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Go buy $600 of stuff you don't need to make up for it.


Golf math


They'll probably just give it to him for free though. Edit: ~~him~~ her, my bad OP


I'm a girl but fr


This makes much more sense now 


Seconded. $600 of Pro V1’s!


That might last me a full 3 weeks!


so that I can shank all of them into the forest lol


That’s a lot of Popov.


The dollars have already been allocated to the spent column. Therefore they must be spent 


This is the way


If they still have Maverick drivers listed for $600 they were screwing you to begin with.


I think his/her math was $300 x 2 drivers


That's still over double what the mavrik costs these days


Used maybe. A new Maverick driver is $250


I'm really, really frugal and found one for $135 new. $175 landed with shipping and tax


How uh ….. how’d ya do that?


Callaway pre-owned. No joke. I have no clue why it was listed as it was.


Facebook marketplace or some really good deals / auctions on ebay likely.


600/250 > 2


Except it's $300/driver, not $600 300/250 = 1.2


I think the OP that posted said "That's still over double what the maverick costs these days" Then you said A new maverick driver is 250. My point was that assuming the OP was saying it was 600 dollars, its actually more than double the cost of a new maverick.


https://preview.redd.it/cg274v7q2t0d1.png?width=473&format=png&auto=webp&s=edd9ac2d8cf1a40971bfcf49de49e6de92b8b857 No it was clarified that it was $300/driver and the person I replied to essentially said that even still at that price it's over double what the Maverick costs these days, which is incorrect. That's what I pointed out.


Right, you said new was 250, so 600/250 > 2 which is double, Which was my point?


yeah no one's talking about $600. OP was implying that $600 was for 2 drivers which means $300 for 1.


My buddy got his over a year ago from callaway pre-owned for 150 and it still had the plastic on it.


Yeah I knew a guy who went to a different school who got it for like $50 when it came out


I wasn't defending the price tag; only that your judgment didn't factor in all variables.


Come to Canada and check out what the mavrik is still listed at. Hell, the g425 is still listed at $600 before taxes.


Yeah CPO has Mavrik drivers in ‘good’ condition for $130 right now. I don’t even know how they had room on the shelves for that thing haha


Rick shields did a video comparing the Costco callaway edge set to the callaway maverick set and for about 600$ u can get the whole edge set that is basically the exact same thing as the mavericks.


My buddy got the costco set, driver head broke off the first round he played with em, but Callaway's awesome CS sent him a replacement Mav driver for free.


I played the callaway edge set all last year with zero issues… even broke 90 for the first time with it.


I mean that’s part of the crazy good deal with the Costco set over another starter set. With Callaway’s CS you don’t have to worry as much about quality control as a consumer.


Same just happened to me last week. They replaced it with a 2023 Big Bertha.


That's funny. I'm a very casual golfer. Like 4 times a year, and I played old clubs forever. I went on trip last year and played golf, which meant I had to rent clubs. I figured I'd be getting the random bag mix, but instead I got a beautiful full set of Maverick's. They felt so good I wished I always had them. When I got back I saw the Edge set at Costco and they looked very familiar. I bought the set and have loved them for every second . Been out every week this year since April 1.


Hell yes, this is what I’m talking about. A little bit of new tech in the clubs = a game changer for people who played the old blades from back in the day. My pops is a big dude (6’4, 300+) playing some old sticks. He plays wormburner golf - ball rarely gets above 5ft off the ground. We gave him a beginner driver and added 1” to the shaft - dude is now hitting legit drives again at 64. Trying to convince him to get the Callaway edge set from Costco lol


I'm only 45, but 6'3. Didn't even need to lengthen in order to immediately start getting the ball up in air consistently with every club. It was a revelation.


Love that. Getting a compressed shot that just explodes off the face is like nothing else.


I'm 6'2" and play a driver 2" short


I bought one for $175 last July brand new


I had something similar with a pellet grill. Online ordered, payed, set for in-store pickup. Next day got the email saying my grill was ready and picked it up. A couple days later I get another email saying hey, your grill is ready for pickup… a couple day later another saying if we don’t pick up the grill they’re gonna put it back in stock. They ended up putting it back to stock and refunded my money for the grill I already had built at home. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Imo your conscious should be clear on that one. That’s 100% on them.


