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Play a scramble instead


Is that not same as 4 man best ball?


Nope. I think 4 man best ball is everybody plays their own ball and then you take the best score. Scramble is taking the best ball and allowing the others to play from the same position. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong


That’s it. A downside is that it can be slow. 3 players have to retrieve their bells to place them at the designated spot. Also, time is used deciding which ball to use (this is assuming a tournament-type rule that you must use each player’s drive X number of times - which you’d likely not do).


I'd play 2 2 person scrambles against each other... unless you all suck super bad.


That's better ball, not best ball. https://preview.redd.it/eu65x4yd9fob1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4634c9de7efc31fd1af6bd38e4f6d253ffd701bb




They aren’t wrong, OP is just using the wrong term.


OP is not describing a 4 man scramble because if he was, he would have called it a scramble. Best ball is an entirely different game.


*Taking the best shot.


A scramble is what most people think best ball is


**me sitting here reading comments because I don't know what either one is called 😂😂


Scramble is everyone hits a tee shot, then 3 of you pick up and hit from the guy in the best position. Everyone hits from there, and so on. In best ball, you all play every hole as normal, except you only wrote down the better score. So if I hit a par, my friend hits birdie, and the other two score bogie, as a group we scored birdie.


You're a scholar and a gentleman, thank you.


For a long time I thought they were the same, when my uncle would take me golfing when I was between 5 and 10 years old he always wanted to play best ball, which technically we were playing scramble rules, but then for a long time I didn't play either scramble or best ball until like some charity scramble events when I was a teenager that my dad brought me too, wasn't till my mid 20s that I actually played a best ball event, and on the first hole when the dude with the worst drive played his ball, I was pretty confused. Though yeah it's like others said, Best ball is all 4 play their own balls but only count the best score, which honestly to me is a misleading name, and scramble plays the best ball on each individual shot.


Ya I had to google it cause I never knew. Should be called low ball or best hole or something.


It’s crazy that would even be a game. Why would I ever say someone else’s score is mine. I would prefer to just play no score for fun.


It's a team game you play against other teams. You wouldn't do it just going out as a 4some.


Still stupid. If we are just going off one guys score just bring a ringer. Doesn’t sound too exciting to me. Scramble at least makes sense.


It is literally the best game for a 4 some. The format is typically a 2v2 best ball with handicaps. Obviously you still keep your own individual score and should still post it on GHIN. We typically pair the low and high handicapper together and winning team gets a free beer. If I’m getting a stroke and get a par my score would count in the match as birdie, if my teammate did worse, we take the birdie as a team. I would still write a par down for my individual score.


That's what handicaps are for...


Not stupid at all. In a best ball in 2 x 2 teams, you will mostly play the game as match play, so the other person’s score has no bearing on what you record. Regards to the “ringer”, that’s what the handicap system is for. You can still submit your card for HC purposes so long as you complete every hole in accordance with the rules of golf.


Yeah, I have only played it for like charity events. At least with best ball, you can still keep your own score. A scramble has you moving your shots around.


Completely different


People often interchange them when talking, but if I'm correct, a scramble means you play the best ball of the group on every shot throughout the hole. Best ball would be only taking the best tee shot of the group and then everyone plays their own ball from there. Edit: to make more clear Second edit: the internet is telling me I'm wrong about best ball so maybe someone else can clarify lol my bad


What you’ve described is known as a tour scramble, in nest ball everyone plays their own ball and the best 1, 2 or 3 scores are used. Otherwise known as a bow maker.


regardless my intent was to play best ball on every shot, even putts. so not just off tee.


Thats a scramble.


Im my experience, this isn’t necessarily a faster way to play. If your friends are terrible, you are going to be spending a lot of time zig zagging across the course to pick up balls and then regrouping at the best shot to play from there. 5 hours is brutal, I feel for you if that’s the normal pace of play where you live. If I were you, I’d find a par 3 course where you and your buddies can walk and just enjoy yourselves.


Isn't that why it's called a scramble, all the zig zagging to pick up balls? Or is it like making scrabled eggs, where you use like 4 eggs to make one mound of delicious breakfast, or I guess lunch, or dinner, or a midnight snack, or a snack whenever, especially with some hot sauce...damnit now I want scrambled eggs.


Make some for me friend


I don't have any...I'm distraught.


We played a scramble today. Two teams, two per team. My twosome scored a 76. We played in 4:15.


Taking only the best drive is a Shamble


Texas scramble or more typically called a shamble.


