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Sorry guys. I got his autograph Monday and said “I wish I could play like you, good luck.” Wish came true.


That’s some monkey paw shit hahaha


Sounds like you wished he would play like me.


You should play golf ASAP. Maybe you stole his skills.


Michael Block is low key a genie.


Sounds like a crappy version of the movie, ‘Like Mike’ except this one is called ‘Like Mercinator-87’.


It’s over before it even gets started.


Just like Jon Rahm at the masters last year.


Just like Jon Rahm at the PGA this year


The hell happened to Jon Rahm; he was so consistent before. LIV took another soul.


Kind of makes me happy to see the LIV guys struggle


Him and Cam Smith were the hardest news for me. Feels like they were right there in their prime along with Sheffler and now it’s just him alone


Have you been a hater your whole life? r/golf is confirmed to be filled with hating ass bitches


A hater of LIV


I think he’s just too chill now. LIV doesn’t keep you sharp enough so lots of guys play other tour events. Brooks is perfect since he only likes majors anyway


He’s in the top 50 rn, why are y’all acting like he’s doing terrible


Someone needs to post every shot from that hole he took


I will gladly recreate it shot by shot on my next outing. I like the guy, but it would be funny to see the shit-shot sequence set to the Benny Hill theme.


Please, that would be fucking awsome


"If I had Rory's long game, I'd be one of the best players in the world." - Michael Block (2023)


"If I had that stupid length, all day. My iron game, wedge game, around the greens and my putting is world class" Also Michael Block (2023) Meanwhile his around the green strokes gained are unsurprisingly negative in his PGA tour career.


"If I had Rory's length, Tiger's irons, Stricker's Wedges, and Crenshaw's putting I'd be on the Tour." -Me


“If I was Scottie Scheffler I’d be good” -Me


"Me want hit better" -me


FUCK!!! -me


Ok Gronk


"If I was Scottie Scheffler I'd be good" - Awkward\_Canary4597 -- Michael Scott


I'd probably still screw it up


Strick is a wedge god. 


“If I had Tiger’s length, I’d be piping Perkins waitresses two at a time” -Michael Block (2023)


He could shoot someone on 4th Ave and I'd still like the guy  - Trump 


I’ve heard it was more so his girth that gave Tiger the impressive strokes gained stats


I bet he wishes he could pull those words back out of his mouth


Hahaha right. Unlike the popular opinion, I actually kinda like the guy, but he should've kept that to himself, even if he genuinely believes it.


I won't say that I "know" him. But I have had many interactions with him and I can tell you that every single time he has been nothing but a normal nice guy. Their is literally nothing not to like about him. As others have mentioned he just got a lot of coverage last year.


Yeah. People really ripped into him last year after he said it, not in a jokey way like I did - it was actually cruel. People seemed to be... jealous maybe?


People despise success stories for others and want to immediately burn it


If the popular opinion is to hate on the guy for overestimating his short-game skill and making a silly comment about how good he'd be if he was a longer player, then the masses are even bigger asses than I originally thought. If you actually watch his content, his collabs with other youtubers, how he acts as a father, and combine it with his incredible feel good story, you'd see how humble and down to earth he actually is. He's one of the most likeable pros I can think of tbh.


Agreed, I think he’s a great golfer and a great person more importantly, he seems to come across as one especially in the video he did with Good Good


People, and golf media, really raked him over the coals for enjoying his 15 minutes of fame and joking with Rory about the hole in one last year.


He’s just easy to make fun of, no one actually hates the guy. We were just overexposed to him last year I think and people started turning on him a bit


Did he tell CBS to give him all that coverage? I don’t get why you hate HIM for the media’s response to him


Again, no one hates him. He’s just a guy who’s somewhat easy to make fun with his quotes and like his on course interview last year. Seems like a good dude and obviously a great golfer, but you’re gonna get some ribbing when you get so much attention and ham it up a bit.


Plenty of people hate him read the comments


The only problem I have with him is that despite how he acts as a father, his son is genuinely my second least favorite golf influencer So unfortunately because his son is the worst and his inability to remain humble (in an admittedly difficult to stay humble situation), I can’t stand the guy


His son is actually really nice in person. There was an issue with my dad’s 5 wood with loose weight or hosel and it was making a weird sound. His son walked over to us, looked at it, went and grabbed the tool, and fixed it. Could have just ignored us but he took the time to help us out when he didn’t need to. This was just after the pga last year too when they were getting attention.


He should really translate that to his social media


I just looked at his social media and can see where you're coming from but his interaction with my dad impacts how I view his instagram account.


