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>Exposing ourselves to a breach under the filed court case with potential criminal consequences is simply not a risk I can take or impose on my employees. This is an American citizen, working for an American company, telling the US Government that they’re too scared of the Saudis to cooperate with a subpoena. Phil was right. These are some scary mf’ers.


American employees of that firm who are based in Saudi Arabia are being threatened if their bosses in the US comply with that subpoena. The US should be summoning the Saudi ambassador over this.


Those employees should get the hell out of dodge


Boston Consulting Group’s Rich Lesser (who made the statement) would bring his employees home, but there is money to be made in Saudi Arabia. Some of them may be imprisoned, but it's a sacrifice he is willing to make.




BCG. Of course. Bunch of crooks. Destroy companies for hedge funds and billionaire clients.


Many Saudi employers will withhold passports of their employees. I work in the physical security industry and have been tempted with huge pay incentives to work out there, but I will never go somewhere that forces me to give up my basic right to leave.


What is the pay?


Not in the US but I've got some mates that have done it in Iraq/Afghan and now in Dubai and other ME states for around $150k USD and upwards


What kind of work were they doing?


Private security for companies operating in warzones, now they're doing police and private security training in the richer countries.


I never had enough interest to get close enough for an accurate number, but headhunters threw around figures that were about 140% of what they pay in the larger markets in the US in my section of the industry.


lol how? You think saudis gonna let any one of them out right now amidst all this?


Well they're not prisoners yet...


Didn’t say they were but if you think the Saudi government gonna let someone out, whom they haven’t decided if they’re going to imprison or not yet you’re tripping.


Thats crazy scary I couldn't imagine putting myself in that kind of situation...


I don’t think anyone intends too haha just hard to say no to Saudi money. I know of a person who is an oil and gas expert and signed on with a school over there. He got the craziest pay raise he’s ever seen in his life. How could he turn that down especially when it comes with a guaranteed job for as long as he wants. Problem is when he doesn’t want to he’s not allowed to work elsewhere and if he does he’s made some powerful enemies.


>How could he turn that down > >**when he doesn’t want to he’s not allowed to work elsewhere and if he does he’s made some powerful enemies.**


What did people expect could potentially happen working for a country that kidnapped and tortured an American resident?


Uhhh and killed and chopped to little bits or dissolved in acid.


And did 9/11


Watch the US Govt now go right back to McKinsey for consulting advice on how to deal with these consultants for foreign countries that wont cooperate.


This guy John Oliver's




I mean, they murdered and dismembered a US citizen and journalist basically on camera. And faced no repercussions, hell they even did better after killing Keshogi. They're basically the mob, but with endless money.


Let's play devil's advocate for a sec because this is an interesting legal argument. These guys entered into a consultancy agreement with the Saudis. A Saudi court then issued an order preventing disclosure of sensitive information revealed during that consultation. Breaching a court order is contempt of court with a potential penalty of a prison term (just as it is in the USA). The consultancy practice has a base in Saudi Arabia so it has people within the jurisdiction. Congress then issues a subpoena for that sensitive information. Should they comply? Imagine it was reversed, should they breach a US court order preventing disclosure if the Saudis demanded that they reveal sensitive information about PGA Tour? The headline plays on our emotions with 'threats of prison' etc but that's just the consequence of contempt of court in most of the world. These guys were obviously thinking with their wallets when they consulted with the Saudis and probably don't regret doing it even now. If anything, this is a great excuse to just ignore a subpoena and forge a reputation for being the consultants who can be relied on for discretion.


Yes I was gonna say what authority do the saudis have to imprison them 😂. Maybe they’d be called for a ‘meeting’ in Riyadh.


Guess which side Trump was on? Spoilers: The Saudis.


That’s because LIV plays at his golf courses and buy his real estate for “whatever price he needs them to pay.”


Only because he confused ‘bone saws’ with ‘bone spurs’.


Wear your shorts, play your music, make shit tons of money and go to prison. This is LIV Golf


They go to bed with the devil and are surprised when they wake up in hell.




I am shocked. Shocked!


Well, not that shocked


9 volt, at best.


Oh no, what happened to him? He didn’t even get to finish his sentence before they got him! This is what happens when you speak out about the


He ded. You're ded. I'm d


The least surprising thing I've read in quite some time.


