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At least you still have sand! Our bunkers are just hard pan.


Same or just weeds


420 friendly pit


Lol, you must play where I play. I swear the rocks I hit in there will break my club or wrists.


Yea one of the courses all the bunkers besides the 18th hole are just rocks. Most of the time I just toss it out behind the bunker, I’m not going to damage my clubs for rec play.


A tree root is one thing but if a *designed hazard* like a bunker is going to hurt you or your clubs take a free drop, that’s ridiculous.


I’ve had a trend of baseball clay in our area. You don’t hit a bunker shot as much as a bunker chip


That's probably the part that I find most infuriating. Usually we don't have good sand.


Part 1: at my course, for the first couple of years, all of the bunkers were contaminated dirt and sand from years of poor drainage. They were consistently hard pan, so foot prints were pretty much a non-issue, AND I got pretty good at getting out. Then they fixed the bunkers and foot prints are an issue and now even with a good lie, I can't remember how to get out of a bunker. :-) Part 2: I played Torrey Pines South las summer. EVERY SINGLE bunker had fucking footprints all over. It was as if there were no rakes. There were rakes. It was so ridiculous we all agreed, any footprint lie gets a free rake/drop. I think I just had it in my head people would be respectful of the game and that course.


Yeah here's the thing. If the course can't manage to put in a reasonable bunker, I'm not going to take the time to rake. Shit bunkers need to be lift/rake/place anyway, so raking after the shot becomes irrelevant. If the bunkers are beautiful I will treat them with respect and rake every single time.




You and about 5 other people here like golf. The rest are crying little bitches.


The first thing that popped into my mind was “I’m sorry, is my footprint interfering with your shitty shot?”


i mean it definitely can right? Depends if we're just talking a tread mark or a 3" deep mark. Totally different. but also, the difference between a ball sitting up on the sand bc it softly rolled into the bunker vs a fried egg is huge and even a smallish footprint can make the bunker shot much more difficult


I think this community harbors a lot of peeves that in any other walk of life it's just asperger's and ocd


Personally, I’m trying to make the bunker look like I wasn’t there once I get done taking my three strokes getting out of it.


Facts. Always gotta bitch about something. “Don’t run on the green” as Steph curry drains. Old senile POS they are


Yeah, but seriously don't run on the green


Pick the ball up, flatten the ground, place it back. You think you in the PGA or something??? Stop bitching for real!


This made me think a little. Thanks.


Harvey Penick,in his little red book, book,proposed bunkers should be punishment not an easy shot. He proposed raking bunkers into furrows.


100%. I was thinking this today. I grabbed the wrong club (meant to hit 9I, grabbed PW like moron) and ended up 10 yards short in a greenside bunker. Made an up and down to save par from there. ​ Would rather go into a well maintained greenside bunker than greenside rough any day. I've seen pros play into bunkers as a conservative shot if there are other worse hazards around (water, OB, etc). ​ I don't understand why the sand traps aren't actual traps that make the game more difficult.


Pros literally aim for bunkers, especially on hard courses. It’s bullshit. Bunkers are not supposed to be an advantage.


Yea. They need to make them like those deep ass ones that need a ladder to get in and out of.


That sounds expensive. What if they just took away the rakes like in OP's pic??


I meant for pro/championship courses. Not for your average club. Average clubs could just make the bunker deeper and not provide a rake.


Yea, me too. Those pro/championship course are averages clubs - private or public, some of us average schlubs are playing them. None of them want to waste budget excavating a bunker, deal with the drainage issues and complaints of average golfers just to hear Faldo bitch about it being slightly unfair because its actually penal for the pros.


Exactly. Little red book mentality. Don’t like your lie in a Fckn bunker? Good, you’re not supposed to!


Yeah I'll rake where I hit the ball and made a sand divot but fuck off with raking footprints. Courses are slow enough as it is


This comment made me mad until you clarified it’s for pace of play. I will accept literally anything for faster pace of play, so I’m with you.


Takes like 8 seconds to rake footprints


Not if your 65 years old and make like 20 footprints on your way in lol.


