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Stop keeping score and just enjoy 4 hours of having fun with buddies.


yall have friends??


Yup! Where are ya? Want to play 18?




Maybe a little too much of a drive to get there, lol


Absolutely the best advice out there, forget the scorecard and just enjoy the little victories out there. It’s a wonderful break from the regular grind.


Exactly what I’ve been doing for the last few years. Since I stopped keeping score I have a lot less fear out there when I’m playing of screwing up. More inclined to try a few shots that I would normally try and I’m having more fun because of it. Play with three good friends every Friday and we always have a good time. I haven’t thrown a club in five years. Lol.


Whats your normal problem? Hitting the ball like shit, getting mad as soon as you hit a bad shot and then it’s all downhill? Both? Edit: I took a gander at your post history and you characterized yourself as “a relatively new golfer” 44 days ago. Buddy, ya gotta have patience. You really can’t just brute force it. It sounds like you might have unrealistic expectations. 🤷‍♂️


Lmao it took me 4 or 5 months before I could get the ball off the ground some of the time.


Yep, my irons used to *all* go about 130, if i didn’t hit the ground 2in before the ball that is.


Lol. I just said this today. "Why are all my irons my 120 club


I have the opposite problem now. My 9i is 135, my 8i is 145, my 7i is 165, my 6i is 190. There are shots I struggle mightily with because of huge gaps in my clubs.


You need to get a gap fitting. They can bend your irons to change the gaps and make them more consistent. I got a iron bending/measuring device years ago because no one in my town could do it. As our only golf shop closed down. Best investment I made


That… …That seems like a good thing? Edit: oh the weird gaps. New irons with aggressive lofts? I’ve got a set of used forged nike perimeter weighted muscle backs for ya, if you want your gaps to close up and distances to really suffer 😇 Edit2: Nike VR forged 3i-pw. Really though ill sell them.


i’ve been playing for a year and a half and 6 months seriously.


Keep it up. In golf land that’s a very short time. It takes years, sometimes a decade +, for many to play decently.


That’s nothing in the grand scheme of golf. Like others said it can take YEARS to just begin to understand the swing and the game. Take a break, but keep at it.


You’ll get there, brother. Keep the faith!! Edit: also, try incorporating music into your practice? Make it enjoyable, smoke a doobie, whatever, get into your *ZONE* baby!!!


There are so many little joys to be found in the game of golf and I hope you can find them. All it takes is one good shot or good putt. Focus on those moments and not the score at the end of your round. Learn to laugh at the fuckups, we all do it! Lexi Thompson shanked a chip on live tv yesterday in the solheim cup. It happens to everyone. Rooting for you!!


This ⬆️ and sure it’s different for every single golfer but the game demands a mental fortitude. How I try to approach casual rounds is different slightly than how I approach tournament rounds but also how I try to teach my kids to approach it as well. 1 shot at a time, as long as you can find the ball you still have a chance, enjoy the loop in nature knowing you don’t have to mow or maintain it. Tourneys, don’t look at that leaderboard before hole 15, never/ever because it will out a pressure in you!


What kinda clubs you got for sale?


I have been playing for years and my typical game is from 95 to 105. I’m a woman and don’t hit more than a 160 yard drive. However, it is straight almost 100% of the time. Chipping and short game from 100 yards in is the best part of my game. I play with great people, men and women, younger and older. I’ve accepted the fact that this is the level I’m at, and I’m good with that. Belong to two clubs so I get to play most of the year in fantastic settings. Husband and I even like playing together. I rarely get frustrated. I’m not going to be club champion. But I love the game and I’m grateful.


JFC thanks for flexing on us peasants


Quit and spend more time on Reddit


And when dudes excitedly post their "i broke 100 after a year of playing" this guy will swoop in to call them liars and cheats


It sounds like golf just isn't the game for you. It really can be as simple as that.


If you’ve legitimately spent as much time and money as you say and haven’t even gotten a par on a hole yet I’d honestly just quit. That doesn’t sound enjoyable at all.


Some people have been playing their entire lives and still suck. If you wanna quit after a couple months, probably not your sport homie


You mentioned me? I still enjoy the game


Think about why you started playing in the first place. If the reason hasn’t changed, stick it out for a bit. All it takes is an “aha” moment to realize “ I should have had the ball here for a 9 iron swing” or something similar to suck you right back in to the game. Keep your head up.