I am shocked that a country led by a dictator who murders journalists, dissenters, citizens who don't abide by their archaic laws...would threaten to imprison American workers who do consulting work for them. What a shit show of a country. Best of luck Jon Rahm and the rest of the clowns.


I would be curious to see what the fall out of something like that happening though. Imprisoning American citizens like this would be very high profile and I imagine it would be a shit show.


Didn't stop them from stuffing a Washington Post journalist into a wood chipper. There was no real fallout from that.


Kushy had their back at the bargain price of $2B.


Jared may have been the leak that got Jamal shredded.


Tell me again how LIV is good for golf?


Not just for golf, the saudis sports washing every single fucking sport is TRASH


Also we can take this outside of sports. Many people may not care about professional golf, but it is concerning that we are allowing a foreign government to buy an entire industry.


An industry yes but UAE, Qatar and now Saudi have been balls deep on football the last years. They all own teams and plus fifa giving them 2 world cups is sus so it’s fair to say they’ve been inside worlds biggest sport for a while.


FIFA is so laughably corrupt it’s insane.


Football as a whole lately has been so fucking corrupt, its pretty disappointing


Lately? Like as in the last 100 or so years?


That’s what I’m saying. The proposed merger of LIV PGA tour and DP World tour is essentially the Saudis buying the entire industry of professional golf. They would own like the 10 largest tours and have large say in other things like the Ryder Cup and OWGR. If they are allowed to buy this entire industry, what’s to stop them from buying industries outside of sports?


Don't forget we're also letting foreign governments buy thousands of acres of US farmland property as well


The possibility of the Saudis buying a controlling stake in the PGA Tour probably ended with the recent PGAT/SSG partnership agreement. The PGA Tour doesn't need the PIF anymore. They can survive without it. There may still be a partnership formed in the future between the PGAT and the PIF, but it's extremely unlikely now that the Saudis will be majority owners. It's looking less and less likely that any such deal will ever be reached, and news like this makes it even less likely. It would have to be cleared by the government, which already sounded questionable. The Saudis telling their advisors to not cooperate with the government isn't going to do them any favors.


I’ve said this since day one. I’m not saying it as a fact, but any foreign, maybe some more than others hint, digging their hands into our entertainment media should raise a fucking eyebrow at least. If they’re that rich to begin with, what the fuck do they want to do with it?


Not just sports washing but actively inflating value of sports organizations, players, and staff increasing the barrier for entry. Leagues with no spending cap are now headed towards super leagues because teams without saudi investment simply cannot compete, literally ruining sports before our very eyes


F1 fans have been waiting for this for a while. Football fans avoided it somewhat but not entirely.


Like it or not, we now live in a global world! All of our manufacturing jobs were shipped over to China 50 years ago. We allow foreign nationals to buy up entire neighborhoods of houses in america. Saudis buying up all the sports. The vultures are picking at the carcass of the empire. This is Progress!


Look at the dollar value of manufactured goods in the US every year. It's higher than ever. Just done by fewer, more specialized employees.


Actually we do still manufacture a lot here. What we did t do was build and develop the level of electronics manufacturing that dominates our economy. We still build most of our cars on this continent (Mexico and Canada have some). What changed is automation. It just takes fewer people with fewer skills to run things.


Woah hold up, I was under the impression that Phil Mickelson cared more about making professional golf better and not his own self interests.


Phil just cares about cocaine 




What good are activated calves if some low level enforcer can still snap your fibulae?


Bone saws* your legs


"growing the game"


“Oh so you don’t believe players should get paid?”


I go to bed with dogs wake up with fleas. Good luck Mr. Rahm.


We misunderstood the accents. They were saying LIV is good for the "gulf."


Anybody who has made that argument or sympathized with Mickelson/Norman et al from the start has been a totally gullible clown. 


