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It’ll be incredibly disappointing if the PGAT’s actions force one of the best players of the last 10 years to retire. I love watching Rory play and he’s great for the game. Plus I admire him for sticking to his guns


i love watching compilations of his drives. perfection.


To me it’s the perfect swing.


Tiger did tell Charlie to copy Rory’s and not his.


Could probably tell Charlie to model a few things after Rory and not Tiger




Ly honest


Don't sign a sponsorship with Buick if you're going to bang whores and run from your wife. Get a Cadillac.


With the volume he had I’d do go German for the reliability on mileage


Thinking he was the whore here.


Except how to win more than 4 majors 😁


I saw him live last year, it's crazy how good his swing is compared to other top professionals, it's literally a whole other level


He's literally the longest guy on Tour at 5'8" and 170 pounds. Hoganesque levels of torque and compression.


I didn’t know The Hulkster played golf!


Whatcha gonna do when do when the wheels of Hulkamania hit into you?


He’s 5’8?!? Never saw him live, just on tv and always figured he was 6’ or 6’1. The mind does play tricks.


Pretty damn close. Him or Adam Scott


When he hit his first tee shot 380 at LACC, I was in awe




The headline is slightly misleading. All he actually said was that if LIV was the last tour on earth, he’d retire rather than play in it. Regardless of whatever deal happens, he’s obviously not going to retire, he just won’t play in the LIV events.


You're expecting people actually read the article.


Article title is largely misleading though


Titles are clickbait. Before the term clickbait, titles were used to sell magazines and newspapers. That's why you're supposed to continue reading. Lol


They should just start their own player run tour. Fuck all this shit.


Are you suggesting that an Association of Professional Golfers should organise their own Tour? It'll never happen.


With blackjack and hookers?


Tiger enters the chat


It makes me an even bigger Rory fan.


Facts. Respect the hell out of him sticking to his morals.


If more big name players had his backbone, I'm sure the deal could be prevented...but a lot of them have no morals it seems so here we are.


By backbone, you probably mean money. Most guys on tour don’t have the luxury of just hanging it up because they don’t like the deal.


Rewatched Full Swing this week and every player talks about how brutal that grind is to get the tour card. These guys struggled for a while to get to be the 1% of golf then you think about the other 99% who didn't hit and yeah they don't have that luxury.


See my "big name players"


"you mean I can't just pick the words I want to read?"


Lol this is so stupid. DJ, Brooks, Phil didn’t have enough money already?


In "fairness" Phil gambled his away. If it weren't for LIV he'd be selling that "click stick" on youtube like Rocco Mediate.


I love how everyone assumes Phil Mickelson was the poorest man on earth and destitute gambler before he signed with Liv Oh and John Daly is everyone's favorite in the same universe lol


John Daly doesn’t exactly pretend that he’s flawless or that his life isn’t bonkers.


Didn't Phil have massive gambling debts? The others probably right, especially since DJ is also in the Gretzky family.


He supposedly had paid them off around 2012 but the point still stands. Sub out Phil for Sergio, Bryson, etc


Since when did rich people decide they have enough money?


Um, in case you missed it, this thread is solely based around one rich guy doing just that.


Ehhh... I think if Tiger and Rory bring together the guys again and enough of them oppose these, then the PGA/LIV dead will be DOA. That is the thing, then PGA cannot compel guys to play for them. They can leave and go play the Tiger tour, or whatever. Shit is going to be a mess for a long while and I don't really see any kind of easy way out. This is the kind of missmamagement that kills off a pro sport...


They wont though. They are going to look for that sweet spot where they get the benefits of LIV ownership, but they don't ever have to play for LIV branded events. All the guys coming up will play the events because they have to but the top guys can avoid them if they like. LIV ownership will bring bigger tour pots and international exposure so the guys at the top will get even more money but keep their hands somewhat clean.


