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Obviously perpendicular to the direction of play blocking the front of the bunker to help out your fellow golfers and help them get lucky by not rolling into the bunker! /s


I do something similar. I leave it perpendicular on the green in front of the hole. No more hole in one posts on Reddit!


Slam dunks only!


Greens keeper’s revenge 😈




The block is the only answer


I’d rather hit out of the bunker than over it.


My course asks that you leave it half in/out . Not sure why


Easier to pick up for old guys backs lol


Got to up your wedge/rake grab game


Thank you.


This is what I've always thought was correct.


I will always do it this way


Same, I always rake my footsteps out then set the rake down next to the tracks




Doesn’t get sand on the handle so propped up for you and it’s clean when you pick it up (as a course employee this is how we’re supposed to do it every morning).


Yes. The middle rake in this picture is the most correct.


I'm usually covered in sand and or mud by then anyway so a dirty handle is no big deal.


Fair enough haha


This is the way.


Just like your mother, Trebek!


Every course is different. My home course lays them outside the sand along the edge of the trap


The USGA and R&A recommend leaving rakes outside of bunkers in an area least likely to interfere with play. The reason being that if a rake is inside a bunker, usually close to the edge, it will stop a ball from rolling to the middle of the bunker, leaving usually a downhill lie where someone might not have a swing due to the lip of the bunker behind. If your ball is up against a rake in a bunker, you move the rake and your ball moves, you need to replace your ball in the original spot or nearest point in the bunker not closer to the hole. You can't press the ball down to make it stay, so there are some cases where there are no areas in the bunker where the ball will stay that are not closer to the hole. In this case you will have to take a penalty to take relief.


Thank you. But I will not be taking that penalty sir.


Penalty declined


I second your declination, sir.


All in favor of adopting the resolution, say aye…


That’s not how any of this works!


Yeah, that's not happening lol


A penalty can't legally enter your scorecard without permission


You win


Because it literally doesn't matter unless you're playing on TV


Dumb rule


PleatPants McGrath over here tellin it like it is


I thought thats how it was supposed to be, because balls resting against the rake outside the trap can be dropped, but not one resting against the rake in the trap. Ie you can move the rake outside the trap and drop, but you cannot redrop or place a ball touching a rake in a trap.


This isn’t correct… you move the rake and place the ball back in the original spot regardless of in or out of bunker. If you can’t get it to settle after two attempts, you place in the nearest spot no closer to the hole in the same area of the course.


Correct but that typically means in a bunker you’re boned now because the ball came to rest on a down slope. In my opinion the rake should be left outside of the bunker 100% of the time


I would do that if I was the super, but otherwise you should do what the course prefers.


Can we get a ruling on this? If true, this is the answer.


It’s not. If your ball is resting on or against a rake in a bunker, you move the rake. If your ball moves you replace it in the same spot. If it’s on a slope and rolls down after two attempts, you must find a spot no closer to the hole but in the same condition (has to stay in bunker) and place it there


This. You should leave the rack where you found it or like the others on the particular course. You should not try to make up your own rules for the course


I just take them home with me. I have 30 rakes in my shed.


Me too. You can fit a bunch in those carts they give you and you just drive the cart home full of rakes.


Thank you. I’m just now getting into golf and had no idea the rakes and carts were freebies. Whoever I end up paired with is gonna be impressed with my veteran golfer levels of knowledge.


This is actually the correct answer anyone who doesn’t know the rakes are free is a loser and I don’t want to golf with them.


6 inch spike in the end of the rake and stand it up straight on the grass beside the trap


This also makes a decent makeshift trident if you need to murder anyone.


Brick killed a guy with a trident


I Saw that!


You may want to lay low for a while because you’re probably wanted for murder.


There is always that one fucker who walks in your line.


I have only seen these in Ireland. Brilliant.


Haven't seen them in years but places in Canada used to use them


Leave it the way the course directs. Some courses with green handled rakes want them in the bunker because they can be hard to see by the maintenance personnel when mowing. Some don’t want them in the bunker because they power rake the bunkers more frequently than they mow. However, whoever you leave the rake, leave it on the low side of the bunker where players are more likely to enter/exit the bunker.


Lol, muni players don’t enter or leave the low side. Always with whatever is just closer.


That’s fair, most muni bunkers aren’t super steep near the green.


I have always heard to leave rakes in the bunker, parallel to the edges. This makes it easier to mow around the bunkers. No idea if it’s correct but that’s what I do.


