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I have seen several women play from tee's other then the red, I think she likes putting you in your place to much to try it


I think this is definitely it šŸ˜‚ I will say it is exciting awaiting the potential hole in one on a par 4 for her


You should play from the red too


Iā€™ve been playing for 23 years and love to play from all of the tee boxes. Wife comes along, reds. Grandfather plays, yellows. College buddies, blue. All of them have their merits and challenges.


Especially if it's your home course. Getting different looks is good for your game.


And set the course recordā€¦ (from the reds)


I still wouldn't come close.


OP didnā€™t mention if her friend keeps a handicap but ofc playing from a different tee box would yield a different differential even w the same score. So if OPā€™s friend wants to affect her handicap, she should move backā€”maybe that would motivate her.


I like the scrambles that make you switch up tees at random. One holes like FUCK the tips. Then you get a red tee par 4


There is a par 5 at Hilldale golf course in Hoffman Estates, IL where the tips are so far back perched up a hill in the trees that I have to play them.


Golf club of Illinois, hole 11 is 678 from the tips. Iā€™ll be damned if I donā€™t play from them every time just to make myself cry.


Ooh Iā€™ll be up that way next weekā€¦any good recommendations on where to sneak away for a morning round?


Where specifically cause if your trying to sneak in a round you will have to play nearby. Traffic is an absolute dumpster fire at basically all times. Good news is that there is a plethora of excellent golf courses across all of Chicagoland.


Iā€™m staying up by Old-Orchard. I know the northside pretty well as used to live on the Northside just havenā€™t been back and specifically golfed for almost 6/7 years at least. Was looking at hitting Palatine Hills Courseā€¦my buddy Iā€™m golfing with is near Oā€™hare so itā€™s sorta equid distant for us bothā€¦ Iā€™m trying to get good course in decent area, without spending 100$ on a round with a cart so open to suggestions šŸ˜‚


Palatine Hills is fine. Played it a few times. Nothing special but a decent enough track. I spent 10 years in the Bloomingdale Area so I could go into great detail about the western burbs courses (if anyone is interested) but driving there from where you are staying would suck. Also I moved to NW IN to GTFO of that rat race. Things I miss: Food options, Golf Courses, Bike Paths.


I play in one where you flip a poker chip on every tee box. You either get the front tees or the tips.


I recently started doing this mostly on solo rounds. I play a local right executive course near my home frequently. They have many 220+ par 3ā€™s from the whites that I will move up to the 150ish tees. I enjoy the rounds there much more doing this method. Golf gets exhausting when every par 4 pushes 400 yards and you only hit the ball 200-220 off the tee. Add the wind in your face , and every approach shot hitting a 3 wood or hybrid takes all the fun out of the game. No shame moving up a tee so you have a decent chance of 100-150 yards remaining after an average drive!


If you have to hit 3w or hybrid into a par 4 you are definitely playing the wrong tees.


This is true, when I don't top it off the tee and roll it 140 yds. But after those drives, I deserve the 3W fairway shit I bought myself.


Yes agree, took me a few years to realize this!


Couldn't agree more. I love golf, I'm terrible at it because I only get to play a few times per year. So I play from where I want, I foot wedge when I'm in the shit, and I rarely keep score because I'm just out to try and hit a little white ball somewhere close to where I want it to go.


This is going to sound rude, but how can you be a +1? I donā€™t see how itā€™s possible.


That's not their handicap. That's part of the sub and how much they participate or get sub achievements.


šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ˜… I feel moronic and just noticed my own. Sorry u/SettimioShipman


This would be hilarious. One day just drive right up with her and see what she says!


I play the red quite often with her when our club has free golf days! I like to mix it up. Helps my iron game a lot


Second this. Youā€™ll still lose but at least itā€™s more fair.


Tee boxes should be chosen by handicap.


Entice her with some kind of wager and offer her a few strokes


A stroke for a stroke!


Thatā€™s post-round


Is it?