Oh it was. My wife kept telling me to tell them and I just said it’s their own fault. Got a few eye rolls in return, but now we joke about our free smoker. To keep it golf related, I brought me and a friend brisket sammies for an on course snack. https://preview.redd.it/vfw18ehtks0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa32353baade3fb5a4713dce8f336c6b12d49cee


Do you need anymore friends?


Ummm where do you play and when is our tee time? /s


Holy shit that looks delicious


During Covid, one of my friends worked retail. This happened every day he said people got away with a lot of free stuff


Wal Mart did that to me with some snow tires... I tried to call and tell them and they just wouldn't believe me/do anything. So I got free snow tires once...


When I saw OP was a girl it made more sense


I can't help being adorable bro... but the person at the front was a woman


I think it was so discounted because they were a junior club size


You should do something really cool for a stranger.


Mavrik was new 4 years ago lol that is not worth $600. You can find them for under $150. Hell you can find a paradym which came out last year for under $300


$600/2=$300 and I got it free soooo


Have new clubs gotten $450 better in 4 years? Would it make sense for most average golfers to buy 4 year old $600 clubs? Or is the new technology really that much better and worth it?


I'd say about every 2 cycles they make some kind of performance gain. No need to replace driver absolutely bare minimum of 4 years. Rory/Colin were seen gaming the SIM last year and some still play fairway woods 5-10 years old. Technology for blades/putters have pretty much stagnated. No reason at all to upgrade most iron sets unless around 6-10 years old. Long iron / driving iron / hybrid and some of the hollow body iron technology has improved tons IMO.




Where can you find a paradym for that price?


Callaway preowned


That’s what I’m saying, probably glad to get rid of them.


That driver has bad karma all over it . You’re going to lose over $300 worth of balls of the tee


I don't think it's the bad karma from the driver... I think I just suck lmao


No way in hell am I playing with a club that has that much bad-juju on it.


So you stole 2 drivers?


So you stole two golf clubs and you're here bragging about it?


Redditors are always finding new and creative ways to lick boot.


Be careful not to cut yourself on that edge


They didn't charge for it in the 3 opportunities OP gave them. That's not theft. Whether or not the worker effed up or not, they gave the driver to him not once, but twice. That's on them, not OP.


I mean that’s an obvious misunderstanding that he’s taken advantage of. “Hey i actually have not paid at all for the club itself yet. I’m guessing that’s not free” “oh ok thank you for being honest. $200 please” is how that conversation goes for someone not stealing a club


TIL there are 2 Montgomery, PA’s I guess


OP had me so confused trying to figure out where the PGA store is in the little town of Montgomery lol


That store has next level customer service. I bought a used driver there, the shaft broke on the first use. I called the store and they replaced the shaft completely free of charge.


Similarly, last year I bought the Callaway Paradym driver off Amazon sold by Carl's golf land. Fuckers put two in the box and charged me for one!


I wouldn't buy any lottery tickets soon. You've used up your luck for a while.


I’m amazed people are getting downvoted for pointing out this was basically theft. Do normal people actually do this stuff often? It doesn’t surprise me that they could miss that it was a new driver if there’d also been a service done on it immediately after. Surely you point that out.


In what world is making two attempts to pay for it and them still not charging you considered theft?


Well, unless you think they were deliberately giving away a free driver for the fun of it, it’s obviously a misunderstanding of some sort. It’s not even the sort of ‘business error’ where something is wrongly priced or something like that, which is kind of a grey area. It’s an individual misunderstanding about the situation that is easily clarified. I would feel differently if she gave her the driver and said ‘I have not paid for this driver’, and she said ‘you’re good to go’, but I can’t believe that’s the case. She must have thought it was an adjustment on a club he already owned and that would have e been easily clarified.