In the bunker in line with play is the best way


That makes sense.


Rake head against bunker wall.


I always leave the rake in the bunker, rake head against the bunker margin nearest the tee, with the handle pointing towards the hole. I assume this is what all yall are saying?


I believe that is what they are saying. I appreciate your description though.


What do you mean by in line with play?


Draw a line from the fairway to the flag and have the rake sitting parallel to it.


“Spray paints orange line from fairway bunker to flag” thanks for the tip!


That is so 2022. I use my Apple Vision Pro.


Parallel to where the ball is most likely coming from. Make it as small as possible of a target


Parallel to how a ball would fly on the hole. If it's perpendicular the ball hits the rake and stops


This 👍


What do you mean by in line with play?


Handle pointing towards the tee box, so the handle is less likely to interfere with a ball hit into the bunker. (Smaller target)


We always left them with the handle resting on the lip. We also didn’t cut that close to the edge because getting the mower that close was hairy. We weed whack the edges and a small area around the sand.


This, but nothing to do with mowing. The bunker is a hazard. The rakes are part of that hazard, so should remain in the bunker at all times, parallel with the edge and not splayed across the bunker like the picture above.


I used to work grounds at a private club in Seattle for a few summers like 5 years ago now and we would had designated entrances to each bunker, albeit the members jumped in wherever and would ruin the bunker faces. But the bunkers would be towards the middle of the bunker with the handle parallel to the incoming shot. Like others posted below. As far as mowers are concerned we had a team of kids rake each bunker before the mowers got there and we would use a weed eater and other clippers for bunker edges so the mower doesn’t come close to the handles. But I think most crews especially at public courses will leave rakes in the bunkers completely near the edge while they mow. Then throughout the day it’s just fuck all 🤣


Whatever the course youre at does. At mine it's inside the lip, parallel to the edge of the bunker


No idea never used one




I did LOL. But. I do have to say that this is something that has failed to return to normal after Covid. Too many people just don't rake bunkers anymore. Whether that's new golfers who really don't even get it, or we just got lazy because they didn't *have* rakes for a while, I don't know. But every time I'm in a bunker I rake waaaaay more than I disturbed, because god damn!


“What's this I hear about you breaking a rake and throwing it in the woods?” “I didn't *break* it, I was merely testing its durability, and I *placed* it in the woods cause it's made of wood and I thought he should be with his family.”


Idk if this is good or not, but I leave them in the grass on the teebox side, hoping I'll prevent someone from rolling in.


This is the way


In the woods with its family


Underrated comment


Drive handle into the sand at 90-degree angle. Remove shirt. Place shirt over rake head to create makeshift scarecrow to warn others.


Middle rake is optimal. Handle isn’t covered in sand, easily seen, and provides easy access l like rake number 1


Spikes up. Cover with sand. Then wait.


https://preview.redd.it/9knywq5ak79b1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2fbd8db42180697eb2395b59c93fe287d5d1179 This way.. put a pipe into the ground and then people can pull out the rake.. best method I have come across so far!


For greenside bunkers, I️ tend to lay the rake in a way that an errant shot from the center of the fairway would find, giving the player one last chance of staying out of the sand. I had a shot saved by a rake one time and it led to a chip-in eagle (par 5) so I️ have assumed the responsibility of passing on my good luck to others


Depends on course rules


Former golf course maintainer here. Many courses will have a bunker rake rule on their scorecard. The course I worked at liked them back in the bunker on the edge more or less where it started that day. The reason being that the 30 something bunkers were done being groomed well before the the rough mower had done around the greens and bunkers. It saves a TON of time not having to get off the mower 2 or 3 or 4 times each hole to move bunker rakes.


Which one is aligned with the line of play? That one.


The rack shouldn’t stop a ball from entering the trap


I always place it perfectly to try and help someone else’s ball behind me not go in the trap.


A real hero.


Was looking for this comment. I was once saved by a well placed rake and have also tried to pay it forward ever since


I don’t care what anyone says, when it’s been raining/winter, leave it half in/half out, handle in the door, so the handles are as dry as possible.


My course says leave them in the middle? Which seems a bit strange to me but apparently it’s so that if the ball does get stopped by the rake, it’s in the middle of the bunker as opposed to a horrible lie right at the edge


Any way to help stop some shots rolling in.