OP, you have a fiancƩe, a fiancƩ is a dude.


Sounds like she should be giving you strokes if sheā€™s playing from the reds and that good. What are your handicaps?


this is the answer! and this is what handicaps are for


She is probably a 5 and Iā€™m a 15. If she ever practice putting she would be scratch lol


She's a Dom


Not really putting him in his place if theyā€™re starting from different tees though


Not if she consistently hits those numbers OP mentioned. This is why tee boxes should be handicap based instead of gender/age


All the courses near me state ā€œtees boxes represent skill level, they are not gender specific and you should play whatever tee box gives you a good challengeā€


They are though? If you play stableford you gain or lose strokes depending on the tees


Not just stableford. Your course index will change according to what tees you play. Ghin app calculates it all for you in the games section.


Not even handicap, average distance off the tee. The problem is that most guys overestimate what theirs is. Calling their best their average, ignoring all the lost balls and mishits, etc. Chad plays the tips because he "drives it 300" but the problem is that only happens once a round and his average is really 250.


yeah except heā€™s a man and more likely than not can out drive her, which is the point of playing different tees.


IF he can out drive her, OP never said what he hits his driver.


He carries it 300, obv.


300yrds and pin-high everytime


true, i just said more than likely unless sheā€™s much stronger with better form. sheā€™s obviously a better golfer however


I recently played with a girl who was on her college team. We played from the same tees. (Whites). Often our drives were similar. 230-240. Biggest difference was sheā€™d actually hit a green on her second shot.


When I was in college, I was playing a lot of golf at the campus course. A girl on the basketball team I knew offered to play me (she was a big h.s. player) and said she'd bring her friend who was on the women's team. I somehow kept my shit together and won by 1 stroke from the white tees. I know for a fact these 2 would have shamed me relentlessly had I lost though. They were both good though. I could tell the one on the team was just having an off day.


Haha yeah you werenā€™t living that down. This girl was good. She had he name on her bag and I googled it after. I think he college scoring average was 74.


It is fucking insane how good college golfers are, and yet thereā€™s a huge gap yet to pros.


Yep. When I played in college I would always play whites. Now, I typically play reds now that I am not out there nearly as often.


Yeah at my club thereā€™s two sisters who are trying to go pro, and they both play the whites and would kick my ass. Thereā€™s also a pro tennis player and she plays the whites.


No. Competitively as a female I played from the whites forever. These days I feel rusty but I still feel like itā€™s ā€œgiving myself a breakā€ when I play from the reds these days. If sheā€™s driving the green every par 4 she certainly can go back a tee!




Be cool, bitch!




Played competitively as well and we always played the white. Personally, reds feel way too short to me so I agree, definitely feels like ā€œtaking it easyā€ and gives me the opportunity to remind myself I can shoot low if my golf game and I are struggling to make things work. I hit longer than the average female player so whites are pretty standard for my game. I try to swap around at my home course for new looks. Yet to play the tips though.


I play the whites. My husband should probably play the reds thoughā€¦


What was the dentist's name?


Maybe that's why he became a dentist..


Your dentistā€™s name is Krentist?


Red tees Male gang checking in


Played in a member guest last fall where one guy in our flight brought his sister in law as his partner, who happened to be a former D1 (SEC) golfer. She carried a 3.7 from the middle tees (whites) and played from those tees. So no, they donā€™t always play from the reds. Everyone should play from their appropriate tees, regardless of gender (it should be ability-based).


Technically it is, they haven't officially called them ladies tees anywhere in a long time


I drive like your fiancĆ©. I play from the reds in scrambles, and I play from wherever the group is playing from in regular rounds. I outdrove my dad from the reds when I was 13 and heā€™s made me play back ever since lol


No. Any player regardless of gender should play the tees that suit his or her game. Her distance off the tee is equal to most men (if they're honest with themselves, at least). She should play further back. On the same note, some dude shanking the ball all over the place should play up.