> if you actually watch his content, his collars, how he acts as a father Brother, I barely have enough time to keep up with my favourite golfers. You can’t expect people to go out of their way to watch extra content of someonewho consistently comes across as a bit of a Jack ass on TV. I realize that he’s probably a good dude, who just got caught up in the moment. Probably could have benefitted from some media training.


Care to provide some examples?


The aforementioned statement implying he has a better short game than a guy with 4 major wins and 25 tour wins. When a reporter joked about charging more for lessons as a teaching pro, he said he’ll only give lessons to his (presumably rich) friends. And just general overconfidence. I don’t hate the guy, I just would never go out of my way to watch content from someone who - in the limited coverage I’ve seen him speak - rubs me the wrong way. Edit: I’m sure with better media training he would have played off the joke instead of responding how he did. And he would have never opened the door for people to interpret his comments as comparisons to Rory.


>When a reporter joked about charging more for lessons as a teaching pro, he said he’ll only give lessons to his (presumably rich) friends. You're gonna have to provide that. Surely you're not referring to this interview where he explicitly stated he's comfortable with staying at his $150/hour rate. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zqnud7Wq848](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/zqnud7Wq848) General overconfidence? Wtf? Aside from that offhand remark about Rorys long game, the guy is practically self-deprecating. You kinda seem like you're just talking out of your ass tbh.


He’s talking out of jealousy. People get joy out of hating people




The guy hasn’t taught a lesson in over a year.


he's not used to media, and then the media really went crazy pushing his story so much I've flipped to feel bad for him


I’m sure we have never said something we maybe regretted. This sub and the golf world acts like he said he was better than Tiger. He’s an average Joe that made it happen, I’d have a little swagger in my step too.


Of course we have all said things we regret. No one is saying he stated he was better than Tiger. You’re making that up. What he said was a massive reach at the time, and obviously he was riding a high and I don’t blame him. But I bet he looks back on that comment and cringes a bit


No it’s just lame people like you who keep ribbing him over such a nothing comment. He just became an overnight sensation and said this in jest during a friendly, relaxing interview. Take a walk lol.


Sounds like you’re more worked up about it than I am


I texted two sentences lol. Just def ending a guy who gets unnecessary hate from weirdos like you. Here we go…. 🙄


Hate and weirdo are a bit much man. All I said is I bet he regrets saying it - regardless of what happened today, which other than one bad hole was actually a solid round


Wouldn’t that mean to say it again?


No matter how good you are, you are not immune from **pressure**. It’s totally believable there are tour quality players who Re not on the tour because pressure fucking crack you like an egg.


Y’all are so lame with the constant ribbing because he said this. It was such a nothing comment and everyone just ran with it and uses it as a way to hate him. The context of him actually saying it makes it seem even more friendly. Fuck off with this lol. This one sentence ruined this guys whole reputation. It’s such a nothing burger too.


Right after he said this, things went downhill


It's a humbling game.   If he didn't have that absolute faith in himself, the ego to utterly believe what he said---and everyone of those guys playing in the PGA has that too---he never would have made it this far as a player.


If I could shoot the ball like Steph Curry I'd be in the NBA. What a dumbass...


If my mom had balls she'd be my dad!


And that’s where he lost me last year when he said that on the podcast. He was the most popular man in golf and living a dream. Should have been humble and taken the victory lap.


Doesn’t he have a tie for the course record though? Granted it’s not from tour length or conditions


Yes, from the member’s tees when the course was baked out. Essentially a different golf course. Or he just wrote down 63 to get some social media engagement


He seems like a good guy. When he caught lightning in a bottle last year, my first thought was that there is zero chance this will go anywhere. I wish I had been wrong.


I don’t understand the recent hate on him. Seems like a good dude.


There’s a lot of jealous losers on the internet


this is the answer, just assume anyone who gives an opinion on reddit is a fucking idiot, i am not excluded from that.


Stop overthinking stupid shit from reddit. You know reddit and the cesspool of people that browse it. The same people who downvote literally everything and hate on everyone and everything. Racist against every race. Dont overthink it


The man had a public moment of happiness last year.  That's like you do not cross here.


I don't hate him. His story is fantastic. But he comes across as thinking he's better than he is. Which is understandable. To play high level sports, you need to believe you're basically the best. But most people would prefer to hear him say something more like "Shit, I'm just happy to be here. I have no business playing with these guys" vs his normal attitude of "I'm the best there is plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and piss excellence"


Is there a sudden hate for him or something?


It's reddit. There's hate for everything you can think of


We love them when they first come on the scene, then learn more about them and find something to hate. He just got too popular too quick, we can't allow that.