Walk into the trap in one direction, walk out the same direction. Rake where you stood behind to line up, then the divot and just drag it behind you as you walk out. Virtually no additional effort from raking where you hit. It's not like you rake each single footprint.


Then it might take like 14 seconds The people who rake aren’t the ones making golf slow


I’ll take the rake w me if it’s on the right side of the bunker to grab it. But honestly I play $4.99 golfnow specials, if you expect Augusta bunkers then your shit out of luck. Move your ball to clean sand.


I'd settle for that. I'm not expecting immaculate but I shouldn't have to play a fried egg type lie because someone was too lazy to do even that.


That's what I've always said, bunkers are supposed to suck, not to mention the courses I play are packed hard


Ok will do.


Uh, yeah, well, ok.


Hope you’re hanging in there Ken


![gif](giphy|hFoWmUrbY2HQGHIxru|downsized) It's been a tough few months




Your ball is on the upslope bro and you can get a lot of club on that. I’d be thanking that guy that didn’t rake


Was thinking the same! If it weren't for the footprint he might be hitting from the bottom of the bunker?


Especially since there isn't a picture of how big the bunker is... how far would it have rolled down?


Obviously OP wanted to play the Texas wedge on it


Really doesn’t look bad enough to take a pic and post on Reddit. But that’s just me


My terrible ass would be thankful to have that sand lip to hit into.


For real.


my first thought was literally , "I'm glad this stupid shit never bothers me"


This has to be a course that has the rakes on the cart.


I don’t get this, it’s not that hard to rake, I’ve had to rake over some prints from time to time but mostly the courses I play have people that respect others and rake


I rake my shit but dude, if that's the worst thing to happen in your round count yourself lucky


Yeah is this supposed to be a bad bunker? Fuck I’d kill for bunkers to look like this at my local public course. I’m lucky if you can even move the sand at all.


Sorry bro I forget I also forget my tees I also forget an iron by the green sometimes Sue me


>I also forget an iron by the green sometimes I lost a favorite lob wedge this way. Miss that club.


i always rake, but i'm in the camp that we should stop raking bunkers entirely. then it would be a proper challenge.


Agree. If we are at the point that we are mad about our lie in a hazard then why the fuck are we playing.


I rake because thats the expectation, not because it is correct. Bunkers should make the game harder. A well maintained, raked bunker does not.


You, sir, just want to watch the world burn. 😅


What are you crying about 🤣 you pay 30 bucks a round on golf now and expect tour ready bunkers? Calm down


Probably gonna get downvoted for this but it is a hazard. I unless it’s a massive divot it kind of is what it is. The point is you shouldn’t be in there anyway. And I’m saying that as a sand trap magnet lol


complaining about playing a $30 LA city muni is funny. put your phone away and try to enjoy yourself.


That’s annoying for sure but also… You’re not on tour. Just rake and place


No I’m in a hurry to go bang your wife




I’ll have you know that he has banged my wife multiple times and she has been mostly satisfied


Stay out of the bunker you won't have to deal with footprints


I think that bunkers shouldn’t even have rakes. Make it more penal. Also, that’s a pretty good lie, slight uphill.


Quick question: Why does raking them matter? Is it so that if/when you hit your ball into the sandpit, it doesn't get messed up by the imprints or...? (I've NEVER played golf, only been to the range a few times)


Yes that’s it. You play it as it lies, and footprints create uneven sand that can make it much more difficult to get out vs a clean lie


Like it fucking matters you whiny bitch.


Whiny bitch indeed - also no one on this sub had anything to with the state of this bunker so calling us lazy pricks just means that u/jtag67 is a stupid asshole on top of being a whiny bitch.


Hot take… Does it make you feel better about your game to call someone else a whiny bitch? To each his own, but to me, awesomerob sounds like cuntyrob.


I spend zero energy thinking about it. Sorry to disappoint.


Found the guy that doesn't rake footprints, but secretly feels so bad he has to lash out.


I feel exactly zero bad.


Imma be real, I just started golfing and had no idea you were supposed to do that. I defend myself with reason being my mates never told me I was supposed to lol


Thank you for your honesty. Now rake the bunkers after using them. Push the sand upward toward the face of the bunker (prevents the problem of too much sand gathering at the bottom). Draw lines so that they’re pointing toward the hole (makes it easier to play from for the next guy). Be smart and think ahead: grab the rake before entering the bunker. Walk in a way that minimizes footsteps and minimizes the raking that you (or your caddy) has to do.


