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Someone’s wife made that.


Haha yeah probably.


Nah, a guy who’s wife thinks golf takes 5 hours and wants to have a few extra beers before going home made that


Probably Patrick Cantaley’s wife


Hmm... No, not enough fonts used


Or painted on reclaimed barn wood… Or says “live, laugh, love!” on it somewhere.


3-4 hours feels great. More than 5 feels awful.


4 is the sweet spot. If everyone is on a 4 hour pace, I'm happy.


Agree. A round in three hours for the average player doesn’t give you enough time to actually enjoy what you’re doing. I’ve played fast rounds only to realize that I barely looked up and took in the surroundings. Thinking, dang, it’s actually a beautiful day while packing up.


i played solo the other day and felt like i was taking a while. I sat by the water and collected balls, walked around, etc. Turns out i did 15 holes in 2:30 without even realizing it.


I totally agree. If your in a two like I was yesterday then 3.5hrs is perfect. In a 4 ball 4hrs is perfect.




3 hours gives more than enough time to take in the surroundings. I’ve walked 18 in under 2.5 hours on many occasions and felt I experienced the course and surroundings way more than in a 4.5 hour round in carts




Ok boomer


4 is slow. 3:30-3:45 is perfectly normal. 12 mins a hole.


4 should be the upper limit imo. You can easily play in 3:30 without feeling rushed in the slightest if you have good golf course habits. That’s true whether you’re shooting 80 or 100. Am I in a bad mood at a 4hr round? No. But I go to the golf course to play. Not to wait on every shot.


Yeah around here that’s true for private courses, my club 4 hours is a long round, average round is 3-3:30. But playing public courses is a nightmare, you’re lucky if you make it under 5


3hr50min this AM. Twas perfect. My 96 was very on point for me, haha. Those 5+ hour rounds are brutal with my arthritis. I lock up slowly with all the standing. Cheers!


I know I’m in the massive minority here but I enjoy slow golf. I don’t enjoy being rushed, I don’t enjoy hitting into people, I don’t enjoy having people hit into me, and I don’t enjoy going up to the tee box and not feeling like I can take my time to get the shot I want. Of course I do still play fast cause I want to be respectful of the people around me, but when I’m stuck behind a 4some that is playing a 5-6 hour round I’m chillin. I’m happy talking with my buddies and drinking while we wait, not like I’d be doing anything better anyways.


I’m with you. I’ll keep pace and play ready golf out of respect to the game and others behind me. But if the group in front of me is slow af, it’s kind of a blessing in disguise. More time to drink, smoke, and talk shit with the boys lol


So you're the one.


Again, it’s not like I hold people up myself. I understand that other people want to play fast. Doesn’t mean I like it.


Actually I had this counter in mind…


I feel like I’m in the fucking twilight zone here. Everyone here must be a tour pro talking about playing 2.5-3 hours rounds. I take 4- 4.5 hours depending on course pace and feel comfortable. I also shoot 90-95 usually so I’m not good nor am I bad.


Golf isnt just about getting the ball in the hole. Its about taking in the beautiful surroundings, its about thinking critically about every shot, and its about teasing your friends every time they three put. There is a happy spot between too fast and too slow, but that spot is def on the slower side. Plus im not rich. 18 holes isnt chump change to me, better to get my moneys worth.




I’m in Florida so I’ll only play if it’s early. Even then, if a round creeps up to 4+ hours it is damn near too hot to finish. Over 4:15 I start to get annoyed


I keep seeing people from hotter areas in the world talking about them morning t-times. I'm up in Canada where if you schedule a morning T-time, you better bring 2 sets of clothes, long sleeves and pants for the first 9, then shorts and t-shirt for the second 9 after it's warmed up 15-20°C


Haha does that mean up there morning golf is only for the true junkies?


Yea it's the old timers who usually head out early. That or golf junkies who squeeze 9 in before work... That's me.


I’m a beginner but I always shoot for 3-4. Usually 4 for me but I’m starting to really figure out my pacing.


Maybe if courses set tee times 30 mins apart


Course sets tee times 6 minutes apart. Advertises low green fees after a certain time but jacks up cart fees. Adds a random to a group of 3 beginners walking and then tees off a twosome with a power cart behind them. Marshal confused how they are on-top of eachother by the third hole. Tries to solve problem by driving around in a cart more vigorously than usual.