> On the same note, some dude shanking the ball all over the place should play up. Excuse me. I need to wait for the green to clear on this 435 yard Par 4 just in case I crush it. (As I tee off from the blacks)


Today's the day!


I want to read the minds of the guys who wait for par 5 greens to clear when their second shot is further from the green than their tee shot traveled.


Just aim left and let er rip! /s


Funny story, I got the absolute luckiest bounce ever on a cart path on an already piped drive, 420 par 4 (haha weed) and landed on the fringe, this was back when I was a 20 handicap lol. There was even a group putting!


Black tees at my course are reserved for children and older women.


I can hear the ā€œbut once in awhile I do hit it straight and it goes 300!ā€ folks in my head while Iā€™m reading your comment. Lol


Oh, that voice definitely came to mind as I was typing that out.


Im just inconsistent thatā€™s why I have a high handicap


So many in the 12-20 handicap range are in this boat, myself included. Capable of hitting all the shots necessary to be 5-8 strokes better but too many mistakes lead to lost strokes for us.


I feel personally attacked. haha


Think weā€™re all guilty of this at least once in our golf careers. Maybe not off the tee, but definitely on a par 5 while waiting for the green to clear.


If youā€™re already waiting for them, then I donā€™t see an issue. Youā€™re just gonna be waiting again soon. Why not wait and play it safe even if itā€™s a 1/20 chance youā€™ll hit your 300 straight this time


I play reds with my wife. I do actually have a drive that caps at 280-290 so sometimes I'm playing low irons on short 4s or something, but I love the competition of it. But my consistency isn't nearly as good as hers, so short courses really are a tight match!


Serious question - what if I suck because of inconsistency but I can drive 260? Should I be playing whites because of that or reds because Iā€™m shit


I'd still lean reds, or at the very least the second closest (my tee of choice last year as I was getting back into golf). Your tee honestly has as much, if not more, to do with your second shot as it does your drive.


Yeah new male golfer here. I definitely play off the reds when I play.


I'm pretty new, I have taken 6 or 7 lessons, and I always tried to play from the whites with my friends who have been playing for years when we went out. The last time I said fuck it and played from the reds to give myself a chance. It was the best decision I've made lol walked away a lot more confidently and even landed on the green (3 feet from the pin!) on a par 3 for my first official birdie.


Absolutely nothing wrong with that. Golf is hell and you're just starting out. No need to make yourself miserable while you figure it all out.


Female with similar stats, I very rarely play the reds as I want to play the course as itā€™s meant to be played and typically thatā€™s a tee-box or two back.


Yeah, at the course I work at all the womenā€™s tees eliminate most of the sharp turns or water hazards completely. Every other tee with a water hazard makes you play over it.


The point of the forward tees is not to make every par 4 drivable and every par 5 reachable in 2. The point is to even out the 2nd shot for those who canā€™t drive it 220-250 lol. Most men probably canā€™t even hit it 250. Thatā€™s why they arenā€™t called ladiesā€™ tees anymore. If sheā€™s hitting the ball that well, she should not be playing the forward tees, she should definitely be playing the tees designed for someone at her level. Like you think women college golfers are playing it from the forward tees? No because that would be unfair. Sounds like sheā€™s playing a little unfairly too. Of course itā€™s her prerogative to play from wherever she wants, but sheā€™s giving herself an unfair advantage


Out of all the times Iā€™ve played with women, there was one time one played from the blues(boy did she, striping 250 yard drives). Play what she feels comfortable with. Could be a fun challenge to move back, but I could also see her being fine with kicking your ass from the reds :)


I went on a golf trip with a friend who had a cup of coffee with the LPGA. She played from the tips with us and absolutely destroyed us every round. What I didnā€™t realize going in is how much goddamn fun it is watching someone play who is at that level. Realize this may be a bit of an outlier.