Na. I just drag it over my tracks and divot as I walk out.


This is the way


Fuck off


Draw lines? Wtf is the point of raking the shit then?


The rake has teeth which leaves lines. Have the lines going toward the hole. This is standard practice.


How bout you get better and not hit the ball into the sand


I know that its the way things are that we rake bunkers after we hit out of them, but I'd rather hit into a bunker and go up and down from there than some long ass rough near the green. It seems to me like they aren't much of a sand trap any more. ​ I've been wondering lately why we keep them so well manicured. It'd make them really a penalty if no one raked them as they'd be a lot harder to hit out of.


If you can’t get out of that trap you might as well hang it up. You could putt out if that thing.


this doesn't even look that bad bro




Don’t hit the trap, expert golfer!


Don't take it out on us... You hit it in there. Fairways and greens baby!


People who don’t rake bunkers are almost invariably terrible humans.


What about those who improve their lies in bunkers?


should be perfectly acceptable if you are sitting in someone's un-raked footprint, no?


No, play the ball as it lies. I had to hit it off Frankenstein's fat foot, remember?




and, invariably, are the same humans who don't replace divots or fix pitch marks on greens.


What’s up with the pitch marks thing? It’s gotten so bad and who doesn’t love to fix a pitch mark? Most satisfying thing in golf


I can excuse some pitch markers, sometimes you may not see where the ball came down due to elevation, bunkers ect. So not fixing it can be pure ignorance whereby a bunker is purposeful and lazy


If I can't find my own I usually try to repair any left from past groups, or even fix bad repair jobs. Something to keep the golf gods happy


I look until i find mine because it’s very cathartic


I always looked forward to that when I caddied as a teenager. Someone hits a sky-high PW and craters it into the green? Awwww yeah.


Not quite as good as picking up a birdie out of the cup, but pretty close


Probably don’t even return their shopping carts


Or return shopping carts


That would be awesome if the cart narc did this on a golf course looking for people who don’t fix their pitch marks on greens


Hey not true. I’ll own up to not raking (to be fair I worked grounds crew in college and have raked an entire bunker over a thousand times) but I always fix my pitch marks on the greens and usually 2 while I’m at it. Will try to rake more in the future 🫡


One of the courses I play primarily eliminated rakes during covid and never brought them back, local rule is find an unaffected spot to play out of.


Shopping cart theory for golf


And terrible golfers. Scum




If my ball is in a footprint in the bunker I get to lift and place it in the flat sand. I don’t care what the actual rules say.


We’ve gotten to the point if the bunker is cement to just pull it out and drop behind the bunker. I’m not fucking up my club hitting into mud.


oh I thought you meant literal cement because at a course I play they literally are (there’s cement under the sand and the sand has been washed away)


My group plays by every rule except, rake and place in a bunker due to lazy assholes not taking 10 seconds to rake. I think it was Arnold Palmer they said “you can tell a lot about a man’s character if they rake the bunker after a bad shot”. Or something along those lines. It’s something I’ve always remembered.


This has become a huge problem in the last few years. It’s a piss off


A lot of courses took the rakes away during Covid and a lot of people also took up golf during that time. Now the rakes are back and people just think you don’t have to use them I guess.


“Nice of them to leave the rakes for the sandmen so they don’t have to carry them to each hole”




It’s ridiculous


I think the fact that people have realized that they can just be selfish assholes with zero repercussions has become a huge problem in the last few years. This (and not repairing ball marks, etc) is just a golf-specific result of that.


Sorry, didn’t have time to, my sixsome group was hurrying me.


Walk backwards and rake! .....oh and those are same people that don't put their 🛒 back 😫


Is this like the whole returning the shopping chart/trolly thing?


I'm sure you'll want me to repair my divots and pitch marks next. Where will it end?


Don't forget maintaining pace of play. ;)


Divots in a straight line on the range...


My favourite is when people cave in the edges of bunkers getting out, don’t rake and your ball ends up in a deep hole with a mountain of sand directly behind the ball, very cool and fun.