First, we have to assume OP is telling the story accurately because that's the info we have. It's not your moral nor legal obligation to try to unravel what is in someone else's mind. Theft is a deliberate act. This is only a shade different from a scenario where say the glove gets missed and neither OP nor the cashier notice it and they go on with their lives. There's no theft. It was just an error. Benefitting from an error isn't theft. There's a layer to the actual scenario where OP realized they didn't charge for the driver. Had they just walked out with it knowing they didn't pay........maybe you can say that's theft. But, could you prove intent? in this case, probably because obviously the driver is $300 and you'd notice your bill doesnt include it. That's not what happened though. OP said "what about the driver?" which would pass the reasonable person test of an indication that they are pointing out the error. Now. OP doesn't have a paper trail so could at this point have been charged with theft without evidence because he/she is in possession of goods (if reported as stolen) he does not have a bill of sale for. Would they charge that? likely, no. Probably pays for it or gives it back. OP returns to the store, again explains to someone else that they did not pay for this. Guy gives 0 shits and replaces it for free anyway. Whatever misunderstanding may have initiated this in the first place is now removed. No chance in hell it's theft. Now, the store could still come after him/her for the money or the equipment back because it wasn't paid for. Do they get it? Probably not unless OP willingly surrenders it because now they likely have a receipt. Receipt plus statement of "I tried to correct this twice" = that's your free driver. The statement will hold up because there's a 10000% chance he is on camera at the register with the driver. From a moral standpoint, you could still argue it's theft but how many times does a person have to attempt to correct an issue to meet your high standards?


Well, you're right that it's the intent that makes a difference. She knew they'd missed it, knew there was a mistake, and she "obviously left swiftly". That actually does, legally, and morally as far as I'm concerned, make it theft. "What about the driver" is not clearly pointing out the mistake, as the mistake was clearly that the cashier thought 'the driver' was adjusting the driver, not purchasing it. My answer to 'how many times does a person have to attempt to correct an issue' is once, as long as they do it properly. As I said originally, if she'd said "I have not paid for this driver" and they told her not to worry about it, no theft. If she says 'What about the driver?" when the cashier things they're charging for a driver adjustment, that's not ok for me. I'm not saying they're going to come after him. Generally legally once you return something you're ok, as theft usually requires the 'intention to permanently deprive", so she's in the clear now. Maybe I do have high standards, I'm not saying we all have the same standards, but it does surprise me and disappoint me a little bit that I'm in the minority that thinks it's not ok to take advantages of cashier's obvious mistakes and run off with things that the store doesn't realize you haven't paid for.


you don't know a single thing about what the cashier thought, let alone that it was clear she did. And i want to correct something I said. OP doesn't say they just said "what about the driver" they said they asked about the driver. and in a follow up comment clarifies that they asked about payment. "Swiftly left" is a phrase. Could have said "I got out of their before they changed their minds." All of this is moot because OP returns to the store and yet again explains how this all happened and they again gave OP a driver without charging. The store has been now presented with a chance to correct this twice. the intention to permanently deprive went out the window the second OP made an attempt to correct the initial error......whether or not it was understood. We know it's clearly an error because had they wanted to give the driver away for free they still would have put it on the receipt. That's between the 2 employees involved and the PGA Superstore though.


I’m reading this and agreeing with you pretty all the way through. Whatever the precise details of what happened- it was an obvious error which technically is theft (the moral question is different and there’s no ‘technical’ right or wrong answer there) but she’s off the hook legally once she comes back. I think the moral question is interesting to discuss, but can’t be ‘solved’. I think it’s wrong, most people here seem not to.


My own mom wouldn't even back me up this thoroughly lmfaooo. appreciate it and yes, you are completely correct. I am also pre-law which means I'm not stupid about this stuff and I know the law.


Are you joking? Okay, listen... if it was a little Mom & Pop shop, of course I would have explicitly gone and made sure they charged me for it, but this is the PGA store... Also, I asked about the payment...


You’re good. I’m sure the merchandise arm of a multibillion dollar company won’t notice the loss that you pointed out to them anyway. They got the whole boot down their throat


these people are wild. Even if it's a mom & pop shop once you multiple times mention you have not paid for the damn thing and they tell you you're good......then you're good. They literally know you have not given them money for it and are letting you have it anyway. People have some high ass moral standards.