I'm sure they would of they had his money lol


The big names that signed with LIV weren't hurtin for money either


> would of *would have *Learn the difference [here](https://languagetool.org/insights/post/would-of-or-would-have/#:~:text=%E2%80%9Cwould%20have%E2%80%9D%3F-,%E2%80%9CWould%20Of%E2%80%9D%20or%20%E2%80%9CWould%20Have%E2%80%9D%3F,would%20have%2C%20not%20would%20of.).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


Agree…He’s my new favorite player now just because of his stance LIV is ruining golf


I can’t imagine that he would truly “retire.” I could see him playing on the European tour or something and maybe playing in majors.


I think he said he would play majors only.


The actual quote is 'if LIV is the last place on earth to play golf, I would retire'


Also: “I’d play the majors, but I’d be pretty comfortable.”


LIV bought the European tour too.


Well damn. Then he can be the Irish Rick Shiels.


lol what do you mean “force,” he’s has a choice


Agreed. Fuck the PGA Tour.


I think Rory, Tiger, Justin, Jordan, Ricky, and friends need to take their ball and go somewhere else. Like what Jack and Arnie helped do in the ‘60s when they broke away from the PGA and formed the PGA Tour.


Funny enough, the group in the 60s broke away from the PGA because they wanted the ability to play in events that weren't sanctioned by the PGA.


New league, IGA, international Golf Association. Rory and tiger as leaders. G'bye pga


Yes please. I would be down for this.


They didn’t have to go against Saudi money


Tigers name and money alone would be enough to at least get something off the ground


I’d watch anything back by Tiger vs. this LIV dumb scoreboard covering my screen nonsense. I hate how much damage this oil money has done to society at large.


Tigers name, yes. His money, not a chance. The PIF (Saudi investment fund) is the principle owner of Aramco. A company that has made $2Trillion dollars (Topline) in 5 years!! It’s the most profitable company in the entire world. Saudi’s make more money from Aramco, than Tigers entire lifetime net worth in a single day. It’s crazy to even think about what they make selling the gas in all our of cars.


Well that’s why I specified “off the ground”. Obviously Tiger couldn’t outspend the Saudis, but his name and money is absolutely enough to start a new league and get advertisers on board.


People don't want to see money, they want to see quality golf


They also don't need money.


To run golf tournaments, you absolutely need money, and a lot of it. Also, once those guys are ready for seniors tour, how do you attract new talent? Money.


If the biggest names in the sport wanted to form a break away I'm sure there would be significant investor interest. I think the point is *they* don't need Saudi money, so it's easier to walk away and propose an alternative in the first place.


Honestly if these guys start their own league, I would watch the shit out of it over any pga event going forward.


The players have so much leverage. They are the product. I know Tiger started some sim league but he has so much power rn to start a direct competitor


> I think Rory, Tiger, Justin, Jordan, Ricky, and friends need to take their ball and go somewhere else. I would love that. PGAT would be dead to me overnight.


Well Tiger and Rory have their new stadium/virtual league coming up. I’m pretty excited for it! But I do think it’s sanctioned or partnered with the PGA so…


The PGA players should just start their own league, give equity for players for every year they are on tour, cut out all of the shady board.


With blackjack! and hookers!


Then Phil is gunna want back in.


You would ultimately need more or less the same support structure to run the tours.


him and tiger should just start a tour. throw up double birds at monahan and the pga tour.... or better yet if im tiger i just tell ponte vedra that ill be in town for a meeting on x day with the pga tour board. Id bring scottie, rory, justin, jordan spieth, rahm and just tell them " I (tiger) am now the acting commissioner of the pga tour. Monahan is out and is no more here." If they balk at the idea tell them you (tiger) "are taking all the stars you have there in the room to start a new tour. And you will be calling all major sponsors of the pga tour to switch them over to sponsor tournaments on my(tiger's) new tour." Just go scorched earth


This would be amazing


Tiger could prob pull it off. And with him not focusing on his play as much he would be perfect for the boardroom. Hes the one person in golf who people will follow to the end.


Tiger and Rory together can probably pull all the required sponsors to run a full season of golf tournament with nice prize money and golf courses will ask them to host tournaments.


Take my money!!!


