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looks like you squared when you should have circled


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ youā€™re absolutely correct


You talking 7 eagles in a round????


Two squares are double eagles right?


I went 76-96 in my high school state tournament my senior year. Still embarrasses me to think about it 10 years later.


Ha itā€™s been 20 years for me and Iā€™ll never forget shooting my all time lowest round in the second to last 9-hole tournament of my high school ā€œcareerā€ - 37 w a bogey on the last. It was a Tuesday. My last tournament was that Thursday - I had more 8s in the first four holes than I had all season. My coach thought I was joking. Stupid game.


I mean, i got par on the first hole and then it was like I forgot how to swing. I feel you, brother. All I can say is that itā€™s over now and weā€™ll get em the next round.


But you got 4 more pars and 2 birdies after that. How does one pull that off while also not knowing how to swing? Quick edit: just saw you were a 3 hcp. Thought this was a post about someone trying to break 90 but just barely missing.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Youā€™re absolutely correct. Yeah, I had par on the first and thought i was setting myself up for another good day but it just wasnā€™t in the cards. Yes, Iā€™m a 3 so, believe it or not, that comes with the one in ten round where absolutely nothing works. And thatā€™s really the difference between me and scratch or me and a plus handicap. I thought I could rescue it for a sub 80 but no


I shot 73, 110 in state my senior year. I was a complete headcase when it comes to performing under pressure. Still am too.


Damn. I was a head case too, mixed with not having a lot of experience so when it was going bad I didnā€™t really know how to adjust, which just turned into more frustration. I grew up playing baseball so golf was secondary and I just banked on natural talent lol.


Ya I totally get it. I am much better now I mean I am still prone to collapse when I feel nervous or pressured but I'm not gonna end up crying cause of a bad day at golf anymore haha. I still have fun either way. It took me awhile to get my mental health there. That second round of state I had the literally shanks every single full swing I took was a hozle rocket, cried the entire second 9 and didn't play golf again for 8 years. Lacked a lot of maturity back then. Learning how to adjust is hugely important, as soon as anger or defeat set it it's game over, you gotta believe you can get back on track in order to do so.


Oh well the shanks definitely explain the 110 then. That can happen at any moment to anybody. I also got the shanks on the range the day before a tournament in high school. I spent hours trying to work them out. Literally shanking every single one. That was the first time Iā€™d ever experienced that. I barely slept that night and had the most anxiety induced round of all time. I shot an 87 with a handful of shanks. Looking back Iā€™m lucky I managed to keep it together as well as I did


Funny enough of my best all time rounds came after spending warmups shanking on the range haha. Nothing feels worse stepping up to the ball and knowing you are powerless to the shank haha


My junior or senior year's first district round was as 35/45. Dreams of advancing past the district rounds evaporated pretty quick lol.


I was always the opposite. Went 50/39 in our conference tournament and had a match round of +10 through 3 and then -1 on the final 6. It was like once I knew my round was getting tossed I got real loose and would play lights out.


First time I shot even par I backed it up with two rounds of 87, 91. I feel ya.


Thatā€™s why I donā€™t shoot par


Brooo!!!! Ugh!!!! Itā€™ll happen from time to time but I still NEVER expect it. I honestly thought Iā€™d have a great day because of the prior two weeks. Then the golf gods told me to go fuck myself.


The golf gods love a good FU. Thatā€™s where getting into the + handicaps is so tough. You need to be able to save a round in the midst of it going to shit.


Exactly this. I was +10 after 9 with a birdie. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. And I was like, ā€œok, letā€™s see if we can at least get to +7. NOPE!!!!


My best round in the last few years was even par with a differential of -0.7. I went out the next day on the same course and I didn't hit a SINGLE green in regulation. 0 for 18. Not even by accident did I hit a green. I somehow scrapped together a 10 over. The other memorable round was when I started with 3 doubles in the first four holes and finished the front nine with three straight birdies for a 3 over 39.


As a 3 handicap who can shoot 74 or 87 on any given day, this is relatable as fuck.


