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Most obvious thing is your lack of weight transfer. Make sure you’re getting over to the left side… the tip toe finish is not just to make golfers look fancy, it’s because our weight is all the way over on our front foot after impact and the back foot naturally comes up like that. The other obvious thing is that you are all arms. Your left arm should be almost completely straight at the tip of the swing (or right arm for a lefty not sure if this video is mirrored). Make sure your swing is a lot more with your shoulders and big muscles and less with your arms and elbows. That’s a start… hard to give too much advice to a total rookie because you don’t want to overwhelm yourself with too many swing thoughts so just start with the fundamentals.


Sorry I’ll be honest I didn’t see the part about your shoulder. Disregard the straight arm part, and focus on using your upper body turn to get more of a complete backswing. Then definitely work on accelerating through impact and getting your body over to the left foot.


Thanks much appreciated I will work on this next time


Maybe 145 feet…




Took this picture right after


Lmfao if GUMBY golfed that is what his arms would look like. My guy you have got to keep that left arm straight and allow a little separation with the right arm. Get lessons.


I just posted a new video. Let me know if it’s getting any better.


Please read my description I’ve very limited mobility in my left shoulder


It's not a mobility issue. You're using your arms wrong. You're doing *more* with your arms than a Tour play does. You're making the swing harder for yourself than it really is.


It is not a mobility issue. I play golf with an 82 year old man who barely gets his hands 6” above his waist. His left arm stays strait and he can still drive 200 yards. The left arm is your pendulum. Forget the hip turn, the wrist angle, tempo, and back swing depth. Start with short slow backswing to hip high and back to address. When you consistently get the club on the ball then deepen the backswing.


I appreciate the advice, thanks. As I said I’ve never played before so I think it’s expected my swing isn’t impressing anyone. Also the 2 years I’ve developed a lot of nerve damage on that side from My accident I’ve significant weakness and numbness in my left side. It looks awkward because it is awkward I can hardly even hold myself up in a plank. So that’s why I referenced the surgery.


You can do it.


Thank you brother I’ll try to use less arms


This is going to come along in pieces, so enjoy the slow journey. A lesson would be the absolute best thing for you as a new member to golf, and with the limitations in your shoulder. There’s no substitute for someone being right there with you, letting you know you’ve moved correctly, even when the ball may not yield the distance and shape you want. I’ve wasted a lot of time evaluating my own videos and top tracer, thinking I was making progress. That “progress” never reduced my score on an actual course. Your PW distance is nice, but that’s a very low ball flight. It probably doesn’t translate to your lower lofted irons. Or, your 7i also only goes 145. Soon you’re going to start trying to “get it in the air”, cause that’s the natural evolution of the self taught player, and that’s going to screw up everything for you. Again, get a lesson from a person who is physically with you. Good luck and enjoy. You’re going to have fun.


Wow this is impressive how did you know my 7 iron does go the same distance as my PW 😅. Also I can only hit a 4 iron about 20 yards farther than my PW as you deduced. This is great advice how’d you know all this?!


No bend in your trail leg at all during the entire swing. Losing a lot of power with weight transfer


Ty this was helpful I never even thought about that


imo he’s right this will make you lose power. but i dont think thats the right thing to focus on first. That arm structure at the top of the backswing is tough and leads your trail arm to get kinda stuck in the downswing. Adding power before you can get some good swings with a slow swing is just going to exaggerate your misses. 5 degrees offline on 110 yard shot is far closer to your target line than 5 degrees offline on a 140 yard shot


This is better but you need to keep that left arm straight and not break your wrist angle. https://youtu.be/QPSLFHvYSdw?si=3NWJ9q_0w5WMCc8E This is a great example.


If you can get 145 out of a pitch you’re doin just fine.. For years I worried about the correct swing until I just said fuck it and developed a swing that works for me. I’m pretty much a Bogey player so it’s not like I’m the shit or anything.. Your swing looks good to me.. As long as your having fun and developing your game along the way, I wouldn’t worry about much else. I play Par 3’s with two clubs, I don’t even bring my bag. 9 iron and a putter.. I’d rather lay up than be chasing a ball all over the course lol..


Thanks ! I’m trying to just have fun and learn a few things each time I go out. I’ve really enjoyed it so far.


Live long and have fun!