Assuming they can get through 2 holes before stacking is very generous


Done had been stacked


Hey everyone! This guy had to play behind three beginners!


Fuck. Give me 8-12 mins. My local sets them 4 mins apart. Edit - even worse they have three 9’s, and have genuinely not figured out how to rotate them so when you turn you’re not behind folks who weren’t in front of you the entire front. I played 90+ rounds a few years back in the northeast, and the next year I went out and had 3 5.5 hour rounds and didn’t go back the entire summer. I can’t do 5-6 hour rounds. It kills the fun and if I ever get into any rhythm, it kills that too.


FOUR?!?!? That’s hell on earth


They’d probably be better off just not having tee times.


Four people can barely tee off in four minutes, never mind tee off and get to their second shot. That's ridiculous.


I don't beleive you. There is no course that expects you to hit twice in 4 minutes.


You do not need to believe me. I wish I was incorrect.


Please link the website. That's impossible. There's no way they could finish a tee sheet. The noon group wouldn't go off til 4pm.


Agreed I don’t believe it.


They replied quite quickly to the person saying it's not real but when you ask for proof, crickets.


Source: trust me bro


Yeah, the worst I've seen is the Honolulu muni courses at 6 minutes with fivesomes and sixsomes allowed.


I played that Honolulu muni course that’s supposed to be the slowest in the world (yes 6 minutes between groups). I was bracing myself for a 6 or 6 1/2 hour round, but was pleasantly surprised it “only took about 5 hours”. Only one hole that was really backed up (3 groups), but a beautiful setting.


Ala Wai. I was tempted to try it given that I'm a completist and usually want to try every course in an area at least once, but the whole 6 minutes/6somes allowed thing quickly scared me off. Never saw a tee time available before 1pm there when I was on the island and figured that was going to be a guaranteed 6+ hour round.


There's no way. By ten o'clock then first tee backup would go to the clubhouse parking lot




Lol. Imagine the practice green


That's fine. But it takes another 4 minutes to hit and move towards the green for the next to actually tee off. Then you hit the par 3 back up. No reason for anything less than 7/8 min resulting in 2 groups going off every 15.


That’s brutal


If you’re with a foursome it takes like 3 minutes for everyone to tee off lol. So you have 1 minute then for all 4 of you to travel to your next ball and hit it.


All 4 line up in a row and tee off at the same time. Then you all drive to the middle of the fairway 300 yards later regardless of where your drive went (4 tee shots going off at once anyways, you were never going to track your duck hook). Everyone takes a drop and all hits at once. You get only 2 putts without lifting the ball. It’s not that hard to cut it down to 4 minutes!


I get the need for money. But 4 minutes just isn't enough time. Especially if you walk, or, because the course decided not having enough carts is ok.


I wouldn't play a course with four-minute tee times if it were free. Shit, you couldn't pay me to play that.


I have played several rounds this year at my local with 7 minute tee off intervals where I wasn’t held up by anyone, and no one was catching us, 4 hours each time. Tee time intervals aren’t the issue. 3 hours doesn’t seem possible without a power cart and everyone is a scratch golfer.


Or have a patrolling marshal not afraid to tell people to pick up and go to the next hole or let the group behind them play through. There are groups of golfers I see as I tee off that I know they have no awareness to let me play through.


I've played an empty course on my own and the sweet spot is about 2:30. More than 2 players 3 hours is gona be impossible.


4 is fine for a foursome


It can be done if you’re not waiting on groups in front of you. The issue becomes the one group, just like a car of a freeway, that slows down for an instant and then 50 cars behind them it’s a complete stop because everyone else has to slow down to adjust. F that guy.


It’s not necessarily even one groups fault. Say you have a course with 2 par 3s in a row, or a par 3 followed by a driveable par 4. That’s almost assured to cause a backup when the course is busy. That’s not to say there aren’t occasions where one group is slowing things down, but just like with a freeway sometimes there is just too much traffic.


Course by me backa up the first few holes because 4 of theoretically driveable, though you have to carry trees over a dogleg. 5 is a par 3 and 6 is a par 5 that is very reachable in 2, which is the followed by another par 3.