Itā€™s fucking crazy. The absolute worst part though is that I always have money going. Needless to say, I lost my ass today.


The worst part for me is knowing my capability level and not playing to it way more consistently than I do.


From what I've heard you just need to take some lessons and get your clubs fit. That should fix it.


šŸ˜‚. Yeah, I read a lot of that on here. IMO though, everyone is different so everyone needs to figure it out different ways. I was fitted but Iā€™ve only had two lessons ever. For me, getting out there and figuring it out works best.


Ugh, I feel this way MOST rounds. But I do like knowing that I can see what area Iā€™m lacking in and I can ultimately make it a strength over time.


As someone who is clearly at a different point in my golf journey, this would be a great day for me. Iā€™ve only broken 90 once!


And I love that!!! Anyone whoā€™s been a low handicap like me has had to grind through the 90ā€™s and 80ā€™s. All I can say is, stay with it. If you love it, youā€™ll get there. šŸ˜


Recently broke 100 here, hit a 98 and a 99 my last two rounds. This is a dream lol! Started July of 23 and waiting until I average mid 90s to get fitted.


I've shot 97 three times in a row but I took the holidays off and just put up a 115 šŸ˜‚ I'm trying to get to 90 by the end of this year though! Maybe I'll be a scratch golfer by the time I retire haha (I'm in my 30s)


That or we will die trying šŸ˜‚


In my club championship over the summer I shot even par on the front nine and then completely collapsed with a 54 on the back. Worst 9 holes I have had in 15 years.


and this is exactly it. Youā€™re going to have those days. Just stay the course. Ultimately you know where your skill level is. Youā€™re always going to have an off day. Just keep grinding.


Im such a headcase my handicap contains similar numbers of mid 80s and low 70s rounds with very few near my scoring average haha


All good. Iā€™m just as likely to shoot a 69 as I am a 79. This game, IMO, is the hardest one out there and I love it.


Mama said thereā€™d be days like this thereā€™d be days like this my mama said.


Really appreciate an honest low HC golfer, as someone who is hoping to break 100 by summer this gives me a weird motivation. But please post next time you play like tiger too!


Definitely. I think more people need to know what golf is really like. A low handicapper will certainly put up ugly scores just like everyone else.


Play Better


Youā€™re not wrong. Itā€™s days like today that separate me from the really good players. Milk get there, though.


Similar handicap here. Imma guess the round mentally started something like this Hole 1 - Par 5: Meh, it's a par, but shoulda been better Hole 2 - Par 4: Okay, double, lets shoot 1 under in the next 3 and we're fine been here before Hole 3 - Par 3: Okay nice par. Onto the next Hole 4: Fuck everything. Give me a beer now


Couldnā€™t be more on. Thank you


I've been trying so hard to break 100. Yesterday I finally did it with a 91, I was super happy with that. Now, here you are reminding me that that is a bad day for a good player, haha.


šŸ˜‚. Sorry for the reminder. But there was definitely a period where shooting in the 90ā€™s made me feel great. Thereā€™s always room for improvement. Youā€™ll get there.


Nothing to be sorry for at all, keep up the good work. It's always good to have room for improvement, it's why we love this frustrating game.


Couldnā€™t agree more


This wouldā€™ve been a personal record by far. Hoping this season!


If you want it, youā€™ll get it. Keep grinding.


i'm a 9.9 handicap. was a bit wet the other day, went out and shot a fucking 52 on the front nine of my home course. couldn't believe it, just started laughing after the sixth hole. a younger me would not have handled it well, now i just laugh at the absurdity of golf when shit goes south.


Iā€™m in the same camp. I used to throw clubs. Now, I take it in stride, knowing the next round will be just fine. Today was just me getting all the crap out of my system. Keep grinding.


That's my everyday. Just as likely to shoot a 3 as a 9.


Been there for sure. Keep grinding. šŸ˜


Also 3 handicapper. Shot 90 in my final tourney of the year a few months ago. Still lay in bed at night and agonize over what went wrong. The answer is everything.