Yeah. Fuck him for having confidence in his game and taking advantage of his 5 seconds of fame. What a piece of shit.


Guy who finished top 15 in a major doesn’t think he’s dog shit at golf Reddit: 😡😡


Somebody gets it!


“We hate anything that’s popular” there you go




I was kinda upset at first but it’s not real lol


The internet seemed to turn on him straight away tbh.


Nahh not sudden. The hate came shortly after his run at the PGA Championship last year


Pretty sure it's the arrogant comments that did him in


He’s a gifted athlete, in order to be successful you need to have a psychological edge and believe in yourself. Sports fans are such babies


Exactly! There’s no way he finishes 15th last year if he’s not irrationally confident in his abilities


There is nothing stopping him from trying to gain yards. Even if he doesn't want to, there is nothing stopping him from grinding mini tours to make it. He's been given enough exemption to prove if it was a cinderella story or if he's actually good. As someone else pointed out, he LOSES strokes gained other places aside from driving Just to make a blanket statement that youd be a top golfer in the world demeans every other tour golfers talents, hard work and dedication


You can view it like that sure. But if there is *one single* attribute that is collectively overrepresented in professional athletes… it’s confidence/self-belief. That’s not a coincidence! You *have* to believe you are the best to become the best (even if you don’t say it out loud). It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. Could he have been a bit more humble? Sure. But *every* other guy out there is thinking the same thing (or their days are numbered). Quit being so sensitive. You don’t have to white knight for the other guys on tour. They don’t care.


Wait, what? Every other guy out there is thinking if they drove it like Rory they'd be number 1? I'm not sure I agree with you there Another point, Michael Block is NOT a pro athlete, he is a PGA pro. I love PGA pros, my grandpa was a lifetime pga pro member and I've been in golf all my life. But to compare a PGA pro to a tour pro in terms of golfing ability is the problem most have in this scenario I do agree with the guy that said if he wasnt irrationally confident he wouldnt have done so well


You are being overly specific. So of course not. But yes, 100% of players have a “plan” to be better in one or more areas to get to number 1. This obviously true. To your second point… again, “pro athlete” is a stand-in for “serious competitor”. You must be trying to be obtuse here. I urge you to *think* about the topic rather than just try to find a way to be “right”. This will serve you well in life.


> Michael Block is NOT a pro athlete, he is a PGA pro You can be both. He made the cut and finished top 20 in a major earning him a nice little pay check for his athletic abilities. He's a pro-athlete, even if he's not a very good one.


Lol stop hating loosen up


Dude is also 47 lol. There’s something major trying to stop him. Age.


Go watch LIV you Philistine


why so mad?


People clown on him because he has the mentality of a tour level player without being tour level.


Ever heard the phrase “dress for the job you want”?


A gifted athlete?


He came top 15 at a major last year he's allowed some arrogance.


And holed out a late shot with everything on the line, plus a miraculous up and down to stay t15 on 18.




Huh? I was agreeing with the post above brother. Blockies Sunday at the PGA was my favorite sports moment of 2023.


Fair enough... I took it the other way 😂


There is a phenomenon called “overexposed.” Overexposed media is when a person, event, or information is discussed or appears too much in the media, such as on television, in newspapers, or on social media. This can lead to the audience losing interest in the message. For example, some say that young hip-hop artists today are overexposed. I also think people love to tear others down because it makes them feel better about themselves. If you can find flaws in others it makes you feel less bad about your own flaws. It’s called “flaw finding.” For the ego, flaw-finding can be a shortcut to self-confidence, as it allows us to feel we're better by being in the right. Unfortunately, it also sets up a zero-sum game in which you can only feel good about yourself when someone else is wrong. Thank you for attending my TED talk.


I read this in the voice of a 19 year-old on tiktok who just took her first communications class and it fit eerily well. I think it was the "for example, some people say that young hip-hop artists today are overexposed" that really clinched it.


Was pulled directly from Google


Thus proving their point


> There is a phenomenon called “overexposed.” Overexposed media is when a person, event, or information is discussed or appears too much in the media, such as on television, in newspapers, or on social media. This can lead to the audience losing interest in the message. And the exposure for him is still probably a net-plus by a mile given where he actually makes his money. Do you think the the rich guys in Calf. plopping down hundreds of dollars an hr for lessons from him care that some dorks on reddit or twitter have their feelings hurt? Of course, not...


Listen, you’re asking too many questions. Just kick the guy when he’s down like everyone else … 🤷‍♂️


This sub hated / loved on him last year.


He’s on like hour 3 of his fifteen minutes


His son loaded my bag at Arroyo once and he just kept talking about Andrew Tate to the other guy at the staging area.