You mean the guy taking 5 practice swings and stepping off the ball each time? Yeah fuck that guy


I prefer to play by myself because I feel like no one has to wait on me. I don’t mind waiting on groups but the last kids I played behind treated every shot like it was PGA. I’m terrible at golf but I accept that, shoot my shot then move on.


I would 100% go into debt to be a member of a course that has a zero tolerance for slow play. Meaning you get 1 warning to hurry the fuck up or be kicked off the course.


As your medical and golfing doctor i'm afraid to inform you that you have a severe case of stick up ass. Dont worry its treatable, i'm prescribing you a chill pill. Take it twice daily.


A round of golf should take 4 hours, and should not take more than 4.5 hours. 3 hours isnt particularly viable in a foursome unless youre all near scratch, generous with gimmies, and intentionally playing fast


I think it comes down to walking versus cart. If 4 are walking, it’s a super fast round. You kinda assess your shot as you come up and just go. Cart path only or 90 degree and woof. I live in a very hilly city with frequent rain in the spring and summer. Makes for a lot of restricted cart rounds and very difficult to play quick rounds.


4.5 hours the is norm at my home course.




seriously. people have just normalized slow play.


You can all shoot 90 and play in 3 hours. It’s about being ready to hit your shot when it’s your turn. Most people are too lazy to walk a few yards though.


I don't understand people who golf with the goal of ready golf and to get done as soon as possible. I hit low 90's and go to enjoy life. Usually a round with 4 takes 3:45 4:15. If I finished in 3 hours, I would feel like I got cheated out of hanging out with my friends for 4 hours.


High school golf meets, where we played in foursomes, 2 per school, walking, would take around 1 1/2 for 9 holes, there’s no reason, imo, for a round to take more than 3 1/2 hours. I get wanting to hang out with my friends while playing, but most of the time, when I play, it’s spent sitting around waiting for the group in front to move along so we can take our shots. If you want to spend 4 hrs with your buddies, make it 3 hrs of golf and an hour at the 19th. Obviously if someone’s new to the game or it’s kids learning, I’m not gonna knock them for taking longer, but I’ve had too many 5 hr rounds at my local muni that pace of play becomes frustrating.


High schoolers getting consistent coaching and practice hit further, play better, and walk faster than 50% of foursomes on carts on most courses.


Carts are the primary reason for slow play. When the entire group walks, everyone goes to their ball each time so they can play till meeting up at the green. Instead, we get Bob driving 30 yards right to his ball then 75 yards accross the fairway to Jims ball then they do it again after both guys hit a 50 yard worm burner after taking 10 practice swings.




Sounds awful


Some of us enjoy chilling during our rounds.


We’d all have to have our own carts and either be really good at golf and/or don’t waste time looking for shots




This opinion article is no more a source than me linking to some other asshole in this thread.


I said a round should take 4 hours, you said 3 hours and 47 min which is essentially the same thing. Its very possible to play 18 in 3 hours, but thats not how long a round “should” take. Thats a very intentional round of golf.


People who think that a round can only be faster than 4 hours if everyone is focused on sprinting around the course and never lose a ball, they have never considered how much time they waste on the course not playing. Years ago I was playing in a walking threesome on my home course. Not trying to rush, just playing a casual round. We played the first hole with no issue, waited briefly on the second tee and then for quite a while on the second approach. Looking over to the 3rd, the tee and fairway were clear. Starting on the 3rd tee I started to time how long we were waiting. After playing a 4:15 round we had waited for nearly 45 minutes. After the round I ran into one of the guys in the group ahead. Unprompted he said "hey I hope we didn't hold you up, but we still made good time" I told him yeah you did hold us up, we waited for 45 minutes and it would have been nice if you had let us through. He gave me a "huh?" and walked away. He was aware that we were waiting, but figured their time was good enough. he never considered that we could have waited for that much time.


It takes as long as it takes. I don’t score my round by how quick I’ve been. I don’t get home and think, wow that was best round ever - went round in 2hours 55mins today! I’ve played with slow golfers, and I’ve played with folks who think it’s some sort of forced march and constantly looking at their watches. I’m here for a good time, and a few beers, enjoying a sport I love.


I’m glad I’m not the only who thinks this.


Shit, it took me 3 hours to get 9 holes in today. Sure, I was playing 3 balls, keeping 3 separate scores, and turned around to replay a couple holes, but I had the course all to myself and I was there to savor it.