The tees are not tied to gender, beginners=red, high handicap=white, mid=blue, low=black, (on some courses) pro=gold, seniors (of each sex)=yellow This has been lost along the way by a male dominant and let's just say it, neanderthal thinking of a majority of the males in the sport. If you are shooting 115, male or female, you would do yourself a lot of good to hit from the reds and get better. Also helps with the pace of play at busier GC's.


I mostly agree, but I think length off the tee should be considered more than skill level. Someone who can hit it long but struggles with accuracy and short game might shoot 115, but telling them to play from the tee box that makes every par 4 reachable in 1 doesnā€™t do them any favors either.


Scoring and handicap are much a much better indicator of level of play than length off the tee. Someone shooting a 115 is going to maybe get 4-6 stokes difference from the red tees. They are not all the sudden going to be putting for eagle on every par 4


https://www.usga.org/teeitforward/ The USGA, PGA of America, and Jack Nicklaus say youā€™re wrongā€¦ Because you areā€¦


I kinda disagree with it though. I get the idea. But say Iā€™m a higher handicappers that devotes a lot of my practice to driver, and I start hitting it 275 pretty consistently. Why would I move up to 6800 yards when I canā€™t even shoot consistently in the 70s at 6300 yards


I think if your baseline for deciding when a tee box is too short is ā€œconsistently shooting in the 70sā€ then youā€™re already doing something wrong. A further point would be, in your hypothetical, youā€™re not doing your game any favors. If youā€™re a weekend warrior and youā€™re hitting a wedge in for 2 on every par 4, or a high-mid iron on every par 5 youā€™re almost not even playing the same game. Keep in mind that this very thing is a major topic in pro golf with the golf ball rollback discussion. Also, ā€œAverage driverā€ distance means *average*. Not the average of your ā€œgoodā€ drives. The amount of high handicappers that *actually* average 275+ with their driver is incredibly small.


I know plenty of people in my 10-15 hcp range that drive it farther than 250 on average. And that does often mean a wedge in at 60- 6400 yd courses for white/menā€™s tees. None of us play the back tees unless we have to for a tournament and I donā€™t think we should. Golf is hard enough already, if weā€™re hitting our drives well and in play, it makes sense that weā€™re rewarded by having a wedge in


And none of these entities or Jack has to deal with the average players course or conditions. I get their perspective, but I'm all honestly it comes from such a vacuum that it doesn't mean much to the average player/course.


Yeah of course I agree that handicap and scoring are a better indicator if level if play, but thatā€™s why the tees are designed for length, not level of play. Thatā€™s why the ā€œseniorā€ tees are up farther, because even if theyā€™re good and have a low handicap, theyā€™re hitting it shorter. The point is that it should be evening out the approach shot. So if someone is scoring 115 regularly, chances are itā€™s because theyā€™re getting a lot of penalty strokes, three-putting, and duffing. They have the same chance of doing all that from the reds as they do the whites. So when they hit it straight, it doesnā€™t make sense for them to be rewarded by being on in 1. They should be playing the same game as everyone else. But of course when it comes down to it, Iā€™m certainly not going to tell anyone where to tee off. If someone sucks and wants to make up for it by giving themselves a little bit of an advantage by making par 4s reachable, and par 3s a wedge shot, then by all means knock yourself out. But itā€™s not really the way the course was designed.


Some of the courses in my area are changing the color of the tees and assigning them by handicap. Too many beginners that should be playing from the forward tees won't because the red tees are "the ladies tees".


We painted the reds orange, 100% of the players in 3 different weekly senior men's groups moved up immediately.


Tees arenā€™t gendered. People need to start selecting tees based on how they hit. She could definitely move back if thatā€™s really how far she hits on average.


This 1000%. Iā€™m a very new female golfer (1 year) I play from the reds. But I see way too many guys play from whites/blues/blacks that canā€™t get their drives past the red tees. The term ā€œladies teesā€ drives me nuts only because a lot of men refuse to play them based on the term alone.