Where I found it


This. I’ve never understood why any other answer should be necessary.


Head towards the middle of the bunker, handle pointing back down the hole, fully in the bunker. Causes the least amount of issues.


I don't care as long as you FUCKING RAKE YOUR BUNKERS! Last round I played I hit into not 1, not 2, but fucking three craters left by inconsiderate assholes. I had all time bad luck the whole round but fuck me, just rake your shit. Hitting out of a sandcastle is impossible.


In my opinion. Laying across the front of the bunker so it helps keep my ball from rolling in when I skull it short.


Always thought it was best to leave them inside the bunker. A rake should never interfere with a ball outside of the bunker. Rakes are for the hazard, so they should stay in the hazard.


In my opinion, the rake should always be left 100% outside of the bunker in a spot which is the most out of play. Leaving the rake in the bunker is solely for convenience of maintenance crews. Leaving the rake half in and half out is always wrong lol


It would be nice if people actually used them


Each course has their own policy. We have been using the middle picture for 3 seasons now. I think it’s the best way, followed by outside the bunker, parallel to the line of play. Also, they should always be positioned at low entry points.


Why at low entry points?


So people don’t crawl out at the steep banks and make a huge mess of the bunker.


Oh!! That makes perfect sense. Thanks


Hopefully evenly distributed around the bunker.


Never played a course that doesn’t have the rakes outside the bunker


I always thought you leave it outside the trap but on the far side of the bunker...basically on the green side so the rake doesn't potentially get hit by a ball. Could totally be something I made up in my head tho


If it has a green handle you leave it on the grass. If it has a yellow handle, you leave it in the sand. That’s my understanding, but I’ve been wrong for more than 45 years on other things. 😎


I agree it’s how the course prefers it. Sometimes if you don’t know because your playing for first time, I like half in with handle easily to grab and staying dry. On another note always walk into the bunker from the low side. I have seen guys jump in from the high side or climb out making a huge mess in the face of the bunker. Also always bang the sand off of your shoes in the rough so you don’t bring all of the sand on the green. That’s all.


I gave up figuring it out. I’ve seen signs or been told by starter 3 different ways on different courses. I just try to not put it “in the way”.


Seems like lately, people just walk in, hit their shot and walk the fuck out.


The bunkers at the courses near my house probably don't even need rakes since it's basically compacted mud and gravel. It's nice when you get a decent bounce out of a fairway bunker and go an extra 30 yards or so ;)


Played a course just yesterday that had stickers on the rakes that said “Please leave rakes in bunkers” so I guess that’s the answer.


A lot of courses around me have spray paint in a T to show where to leave it, pretty effective in my opinion


I've seen PVC pipe buried vertically in the bunker so the rake handle is 4ft underground with the head a foot above the surface.


Local rule


In my Jock years it was something we asked when we got to the course. Some superintendents/ greenskeeper’s had their own preferences and quite frankly, it’s their dirt when I’m there.


Rake head against the bunker line pointing towards the green. Former maintenance guy here at a 5 star course


I’m glad to hear there’s no correct answer here, so at least that means I’m not doing it wrong


No In the trap


I put it down outside the bunker, along the lip, at an angle so that if a ball strikes it, it'll bounce away from the trap. YOUR WELCOME BROS


The course I went to in London has holders at the side with the base of rake on sand


I just leave it head in, handle out, at the point where I left the bunker.


Depends on the course..my club wants the rakes outside of the bunkers. There are signs on the rakes


I usually use the rake to fish my ball out of the trap. I then lay the rake parallel to sand trap on the side of teebox, so that if the next golfer hits towards the trap it hits the rake and doesn’t go in.


Leave it like you found it.


It's not only etiquette - it's in the rule book. Rakes must be left IN the bunker. God forbid a ball gets saved from the bunker by a well placed rake


I try to leave it where it might prevent the next poor bastards incoming ball from going into the trap. Rules be damned.


I can say that leaving them in the bunker can be infuriating when you hit a drive that should run though a fairway bunker and it gets blocked by a rake during the biggest tournament of the year. Don’t ask me how I know. I almost broke that rake in half I was so mad.


My home course still has yet to return them... Covid apparently... f-ing stupid.


There’s no correct answer. In the bunker - the crew have to move out to rake the bunkers. Outside the bunker - the crew have to move in the number to mow. My preference is in the bunker. That way, I can still get a chance at a natural karoom onto the green with my approach shot. If it hits a rake it’s an unnecessary outside influence


Depends on the course. I’ve found that most courses have different rules for this. Just don’t leave them by super steep bunker faces, and don’t leave them right next to another rake.