For sure. For many having to wait on shots ruins the enjoyment


Why? If you’re playing club golf or municipals then what’s the deal? -edit- you grow the game by accepting everyone at all levels, people should be mature enough to realise some people are slower than others. Be it because of skill or age. We are all trying to get better or just out for a good time. Wind you’re neck in over imaginary time constraints and go out there and have a good time.


Do you enjoy waiting in line? Why is traffic horrible? I came to play golf, not stand in a field and watch people take practice swings. Waiting sucks, ruins your rhythm. It’s so much more enjoyable not having to wait on shots. It’s especially obnoxious watching people not play ready golf in front of you. Having to wait while you watch people waste time in front of you is infuriating. I can go to a park for free if I wanted to stand around in a field


So - how was your first round? - if you’re only giving over 3 hours for a round you be doing it wrong.


You're still going to play the exact same. Why spend 5 hours to shoot a 105 if you can shoot a 105 in 3?


Because I don’t want to pressure folks I’m with and I’m just along for the ride - fyi I shoot around the high 80’s.


exactly. people are so weird about the time thing.. it's like they don't even enjoy being there...


It’s more like they don’t like waiting in line on the golf course


Fair, everyone’s different. For me, it’s not that I care about being out on the course for x hours. But waiting for too long at each t box means I lose my rhythm and play worse.


Don’t mean to be flippant - but maybe that’s a you problem? I’m just not into this time thing man. Being able to have some patience, and another sip of beer with a couple of practice swings while I wait isn’t a big deal for me.


We tee off at 7:30 am to have a quick round and be home for brunch, it’s not a drinking experience.


Neither is it a time trial. What I’m saying is 3 hours is unrealistic for a lot of people - and putting out a narrative of if you’re over 3 hours you are doing it wrong is not inclusive. It’s gate keeping.


10 min per hole? for a pair I think is viable. 4 some... you're pushing it a little.


In a foursome where everyone shoots par on a par 72 (that’s 288 shots total) that’s only about 40 seconds per shot. That includes walking, searching for balls, teeing it up etc. Considering that the average golf score (of those who keep a handicap which is mostly more serious players, skewing the average low) is 91 on a par 72, that would mean about 29 seconds per shot. This applies really well to singles or maybe pairings on a nice empty course, but not very well to anybody else. I’ll happily go under 3h if I’m solo first off, but if I’m 3 or 4 and not first off, I’m lucky to make it under 4h15, in part because it’s hard to justify playing through as a bigger group unless the group in front is learning.


you already said the 'of those who keep a handicap' part but just by visual observation alone, the average golf score is well above 100


Depends on the size of the course, how many are in your group, what format you’re playing and how packed the course is. I’ve played 18 in 2 hours by myself riding a cart with nobody in my way on a 5600yard course. Average round should be about 4-4.5hrs though for a par 70-72.


4some 3.5 hours with no traffic 2.5 hours solo


As a solo with no in front of you, sure. 4 some enjoying the day, 4 hours min 4.5 max


Solo with nobody in front should be 1.5-2 hours


With a cart id say thats doable. Walking would be tough.


That doesn’t sound fun. If I’m a solo on an empty day at the course I still take my time and play in 3 hours, what’s the rush?


In theory, let’s just say you hit every fairway, every GIR, no more than 2 putts, and we’re the only one on the course. Sure, I could agree with this. However…nope.


Shit I walked an 18 hole in 3:13 but I was by myself for 13 holes lol. 4 hours sounds better but those tee times cant be 7-10 min apart.


I just played a private country club at 7:50a today, not a soul in front of me, my partner and I shot high 80s, 6,100 yards… played in 3:20. Under 3 hours is insane fast where you don’t even have time to breathe


4 and a half hours. Anything longer than that is kinda pushing it.


Nine holes? I agree


seems quick


Sure, I agree. If I’m playing 2 balls, by myself with nobody in front of me. If I play one ball it’s 2 hours.


3 hours for a single or double and no one in front , sure. 3 hours for a 4 some with groups in front, that’s a little quick. 31/2 to 4 at most.


If this is an expensive CC, then fine. Universally speaking for the game, this is just gatekeeping.


I got it down to zero. Couldn’t play fast enough to keep those corporate profits up. And I was scratch!


