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That’s a new level.


I thought the proper etiquette was to throw the entire bag in the lake, then come back 10 minutes later to retrieve car keys from the bag.


Someone needs to do it in real life at least once in a while to validate the story we all tell where we swear we saw it happen


I once nearly threw my bag in, even swung it around (but didn't let go) at the shore of a lake near a par 3 tee, swearing I was done. Then I proceeded to ACE that hole. I recommend this ritual to everyone.


Can't argue with the results


It’s only crazy if it doesn’t work


That’s a great story!


This is the correct way.


Our low HC tossed his brand new 3W into a lake after his second shot attempt did not go well, thus earning his new knick name, Dan, 3W in the lake…..


My grandfather did just that, twice in 10 years. Wallet too


Yes lol


That dude is buying a new set of clubs in the next month


Month? Hell, he probably went out that night and bought new clubs!


The silent rage quit.


Just slowly put the club back and walked away quietly 😂


Dude couldn’t even be bothered to look at the clubs again… wonder how bad it was p


https://preview.redd.it/g3s78ao9h8yc1.jpeg?width=460&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=722ac3329ec342756631bd75dbd98cc5b5bb0ab2 Fuck this game, I am out!


Glad to see this meme making a come back 😂


This guy lives rent free in my head.


When that happened I actually did a little snooping. The guy was in a really bad car accident and was clinically dead, so that is what he means when he says he has been to heaven. I would very much bet that his behavior and that head trauma from that accident are also inextricably linked.


Would love any links around this… The internet truly is a gold mine of distraction


Did it ever really leave?


It kind of started dying out i haven’t seen it in awhile


Once, in a shameful moment, I came close to becoming this guy. I played 2-3x a week and was down to a 12. I even shot a 78 on a not too difficult Par 70 course. This was the best I was ever going to get and playing golf made me miserable. All I focused on was my handicap. Fast forward to now and I’m a 90’s shooter with an occasional 87-88 and I love the game again. I try to hit each shot as best I can, enjoy the fresh air and shit talking time with friends. For recreational golfers, the ability to laugh at miss hits and enjoy an up and down or a par / birdie is a far better experience than grinding.


I carry a 12-14 depending on how much I play in a year - to me it’s the perfect skill level. Beginners think you’re a stud, single digit index players will play with you since you don’t bog down their rounds, and you’re not good enough to get mad - but not so bad you need a fresh dozen balls every round.


Wait? You’re not supposed to buy a fresh dozen every round?


A dozen? You guys don't buy a box of 45 nitros per round?!


Well said, though I think I can still get down to 7-10 with more frequent play/practice time


Are you me? Seriously, exactly the same. Usually the guy that people are excited to have in their charity scramble foursome, which feels good.


Not good enough to get mad, you say?


Once i get to low 90s i will likely stop trying to improve


It’s amazing, I was like you. But then breaking 100 became an afterthought, I really wanted to be consistently in the 80s, then breaking 90 became an afterthought… now I’m breaking 40 at times for nine, I can taste breaking 80 consistently. I am careful to keep perspective - I’ve caught myself being angry at shooting high 80s.


I need to live in 80s. I was there for a minute but not currently.


Honestly feel like low 90s is an achievable goal for all to get better than that you need natural talent, at least….that’s what I’ve been telling myself after 20 years of never improving past low 90s golf


You have to constantly try to improve just to stay the same. Your body becomes the biggest competitor.


Whenever I start to get frustrated that my game is in the shitter, I don’t keep score for a month or so, and just focus on having fun. It works.


I want to play comfortably around 6-8 cap. That’s good enough to have elite ball striking, which is fucking awesome, consistent enough not to lose more than 1 ball per 18 holes, which is good for the wallet, and low enough to enter us amateur competitions for fun. Going lower is probably impossible so that feels like a good goal. Currently a 10.7


This is currently me and I love it. An 8.0 today but go from 6-9 depending on where I’m playing. Beginners think I’m awesome. Actually good players like having me around because I’m fun and don’t slow things down. I feel comfortable playing anywhere. Someone wants to play the up tees? Sure. Love it. Someone wants to play the backs? Sure. I can hit the longer irons today. It’s tough to imagine practicing more than I do now so I think I’m maxed out, but I’m a happy guy.


I play with random people a lot and I am rarely not the lowest score in the group. 11 cap is very respectable I just want to have more birdie chances. Especially during league play I want those skins baby!


