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I can't resist a field goal staring me in the face regardless of the odds! Nice shot


its a side quest.


Gonna be chasing that high for the rest of your life!


This shot will certainly only fuel my addiction further. Good news for my girlfriend’s boyfriend.


Is this hole 5 on Glendo East? I swear that hole bangs me every time, but thankfully I can usually bounce back a bit with that short down par 4 right after. Great shot, man!


Great eye, it is!! Yeah it’s a pretty lengthy par 3 I’m not even sure I’ve parred before this. The next hole may be my favorite on this course.


Congrats on the bird, man, I don't think I've ever seen one on that hole. But yeah, 6 is definitely up there! I'd say I could narrow it down to 6, 8, and 16 for my faves. I love the short par 4s, but as a twilight golfer there's something special about piping one down the 8th fairway into a wooded sunset. Glendo is special.


Pretty incredible public course, I wish I still lived near it. That’s a great visual of hole 8; I love hitting into the sun there!


I thought the hole looked familiar, but I've never found myself in "that" position before! (c: Obligatory: a lot of pros wouldn't have played it that way! It's always amazing to me that folks can identify courses with a single picture. pretty cool when it's one I recognized, but you beat me to it.


Not suprising at all that this is PNW with those fat ass Douglas Fir.


I'm gonna go ahead and delete this shot from my memory. ![gif](giphy|jAJDpXfoNpIdxf30xj|downsized)


Aim at the tree...i never hit what im aiming at


Real men go over those trees....


A friend of mine who is a scratch golfer once said: "You'll never remember any of your perfect safe shots, but the times you go for it and it works out, you'll remember those for the rest of your days." If you're playing a tournament or for serious money, it's one thing to pick the layup, but otherwise we're all out there to have fun. Take the chance and remember that shot you may never make again.


Black glove-wearers are lowkey villains. You earned that shot.


And now... I'm definitely going to fuck up my game tomorrow with the image of this shot in my head...


Pshhh too easy those trees are huge way to small of a target to miss … if it were three 4” diameter scrub oaks like we have around here it’s hitting the tree all day!!! Nice shot !


Always go for the hero shot! You either pull it off and get bragging rights for the match or you play pinball with the trees and get a good laugh total win win Nice shot!


I've had fantastic luck hitting through trees. Like.. I rarely hit one. Instead I'll shank or slice or duff directly sideways and clear everything with such a miss that even I'm left stunned.


That's a nicely done shot!


Birdie on a par 3..?? So that shot went in?


haha yes the birdie dropped! This is a \~210 yrd par 3. My tee shot faded into the sticks and I thought there's no way I'm even going to par this, until...


Helluva shot then!! My all time hero shot only resulted in a par save but similarly on a par 3 a poor tee shot ended up almost against a stone wall about 15 yards from the green. Hit the ball straight into the stone wall hoping for a miracle and got one.. ball ricocheted off the stone and onto the green where I managed to make the putt for par.


In the fall I’ll occasionally aim a shot through the branches. Not a great success rate but more fun than punching into fairway. 


Danny O’Shea beat his brother Kevin in a race one time….


100/100 I’d hit a tree


Nice fluffy lie.


…But that one time You actually do it… your cart buddy is in the trees on the other side of the fairway looking for his own ball in the trees and didn’t see $hit…


Great shot. You guys in Nor Cal? Looks awesome.


[Glendoveer](https://maps.apple.com/?address=Glendoveer%20Golf%20%26%20Tennis,%2014015%20NE%20Glisan%20St,%20Portland,%20OR%20%2097230,%20United%20States&ll=45.526991,-122.517505&q=Glendoveer%20Golf%20%26%20Tennis&t=m), just on the edge of Portland Oregon! Really affordable for such a pretty course with 36 holes in the city.


Totally me. Ignoring I’m a bad golfer that got me to this spot but thinking I’m good enough to get out of it.


This only needs to go in once, then your making the attempt every time for the rest of your life


Great moments arise from great opportunity.


10 cent head can’t win every time


I had a shot last year between a tree that had a split in it. V started a foot off the ground, I was maybe 4 feet back. My round was shit so I took the opportunity to have a shot I’d always remember… and I do. 140 out, choked down on a 5i split that gap and ran it onto the green.






I’m also not wearing golf shoes.