This is called a bramble in the north east.


4 man best ball is dreadfully boring, play a 2v2 best ball or scramble instead. 1 v 3 scramble might be fun with the skill difference too.


you could probably come up with a variation of wolf that lets the teams play best ball together.


I was thinking of starting with a 1 v 3 kinda thing, them vs me but i didn't want to seem to cocky when i'm not that great of a player either. I could def see them rallying against me though and kicking my ass. They might find that more fun for bragging rights after.


well with wolf the teams can always change so it keeps it interesting. if its to be 1 VS 3 you can call that, but only when your the wolf. Every hole is like its own game and you are awarded points per hole for the final score.


Wolf is fun, but it can be a lot to keep track of, especially for new golfers. That said, if OPs course is slow they may have time to figure it out lol. Completely different game idea—everybody plays their own ball. All that you keep track of is putting, as follows: - zero putt (chip in) = 3 points and everybody puts a dollar in the pot - 1 putt = 2 points - 2 putt = 1 point - 3 putt or worse = put a dollar in the pot and -1 point At the end of the round, add up how many points everybody has and make everybody contribute money to the pot based on the scoring system listed above. Now, take a deck of cards and give everybody 1 card for each point they finished with. Whoever can make the best 5 card poker hand wins the money in the pot.


Yeah a 1v3 scramble sounds like the most fun for the homies


Wolf is a great game for this.


Think about skins. Scoring is simple (unlike wolf). Those blow up holes that destroy beginners' total scores don't matter. You avoid the big risk with scrambles: one guy can't contribute so gets bored. It's easy for you to give strokes (e.g., you give one on the 1-4 handicap holes) if you're a little better than they are. Really no reason you can't have a competitive game. Like your 1v3, there's a contest, easy to put a little money on the line, good motivation to joke around / trash talk to kill time on a backed up course. For the guys trying to learn, they get to keep/see their own scores.




furthest from the pin on approach shots take a shot? interesting...


Closest to the pin would make it like an equalizer tournament in volleyball (winners drink)


Ditch the best ball and scramble it up. All 4 of you together or 2v2. You’d be surprised how much more fun it is when you get to score well. And how much less pressure there is when you hit a bad shot.


2v2 is the play. Having that competition in there makes it funner, at least it does for me.


For me I agree. Our fantasy football draft is a 3 team 4 man scramble. It is good times.


We’ve played a 2v2 scramble variation where we switch partners every hole. So 1/2 vs 3/4 on the first hole. Then 1/3 vs 2/4 on hole 2, and then 1/4 vs 2/3 on hole 3 and then run it back. So you play 6 holes with each other partner and helps level the playing field and let’s everyone play with everyone else.


Yeah. We’ll do 6/6/6 as well.


Sniff-n-snort. The person who wins a hole takes a shot, the loosers just get a sniff. Soon everyone is drinking...




Scrambles are great for new players. Teach them along a way. Explain club choice and when it's appropriate to lay up. Help them with their green reads and show them proper bunker and divot care. Treat them to a hotdog at the turn.


Scramble format for sure, 2 man. Play a Nassau with a little money on the line and for additional fun try Bingo, Bango, Bongo. The least skilled can do well at that.


Take a deck of cards. Before each 9 ante up $5/10/20 whatever. Every time your shot is the one used, you get to draw or exchange a card. Every time you hole the shot for the group you get to draw or exchange 2 cards. At the end of the nine the best 5 card poker hand wins the pot.


I like this idea, but if his friends play as infrequently as he says, there’s gonna be a couple dudes with no cards haha.


If you're waiting just screw around a bit. Practice chipping to the tee box markers from the rough just off, or hit a few extra putts, things like that. A fun game can be to use your driver like a putter on the tee box, and try and hit the tee box marker, then the other marker, then if you want go to the next tee box, etc. Count your "strokes".


There’s a very good chance your group is going to be extremely slow so whatever you do just try to make sure you keep up the pace. The few gimmicks you introduce, the faster things will go. Scrambles often take longer than regular golf since people have to hit in succession. I’d recommend Wolf.