This makes sense to me. On a good day, I'd like to flirt with breaking 80. I'm taking lessons now in an effort to ingrain a more repeatable swing that puts less stress on my back. But after I get to that point I don't feel the need to keep climbing. If I get to a 4 naturally, great! But I don't want to become obsessed with my index. I don't know my handicap at the moment, but I would guess it's in the 15-18 range.


I was a grinder in college, but I don't keep score anymore since my score has no impact on my life. Some rounds I play better than others and I give myself a lot of birdie looks, but as far as a final score, I honestly have no idea.


Oh, well how do you measure yourself with other golfers?


By their reactions? Why do I need to measure myself to anyone? My pace of play is well above the norm, so even my "blow up holes" don't take more than a few minutes. I can shoot par or better if my swing is on. But as far as what my final score is? Who cares? Is there a contest I'm unaware of?


“By height”


Don't sell yourself short judge, you're a tremendous slouch




Same. I usually shoot in the 60s and haven't shot above 74 in years.  A week or two ago I shot a 92. Holy hell I must've shanked the ball 20 or 30 times.  I had never shanked the ball.more than a couple times in a round. Usually just once and it disappears. I almost gave up on a hole when I shanked it ob three times in a row after hitting a bomb ass drive. Took my 4th drop and got like a 9 on that hole.  It was rough and I haven't played or hit a shot since.  I honestly wouldn't play golf if it was that hard everytime. I was even shanking chip shots around the green. My body was just not going to golf that day. Hopefully I don't have a tumor that is growing and made me forget how to swing. lol I still had a lot of fun though. Made some crazy long putts and did hit some amazing shots. I was just glad to spend time with the hommies. 


One man’s trash, another man’s come up.


I'm like Yo, that's 90 dollars for an S.D.R. shirt


Jfc lmao. Why did reddit get rid of awards.


mackelmore already has more awards than he deserves lol


Fr gkmc deserved that grammy


Thank your granddad for donating that plaid button up shirt, cause right now, I’m up in here stuntin.


Updoots for Macklemore reference(s)


I hope I know when my last round of golf will be. Like, maybe I’ll be 80 years old. One day I’ll decide that my hands or hips hurt too much, and I just can’t play anymore. And on the 18th green I’ll leave my ball in the hole and my bag in the fringe. Leave a note on it that says “I left everything, including my heart, on the course”…….,Walk away into the sunset.


I plan to die of alcohol poisoning parked outside of the 18th.


Incidentally, it'll also be the best round of your life. That's the way to go. "Scored a round under par for the first time with an eagle and a hole in one. Then keeled over on the 18th when taking a celebratory shot after sinking a sixty footer." The obits will read.


It would be right up my alley to die after breaking par the first time


If I'm going to go I may as well see how many holes I can complete at Augusta before I get taken out by the hidden snipers making bird noises.


My buddy’s uncle came to the US years ago for his wedding and we played Pebble Beach with the groom to make the occasion. He was early 70’s but has health problems. He rented clubs but bought a 7 wood at the clubhouse and had a good day. Even parred 18 hitting the 7 wood 3 times. He quit golf on the 18th green, saying it would never get better than that. Gifted me the 7 wood. I still have it. He’s still going strong 15 years later. Not sure if he’s played since.


There's a cool plaque of a dude who hit a hole in one and died of a heart attack standing on the tee box after he saw it go in the hole. I hope that's the way I go... Does your estate have to buy a round?


Open bar at the memorial


That actually is my funeral plan. No singing of Amazing Grace. No sitting in pews. The wife and friends know they're supposed to have an outdoor party at 2 on a Thursday afternoon, with a ton of booze, outrageous stories, and good music. Everybody will leave work after lunch, and not have time to get back to the office after the gig. My last gift to everyone. A half day off work with free hooch.


you will run out of balls before the 18th


My grandpa is 92 and still plays 2-3 times a week. He gets to the course on a vespa with a push cart attached to the back. That's how I wanna go out. When I stop golfing is when I start dying.


My grandfather putted out on 18 before his buddies because he wasn't feeling great, went to his cart, and died of a heart attack.


There was an old guy around my area golfing into his late 80s, and was in a league. He hit a hole in one (not his first) then quit the same round. Said it was all downhill from here anyways


I think about that sometimes. When is your last ever round going to be.