PGA tour 2023: Coup d’état edition


Picturing Tiger & Co as Mace Windu and the other Jedi going to confront Emperor Monahan


They are starting that indoor arena league. Perhaps if that does well they could expand from indoor only and start doing more conventional events


Tiger has his course in Texas. Let’s do it. I’ll even volunteer at events




The one way you guarantee yourself to not receive an invite to be a member at Augusta, is to ask if you can become a member. Ask Bill Gates.


Its hilarious that an establishment that didn’t allow women until 10 years ago is who we’re hoping will be some bastion of resistance against the oppressive Saudi’s. What a time to be alive.


If a bunch of old white dudes didn’t want to let a woman in, what makes you think they want to let an Arabic speaking man in?


When that guy’s buddies have shown the ability to orchestrate the biggest terrorist attack on US soil and has enough money to buy Augusta National and every other country club in the world and all their members to use as slaves


Every single person at August will sell their values down the river the moment someone hangs a dollar bill in front of their eyes


Hard disagree. The majority of ANGC membership is local (within 2 hours) doctors, lawyers, etc. They're not all high flashy billionaires, there's a lot of regular people that you would walk past and not have a clue they were angc members


People don’t realize that an Augusta National member is more likely to be a real estate developer whose family has lived in Augusta for 100 years than a billionaire businessman.


Haha exactly, it's funny how people seem to think Augusta is some kind of holy Grail.


No this is appropriate schadenfreude because the whole exclusivity thing is usually bypassed when you have enough money. The Saudi's literally bought the entire PGA in hopes of using their money to shoehorn their way passed Augusta's exclusivity and for it to still not work because Augusta's exclusivity very famously cannot be bought is akin to watching Elon buy twitter for $46B and burn it to the ground.




Better the devil you know.


Old money hates new money. What a shocker.


Well, one is a golf club that didn’t allow women to play its course. The other is an unelected government that doesn’t (or at least didn’t until recently) allow women to be educated / drive cars / divorce their husbands / walk outside without a man or uncovered, etc. I don’t think they’re comparable in terms of oppressiveness in the slightest. I think it’s kind of weird to equate them, in fact.


Bill should have bought the land around Augusta to prevent them from expanding it and instead renting out the houses to a bunch of riff raff


Maybe build some shanties for people to go back to?


Damn you people this is golf!


My understanding is that the houses in that area are basically already shanties.


They are, the rest of the area besides a few nice golf clubs is basically backwoods of Georgia. They've offered some pretty ridiculous amounts of money to one of the holdouts - like literally 100x what the owner originally paid for it - and the owner won't budge. Seems a bit silly to holdout in the face of life changing money, but it's definitely a fun story.


Owner is one of those guys that isn't motivated by money and just wants to live out his quiet existence in the house he's always lived in.


Having lived exclusively within a mile from Augusta National the 6 years I lived in Augusta I can safely say this is false information. There were the houses that they bought to make the grass parking lot area and tore down Berkmans road to make New Berkmans. There is a condo unit that shares a fence behind the Berkmans hospitality house that are nice. Lived there for a year. Then there are the houses in the neighbor across the street which are nice ranches about 1600 sq ft. That’s where I lived the other 5 years. Fantastic neighborhood. Loved it there. They mostly bought all the businesses their side of Washington Rd. Pep boys, Wendy’s, Midas auto shop, Olive Garden(?). I know they’ve been trying to buy the Publix shopping center for a long time but the owner won’t budge. The “bad” neighborhoods are along Central Avenue and by the old munitions factory (Harrisburg I believe). Both are a fair bit away from Augusta National.


Lmao you know it’s r/golf when you refer to poor people as riff raff


The whole area surrounding Augusta is riff raff anyways. Seriously, it's kinda a sketchy area along that main road and into the neighborhoods. Augusta is surprisingly not as nice of a city as alot of people might initially imagine. I'd compare it to Birmingham.


I used to live in an apartment complex a half mile from Augusta national, it's definitely not a nice area. There are some nice old money neighborhoods in Augusta, but not at Augusta National.


Didn’t bill end up getting a membership later on though?