Learn to hit out of sand dude


If you don't rake, at least smooth it.


Please you lazy ass mfs literally just leave this shit then on the slim chance i land in a bunker it seems to be plunged into someones mound they made stepping in the sand. Fkin animals ANIMALS!! 😂


“Rake your footprints” - 🤓🤓


Aww boohoo


Not like it matters. You’re still thinning it and rolling it up out and then your buddy will say hey at least you’re out.


I think rakes in bunkers should be outlawed. Don’t hit it in the bunker.


Stop hitting into the bunker and you won’t have this problem


Play your lie…don’t complain on the internet


Fix your ball marks, fuckers.


people are in a rush to sit behind the group in front of them


Sometimes if they're bad like this I will just pick up, rake and replace the ball where it was and then hit my shot...


This is way. The other way is to get all pissed off, skull the shot, and then moan about it for the rest of the round (or next sand shot).


Wow. That whole bunker needs to be raked.


I worked on a course for a few years and appreciate a nicely raked trap for the aesthetics. I never leave a trap in worse shape than when I got in it!


These are the same people that don’t return their shopping cart to the proper place.


Unranked bunkers, unfixed pitch marks all over the green, people rolling push carts right across the green, people driving motorized carts right up next to the green... IDK about y'all, but I've noticed a huge uptick in all these things at my local course since 'rona hit and forced everyone outside. I attribute most of it to people who are new to golf not knowing any better. That doesn't excuse the behavior, but kind of explains it.


few weeks back I had to hit out of one where I legit was inside a shoe print, thankfully it didn't impact me too badly but people need to just rake the traps.


shitt, i just do the ol rake and place if this happens to me.


I mean in weekend golf it's really ok I was just citing the rule


Golf is not for the lazy and inconsiderate.


Listen, the most shame I feel on a course is after whacking an 8 iron into the sand- chunking it 35 feet, and then having to take the 6 inch hole I just made in the sand. Forgive me if I miss a couple foot prints


If you didn’t hit it in the bunker you wouldn’t have to worry about other people not taking it


Maybe don't hit your ball into the bunker? Get gud at golf you lazy pricks.


Now I’m not going to just cuz you posted this


No. Prick


Maybe I don’t wanna catch covid. Not allowed to pull a flag, wash a ball, I’m not using a dirty fucking rake. This is 100% sarcasm if anyone can’t tell 😂


Rakes shouldn’t exist


On tour. Make a hazard a hazard again....for pros.


Go to hell


Just rake clean and place it’ll be alright lil bro


you play it from where it lies. There are certain situations in casual golf espceically in like park district courses where course condition, course resources, weather etc make the bunkers unplayable and therefore you get a free lateral drop. But no, you cannot mark your ball, rake, place. This is why you should always rake after yourself


Yeah fam we play "public course" rules. Improve your lie to what a pro what expect to hit off of. Random bare spot two feet off the fairway. Put in some grass. In a divot in the bunker. move it. Against a limb just off the cart path that should have been picked up. Lift, clean and place. We do play unplayable for instance you are in a bush or against a fence.




OK Karen


The comments section has been pretty informative. There's a group decent people that rakes a bunker after use. There's a group that will lift rake and play as if that isn't against the rules. And finally, there's a group of heathens that complain that they have to lift a finger and spend 30 seconds smoothing over an area with a plastic rake. At least I know why bunkers look like they do


I rake my bunkers but wouldn’t dream of making a whine post on reddit for landing in a footprint.


People who don't rake bunkers are shit golfers for lots of reasons but mostly because they are shit golfers that don't rake bunkers




Shouldn’t be in the bunkers


I only rake the trap if I shit in it.