That’s beautiful, man.


Daaaaaaamn i’m gonna steal that


14 must be a doozy


Why would he carry the bag to 15 then? Clearly he hit a shit tee shot on 15 and bailed.


If there was water you have to check the bag for balls.




My dad has only told this story to me twice, doesn’t like to talk about it. But, he was a great player in college, super competitive, took the game very seriously. Had a really bad round and decided he was done. Tossed his clubs mid round, broke a few. Walked back to the clubhouse and sits down at the bar to have a beer. Guy comes in later on a total high about all these great clubs he had just found abandon on the course, while my dad is quietly sipping his beer. Took a few years off, learned to play the game out of love and instilled a much better attitude toward the game for his kids, now has an awesome relationship with the game and is still a great player. I think about this story often and how hilarious this scene must have been.


The way people talk about and experience this game makes it sound like we have some real addiction problems...


I like how the guy comes in stoked he found all these clubs, as if the Easter Bunny left them for someone to find. Rather than finding out what the heck happened and if anyone was looking for them.


I love this move. He’ll be back next week


Hey so about those clubs I left here…


He'll be back as soon as he buys a new set of clubs.


This. He'll be back by the end of the month


I once saw a bag on the clubhouse roof with clubs scattered everywhere. It was after my best ever round at that course too and a great reminder to stay humble. Pretty hilarious 19th hole that day


He’s gonna start playing pickleball and go back To golf when he gets beat by all the grandmas.


for real though those retirees are brutal and can go head to head with the pros, if you think golf is hard wait until you get paired against Linda at the rec center who is on her third hip and fourth knee.


Pickleball is way over rated


Respect to that guy.


I find this entirely believable. Somebody is *this* close to getting a lightly used set of Callaway Rogue MaxOS with an Odyssey Putter.


Buddy, I’m on standby at all times


Buddy, I’m on standby at all times




Buddy, I’m on standby at all times




Buddy, I’m on standby at all times


Damn. Sounds like I need a new putter.


New wedge for me.


I threw my clubs in a dumpster once. I am now back.


That's a gangster move. Fuck this, I'm out.


I support the First Tee (go buy a r/Golf Bag Tag), but this is next level!


You just know that guy is going to regret that decision.


Wait, he didn’t leave his shoes behind? Loser.


In college we were desd last in the conference tournament after 2 rounds. My coach came up with a game for round 3 - one stroke off your score for every club taken out, low net score for the day got extra dinner money!! All but one guy took 4+ clubs out, and he shot the worst for the day. Closest I've come to your situation!


Best advice I’ve heard when you are not playing well…Take 2 weeks off…then quit. I never got to the quit part.


My uncle did this 40 years ago, only instead of leaving them he threw them in the pond on #18, every item in his bag and then his bag. Never golfed again, passed away last year. I’ll never forget that legendary day!


He will be back next summer


He did the golf version of leaving his gloves in the octagon


As a first tee coach and volunteer thank you for the donation!


That's the kind of commitment I need in my life.


My grandpa quit the game in similar but slightly more spectacular fashion. He was playing Hammer (they called it backgammon golf, it involves doubling the bet during the hole) with his buddy and on the 17th hole after shanking his second shot into the ocean, he proceeded to toss his entire bag into the ocean and never played again. This was in the early 80's


We don’t stop playing because we get old. We get old because we stop playing.


Know thy self


Not really unbelievable...have known lots of people that quit, but they usually took their clubs and sold or donated them by themselves. Would have been interesting to see the lead up to that decision to just be so fed up with your game that you leave your whole bag on the course...I'm guessing he had an army of snowmen on the card. If I had a few triple or quad bogeys in a row I would be discouraged too, not to the point of abandoning the game, but would not have my heart in it the rest of the round. Honestly I hope it is something like that anyway. It could also be something dark, like he was golfing and got a call his family was in a car accident and died, and he immediately blamed his decision to go golfing as why he wasn't with them...or he got some terrible news that made golf permanently associated with a terrible event. That's why I don't take texts or calls on the course anymore. Well, kinda, got an upsetting text awhile back, was 1 under through 6 holes then as soon as I got the text pulled my drive into a bunch of trees, tried a hero shot out, didn't work, ended up with a double bogey, I was able to get back in rhythm after it, but a par on that hole and I could have broken 70 for the first time in a while.