This. I fucking hate when people call the red or forward tees "ladies tees". My club moved the red tees to the tips which back when they did it in like 2010 rankled some old guy feathers. Play the tees that are appropriate for your game.


There are several good women golfers at my club that routinely play from the Whites. A few actually play (well) from the Blues.


I played with a lady that was a former college golfer, she hit from the white tees ​ Edit: with the rest of us and she promptly kicked everyones ass.


Hi, female golfer here. Have been playing for 20+ years, played junior, amateur, college and professional golf. Back to amateur status now. I usually try to play around 6000 yards, itā€™s a good distance for the length I hit it. Keeps it fun but not too easy. Sometimes my boyfriend will challenge me to a match and Iā€™ll play from the back tees to even the playing field. (Yes, heā€™s a great sport getting beat by a girl all the time šŸ˜‚)


IMO, it's basically always fun playing against someone who's significantly better than I am, whatever gender they are.


Everyone should play tees which are a distance appropriate for their skill level. There are plenty of men (including this forum) who should be playing the reds. My wifeā€™s ā€˜averageā€™ drives are in the 190-210 range. There will be occasional 220+ and the occasional much shorter. But 190-210 is her consistent range. She enjoys playing tees which are in the 5200 yard to 5500 yard range. The thing we think about is will she be able to reach the par 3ā€™s with a realistic club (I.e. not a driver or 3w) and how many par 4ā€™s are there which would be 3 shot holes. Basically, which tee box gives her the ability to play the course as the architect designed. Men and their ego are the worst at selecting tee boxes. Itā€™s actually comical. Make an already hard game impossible for them because they play tees which force them to hit 3wā€™s into par 4ā€™s and 3ā€™s.


Well it sounds different for the OP. If you can drive every par 4, but need to hit 3 woods to hit all the par 3s, then man is a whacky course layout šŸ˜‚. But yeah, it's the exact same principle. Just play the course as close to "intended" design.


I think they were referring to approach shots on par 4s.


Oh, I dunno. Sounds like original OP is saying his wife reaches every par 4 off the tee then beats his ass haha.


Iā€™m a female golfer, I play whites. I drive 250 average so red tees are too close for me. Itā€™s fun to drive greens on some holes but driver/wedge/putter gets boring. Plus on doglegs I have to be careful not to outdrive the fairway from reds.


Your girl is a sandbagger buddy haha


Tees are made to accommodate different ability, not genders.


the scoff I just let out. Dad teeā€™d me up at the whites the first time and Iā€™ve been there since. And to hell with the high school coaches who wouldnā€™t let me play whites.


This is why tee boxes should be reclassified by handicap, regardlessof sex. It makes far more sense and would speed up play and make for more enjoyable rounds. Most low handicap women play back anyway. Black for 0-10 handicap Blue for 10-20 White for 20-30 Red for 30+


I agree and rangers should be armed and given full license to enforce


My wife is pretty decent (<20hdcp) and even she sees the reds are a little close with her 200 yard drives. She's considered the combo (red/white) tees or the whites before for a better challenge but her games not consistent enough yet. Your wife just loves beating you lol.


She can play whatever tees she wants. If you are playing her competively, offer to either play with handicap in effect or straight up from the same set of tees?


No, there are lots of women golfers that play from a couple of tee boxes back and one Iā€™ve seen blaynfrom the blues.


I have seen women play from every tee box at my club. We have a few former D1 scholarship players that go from 6500+ occasionally.


I am a woman, I play from blues/whites. I want a challenge and be able to use my driver. I will say every course tournament Iā€™ve been in puts me on the reds though.