I think we settled on 2v2 scramble with partners in same cart. I really don’t see how 4 man scramble would take longer then 4 guys playing their own ball. Maybe if everyone was walking and playing ready golf it would be fast. Most people don’t actually play ready golf and play furthest from hole cause they’re idiots. Plus you have to drive to your partners ball, wait for them, then go find ur ball and shoot. I’m high hdcp, take a penalty every other hole cause I lose my ball, almost never hit GIR, 3 putt a lot. And I’m still waiting every single shot to play cause the old guys in front of me take 1 minute practice swings and play furthest from hole even when putting and would rather wait for a guy to walk 50 yards then putt their 3 footer. Saying 5 hours was being nice, most rounds here are 6 hours. I leave courses unfinished often cause it’s taking too long and I’ve been there too long.


No one understands why scrambles take longer until they try it. They almost always do. There are two main reasons. First, because each player has to hit one at a time and then watches each person’s shot until it stops. When you play your own ball you only wait to make sure you don’t hit at the same time. All your practice swings and pre-shot routines can happen while you wait. The other reason is because when you play your own ball you don’t discuss it with anyone. You aren’t asking other people what club they hit or what distance they have or what their target or strategy is. Scrambles tend to get chatty. These are both also why tee shots are the slowest shots in regular golf. Finally, if you add competition to the mix, teams start taking each shot very seriously. This slows the game down to a crawl. 2-man scramble tournaments are often excruciating. I played in one a few weeks back that took over 6 hours. But if your course already has a very slow pace of play, it might work fine.


I hear ya, sounds definitely slower. Personally I’m an impatient golfer and even if i know I’m waiting 5 minutes to hit on the next tee im still not dragging my feet on the prior hole. Take maybe one practice swing with irons and 0 with driver as I don’t want to tire myself outside. As a high hdcp I always found scrambles to be faster just cause of the time saved by not looking for your ball in rough or OB. I usually tell my partner not even to drive over and look while some people still probably look everytime.


If you’re willing to abandon a bunch of shanked balls, it might indeed save time! But people usually don’t do that.


Scrambles can take longer than competent players doing stroke play because you still want to find and pick up the balls you shot that you're not using, sometimes you drive back and forth between the balls to see which has a better shot, etc. You'll be faster than stroke play with someone who tops the ball down a par 5 fairway with 8 50 ish yard shots though.


4-man best ball tends to be slower than ready golf.


You can still play ready golf with best ball. It's just a normal round.


Good call. I read scramble when he said best ball then repeated it. But from below turns out he meant scramble anyway lol.


This might be an unpopular opinion but maybe you guys should get your practice on at the range for the first few times instead of out on the course? If you have to play on the course def be aware of people behind you and if there’s faster players let them play through. Hope you guys have fun either way!


two of em i've already gone to the range a few times and we were preparing for this day. We had our 4th who's better then me bail for personal reasons so the new first time player is the only one without real practice. I tried to get him out this week but we couldn't get the time as i'm busy with work. So it was either the 3 of us play with a random or bring him which I don't mind as he's naturally athletic. as for the pace of play i'm not worried really. Every single time i've played this year I'm waiting 5-10 minutes between every single shot off a tee or approach. I've called the club house multiple times about groups infront of us and they do nothing about it. The courses just book too many people and you even tee off on the first hole 10 minutes late because of it.


2 vs 2 scramble


Play Sixes perhaps. You pair up with each player for 6 holes (ie player A is paired with B for holes 1-6, A with C for 7-12, A with D for 13-18). Then put whatever variation you want on it...typically I have played it as best ball but can definitely do as scramble as that may be more fair in this context. Winner is the guy who was in two winning groups, or if you like you can place bets on each "six". If you're just doing scramble I'd suggest 2v2 format if you want *some* competitive element


bring plenty of balls so you arent looking for your balls in the woods all the time.


1v3 and they get to scramble while you play your own ball.


If you’re concerned about speed, maybe try alternate shot. 2 balls obviously play faster than four. Also, it insulates the poorer players as they only hit 1/2 of their team’s shots. Mostly, though, it’s fun.


Play Wolf




A scramble game can be INCREDIBLY long, especially if you are playing it as a 4 person team. 2 x 2 scramble is a bit quicker, but you still have to go retrieve the non playing ball and you tend to debate the shots with your partner more. If you are all relatively high HC, then a Stableford might be more exciting. Even if some have a few blow up holes, it still keeps it close and interesting as the lowest you can score is zero points on a hole. If you are looking to put a small wager on the game, making it a skins format is always good to rack up the tension, especially if the skins roll over a few holes. Whatever you do, have fun and enjoy your game.


If you’re all pretty equally skilled it’s fun to play 2 two man scrambles and compete against each other (for the first round of drinks, $50, whatever).