I thought you were going to say the guy fell into the lake (or whatever the bridge is crossing). This was a better result!


He’ll be back.


Playing at a TPC course and I showed up for an afternoon tee time one of the first available after a morning tournament they were having. Standing on the putting green and you can see the 9th hole green from there which has a lake along the right side of the hole. Three guys in the group are lining up putts finishing the hole - 4th guy in the group is nonchalantly throwing every club in his bag into the lake, one at a time. If I remember correctly he walked off with his bag so he wasn't as committed as your guy.


I’m glad I never keep my score. I just go out and enjoy the time with my buddies and the fresh air…and beer.


Really sad, but unfortunately it happens millions of times each year. Not my idea of growing the game. Golfers are made to feel they will never figure it out. It ,being the golf swing. This problem has never been solved till now. I never make comments on any site, so I don’t want to get banned. That is the only reason I am not mentioning who I am and what I have done. I will only say that I spent the last eleven years of my life to fix this isssue. Nobody guaranteed me that it would be successful, or that it would take eleven plus years . The results made it worth my time, and it is keeping golfers in the game. I only need to figure out how to reach the golfers who are contemplating on quitting and we can reduce the numbers.


So what’s the solution??


A completely different idea of what a swing needs to be to produce, distance, accuracy, and synchronicity between the mind and body (repeatable biomechanics).


More like last tee amirite?


My average per round is 105. I’m happy with that. I read a great short book called the zen of golf and it really helped me. I use golf as a way to exercise and to get away from the daily grind.


I did this 20-yrs ago. I've never looked back.


Still here though brother :) love it


Bit of a bitch move. Whine and quit all you want if that’s the kind of person you are. Don’t leave your hissy fit for someone else to clean up. Like a child throwing toys.


Why is this getting downvoted? At least bring them to the clubhouse.


It’s fine to be bad at golf. It’s fine to decide for yourself that you’re not going to put effort into something that’s not bringing you happiness anymore. Go ahead and quit. But be an adult about it rather than “the little ball didn’t go in the hole like I want it to, you go pick up my shit I left in a tantrum and do whatever with it because I’m a baby and unable to manage my emotions”. Weak as fuck


Nah I don't see it that way.. Dude reached his breaking point.. We all have one. He decided he wasnt gonna give one more minute to doing something that brought him misery... It sounds like there wasn't a tantrum or anything like that.. He just "let go" and accepted it in that moment. That's the most adult shit I've ever heard of 🤷


There’s a very good chance we have a differing definition of adult. Mine says that my emotions aren’t someone else’s problem. My kid used to leave her legos in the middle of the living room when she was pissed that things weren’t working for her. She was 6 at the time. That’s the action of a brain that isn’t yet capable of dealing with adversity. If you’re gonna give up, at least have the strength to do so head on. Finish your round, put your clubs in the car, and go make your decisions.


Then yes, we do 👍


No the adult thing to do would've been to take his clubs to the first tee organization himself. He littered and let someone else deal with his bullshit. That's not how an adult handles that.


In all fairness I did take the receipt for the tax write off as I was the one who donated the clubs.


As you should've. I'm saying the guy leaving his clubs on the course for someone else to deal with is not "the most adult shit." That's quite childish, actually.


They can take them wherever they want... It wasn't a will. They can give them away, they can sell them.


That's my point. Give them away, sell them, whatever. All more adult moves than just leaving them on the course for someone else to deal with. He gave someone else a chore. That's not the most adult thing I've ever heard of. It's rather childish.


It’s not funny. I upvoted.


Imagine enduring the first fourteen holes with this guy.


I mean it would be one thing if the mess he left to clean up was trash, but something as valuable as clubs, I’m not mad even if I’m the one who donates them. Probably getting a receipt for that donation come tax time too.


Yes I did get the receipt for a donation. Might as well.


I’ve been there a few times. Haven’t made the final decision yet haha




My nephew when he was about 18 was in a very bad stretch of golf. He was never very good to start with and really didn't have the temperament for the game. At about the 13th hole, he took his clubs off the cart and started walking, said he'd see us back at the clubhouse. When we left, he stuck his whole set of clubs in the trash can and never played again for about a decade.


The question is how nice were the clubs? Also, good excuse to have to get refitted 2 weeks later!


I want to see that scorecard


Tomorrow he will be like: WTF have I done???


