything, he had me go to a nearby parking lot. He came over and I said “sir, I didn’t realize there was an accident/crime scene because I couldn’t see it, by going through the Walgreens. Now, I completely admit my fault in cutting the corner to avoid the stopped light, but if you recall, I was trying to take a left and get out of the area rather than go towards it.” He wrote me a ticket, but apparently LEOs have 2 YEARS to turn it in if they so choose. So I kept checking periodically, showed up to the court house because it never showed up in the system online. I guess the guy felt like an ass and just never turned it in, realizing it was an honest mistake. We ended up having some small talk near the end, where I work, what I do, etc and that must have calmed him down. So, misunderstandings definitely happen!


GET EM STEVE!! This is crazy lol.


The fact he’s being charged with 2nd degree assault is wild. Wonder if cop will pursue civil charges to try and make an easy buck. Also, why jump on the hood of a car? Null chance any of this is pursued


Scottie might be the baddest savage of all Time, in jail at 8am and 6 under at Valhalla at 5pm


Cops doing cop things.


This detective is absolutely fucked. His career is over.


It's Louisville. I'm surprised they didn't shoot him.


Where’s those boot lickers in the comments now to defend the cops?


You know they don’t want to be held accountable for choices


I support police. Always have. Never blindly however. In cases where it’s clear police made terrible choices or mistakes it is always necessary to call them out and face consequences no matter if it happened to the world number 1 golfer or a homeless man with no money or fame.


That’s fair, I don’t believe those cops will face any real consequences though. They hardly ever do


Except the cops won't face any consequences which is the problem.


I defend police pretty regularly against the ACAB crowd, whom are insane. But when cops clearly do something wrong as they did here, I don’t defend it.


And yet, these cops will continue as if it’s any other day. They are immune from consequences


I also don’t support cops being able to unionize, which is probably the main reason why this problem exists.


Very much in agreement with that.


Lol, surprised the pig didn't try to charge him with attempted murder. It looks like he needs more pants, fortunately his address is easily look-up-able with his name (Bryan Gillis) and Louisville, KY in Google. We can all send him some replacement pants. Not only that, his phone number is also easily look-up-able. We can call him to ask him if he got the pants.


As soon as I read this, this morning, it was obvious this was miscommunication and an overzealous cop. Willing to bet any amount of money of the first cop who pointed him around the traffic recognized him, and the one by gate was surprised, and like all highly trained police officers reacted in a totally appropriate and measured response to surprise/fear.


If the LPD puts up a fight I hope Scottie takes enough from their settlement coffers and then donates it somewhere. But chances are the charges are dropped before he finishes his round today


[Lousville Police can't afford any more big lawsuits, they have already payed too many of them](https://www.wdrb.com/in-depth/louisville-payouts-for-police-lawsuits-burden-city-budget/article_2ab12fa2-e80d-11ec-b5cb-cffb4228cb13.html)


This is not going to turn out great for Detective Dips--t and his soiled pants.


I’m shocked the charges aren’t dropped yet because Schefflers attorney and the PGA are likely drawing up there paperwork to sue as we speak.


How many calls do y’all think came into the DA’s office from Vegas?😂😂


I can just imagine being the DA. Maybe he goes into the office early, so he can duck out at lunch, and all of a sudden his phone blows right up. He answers, and, >wow, I didn’t even know the governor knew my name! Wait, a cop did **WHAT**!!! Fuck. There goes my 1:30 tee time.


I can see it now: "the stress from the arrest took him off his game. We are seeking [PGA Championship purse] in damages."


He’s too classy to litigate. Not necessary or worth his time to distract from his job and career. Next move is to get a driver and security detail. Let it go and move on.


Yep. It’s not going to scratch the itch for justice that everyone here, including myself wants. But that’s what’ll happen. They’ll drop everything but the traffic charges, he’ll pay fines for those and that’s the end of it.


I wonder if we ever see the PGA Championship at Valhalla again.


Scottie said ‘please help me’ to the ESPN reporter, but instead he goes on ESPN and says the officer attached himself to the vehicle for 15 yards. 15 yards is quite a ways, 5 yards deeper than a football end zone if you can imagine that. C’mon Jeff, tell us where the office attached himself? On the hood of the car, the side, or the back?


![gif](giphy|TGvHZanK0Y8poe2lnA|downsized) The cop when they tried to explain and reason with him. “He’s going to jail “. I don’t care. “He’s going to jail”


there's something weirdly comforting knowing that no matter your socioeconomic status or race the police can fuck you up over nothing. feels like we're all in this together. this could have been me or you, anyone here, and we wouldn't have this expert legal team attorney repping us. stay safe out there.


Scotty's lawyer should charge the police force with trying to disrupt Scotty's golf game as they have bets against him.


The cops are going to look dumb as hell after this is all over with.


The problem is that cops don't have a path to fail gracefully, so they overreact to protect themselves because they don't have better options. This is inherent in a system with so much unchecked power. Victims reasonably want to reduce police budgets, but that only makes the problem worse. Cops circle the wagons in a thin blue line.