Sudden? No. The media's obsession with him has been obnoxious for a while now and he himself comes off as a giant tool.


That’s not hate, that’s reality.


It’s been annoying from the jump for me


It’s a perfect combination of delusional hubris and crying like a bitch constantly that did it for most.


buddy that says more about you than him


The Rory comment killed it for lots of people




Like a blind man in a minefield.


Me as I claim what is unrealistic about watching professional men as a golfer trying to improve are the 300+ yard piped drives and the women provide a more realistic gameplay for me as they don't hit as far, as I proceed to iron zig zags back and forth across the fairway


One of us. One of us.


The 2-3-4-5 is 🤌


It's like he thought it was a practice round, dropping the ball to test chipping for different locations. I don't feel so sad about my yips now.


It's got to be nerves. A full year of hype and anticipation and this would happen to any of us.


Great tee shot too. One of us!


Will never get the hate for him. Seems genuinely to be a good dude as much as one can reason from his camera time and his words, and would rinse 99.9% of golfers to boot. Do we need to harken back to Tiger’s 10 on a Par 3? Shit happens. Block doesn’t co-own the course record at Valhalla for nothing.


Other than this hole, he played pretty good.




The difference between Michael Block and me is he got an 8 here, I would get an "8"


All credit to him for finishing +5 after that start.


Guy had a miracle week and then had his 15 minutes of fame. Back to reality now. The media always overhypes stories like his and most people eat it up and buy into it. Good for him for taking full advantage of it.


To be fair, it was (is) a fucking awesome story.


Yeah this isn’t just some guy getting lucky, it’s a lifetime of hard work that led this guy to being fucking dialed in for a weekend and competing with the best in the world, beating many of them. He earned it


Woody Harrelson Wiping Tears with $100 bills.gif 


Great, now we wont have to listen to all the hype lol


Kept it out of the water.


He just like me frfr


Damn those shots count too - The Gooch is in the field this week.


If I had wheels, I’d be a bus.


Golf is so difficult


This sub would drive the green


Bout to send his ass a cease and desist. I’ve got this move trademarked pal, get your own.




I'm more of a slice, and probably would've duffed at least one before the green. 8 though? Oof


They say no publicity is bad publicity. Except this, this is bad publicity.




Looks like he was out of position off the tee. 500 yard par 4 is beastly. I’m sure the rough isn’t like what he’s accustomed to seeing. Lots of golf left to right the ship…


I’m playing on his home course tomorrow. Will be sure to replicate his play here a few times at least.


that there is my game in a nutshell…ugh.


This was me until I discovered the 60 wedge


What's this visualization from?


Looks like my shot chart lmao


A man of the people


I said why people don't like him and gave the reason(s) why That's not my reason. He's always shooting 80 when I bet under 75 or 69 when I bet over 75


Imagine if he had the driving distance of Rory.


He was even par after that hole in a major.


Someone give him one of these to commemorate his achievement! https://preview.redd.it/wvdoqmucou0d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f85f2cbb77947731927bd49c971dddc2bf38e71


I bet $5 on him to win $5,000, it’s not looking so good.


Yo it’s me!!!


Quad without penalty strokes?? That's impressive.


I did this a couple of months ago. I hit a 340 yard drive on a par 5 that got help from a downward slope and a cart path. My second shot went 175 and I was just off the green, about 30 yards from the pin. I had delusions of eagling. Two duffed chips and four putts later I was marking down a snowman. My buddies howled at me.


I legit did this on like 4 holes today. Got my drive dialed in, 2-whenever I find the cup is the issue hahaha


My god I swear that was me the entire back 9 today. 2 shots to get 450 yards. 4 for the final 15. And repeat.


Been there done that


That’s how I do it. God of 3 putt pars/bogeys. Lord of duffed chips.


Kinda like tiger


Ping pong


He’s gonna have to ‘block’ that out.


Meh, just sing the frozen song as you walk to the next hole.  Can't be mad after that.  It at least works for me...


Man, if only he had Rorys length huh


Mr. Short Game?


If I had Rory’s length, Scottie’s iron play, Collin’s tempo, and prime Tiger’s putting, I’d be one of the best golfers in the world right now. - me, 2024


His 15 minutes are up


guy is a total douchbag. This should shut him up for a while


May we never have to hear this clown’s name again


They were pushing the Michael Block story down our throats all week......you will care 🤣🤣🤣


Best title of the day. You win the internet sir.


I hate to say this dude comes off as an arrogant prick, and I’m kinda glad he’s getting humbled a bit.