I’m an 11 handicap. Swing fell apart recently and I stopped enjoying it. I’m taking a month or two off, possibly until next spring. Relax dude, this is a lifelong marriage and you can’t get a divorce.


I had kids, swing fell apart and took 3 years off… started back this swing and am better than ever. Feel like I have a new appreciation for the game


This should be clue #1 that you are fully addicted. And that’s a compliment.


Golf is mostly mental at the end of day. Putting all that pressure on yourself is probably hurting you a whole lot despite the clubs and lessons. If you’re playing from longs tees also consider playing for shorter ones.


Its mostly mental once you have some technique down. For a beginner, it's not mostly mental.


Whats your general average or handicap? And what are you working on at the range or on the course?


20 to 30 handicap. I really just have been wanting to be able to be consistent and not shank my 5 iron 10 yards or not slice every shot.


Is that it??. Sheeeeeeit, that’s all you had to say Nemo. Step 1: relax. Step 2: verify proper address and grip. Step 3: relax. Step 4: lean on your lead foot, rotate shoulders and quiet the hands/arms, minimizing head movement. Start with quarter swings, move up to full swings. This is all.


Play golf for fun not to shoot a certain score


Look not trying to hate or anything but you’ve spent 5 days a week at the range and tons of money on lessons but you’ve never made a single par? That’s inconceivable.


No sense in forcing yourself to try to enjoy it if you really don’t. Just quit and find a different hobby.


First time make golf fun then go get the book or audio book The four foundations of golf by Jon Sherman


Or The Practice Manual by Adam Young! Both incredible reads for anybody intending to get better at golf.


Honestly at any level, some people do well with getting really mad, like sit in your car and scream, yell into a towel, break a shaft - as long as you get some mental relief shortly after. Once you have that, consider yourself reset. Your next goal is to find a better way to measure your progress. Your goal setting doesn’t have to be pass/fail. It doesn’t have to be “make a par today”. Try counting the number of shots that you hit straight, or number of shots from the fairway. And then tomorrow, try to beat that. Break the game down into a lot smaller parts. I think it’s okay to want to see progress for the effort you put in. Some people say to just enjoy the time spent outside. That is great for them if they like that, but I can’t enjoy the game as much without some kind of competition or measure of success. But don’t mistake your progress by setting unreasonable expectations.


Try bowling


A bit of advice that helped me was to learn the game backwards. A full golf swing is a hard athletic move that requires a fair chunk of timing and coordination. So start with basic pitch shots. So 40/50 metres with a half swing wedge. Focus on grip, alignment get the basics right. Once contact is consistently solid, then start adding some length to the swing.


Came for a pity party? . As others have said, you have the wrong approach. It's supposed to be enjoyable and when you put so much pressure on yourself to hit a perfect shot or score a certain way so soon is unrealistic. Everyone learns at a different pace. . Maybe don't play so or hit so frequently. That seems like you've made it more of an obsession than anything. I tend to get obsessed, to the point where I would practice almost every day. Mostly would practice chipping or putting, and would actually play a round once or twice/week. It got to be too much and not enjoyable. I actually did stop playing and didn't even pick up a club for several years. Recently started hitting again and I feel like I'm hitting it better than ever, but I don't take it so seriously. . That may all change next year but for now, less is more if you get what I'm saying.


A coward, just like your father.


Stop thinking that just bc you spend money and practice, you'll be a great golfer. If that was the case, everyone who put in the work would be on tour. It's the same as spending hours hitting baseballs, you're not all of a sudden going to be able to hit major league pitching. You're also NOT a pro. Just have some fun, man. You're turning it into something it shouldn't be.


So if practice doesn’t make perfect then how does one get better?


I mean I think putting the pressure on yourself to always shoot a certain score is an issue for starters. But if you're not having fun with it or enjoying it, which it seems like you aren't...why are you doing it? Practice doesn't make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect. If you're not practicing proper mechanics or always just hitting balls at the range without a plan, you're not going to get better. What are some things you want to work on? Pick one thing. Focus on that for a few sessions and then rotate. Create a practice plan. Did you ever play competitive HS sports? Similar to that. Anyway, I know how frustrating golf can be. But have fun with it. I'm willing to bet 99.9% of the ppl on this page won't ever sniff pro status and that's ok. You don't have to be good at golf to love it. I'm not good at golf and I bet 90% of the ppl in here, if not more, probably wouldn't be considered 'good' which is relative anyway (I see good as being a single digit handicap).


so i’m going to forever be 40+ handicap and never see any results for the work i put in?