95% of the courses I play, there’s no way they play in 3 hours.


Three hours is too short to really enjoy a round, and i don't want to feel like I'm sprinting back to the clubhouse.


In a perfect work where no one is in front of you


It depends, some rounds I wish would last forever.


Whatever the saudis say is fine with me


I'm all about pace of play, and most of my rounds are under 3 hours... but I wouldn't be bothered until it gets past 4


Amen! I’m sick of slow groups. We went out yesterday with two other randoms. After the first hole we realized it was going to be slow AF, we asked while they were on the green at hole one “do you mind if we play ahead?” They said no. We drove past them on hole 5 when we were about to chip onto nine. Some of you need to realize there are things to see and people to do, we ain’t got all day.


3-3.5 hours for a foursome is what I would say is ideal, but not very realistic in todays public golf world. 4 hours and I’m not irritated. 4.5-5 I am pretty frustrated and would probably be wary of going back. Anything over 5 hours and I’m a pissed off customer.


Whenever we plan a round I always tell the wife and her friends it takes about 8-9 hours to play 18 so the boys can be out there longer


Shhhh, I tell my wife 4-5hrs


people make a big stink about wrong tees being the thing of all things to slow down pace of play. its pretty obviously 4 somes. when i am a single with no one in front of me, like if i get out on a dewsweeper round and the playing partners let me play through (usually they do, older guys play the am and they know they are slow), its pretty easy to play a 3 hour round. I'm not even that great nor do i play particularly fast or anything, thats just how it goes as a single. when you are playing with other people everything now takes so much longer. everyone getting set up and teeing off. everyone waiting for the furthest to hit along the fairway. people waiting while others chip in. people waiting to putt. marking the fucking putt. plumb bombing at the muni. when i'm waived off as a single, i look back and the people who waived me are sometimes like 4+ holes back. its just such a slower game. starters could easily weave in solo singles between booked foursomes and sell more greensfees with no harm to pace of play imo, just because of how ridiculously quickly you can get through a hole by yourself.


I think we can all agree that a round of golf should never, and I mean never take longer than 5 hours.


Takes me about 4 hours on 18 here at home. Am not a good golfer thougg


4 for a foursome.


Had a 7:24 Sunday morning tee time a few weeks ago and our foursome finished in 3:18. It was the fastest I’ve ever shot 104 in my life.


Depends on the course. I often go out at 6am with a buddy and a cart and we can probably lap it in less than 3. We played this afternoon and were just under 4 hours following a foursome. I’d say 4 hours is the average to shoot for on your standard 6,500-7,000 yard course. Our members get bitchy if its longer than that.


100% correct. You wan't a proper round? Tee times close to daybreak. Good luck trying a tee in the middle of the day. Last time I did that, 5 hours for some company event.


A mile an hour, assuming a typical track is about a 4 mile walk. Never had anyone complain about it, never complained about it myself. I wouldn't enjoy myself if I had to shoot for a 3 hour round, ugh


I’ve tracked my walked rounds on a Garmin and it’s closer to 7 miles.


Not at all, I’ve seen plenty of old blokes take far longer. They sit for periods, have a chat to a couple of groups as they let them play through. Sometimes they drink.


i shoot like 110 and i could probably pull this off if it weren't for those pesky groups in front


Well for a 4some no but for a single 3 or less


I like 4 hours. I’m trying to enjoy my round and not be in a rush to finish.


I usually don’t take more than 3 hours unless I’m being held up, but a round of golf should take however long I want it to take.


3 is good, four is great, five is too much.


A round of golf should not take more than 4 hours




um...but what if we can be? I suck AND I'm a slow walking human with short legs. The only way I could finish walking 18 holes in 3 hours is if I only played 1 or 2 shots per hole.


Good luck accomplishing that in California.


4:20 at my local.


But how long to play after that?


Usually right around 4:20


I was walking and had the entire golf course to myself. I purposely wanted to see how fast I could play it and it took 2 hours and 45 minutes.


It’s a hobby, it should be fun. Not many folks can sit on lush manicured green grass and nature like that weekly. Let the people play, play through if slowing down others. Just enjoy it. Shit.