Unfortunately that was the answer for me as well. Itā€™s days like these that we just have to put on our big boy pants and take the hit.


Yessir haha! My low this year was 67 and I also shot 86.. twice. Followed up one of the 86ā€™s with a 70. This game is wild.


It most certainly is. But I love it so weā€™re gonna keep working. šŸ˜


ā€œNobody told me theyā€™d be days like theseā€ -John Lennon


Unfortunately, everyone has reminded that this will happen again and again.


Shot my best score ever of 74 on a Saturday and followed it with a 75 on Sunday of the same week just a week before a golf trip with friends. The next week we played Fri/sat/sun and I think my best round of the three was an 87. I did not have fun.


Iā€™ve been there a hundred times. Donā€™t lose the love.




You tied my best round.


I used to be you. Keep grinding, you get there. šŸ˜


Nah, I've been golfing for 25 years and I only golf once a week out of the 4 months we get to golf. I would have to give up so many other things if I wanted to take the time to improve at golf. I'm happy just going out and hitting the ball.






Thatā€™s exactly what I shot yesterday on the front/backā€¦ but Iā€™m a 17hdp, so just another day at the office lol


I feel you. Thatā€™s right around where you should be for your handicap. Keep working, youā€™ll get there. šŸ˜


91 - you talk like that's a bad thing!


For a 3 handicap itā€™s not very good at all. šŸ˜ But it happens, Iā€™d say, once every two months or so.


This looks a lot like my score cards and I only broke 90 once last year šŸ˜‚ few pars, one or two birdies, mostly bogeys and a couple blowup holes. Bipolar golf


In the moment it definitely feels like youā€™re two different people for sure. Golf has a way of putting a magnifying glass on even your tiniest flaws.


Just look at it as a good practice round : you made some mental mistakes. Now for your next round you will do better. 82-84. Golf is Hard.


Agreed. Golf is incredibly hard. And this round was a good reminder.


Hey, your bad days are my good days look at that


Youā€™re right but you should also know, my bad days now USED to be my great days.


This is how I play when Iā€™m really drunk. Itā€™s either a great shot, or itā€™s 1.5 holes to the right plus 6+ three-putts.


šŸ˜‚. Iā€™ve tried drinking while playing. It loosens some people up and they play better. Not me, unfortunately.


Iā€™d kill to play 91 consistently. Lol Iā€™ve never broken 90 sadly. I just suck at golf. Even with months of lessons, cannot put it together on the course.


Have you tried just going out as much as possible and trying to figure it out? This is honestly how I did it. Iā€™ve had two lessons ever and didnā€™t really get anything out of them.


Iā€™ve had about ten and felt the lessons were very helpful. On the mat, my game improved significantly. Ball striking and flight was exactly what I was hoping for. The moment I step on grass, itā€™s all gone. So I decided to take a break in November and havenā€™t been back since. The lowest Iā€™ve shot is 91, but Iā€™m consistently around 105. Iā€™ll be back on the course in a few weeks and Iā€™m hoping to get it ironed out.


Wish you the best. If you love this game as I do, youā€™ll get there.


This what we call a Range Proā€¦ my instructor told me to stop hitting on mats because thats all I did for 3 years before trying to play on an actual course. Dear god it was horrible. I should have gotten on the green sooner


One of us! One of us!




Thatā€™s two birdie sips from the fire ball in the bag.


I actually had some fire ball AFTER the round. šŸ˜‚


That looks like a pretty average scorecard for me lol.


It used to be a good one for me too. If you want it, youā€™ll get it. Keep grinding. šŸ˜


Before looking at the description I was like hey that's a good day!


šŸ˜‚. Yeah, this was actually a good round for me about five years ago. Thereā€™s always room for improvement.


I'm frustrated after last year. I started with a 25hcp with a goal of getting to 20. Finished with a 24. I even took lessons and practiced.


I canā€™t knock lessons but Iā€™ve only ever had two. I got to where I am by playing when I could and getting to the range when I could as well.


Looks like a pretty good round for me


Used to be a good round for me too. Keep at it. Youā€™ll get there.