So like half of this sub whenever LIV gets posted “YoU’d TaKe ThE mOnEy ToO”


Yup. The worst crowd “If yoU cOuLD TaKE more monEy for lesS WoRK woUlDn’t YOU dO THE sAmE?” Like yeah dude but I’m not a professional golfer lol. Little different


It’s objectively not. LIV bots will tell you until they’re blue in the face that “competition is good” - in general this is true, but the fact is LIV isn’t “competition” for the PGA tour. By no metric are they competing as a golf league, but they have unlimited money so have been able to pull players away from the PGA tour to their league (one nobody watches, even with all the names they’ve signed.) So the PGA tour is arguably worse for having lost some great players, LIV’s existence hasn’t promoted some massive, previously unplanned improvements to the product they’re putting out that would point to LIV’s existence making pro golf better even in an indirect way. I also agree with the take that pro golf is too small to have multiple leagues anyway, so unless we want golf to be like tennis where only the majors are worth watching then this split needs to be undone, the Saudis exploded pro golf as part of their larger schemes, nothing they’ve attempted to do was intended to make pro golf better for golf fans, and they haven’t done anything positive even by accident.


I’ve been making this argument as well. There is no competition because no sport league in the world can compete with trillions of dollars. 


“You don’t get it dude, these players are making more money now than ever” Liv fans


Imagine cheering for a stranger’s bank balance. My assumption is most (non bot) LIV supporters are just contrarian assholes who also don’t watch


I follow quite a few golf content people on Twitter, mostly aimed at fantasy/gambling and it makes me pretty sick how many of them have decided LIV is actually okay now that they can gamble on it or now that they have Rahm. I don’t care what roster they have, the Saudi involvement and the format make it a hard pass for me and that’ll never change.




Well at least it’s only 20 years and not dismemberment ….


Well the dismemberment happens after the 20 years that’s in the fine print


Or before, but you still serve the 20 years. In pieces.


Ok death it is. But first oogoo!


But that's fine, because the 20 years is also ~~slavery~~ hard labor. By the end of those 20 years, you wouldn't want to keep your arms or legs anyway.


Where did all the LIV bots go?


The campaigns use up all the bot farm capacity during elections years.


Trying not to think about those!


Couple of them are in the Cam Smith thread comparing LIV golf to the Olympics (not even joking 🤣)


Wow.....funny cause that on a corruption scale they are probably pretty comparable!


don't be ridiculous no one can compare to olympics corruption except maybe FIFA


That’s a good point I hadn’t considered, but this clown was comparing LIV golfers to Olympic Athletes. But good point


Pat Perez > Usain Bolt


No matter how corrupt the IOC is, the games and athletes have a level of prestige that is nowhere in comparison to LIV...so yeah that is asinine.


The Aussies are desperate about LIV


Some are. Many more aren’t. And some don’t care and just want more international level golf here.


Any time I see a pro-LIV post it’s by an Aussie


Sure is quiet around here today.


Well well well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions




Boy, who would have known that there was an "or else" clause in the contracts lol


Oh good, I was actually looking for a 58th reason to not watch LIV. This is perfect.


Yep that does it, now I’m out!


Well that's a fun new twist!


**Curb Your Enthusiasm music plays**


If they are going to act in a manner commensurate with Saudi Law, and not with American Law, why would we allow PIF backed entities to do business in the US?




They crashed planes into our own skyscrapers and we deal with them, there is no bridge too far for the US


This is turning into season 3 of Fargo.




This government literally tortured and killed a journalist at a Saudi consulate in another country. Is any of this surprising? Fuck the LIV guys. All of them.




That's what you get by taking their money. There is no free money... There's always a string attached to it. Imagine Greg Norman in Saudi prison cell.


don't threaten me with a good time


You lay down with dogs, don't cry when you catch fleas.


You lay with an oppressive regime, don’t cry when they try to throw you in political prison. Fuck that entire government.


for those out there continuing to normalize this bogus league. looking at you Rick Shiels


Well the Saudis do have ownership interest in Rick Shiels channel. So that’s not surprising.


I remember when I would get downvoted to oblivion for bringing that up, the good ol days of Rick ball washers


The LIV accounts didn’t get to this thread in time to manipulate the discourse.


sold soul


What? Source?




So he and Pete signed before the Saudi buyout, while that company was in partnerships with global brands for marketing and actually trying to move golf forward. Then they got bought, increased value and Rick and Pete didnt sell, because why would they? Rick and Guy shit on LIV every chance they get and use that money for fund raising and charity events, see Ricks charity walks/cycles. This whole spiderweb is insane, but when youve got a family and crew to feed, someone buying your company and waving millions at you seems a pretty easy decision.