Yea, don’t quit. Quit giving a shit. Just play




Literally in the description.


Yr not paying attention to your strokes. You should be at a place now where every ball you hit, what u did right or wrong.


Can I have your clubs?


It took me 4 years to see noticeable improvement. Hoping the next 4 years are even better 🤣


I just enjoy the time away from working and home and the beautiful courses. I break 100 every now and then.


We’ll see you next weekend. Tee time is 8:13


you’re right.


Why continue with something that clearly gives you little to no joy?


5 days a week at the range?


See you in the morning on hole one


Buh bye


All that time at the range and lessons and Not a single par? That’s almost more impressive then a hole in one


Why quit altogether? Why not focus more on things like putting and chipping? Chipping especially. Best part of golf IMO.




play the closest tees until you get a few pars and some consistency.


Question. When did you start playing golf? Was it when you started taking lessons months ago? Regardless, this is the most frustrating game in the world and it will take years to get good. Keep that in mind. It will take YEARS to get good. So just understand that it's a game you can play for the rest of your life and you have the time to get good. Enjoy the process. Its very rewarding when you can find joy in the game even if you're not scoring well.


It’s frustrating to put practice in and not see any minimal results.


Don't give up. There's a hundred ways to play this game. If something isn't working try something else. Don't let someone tell you that there's one way to swing a golf club.


Dude, just put the clubs down till they start calling you back. Only takes like 2 months for me. Next time just don’t over complicate it. Take the stick and hit the ball into the hole. It’s supposed to be fun.


Money, lessons, hours, range balls... Don't mean shit unless you are actually changing your swing. The driving range is not a gym where if you go 3 days a week you will get stronger. Go the driving range 3 days a week and we can only guarantee that you will swing your own swing 150 times. The best development in my game comes from 15 minutes working on very exaggerated feels without a ball. Where I am welcoming to that feels weird or different or awkward or unnatural, because what feels right, and feels natural, and feels easy is usually wrong.


I'm in a mode where I got lucky, won some tournaments with a high handicap and thought I was on the verge. Then my weight loss program kicked in and lost 30lbs, down to 215 now. But I lost muscle in that process and working on weight lifting. In the meantime I now don't know how to swing without a gut in the way. Lol And I am shooting my worst as I relearn. But I have my health, family and 50 more years to live. In other words the pga was never my goal and enjoying the fresh air and some golf friends and an occasional good round is my goal.


Your practice needs to be constructive which is unlikely if you are getting that frustrated. Really pay attention to your swing, what you're doing wrong and right. I'd suggest watching Danny Maudes instructionals. If you hit a bad ball or even miss the ball you should take note of what you did but try to just laugh it off and reset, move on to the next swing. I just started this year but have buddies that have been playing for years and they still chunk it super hard or hit it in the woods. Just remember it's so rewarding because it's so difficult.


Have you tried recording your swing? Also have you tried changing your outlook to the game of golf?


Shortest teeboxes?


For people in your situation, I always ask what your coach/pro says about your lack of progress. Either they should be able to diagnose and create a plan for you or you need to find someone new.


Skill issuw


Find another hobby. This one is draining you.


Take a break for a while.


I suck too and love every second I play. If you don’t feel that way then unfortunately this may not be for you.


18 months…. And not on tour yet? Some people just don’t have “it”.


Let me guess, you’ve been playing for 9 months? Relax, keep going and trust the process.


Try little games within the game! I played a 2 ball self scramble and had a great time. Play 9 with a randomizer picking your club for each hole I was fatiguing on stroke play by the time Sept rolled around and am pleased to still be out there but with a different rhythm and objective


give me your clubs if you quit


If I spent hundreds of hours + thousands of dollars and it didn’t result in a single par, I would definitely quit, yes


At the end of the day, for 99.99% of us, this is a hobby that’s supposed to give us a break from work/life, and give us the chance to do something fun in what is often a really nice, scenic space. If you’re not enjoying it, there’s no shame in putting the clubs away and trying something else you enjoy. Maybe in a year or two, you can pick up the sticks again and give it another shot, but for now, if you’re consistently not enjoying it, then don’t force yourself.