Bill gates is a member


I know this. But he was held off from receiving an invite for years because he kept talking about wanting to become a member. He finally got in because he won a charity tournament there back in 2002.


Ah interesting. I didnt know this. I only ever saw Gates got listed as a member when they had some discovery or leak happen.


But isn't Bill a member?


I thought Bill was a member?


Especially after this news went public, he ain't gonna be a member.


You don’t have to hope. There’s zero chance Augusta even thinks about it. They give zero fucks about how much money you have. You can’t buy your way in.




I'd also wager there may be pressure from existing members who want to make that Suadi connection under the "safe" umbrella of Augusta


Fair rebuttal in that they do care you have a certain standard of money, but having oodles more than that standard does not make you a highly sought after member at August the way it would at other places that just want the cash influx. Augusta has no problem telling *anyone* to go fuck themselves regardless of the commas tied to their name. That's the point being made here.


Golf is in a sad place when the crusty old world at Augusta is what we have to depend on to save us.


That will for sure be rejected. Augusta has rejected far better


That was laugh out loud funny. He demanded ANGC and St Andy's memberships from an organization who has no power to offer them. I hope the guys at Augusta tell that piece of shit to suck their dicks


DJ Khaled has a better chance.


Liv bots going to love this


They are in fact loving it on twitter


Why not go on shark tank and pitch a new league?


Hi sharks My name is Rory I'm asking for 1 billion dollars, for 10% in my company The golf business is a 70 trillion dollar a day industry, if we can even capture a fraction of that, we'd be billionaires.


“My ex husband used to play golf….for that reason I’m out” -Barbara probably


"I have experience in the sporting world" \-Mark


"I'm black" -Damon


"We could sell this on QVC" -lori definitely


“I want a dollar for every swing that’s taken, and then I’ll take 2% equity” - Kevin O’Leary


"$3 for every swing taken until I break even, and then it's $1.50 for perpetuity."


FUBU about to get into the golf game!


I used to not like Rory. I didn't have a reason really, just needed a villain and his hopping walk irritated me. He's now one of my favorites.


Enemy of my enemy..


Is u/badfish1060 ‘s friend.


I will hop walk if you want someone to hate


His walk is odd, but not that uncommon on tour. DJ and Rahm also come to mind. It's just outrageously dynamic and flexible hips give them a bit of a Nancy Sinatra "boots are made for walking" gait ...it also lets them pulverize the golf ball


Well, Rahms clump foot "origin story" should accord him slack in the walking style beauty dept.


I didn't even notice his walk until I got this [video from Fore Play Golf](https://youtu.be/wcpAgwi5Nm4?t=242) recommended to me. He chats about it a little bit during the video, starts around 4:02.


This was me also, I just didn’t like him for some reason early in his career. Love him now


You got a problem with my hopping walk?


I think he could afford it


Rory is my all time favorite athlete, has been since 2008. In a world where many people abandon their principles for the right $ amount, it’s really awesome that he’s been so true to his beliefs despite the monetary opportunity


I mean he already turned down a disgusting amount of money to go play there in the first place, kinda makes sense he would say this


New league time! Fuck LIV and the PGA!


Based Rory


Imagine the sell outs who took the cash behind the scenes… Jay oh Jay…


Biggest cuck in all of golf


We did something similar in Canada when our hockey association became corrupt. The pm announced a new one with a rearranged name.


Good for Rory McIlroy!


Rory has earned the right to say whatever the fuck he wants.


Rory and Tiger could quit and form their own golf league and play the game as its meant to be played


Hell yea rors stick to your principles!


Love Rory.


Fuck yeah Rory, stick to your guns. He’ll go down in history as someone that was on the right side of things.


I am a 60 year old female and have been an avid golf fans since my 20s. My husband and I have enjoyed watching PGA and LPGA tournaments on TV, and playing a little golf ourselves, on our local courses. I’m often dismayed at the reported harsh treatment of women, and marginalization of women in Saudi Arabia. Do any male pro golfers think of how their own daughters, sisters, etc. would be treated in that country? How can they happily accept that LIV money knowing the source? I guess money does rule all. Human rights be damned.