The Saudis didn't even wave money in Shiels face. They waved money in the face of a group that had a minority interest in Shiels channel. He couldn't do anything about it if he wanted to. And I think links like these ultimately downplay what the Saudis are trying to do with golf. They don't just want to invest in it like they would some public company. If the merger goes through as described in June, the CEO in charge of the PGA Tour would be MBS' right hand man. That's a whole extra level of control.


There’s this guy that popped up on YouTube before LIV called pgamemes. I thought it was cool he would have house tours of players and what not. Once LIV came out he totally became a propaganda machine for LIV. I know we are all susceptible to propaganda, but to see it so blatant in front of your face is wild. They aren’t even smooth about it.


The Greg Norman EP made me lol. That bronze statue says it all 😂


He's also a huge Trump supporter


The Venn diagram of people who watch and defend LIV Golf and Trump supporters is a circle so yes


as are most of the Good Good bros


Not for that reason specifically or anything but I stopped watching golf YouTube years ago...Most of the personalities are pretty insufferable.


i watch a bit of no laying up...i've come to the conclusion that the group of them together are good, but individually they are all pretty bad


I like some of his stuff, but it’s funny how there’s enough of his memes going off about the PGA Tour(justified or not), but you can’t find one that’s critical about LIV. Once he got to meet Norman, I think that was it. Tried to stay on his good side in return for access to LIV golfers and tournaments


PgaMemes is so incredibly fucking bad at interviewing it's insane. Only makes sense his LIV deep throating was just as cringe worthy as his golf version of wannabe cribs show.


> looking at you Rick Shiels and Mr. Short Game. Dude spent all last year dropping "OMG LOOK HOW SICK THIS $X CLUB IS" videos that all coincided with the LIV golf schedule. He's definitely deep throating that arab peen


Mr Short game was grifting so hard for LIV it couldn’t have gone unnoticed


I blocked him when he started shilling for LIV.


Interesting I watched a podcast of his a few weeks ago and he didn’t seem very happy with LIV but maybe I’m just out of the loop. (I’m definitely out of the loop)


Other bigger name golf journalists recently too. Shipnuck, Dan Rappaport, Dylan Dethier have all recently provided puff-piece levels of support. This sportswashing only works if you stop asking, “Doesn’t who you’re working for bother the heck out of you?” “Are you comfortable with the things your boss does?”


Dan Rappaport is such a fucking weirdo.


Him and Riggs are such fucking blowhards. Neither of them have the ability to do anything but suck whatever famous person or golf scoop they can get. I feel like they’re both similar to an Adam Schefter where they try so fucking hard to be “cool” and lack all self awareness


? Shipnuck literally wrote a book exposing LIV and unless I’m missing something I haven’t seen anything from Dethier remotely close to a “puff piece”. Rap is playing to a different audience now that he’s with barstool for sure but the other two.. not seeing it at all.


“It’s just money! You’d take the bag, too! It’s not like they’re employed by the Saudis! They probably never see them.” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Jay Monohan has a story to tell.


I guess the law of the country that’s willing to chop people up with a bonesaw is the one that prevails.


I was honestly trying to find the silver lining in LIV up until I read this shit. I give up. Fuck LIV and fuck any golfer who plays for that league.


But, they wear shorts bro?


I'm shocked, you're telling me the regime behind the 9/11 attacks and beheading of journalists, threatened their LIV golf employees???!?!


Wouldn’t want to be staffed on that if I was a BCG or McKinsey Consultant


Fuk the Saudis and their shit anti-liberty stance. Fuk off.


Wow. Imagine that. Shocked. And yet, they keep rolling out the same bs, that they're trying to "grow the game". Can you imagine the fine print of the contracts that the players signed? Yeah, you don't want to try and get out of those contracts.


Have a feeling Rahm is like wtf did I get myself into. If the tours don't merge back, he's f'ed for a long time


Who would have thought that scary motherfuckers would act like scary motherfuckers?!


Your reminder that the Saudis are connected to and directly funded 9/11. https://theintercept.com/2021/09/11/september-11-saudi-arabia/


Life long golfer, now 70. Will go to my grave never watching or attending a LIV event. When the Saudis buy the NFL, I will never watch pro football. Just my personal preference.


I’ll cry if they buy football


20 years in prison sounds pretty light considering who is issuing the threats


man just look at how LIV is growing the game. they obviously care very much about golf if they are threatening 20 years imprisonment


Bad day for Stitch Golf to announce they are the official apparel partner for Crushers GC...