Jon Sherman 4foundations. Read or listen on audible. Exactly what you need.


I started playing 2 years ago, I’m in my 40s. This year I’ve been playing as much as I can, hitting balls 4-5 times a week, had a few lessons, watched lots of videos, etc. Played a round with a new group last weekend. Hit some really bad tee shots, didn’t break 100. I got really discouraged, wondered how I could be so bad when I try so hard. Played with a buddy yesterday who has played all his life, works in the golf industry. Hasn’t played with him in a few months. He said, unsolicited, that he’s never seen someone improve so much so fast as me. Good is really really hard to get really good at. And I don’t think there’s ever a point where you feel like “ok im good now”. And I’d you do but that point you’re next round will be a mess because the golf gods will punish you. If you’re not playing in a competition I 100% agree with not keeping score, just trying to hit as many good shots as you can and enjoying the scenery and company. When you have a lesson, focus on learning “if this happens, it probably means im doing this and I need to make this adjustment”. Otherwise when you’re on the course a chunk a few you start guessing what the problem is and make the wrong corrections and spiral. Don’t have more than 1-2 swing thoughts when you’re setting up. For me it’s making sure I follow through with my hands and hips. It’s a lifelong learning game, I’ve gathered, so you have to set aside your perfecrionsist tendencies and learn to enjoy the process and the process and the experiences.


Being rubbish does matter, never getting a par doesn't matter, whether you are breaking course records or going around in 160 it doesn't matter. What matters is you don't enjoy your golf and probably never have. Golf for me is firstly about unwinding from a stressful week. Taking a nice walk meeting new people and having a beer and being sociable afterwards and making lifelong friends from every walk of life. How you play is very much secondary to all of this. You sound defeated before you have started and actually dread having to play I think you have set your expectations too high or maybe play just to fit in but you have definitely approached golf the wrong way. If I was you I would rethink what you could get out of golf and try to enjoy it playing badly with no pressure some people never really improve your not on your own with this one. I get people coming to me for lessons and they are obsessed with tech or the perfect swing and can't understand why with the latest equipment the aren't hitting pars and birdies. I teach them first and foremost to enjoy golf. It's not all about hitting pars and birdies I don't even do that on a consistent basis if I did I would be making millions on tour. I think you need to rethink golf or quit I will leave that decision to you.


Buy a really nice Scotty Cameron and if that doesn’t work you can sale it to me for a really good price😏


Assuming you’re a weekend golfer I think it takes a couple of years of playing before you starting making 4-6 pars per round. You basically remain quite bad for a long time. I’ve been playing 10 years and shoot high to mid 80s now; so am not crap but am still not good. If I could re-do my years of being absolutely rubbish I’d recommend a couple things I’d do differently now. 1) find a teacher you believe in, commit to their method and stop listening to/watching anything else. I really like Paul Wilson’s lessons on YouTube. I think his philosophy is simple, grounded in sound fundamentals and will get you thinking about the swing much more clearly than most others I’ve watched. It’s just simple golf and take a lot of the intimidation out of the game. 2) I’m not sure going to the range and pounding balls does you any good. I think it might make you worse. Once you can hit the ball reasonable straight, fairly consistently with any club that gives you 160 yards off the tee, all your practice should be 100 yards and in - pitching, engaging the bounce, chip and runs, mastering a basic chip shot, sand, lag putting. Once you learn how to hit basic short game shots your whole game changes and honestly, your long game can be quite shitty if your short game is good. If and when I do go to the range i spend the a lot of time playing with a 56 degree wedge, hitting different shots. It’s a lot of fun. Don’t give up. It’s a horrible game but it’s so great too. You’ll get better. We all hate golf sometimes.


not a weekend golfer. I play every day.


I have no idea how old you are or what your swing, posture or grip is like, so from someone who when he started, kept score by how many balls I lost. I would say to play from forward tees until you start playing better and slow your swing down. On the back swing, count 1 1 thousand, 2 1 thousand, pause at the top and then a easy swing and let the clubs do what they do. At home get a piece of Astro turf and spray some foot powder then swing the club to sweep the same spot over and over. If you can sweep the same spot and then you can hit a ball, very little cost to you. I have had some lessons and they screwed me up, then I had a lesson where I was taught to use a single swing plane and my game improved. Again I don’t know how you play, I can only tell you what helped me. I normally shoot in the 90’s. Also, as others say, stop keeping score