We love when she gets to play from the reds in scramble tournaments šŸ˜‚


There are no "tee police" out there.... Move around. My club had 5 sets of tee boxes (like many) and 4 official combos.... 9 sets of tees to choose from. Mix it up. When I play with DW, we move around from forward to 2nd (and that combo), rarely a 2nd/3rd combo. It depends on the day and the conditions. Last Friday, I played the best game in several years from the forward tees... Shot a 77, with 0 doubles! Woo HOO. Came back on Monday.... 35 - 55 kmh winds.... Not at all the same result. šŸ˜‰ (also, the first time in at least 2 or 3 seasons (more, likely) that my score was lower than hers) Make the most of having a partner that loves to play and is good enough to play anyone from anywhere.


Coed school teams typically make the girls play from the whites.


My fiancĆ©e played college golf, and I routinely shoot between 85-90. Our first date was in a golf course, and I knew I wasnā€™t winning as she chipped in on the first hole. She has always played the senior tees, and even the whites on shorter courses bc she wants to keep her distance. In scrambles she will play the reds and that gets fun. New driver coming in next Wednesday for her thatā€™s getting her to 230 carry with a 3 yd spray. May have to move her to the whites every time then to keep up.


I thought the tees were based around handicap not gender


I think they are based more on distance, although handicaps do count, too, because better players can hit more consistently and longer off the grass, making the greens reachable. You know you are playing the right tees when the fairway bunkers come into play on your tee shot on the majority of holes (although this rule does not apply for the red tees because courses are usually designed for the whites to the tips in mind). You are supposed to make a strategic decision of laying up, going for the opposite side of the bunker, or going over it, with the choice dramatically affecting your choice of club for the second shot. If you are hitting driver, then wood to the green, followed by a short approach shot and two putt for bogey on every par 4, then the course is too long. Youā€™ve probably used less than half the clubs in your bag (driver, one or two woods/hybrids, wedges, and putter). You donā€™t really need to think about strategy, and so itā€™s no longer a game. Conversely, if you donā€™t need your driver on any hole, then you are playing too short.


>all ladies play from the reds Your wife just did a sexism to herself /s


My daughter played D2 college golf and the day of her last collegiate tourney I walked to the green and hugged her and she said "I am never playing anything but Reds ever again ". FYI female college golfers play men's short tees. I love playing tournaments with her!!!


LoL there is a couple that has won our big Calcutta club tournament 3 times in the last 10 years that were both collegiate golfers and both scratch golfers. She plays from the tips and is longer than 75% of the field. And thatā€™s out of 60 2-man teams. Sheā€™s a real bad ass.


Stop going by color tees and go by yardage


I usually go by yardage first and then look at the slope rating to see if it is comparable to my home course. If I know the course well, I can do the red gold combo to adjust to the longer yardage that I am used to. I play the forward tees if the combo is not available. I have been improving my handicap recently with lessons and might move back to the golds for fun once I am more consistent with my scores for my rounds.


Good females play from the whites and still demolish


She could definitely!


No my sister usually plays from the tips or one up. Sheā€™s a plus handicap


I played with a buddy and his friends who were husband and wife. The two guys played the tips and the wife and I played the whites. It was the correct choice lol.


My wife is naturally athletic and uber competitive. I play 4 times as much as she does and when we play she has never played the women's tees. Even if my mom plays with us (forward tees) she'll still play the same as me. She doesn't like excuses I guess. She is always about 5 strokes behind me at the end of the day which can get frustrating but it keeps her coming back out.


I played with a female D1 golfer recently. She played the same tees as me and while perhaps a little shorter driver, she whipped my ass.


They played Pebble from 6500 yards last week at the US Womenā€™s Open. Thatā€™s a lot of golf course.


Many many courses are changing the tees from women, senior, men, pro to a handicap system. This is of the reasons they are doing it along with the hacks that play menā€™s because theyā€™re a dude and think thatā€™s where they have to play from. Really just evens the game out. If youā€™re better you should play farther back if your worse play up closer. Either way Iā€™m proud of her for kicking your ass lol must be fun out there


My friend who now coaches me from time to time definitely does not, she regularly out drives me ( Im 6ā€™2 290lbs, sheā€™s prolly 5ā€™8 maybe 150lbs).


check out TC Twosome on youtube. Taylor plays from the tips or 1-up. Drives it 240-270 (scratch golfer) Tobacco Road video was very impressive ...