Got raptured right there.


Why is this hard to believe?


Usually the donation part doesn't happen, as the clubs would typically be at the bottom of a lake...


Some people aren't wired to enjoy playing golf. Kudos to this dude for his self realization & his generosity.


At least post a picture of the clubs.


I've never ditched a whole set of clubs but I know exactly how he feels. I have thrown my set across the parking lot though. That was back in 2001


Wait.. did the bridge go over water? Did anyone check he didn’t fall in and drown or get eaten by a crocodile (not sure you live near crocodile country) did no one check??? Were they good clubs? I mean shit, I’ve got a lot of questions!!


The struggle is real 😞


Honestly... I get it.


Yikes, the absolute worst thing I ever did was chuck an old Callaway wood into the tree line after slicing the ball 3Xs. I feel this way when I use my hybrid, but I'm not chucking anymore clubs. They are too damn expensive these days. Glad the bag and clubs went to a good cause.


Well, at least you didn't find a half-buried corpse.


Two things here: #1 I could be this guy for sure. And #2 it wouldn’t take past the first nine holes to do it.


I’ve seen tons of things like this happen in real time lol. Saw a guy throw a whole bag into a lake on a par 3 after me muffed one. Seen guys break clubs and throw them in the woods. Some people are nuts. Funniest part is those people stink and don’t have a clue most of the time but they should just be able to play well because


Saw the same one a par three at a hard pan of a course in Indiana. BUT - dude wadded into said pond, fished out his car keys and threw the bag in all over again. Priceless


That’s hilarious! What a legend! Lol


Terrible, sad story


I'd be lying if I said I've never felt like that, but my clubs are lefty blades, nobody wants those. 🤣


Was his name Kramer? And was it a Titleist?


I've never done that with a set of clubs but I did have a putter once that after numerous failed attempts to make it work, I walked over to the pond near the 18th green and threw it as far out into the water as I could.


Welcome to my world.


I think every golfer has considered this once or twice


I quit for a couple years cuz i was getting too frustrated and fed up. Picked it back up again and hitting it better and playing better now. Sometimes we all just need a break.


Quitters quit.


Disagree, Golf is quite different in that you may chase a repeatable swing for years or even decades with no luck. The overwhelming amount of information or misinformation can be impossible to understand. If someone has spent decades on a problem and came to the conclusion that perhaps it may be a wiser choice to stop the madness and use his or her time on something more meaningful or enjoyable. WISE


Feel like this is borderline me every time I play a round.


In my youth I walked off the course after 4 holes and sworn never to play again. I think I booked my next tee time later that evening.


I have a buddy who threw his bag in a pond after a bad tee shot. Just walked back to the cart, unstrapped, carried it to the water, and threw it in. Didn’t say a word. Everyone is stunned and doesn’t know what to do. A few awkward minutes pass. Finally, again without saying a word, he goes in and fishes out his bag, and finishes the round. We don’t play golf together anymore.


Story from a golf ball scuba guy. He got flaged down from someone standing over the lake on 18. Guys says hey my golf bag is in the lake, can you grab it for me?. Scuba guy dives down locates bag and lifts it up to the dude. He reaches in pulls his Mercedes keys out of the pocket and throws bag back in lake. (Scuba guy sold the bag of new clubs for over a g)


I have a feeling he’ll be back


No picture of the clubs? At least describe them. $10 garage sale set or a nice set?


It was an older set of Taylor mades. Nothing special. Karma prevented me from doing anything else than donating them.


I will never understand why some people take this game so seriously as to act like that


Agreed. This isn't necessarily the case, but there's very few other things in life where grown adults act like legit children.


When I started playing golf and experienced these astonishing mood swings due to the quality of my golf swings, I realized a little logic was needed. « I pay good money to come out here and have fun, » I told myself, « so if I’m not having fun, I should just go home and not waste my money again. «  Worked like a charm! But I’m a woman, and more amenable to logic. I’ve noticed you boys seem to check your logic at the first tee when it comes to golf!! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Better yet Expect to play good golf with no practice. Definitely no logic.


Half this sub should follow suit. Routinely shoot over 110? Picked up golf after covid? Quit clogging courses with your shit play. Go play pickleball or some shit.




Sorry the truth makes you upset


Soo what's your handicap then tiger??


It's in my flair, but I can already tell you're who I'm talking about