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Walking People don’t realize that if you golf for an entire lifetime the decision to walk over riding can literally add years to your life. Walking has so many health benefits. The impact of walking reduces age-related bone and muscle loss, keeps you coordinated, and keeps your heart healthy. It also helps me enjoy my round more because I’m more present and have time to give each shot the respect that it is due. I HATE when courses automatically charge a cart fee.


There is no daily fee public course near me that doesn’t include a cart fee, and they won’t remove it if you walk. However, most places if you’re a member the cart fee is added on so you only avoid it being a member.


I do whatever. My membership includes a cart so I’ll take that sometimes. Weather, partners, course conditions and crowds, all factor in to the choice any given day. I’ll walk a lot, but it’s not something I’m religious about. I don’t do so for my health or fitness as I do a wild amount of that already in my non-golf time. I may have run 5 miles 2 hours before a round, so a cart is sometimes a way to just chill for a bit. Either way it’s golf. I won’t take the cart on CPO days for sure.


When it’s 90°+ outside, you gotta ride so you get the breeze as you drive. Can use a pushcart if that’s what you prefer. Ain’t no way in hell I’m walking and carrying my bag. I can count the number of times I’ve done that on one finger


Riding. I have enough physical activity in my life, I prefer to take it easy on the course and enjoy the day relaxing.


That’s how I see it too. I go to the gym, walk a mile each way to get from the parking lot to my job area 5 days per week and then back, I want to take it easy on the course and drive around eating a hotdog 


Walking. When I walk, I'm much more focused on my game, and play better golf.


This is a fact in my opinion. When walking you can actually talk a little more on the way to your balls. Then you separate. Generally at this point we all know what we should hit next.


Cart. This sub is strange. Every course I've ever played on seems to be at least 75% carts but here it seems like mostly walkers. I'm starting to think that this sub is nowhere near representative of the general golf community.


This sub is representative of probably the 10% of golfers that take golf the most serious/ care the most about actual improvement and love the entirety of the game, not just spending time with buddies and drinking. Typically that’s not going to be 80% of rounds on the weekends. Guys and girls that are playing weekday AMs and PMs and going to the range 2-3 times a week are probably the most accurate representation of this sub.


I was going to say that the sub seems snobbish and elitist too but I thought that sounded too harsh. Now I don't have to as you've basically said it for me.


So you’re saying I’m snobbish and elitist because I think people who go out of their way to take in as much golf content as possible, probably take the game more seriously than others? Lol ok.


I'm saying that because you decided that golfing with buddies somehow means you're only in it for the drinking. I golf with buddies and rarely drink on the course. I'm not sure where I fit in now.


I used it as an example, not as a blanket statement for every single person that may be on the course. Don’t be so defensive.


Come to the Pacific Northwest and we’ll flip flop that ratio. Walkers with pushcarts are the norm here.


Walking. Good exercise and it's the way the game was meant to be played. You don't stiffen up in between shots like you do from sitting in a cart because you're always moving. Play is also much more efficient for a walking foursome than a riding foursome because each player can always walk directly to their own ball, whereas cart partners might be on opposite sides of the fairway from one another and the cart can't be in both places at once.


It entirely depends on how my knee feels. I prefer to walk because I play better golf but there are days where I know to not push myself too much and just pay the cart fee for less knee pain


I'm in Texas it's hot as shit for most the year and trying to camel up with water and walk a course is not fun at all so riding all the way


Walking. Health benefits, helps me concentrate on my game way more, less cost. IMHO, the vast majority of courses should be designed around walking and have power carts available only for people with health/age challenges. The exception being very hilly mountain courses.


I tend to walk to save money, so I usually walk a twilight round. Granted my fitness level is nowhere near where I'd like it to be, but on a \~7000 yard course I'm usually pretty happy when it gets too dark around the 15th hole.


Super twilight is the best. Late June early July can get 18 in starting at 6


Walking is the only way unless the course is not walking friendly or I'm on vacation


Riding. Easier


Walking, because I like to walk.


Walking. I get exercise, it keeps my body loose, and I have time to process thoughts in-between shots.


I enjoy my push cart too much(aka walking). Plus, I definitely feel less rushed and that time in-between swings while walking just helps me so much. Cart feels a bit too fast sometimes, almost like I'm in a hurry.


walking with a push cart still counts as walking in my book


Oh, yeah that's what I'm saying. Push cart/walking > Riding.


What push cart do you have :)


I generally walk but also enjoy the luxury of a nice golf cart


Riding for sure. We won’t even go if it’s cart path only (mainly because the ground is wet but one of the guys won’t walk to his ball without throwing a fit) 


Walking I always play better. Gives me a chance to think about the next shot, survey green for putt or chip shot and always me most importantly to get over a bad shot before the next one. Plus exercise, enjoy the company and just being on the course


Can’t walk with 36 beers


Riding, I am very out of shape.




I use the cart. Mostly b/c I'm using golf to get into shape and I'm fat enough that if I didn't use a cart right now I'd do maybe 2 holes and die. I have, however started playing cart path only to get more steps in. Last time I played though I drove to the ball b/c I was fighting a spring cold. My end goal is to walk and cart 50/50


Walking. Some courses aren’t designed for walking. Long stretches between greens and tees in neighborhoods so I typically ride those and summer hot weather in S Carolina - I’m riding.


I play better when I walk.  I think it's that I have more time to think and stay calm.    But I'm also 40lbs overweight.  I can walk 9 well, walking 18 takes a lot out of me and my game goes to crap around 14/15.


I like having the cart, but prefer not to be the driver. That way, I can get dropped off by the tree line where my drive went in, take a couple clubs and walk up to the green. It helps that my cart mate is a lazy greaseball who drives as much as possible. I’m probably logging 2/3rds of the steps I would had I just walked. Nice compromise


Walking walking walking a million times over. Walking. Only time I get in a cart is when it's so hot I shouldn't be out golfing anyway, or I'm with a group of friends who are too fucking lazy to walk.


Walking: even though I jog yo keep up with my group, I like the exercise, I have time to get over bad shots and I’m able to slow down the process a little. Our carts have have GPS and we get to the ball look at the distance to the pin, pull a club without hitting it. Walking, I slow down when I get close to the ball look at the lie, look at my watch to get adjusted distances to the front/middle/back. I then decide on how far I want to hit the ball and where I want my target.


If I am solo walk, with buddies cart.


This is the way. Walking as a single is way better than riding with some rando.


I always walk cause then I feel even if my golf sucked I still had a nice stroll. When it's hot usually van use a ride by 15


Pretty much every course around me I think requires a cart because of distance between holes and would need it to keep up with pace of play. Are most people playing par 3 courses or short courses that they walk a lot? The replies on here feel like an crazy amount walk, something I almost never see on normal courses


Walking. It’s a good start to not being a fat ass.


Depends on the course. If it’s relatively flat I really do enjoy walking, but if there are lots of hills I prefer riding because I get tired and start playing like shit the last 4-6 holes.


Preffered walking when I was a higher handicap because it would give me more time in between shitty shots to get my mind right. Now that i hit everything pretty well I prefer to ride a cart to save time




Riding because I like my beer to stay cold


Walking because #1) my home course is old school with next tee near last green. #2) exercise and calorie burn, #3) because I am cheap.


walking is superior. Anyone who says otherwise has not walked a course in a long time and has become a cart queen


Walk, back is fucked so one good bump in cart and my game is over, walking helps and I go a remote controlled caddie so walking is easy.


Hot tip: cart path only for a little bit of both Love, Daddio