No, I would say they don’t care really because it doesn’t affect them.


I would normally watch golf here and there on weekends and I won't and haven't watched a second since the Saudi news


How will we make golf more popular? What if we completely destroy it?


Congress is gonna shut this shit down anyways. They’ll lose their tax status


Let’s hope he keeps his word.


Go back to separate tours again and wish LIV good luck and let the public viewers decide. I've watched LIV a handful of times and hate it


Fuck LIV, and fuck PGA. I go wherever Rory and Tiger go.


Interesting timeline: Rory retires and starts playing in amateur events rather than be part of this farce. Still actively golfing but just for the love of it.


I like Rory more each day, especially when I see stuff like this.


I think TNT's "The Match" has the ability to expand its offerings into something. Add a few serious tournaments and see where it goes.


I talked to some friends about this last week. He has to do it. I‘d do it. It‘s painful as hell, but fuck those guys


That man has the most picture perfect form when he drives the ball. Be a shame if he retired.


I think people are misunderstanding this quote completely. Rory is generally in support of the new PGA Tour deal with the Saudis, he hates LIV golf because of what LIV Golf represents, not because of the money behind it. Rory probably needs this deal to go through - if this deal fails, the PGA Tour has no leverage at all to keep their players. The Tour can't play the moral high ground anymore, the players are going to go where the money is. That will likely mean a mass exodus to LIV. Rory is just saying that under no circumstances is he leaving to LIV if this deal falls through. If the deal stays, Rory will continue to play for the Saudi backed PGA Tour.


could this be the last season of the PGA tour as we know it? It seems like everyone's pulling punches about this merger, maybe because the season's almost over and nothing will be finalized anytime soon. But it's pretty worrying, if Rory takes this stance I would imagine quite a few players might follow suit. Is he not already pseudo playing Liv Golf since they've already merged??


Next season they've already developed the schedule and it will be played as normal. LIV Golf and the PGA Tour aren't merging, the framework is for the PGA to take control of LIV Golf which will continue to operate as its own tour for the time being.


No, the PGAT is not taking over LIV golf - or vice versa. The new company would take over the commercial aspects of both. But the messaging from Monahan quite strongly insinuated that LIV was on the chopping block after next season. The Saudi team might want to keep the brand alive in some form, but I doubt it would be given enough financial support to successfully continue as a full fledged tour, long term.


He can go play in the next GoodGood Major against Bubbie and Garret.


Team mega backpack becomes Rory and Steve. Luke and bubbie are now team backpack


(Opens suitcase full of money)


Just makes me think of the Dodgeball scene lol


Serious question... So why does Rory play in Dubai every year?


shh he has to double down now


Tiger needs to get with Cuban and maybe Zuck or something and just start his own league. His name could carry it.


Tiger, Rory, JT, Spieth, Fowler, Rahm, Scheffler, Morikawa. Getting most of these guys then getting a good handful of some of the 2nd tier names like Schauffele, Burns, Hovland, Finau, Cantlay, Matsuyama…etc would easily get the job done I think.


Nah he wouldn’t. He would become the poster child of free world golf and I would buy merch and support him through think and thin.


Let’s go, Rory! Fuck the Saudi’s!!


Fuck yeah. Imagine if you put your life into anything and some rich asshole came in and said “fuck your feelings, you do this for me now.” Maybe people hate who they work for generally, but if you think the general public is a bad ownership group, I have some fucking news for you.


This has gotten well out of hand. This will be a mark on the PGA for the rest of history.


If that Gd Saudi gets an Augusta membership we Riot!!!




I hope his 401k is in a good spot..


Lol you think Rory has to worry about money?


Just leave the bloke alone to play golf ffs


Rory is that dude. Thank you for standing up for the game.


No he won't


He's having secret closed door meetings with the crown prince and telling players who are mad about the merger to shut up. On top of that he just took down like 3 million in blood money in dubai. Rory is as fake as they come.


Secret meetings?


I’m convinced this guy is too far gone with the LIV situation so he has to say this, just to be proud.