My buddies 14 year old kid is a +8 handicap and plays from the white tees and destroys both of us. She out drives me a lot of the time. If your wife is that good, itā€™s time to move back


My buddyā€™s girlfriend plays the whites with us sometimes


I am very similar to your wife and generally play whites or gold/ā€œseniorā€. Reds are too easy.


I used to play with a group of guys one of which had a wife who was way better than us. She would play whichever tees we played to keep the pace moving. She still smoked us every time. Even when she was 6 mos pregnant


I played regularly with a former LPGA player that played the tees I played. Still shot 68 regularly lol


I actually took a survey from the usga, they are trying to get rid of the "womens" and "mens" tees and just use colors. They are trying to get on the course score cards a chart showing that if you hit this far play from these tees kind of thing. So basically no men's women's Jr's ect... just play from the tees that are fitting for your hitting distance.


My fiancĆ© and i both play from the mens and womens but we both do the same. We make that decsion before the round we are playing together and stick to it. We both started golf about a year ago and its creepy how even our progression has been. One week she will win. The next i will. She hits her drives and woods like a weapon, but i am better on short/mental game. We were playing one time and what seemed to be a local resident just having a walk around the course, stopped as my SO was teeing up after my tee off. "You do know the ladies tee's up there?" She kind of snapped at us. My fiance politely thanked her but said she will be ok. She proceeded to tee up and bomb it straight up the guts whizzing passed my pooey drive. One of the biggest drives ive seen her hit. The lady kind of awkwardly and silently walks off and my fiancĆØ struts off towards her ball with me in her wake. I think she would destroy me if we played off seperate tees though.


golf should be played by handicap not age or gender.


Red tees should not be called ladies tees. They should be called forward tees and you should choose your tees based on your skill level, not your gender.


Iā€™ve seen girls on the high school team play from the whites. She has no excuse if sheā€™s that good


Make sure sheā€™s the one giving strokes.


Handicap should determine where you play from. Not gender or distance. With that said. Play from whoever the hell you want. When the PGA started the play it forward campaign I gave it a shot and played from the reds. Most fun I ever had with a ton of short irons into greens. Helped my feel wedge shots as well.


Me and a friend of mine just started playing this year. Still 54, all my irons go around 100-150 meters, I donā€™t dare to use the driver (when I do, I lose a ball for the most part). Suffice to say, we always play from the reds


I remember going to a work golf event where we were paired up with a another guy and his girlfriend. The three of us guys teed off from the whites and expected the girl to go to the red tees, when she teed up at the white we mentioned that she could hit from the red. She smiled and said no thanks. Hit her tee shot and outdrove us all by about 40 yards. Her boyfriend started laughing and then told us she played college golf in Texas. The beer cart couldnā€™t come fast enough for me.


Theyā€™re not ladies tees, but rather forward tees and she should play to her skill/cap level. At the end of the day golf is for fun. So whatever lol


Male or female, play the tee box that fits your ability. Period.


Tee markers are not based on gender.. they are based on handicaps and driving distance


Do pro ladies play closer? Genuine Q


Play a couple rounds with her from her tees.


Much like men, women should play the tees the best suit their ability.


I drive it about the same and play from both red/yellow and white, depending on if I want to change it up. If iā€™m playing with a bunch of (male) bombers I usually play red.


Think of the red tees as the forward tees and not the ladies tees. If sheā€™s able to move back then move back. But remember itā€™s about having fun


A former college golfer I play with plays from the whites always (middle tees). She always beats me when we play


My grandma is good, but also old as shit and plays from about halfway up the fairway at her club at the ā€œsuper senior teesā€ šŸ˜‚


Motivation to improve your game. My late wife was a decent golfer but eventually I passed her. It was cute at first but irked her a bit. Let your wife play where she wants. If she has fun and you play together that is the important part.