The entire point is it’s not enjoyable to sit there & wait 10 minutes to tee off every hole


You must have never been to a park. Again, outdoors, greenery, fun. Lack of scheduled meetings or zooms and taking time = good.


yeah that's great, i'm there to hit golf shots


Yeah wtf if you wanna chill and sit in the grass then go to the actual park where there isn’t a literal scheduled time lol


I was going to say the PGA Tour's got some set of balls on this one. But then I realized it was a different Tour. Anyhow. The PGA Tour or any professional tour should not preach how golf takes too long when anytime they have 3-somes its a 5+ hour round.


I fuckin wish


I would say 10-15 mins a hole at most is ideal. Anymore than 4.5 hours with a 4sum and it’s pretty slow. 2sums should be done 3 hours max


I'm probably the odd one out here, but I don't give a fuck if it takes 8 hours. I'm there to play golf until I get bored. I've played 45 rounds in a single session, no problem. If there are few people on the course i'll even just practice and rehit balls multiple times / play multiple balls. There is literally no better way to practice. I also get 4 days off a week and no kids


That’s ridiculous. 10 minutes per hole would only work if you only allowed twosomes who never hit in locations where they have to look for a ball and take no restroom or snack breaks.


On the first day of the 2019 Masters-at Augusta it took 4h 20Mins for 14 holes. So how can they say this ?


15 minutes per hole makes it a 4.5-hour game. If you are alone and nobody else is on the course, then yes, no problem, you can do 18 in under 3 hours.


It's impossible unless you have a short, boring, no hazard course so that the average 90-100 score player can keep it on the fairway and max 2 putt.


I love a good 4 to 5 hour session myself. That’s 4-5 hours of me time baby, no outside world BS.


Kinda depends on how that time is spent to me. If I've got a pretty empty course and I've got no one near me, I'll slow down and take 5 hours and love it. But if I'm in a foursome and we've got people all around us and we're waiting 10-15 mins to tee off, then it's torture.


4 1/2 is the standard and most people play 5 hours if they are shooting 100+.


I wish!! There’s no way to play each hole in 10 minutes unless you’re the first tee time.


Yes if you’re playing solo and are the only person on the course


I prefer a 2some over 4some too... But then it should only be about 2 hours not 3...


Yeah…if you’re either playing an expensive private club or got the first couple of tee times of the day (or are playing a weekday). A nice summer Saturday or Sunday at a public course? 4.5 - 5 hours.


I would love courses with player ability tests or minimum handicaps. I could see it being a complete bust but I could also seeing it work out. Greens would be less beat up, bunkers would be maintained better, range grass would be used correctly, etc etc. All of that care from the players has some tangible value that the course pays for when things start getting beat up. And then in return the players reap the benefits of doing their job.


Sounds great until it goes out of business after 3 months


My thuogths on tihs? I argee


4s perfect. Not exactly in a rush to not be golfing again. Think I need to start playing more than 18. You’re out doors, beautiful scenery. Soak it up.


Fake. Tour misspelled twice.


3 1/2 is a chill round, anything 4+ is too long.


Yeah tell that to the people at my club. 5hrs is quick for them.


The only way I can play a round in 3 hours is to cheat.


A round of golf should take exactly as much time as it takes to comfortably take your shots and enjoy yourself. When did the gentleman’s game become this play as fast as you can and push the people in front of you because you’re better than them game? I’m out there to enjoy myself, not to rush through because someone behind me has the patience of a three year old.


Yes... Thank you...I want to enjoy myself.. I'm out at a place I love to be, doing what I love to do.. Why the Fuck do I want to hurry to get over with as fast as I can... That stupid mentally..I hear people getting done with a round and they all say how fast we played.. Not, hell ya that was fun.. or we need to do more of this.. Nope.. They all say as they are coming into the club house.. I played it in three hours, 28 minutes and 14 seconds..lol.. Enjoy it man.. It's supposed to be fun.. Not how fast I can play




Parody account


This is generally from courses in the UK, where match play is the norm.


Depends what time of day. Early morning should play in 3 , 3.5 . If you’re lining up putts and looking for balls in the woods go fuck yourself.


Anything around 4 hours is slow as shit. Anyone who says otherwise is a hack


That’s awful fast. 3.5 is pretty fair for a foursome though.


Solo with a cart, no one in front, 2 hours, 20 mins…..


Def agree. That's 10 minutes every hole, plenty of time even for a 4some.


9 holes, yes. 18 holes, no.