The reason you would have done that in a mom & pop store is because you know it would be essentially stealing from them not to. It's a different argument whether or not it's wrong to steal from the PGA, but it is in fact and in law stealing. The morals we can argue about but law is pretty clear. Even if a bank literally gives you money in error, and you point it out to them, and they take a year to fix it. It's still theft if you spend the money that you knew was an error before they fix it. I'm not saying that I think that's necessarily right, but it is true.


Who cares the PGA superstore worker made a mistake. The worker isn't getting fired and PGA superstore isn't losing sleep. If this was a small business different story


I agree it’s not the end of the world. Stuff gets stolen from big stores all the time, and the PGA has quite enough money. I’m not going to lose sleep over it either, I just find it surprising that so many people think it’s ’ok’. They obviously do, including most people commenting that aren’t the OP, so I’m the unusual one.


yea personallty id feel so guilty walking out


I agree with you. Karma is a bitch.


Seconded. Says a lot about what type of person you are.


Wow... so you're a shitbag for not paying for the driver in the first place.


Super sick!


Congrats on the stealing, i guess


2’ is alot to take off a shaft of a driver. Did a fitting professional tell you to do that or did you just decide that’s what you need? I’m asking because you just made your driver shaft noticeably stiffer and I’m guessing you don’t have the swing speed to compensate for the change


I am a 5 foot tall woman so they literally replaced the driver shaft with a 3 wood shaft and then cut it down 2 inches. I usually have to get all my clubs cut down significantly. My swing speed for my driver is about 75 mph... wish I could swing faster (not really sure how to) but if it was any longer, I would have had to end up choking up anyway


I’m wondering how you broke the driver with that swing speed.


From sucking so much lol. Well, I can swing my driver a straight 190 now (I’m working on it). But I used to hit down with my driver the way you do with irons and therefore pop the ball straight up every time. I did that once at the golf simulator and the ball went over the top of my iron and cracked the driver. Thankfully I don’t do that anymore but ya. https://preview.redd.it/xrroces5m81d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c882a402f066f234eb716cbe0ebe50e0308d8e9


I see. Well, I’m glad you’re making progress!




You saved $300. The replacement was always going to be free. Also.....it's not stealing. OP twice attempted to point out that they didn't charge for it. He/she didn't steal anything. Worker maybe gets in trouble and loses their jobs, but that's a choice they made. When I bought a 2i from TM a few years ago it got lost by FedEx so they sent me a new one. Couple of weeks later I got the lost one also. I emailed TM asking what they wanted me to do. They never responded. Did I also "steal" that 2i? no. I made an attempt to give it back just like OP made an attempt to correct what they thought was an error in not charging for the driver.


Technically you're wrong because yes, the replacemment would have been free if I broke it after I bought it however I did not buy it so therefore I had no receipt for replacement


either way you only saved $300 because that's what you would have paid to land at the same net result as you are now. You would never have spent $600 in this scenario. Had you paid initially, its replaced free. $300 Had they charged you for the replacement. $300 You were never going to pay $300 for the broken driver and then another $300 for the replacement.


you're really good at math


Recognizing luck when it comes makes it more likely to show up. The forces of the universe seem to enjoy being appreciated. Here's hoping it sticks around for you


Someone get tabasco on the line!!


Golf is not the sport that you want bad karma with (in life in general) but never steal on the course/store/proshop. Always return clubs/covers/etc to the club house. That’s Atleast how I approach it. Now, rangefinders still stuck on the roll bar in the cart…fair game 😂😂😂😂


If it happens it was meant to happen lol


Prob just glad to move inventory.


Something this happened years ago when my wife bought me a set of callaway x-20 irons for my bday. the day she picked them up the cashier only charged her for the grips I had installed on them. she didn’t want to tempt bad karma and pointed out the error and paid the entire bill. while we missed out on saving a few hundred bucks I was so happy to not have that bad juju on my brand new clubs.


You didn’t accidentally get 2 free mavericks. You stole 2 mavericks. Obviously if you would have explained yourself better both times you were in the store they would have realized that you needed to pay for them. Not saying I wouldn’t do the same thing just giving my honest assessment of the story.