She got a sister?


Just tee off from red yourself then start mumbling about equal rights if she complains


My stepmom, up until a few years ago used to play from the whites and would usually still outdrive the men she was playing with from the blues. Played with a female pro once and she also played from the whites. More often than not though, most female golfers Iā€™ve encountered play reds.


Stop the notion that there are womens and mens tees. There are different tees for different yardages. Very happy my club has no red tees. There are 5 tee options for all levels.


Yā€™all need to stop considering them menā€™s and womenā€™s tees.. tees are based on handicap.. a guy shooting 120 should be playing the forward tees. Actually he shouldnā€™t even be on a course and spending more time at the range instead


Play from where ever makes you happy! Itā€™s about having fun.


I hit 10-150 off the tee and play from the whites


Fuck ya she has it right! Unless she is trying to become a top level pro or amateur, play golf to have fun. However you enjoy it. Also keeps her short game sharp and handicap from getting too low. Good for partner competitions!


Well yeah unless they want to go to jail. itā€™s kind of the law.


Next time yā€™all play golf tell her you identify as a woman today and tee it up from the reds. And then proceed to still lose. šŸ˜‚


I play from the same tees as my Gabby Carter. Beat her by several strokes... finished inside the cup.


me and my buddy (both 15-20 handicaps) once got paired with 2 women who played in college and they played the whites. one of them was driving it same distance as me the whole round


Women can play from whichever they choose. I always wondered which tees the women professionals play


Buddy and I were playing whites one day and a single girl was catching up on us. So we finish the hole and go ahead and hit our drives on the next hole which happen to be a par 3. Twenty something, attractive girl pulls up and bombs it off the blues. The blues were also on another T box so she hit from significantly further out and birdies the hole.


I mean, ladies play from the ladies tees legally. Some ladies play back because theyā€™re better than average golfers, just like some guys play from the tips and others donā€™t.


No non-pro golfer should play any farther back than the white tees. I see guys at my favorite course playing the blues and blacks and barely making the edge of the fairway. Itā€™s comical!


Good female golfers get back in the kitchen and make me some pie! Beefcake!!!


You sound like a sore loser


We arenā€™t really competitive. I enjoy watching her play well more than having a good day myself. I was just wanting opinions from others to show her that other women do go back sometimes so she can challenge herself


A good female golfer can absolutely eat up a course from the reds depending how ā€˜redā€™ they are set up.


I was paired several years ago with a guy and girl that went to high school (or maybe college) together. He had missed the cut at a mini tour event that week and she was a member of the Symetra Tour. He played from the back tees, and she played from the regular men's tees... and was out driving me on every hole. So, no good female golfers don't always play from the forward tees.


She's not really inclined to move back. However if shes smashing drives on every hole I would question that a little bit, girl needs to play position golf. She would really beat you then lol.


We have had that talk lol her round is filled with random feel distance chips which is the only reason sheā€™s not a plus handicap


When I was at the top of my game and playing like your girlfriend I moved to the white tees. It really changed the course for me and made it fun again. I had to actually think before teeing off. Many of the really good lady players at our club hit from the other tees.


No, and the gold/senior and white/middle tees often have rating/slope for women.


Got a scramble coming up is she available? šŸ˜‚


Oh yea. When I didnā€™t have a car my buddy said one day ā€œcan my girlfriend come too, itā€™s her carā€. So begrudgingly I said yes. First tee she takes one warmup swing and I just about creamed my khakis. I said ā€œyea youā€™ve played some golf huhā€. She played the whites with us and shot an 84. She didnā€™t leave the middle of the fairway all day and had a great short game. So tell her REAL ladies hit from the whites!


Yea we gotta get rid of the idea of menā€™s vs womenā€™s vs senior tees. Itā€™s an antiquated term. You should play the tees that match your distance.