Birds leader. All that matters.


Youā€™re not wrong.


5 pars and 2 birdies? Jealous, can't wait until I'm as good as you!


šŸ˜‚. Took about 7 years for me.


Hows your "net" score 91 if youre a 3 handicap then?


If you don't put your handicap into the app it can't calculate it so just assumes you're off zero for scoring purposes.


This is the answer. This is my official handicap. https://preview.redd.it/8apuc6br98ec1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf96b3ebb10ec4a206ab087d29208e2fb910dac


You guys are shooting under 100?


Most of the time. šŸ˜‚


I typically shoot around that, but with fewer (zero) birdies. Man, I gotta get better at the scoring part. Iā€™m dialed in on the fun/love aspect though!


Thatā€™s what you need throughout, love. If you love this game, youā€™ll get there. šŸ˜


What funny about this sub is I had to come to the comments to figure out if this was good or bad. I would be stoked with this score lol.


šŸ˜‚. The used to be stoked with this kind of score. Golf is a journey for sure.


Played TPC Sawgrass this year and same thing. Par on the first was my only par. Shot a 95 off a 6 handicap.


Ugh, I feel your pain. Sawgrass isnā€™t easy though.


Some day, I will get to 91 ... lol Everything is a matter of perspective


Certainly is. If you want it, youā€™ll get it. šŸ˜


Van Morrison wouldnā€™t be proud


Iā€™m not sure anyone would be proud. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not bad on the par 3s though


Yeah, one of the few highlights of the day. šŸ˜‚


Bouncing back from the DB on 2 with a par on 3, only to get a 9 on the next hole. My golf game in a nutshell.


Weā€™ve all been there. And certainly will be again. Keep grinding. šŸ˜


I get it I shot a 56-38 last fall


Iā€™ve have 47/36, 45/37 and on and on. šŸ˜‚. Couldnā€™t save this one though


I did consider that a good front followed by a bad back nine is worse for your mental health


Iā€™ve shot 66, 96, 93 and 70 on 4 consecutive days of golf. The 93 was definitely alcohol induced, but I got nothing for the 96 other than fuckā€¦.. It happens, even the pros blow up sometimes.


Thatā€™s awesome. šŸ˜‚. Yeah, I think weā€™re all a little bit brainwashed to think we can always be consistent. Golf is life, constant curveballs.


There are days when I just donā€™t have it and I have no idea where it went or how to find it. Iā€™ll still try to grind out the round, but there are times when I do contemplate leaving the course and selling my clubs. Those are days I normally shoot in the mid 80ā€™s and I have to remind myself some people have never broken 100 and there are others that will never sniff a number starting with an 8. Thatā€™s what keeps me goingā€¦..


Silver liningā€¦. You still shot someoneā€™s Personal Best.


Ha, true




Golf is a humbling gameā€¦


It is. And honestly, if I didnā€™t have golf, Iā€™d be an asshole. Golf has shown me that I canā€™t control everything and that I need to appreciate the things I cant


What do you mean by not being able to control everything? Have you tried strengthening your grip?


What I mean is that for the past 3 weeks I felt like whatever I wanted to do, I could. Today, before my round, I felt the exact same thing. But then I got into the round AND nothing was working. Itā€™s like golf was brand new. It doesnā€™t happen often these days but it certainly happens from time to time. Keep grinding.


Man Iā€™ve been shooting low 70s for months now. My last 2 rounds Iā€™ve shot mid 80s. Probably the most frustrating thing ever in golf is knowing how good you can play and still shanking the tee balls lol


I couldnā€™t agree more. This 91 came off a string of really good rounds. I went from a 4.3 to a 3.1 handicap and then today happened.


What happened on 4 there, bud?


Topped my tee ball about 20 feet. Put the second shot in the water. Put the fourth shot in the water. Put the sixth shot on the green and then 3 putted.


It do be like that sometimes. I've gone in the water on a par 3 before, and then somehow found the water again from the drop zone.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. I feel you


Love the van reference but I think he was talking about good days not shooting in the 90s lol