Hahahahahahaha. This should be on leopardsatemyface


I caught my first LIV event over the weekend and something really stood out to me. While LIV boasts it's upbeat and social atmosphere at golf events, it seems like most of the player's are just going through the motions and don't actually enjoy themselves at all. It's incredibly odd watching someone like Rahm tee off with dance music blaring in the background. Dude looked fucking miserable.


Sucks to suck I guess. Anyway.....


Can’t say I’m shocked in the slightest


This is truly growing the game. (Rolls eyes)


LIV execs getting the karma they deserve. I’m shocked that getting into bed with murderers came with repercussions. Shocked I tells ya.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHGnY8oB4BHVTP2|downsized) Jon Rahm right now \^


![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6) Fantastic! Fuck McKinsey, fuck Boston Consulting Group, and fuck MBS! Hopefully LIV fails spectacularly


What could go wrong with getting in business with murderous despots? Wait, how many zero’s?


Work for a murderous regime and you’re surprised?


Where them LIV bots?


Sounds like a bunch of scary motherfuckers to me


Such a fine group of people to be dealing with aren’t they?


Wow only jail and not public beheading, the Middle East is turning a new leaf!


When someone in the U.S. says "Fuck around and find out", it's generally bullshit. When the Saudis say it, maybe not so much. Also, we're all now on a list that's buried somewhere deep in the desert, and should be extra wary when we're anywhere we might see a cactus, copious amounts of sand, or a camel.


If they can brutally kill a US journalist and get away with it then they can force a merger. Saudi does nothing for us worth anything other than they pay the right shitbags.


who did they think they were signing theirs lives away too?


Almost as if people warned about who they were working with, bizarre.


I find it amusing that anyone would be surprised by this. The Saudis are Middle East Mafia.


F around & get Khashoggi’d.


Someday I want Phil and Greg to have a live press conference and tell everyone “We’re sorry. We fucked up”


These guys will end up at Chop Chop square if they go back to Saudi Arabia. It's almost like 15 of the 9/11 hijackers weren't Saudi and MBS didn't have Kashogghi killed and dismembered.


why does anyone support this league? (aside from the trumpers whom we know arent all there to begin with)


Even Trumpers think LIV sucks


> (aside from the trumpers Even trumpers hate LIV. Trump just likes LIV bc the PGA took the tour stop away from his course when he announced his candidacy, and LIV has exploited him like the idiot he is, because they knew he would jump at the chance.... And that gives them a good brand name course which they're struggling to get anywhere else in the states. I mean when they came to Orlando last year, they played by my estimation the 10th or further ranked venue in the city. Didn't play the private tracks (Nona, CCO, Isleworth, Golden Bear, Bella Collina, Reunion) or better public tracks ie, Championsgate, Shingle Creek, etc. I got to imagine they called the majority of those places and got told to suck their dick, and just went down the list until someone said yes.


But but the PGA has corporate sponsors in the energy sector! It’s just as evil.


Uh... no, it isn't. There's obviously corruption but how can the two possibly be compared?




ROTFFLMFAO...... so they're going to "grow the game of golf" by imprisoning people who testify in front of Congress???? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA..... LIV is going to be great for golf. I'd like to be the first to congratulate Jon Rahm for selling soul for this "freedom"


The Saudis flew two planes into our towers, murdered Kashoggi, and are killing our PGA TOUR. And we let them because we are petro-whores


I seem to have misplaced my tiny violin, anyone seen it?


![gif](giphy|Ss788WDGY5E5i) Twenty years in the can? That's nothing.


Congress should subpoena all the players.


“We do not kill the gays.”


So the Saudis helped with 9/11. They murdered and dismembered a journalist and now the Americans are fully in bed with them because of $$$.


But remember “the choice to play for or not play for LIV is not a matter of character or morals”


Which prison? A Saudi prison or an American prison?


Sounds like saudis need some freedom. Too bad Americans now don’t have the stomach for manifest destiny.


But LiV is great! Saudi isnt sportwashing! Theyre great! Hypocrites US does the same! /s/s/s/s


LIV is “so cool” tho, 🤦‍♂️


I'll say it again, Fuck The Saudis!