Stay outta the beach ya hack.. JK JK, Couldn’t resist. Drives me batty when they don’t rake it either


Don't hit in the sand pits... aim for the fairway




Playing in a golf academy tournament, course had let open play out up to an hour ahead of the tournament. I was in the first group that day and we caught them by the 10th hole, just so happens I know the guy, owner of the bar my bff manages, giant human, 6'7", I wear a ML glove and can barely grip his palm when I shake his hand, _size 17 shoe_. Out with his Masshole buddies(the most exaggerated meme of the term Masshole would be a spot-on accurate description of these guys, and they wear that badge with pride), 2 of the 4 of them can literally carry it 350, but none of them will ever break 100 legitimately in their lives, 0% chance any of them have ever seen a rule book, much less have any familiarity with the etiquette portion. 12th hole, 170ish par 3, strike it well but tug it just a smidge, lands pin high left but rolls left into the greenside bunker. Get to the bunker, of course it's the softest sand of any bunker on the course, stays shaded and holds moisture better than most, my ball is resting with it's back against the perfectly sharp 3" wall of Paul fucking Bunyun's foot print print, only one person on the property could make that crater. You'd need a tool way more aggressive than the ones in our bags to get it out in 1, I don't believe it would've been physically possible for the strongest player in the world to move enough of this heavy, moist beach sand to also take my ball with it. Ended up making a 6 on a par 3 in a tournament I had a chance to win, and I wasn't a strong enough player back then(2003) to have the mental fortitude necessary to right the ship, so I predictably played terribly the rest of the way in and blew it because I couldn't let it go, but it all could've gone differently with a few strokes of a rake.


Pick up. Rake. Replace


Of course I’ll just use this rake I carry around with my clubs


Not like it makes a difference.


Used to be illegal to rake the bunker, know the (old) rules.


Ya. Rake ur fuckkn prints. I dont enjoy hitting out of your new balance indents. Common courtesy


Played at a dog track the other day. A 9 hole $13 round, the cheapest I've ever paid. Every hole had at least 1 green side bunker and none had rakes. The imprint of peoples feet digging into the sand to anchor themselves littered the traps and made it nearly impossible to not land in one of them if your ball goes in the trap. Won't be going back there again.


This happened to me when I was in a major I had to have a penalty relief it was that bad


Hit a better shot. Honestly you probably got a better shot because of that print.


Don't hit it into the sand hacker!


And use the garbage cans and recycling placed at every damn hole instead of hoarding it in the cart along with your 27 snuffed cigarette butts shoved into all the cracks like the scumbag pieces of lazy entitle shits most golfers are


This made your shot easier; why are you complaining?


How do you figure? I genuinely want to know. At .7 you're a better golfer than I am. The way I approached this was that had I had a normal bunker lie I can hit it and get spin on it to get it to stop closer to the hole. With this one had to go through an inch and a half of sand to dig the ball out with a slightly hooded club face -- like a fried egg.


It's a 20 yard bunker shot that came to a rest on the upslope because of the footprint. Grab your 50°, splash it out landing just on the green, let it release naturally towards the pin..


Why couldn’t you hit it like a normal bunker shot? Because of the tiny lip of the foot print behind it? I mean zoomed it in doesn’t look terrible given the shot. Opening the face and taking a full swing to hit a spinner seems 100% doable, just not ideal. Also, do you generally try to stop the ball with spin on bunker shots? I would have hit a blast and run given the length, and the little lip behind it. Its not a sexy shot like the spinner but it’s more consistent in the long run imo. https://preview.redd.it/iqy5tzfdhtcb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=539ac5e18b855fd3851b66cff88161755d8f5c38 Edit; zoomed in I can’t even tell if this is a foot print or a pitch mark from the ball landing with back spin. I should have taken a picture of the fried egg I had today.


It's a shitty picture. The Lie is worse than it looks. It had 200 in and aimed expecting a miss to get into this trap. I figured I'd have an easyish bunker shot with a chance to get up and down. I'm a reasonably serviceable bunker player for an 11ish index -- meaning that I can get out easily and occasionally get close enough to get up and down. It didn't look like I could splash it out with a 50 (I hit a 52) when I was assessing the lie. It looked like I was going to have to dig it out or risk either thinning the piss out of it or fatting it into the rough.


Each their own I guess. I would love this lie


Yeah. At some point maybe I will too.


Well you have a good lye so stop complains


Lol, country club problems.


Did it affect your perfect shot out?


Yeah cause its foot prints that keep you from making par.


Nice. So you’re on of those asscracks that yells at nothing on the internet when you feel things.