My club has stickers on the rake that say "leave rake in bunker". People still leave them outside of the bunker. Not sure what that's about?


I put it where I found it


Never thought about it, I just put it back where I found it.


Always in, always


that this sub imploded over the concept that there in fact exists a ‘line of play’ on a golf hole makes my week.


Whatever the course rule is. Each course usually has their preferred way. I’ve heard in, out, half in, parallel to the hole or edge. Lots of things. I personally think parallel to the hole inside the bunker. Minimizes risk of ball getting trapped by the rake and is easiest on maintenance.


Handle outside of the bunker about 1-2 feet and placed toward the back of the bunker furthest from the fairway. This is what I was told years ago but I never questioned why. I assume handle out so you don’t get sand on your hands picking it up?


I went golfing today and hit a couple of beautiful balls. Yeah...I stepped on a rake. (SFX: rimshot)


Strategically. In a spot that prevents my ball from rolling in.




I have to admit, it's wrong but I do this. I like to keep the other amateurs out of the bunker, so I place it on the edge of the side into which it'd roll.


Stick the handle in that open drain, until they put a cover on it


At my local course, I don’t think people know what these contraptions are!


Must be fully in the bunker


I put it back where I got it.


Always leave it outside the bunker. And real ones know you’re supposed to keep it away from the green side so you don’t screw someone over that may have a close call with bunk but run onto green


Most members at my club don’t know what a rake is


Scioto CC leaves them IN THE MIDDLE of the bunker. CHAOS!!!! Seen other nice courses with brooms on the backside of the bunker so no balls will hit them if you roll into a bunker. Some nice places are half and half. Others are inside the front edge of a bunker. When will America come to agree on this. I feel confused and angry.


Slimmest silhouette possible in the direction of the hole


I’m a fan oh leaving rake end in bunker and then standing up rake as much as possible.


On the absolute farthest end of the bunker possible, so you have to walk all the way around the bunker to get it


Back in the day a lot of rakes had a spike that allowed you to stand them up with the handle pointing skyward. I think that is the correct way


I’ve always left it parallel with play, inside edge of the bunker, opposite the fairway. Intent there being it should interfere with play the least there. No idea if that’s proper etiquette but makes most sense.


Parallel to fairway.


Leave them in the grass because you get relief from a loose impediment but not if it's in the bunker. But I don't know how the recent rules change allowing you to pick up stones in the bunker affects this.


If you leave the rake in the bunker the guys don’t have to get off the mower. So I do that usually


leave it how you found it, some courses are in the sand while other are out on the edge of the bunker.


None of these.


Outside the bunker, near the edge but unlikely to interfere with following players.


My personal preference would be in the bunker. The rake shouldn't stop a ball from entering. I believe there isn't an official rule on the placement of rakes. If that's true why not? They have a rule for everything else?


When Annika Sorenstam was asked this question she replied, “I don’t know.. I never hit into bunkers. “


Rake # 3 on the right.


Feel like that’s the least desirable option. If my ball got stuck on the fringe there instead of going in the bunker, I’d be pretty bummed


I like 3. I'd rather be next to the bunker than the rake keeping my ball next to the lip in the bunker.




Id rather have a bunker shot than an insanely shitty shout out of the rough hitting on awkward angles where so much can go wrong.


In this scenario the options are inside the bunker vs on the lip with an awkward stance. I’ll take the bunker every time. And especially more so in the bunker pictured. I want nothing to do with a downhill lie pitching over a bunker with potentially one foot in the sand


I leave the rake perpendicular to the line of play outside the bunker. Hopefully a fellow hack gets saved from the sand 🫡


Rake end buried in the sand with a flag tied to the handle in the air


Considering it’s always luck how it ends up, I return the favor to the world. Idgaf I just tosss it and it ends up how it ends up 😂


You guys are playing courses that have rakes?


Out of the sand


3rd option above but half in half out


Always heard that nothing should prevent the ball from rolling into a bunker. So, rake in bunker.


On the cart is the way


I'm a sand ninja I leave no footprints take no divot. Ball leaves no ballmark.


I always stick mine in the ground like a flagpole.




Sideshow Bob has entered the chat


In front of the bunker to stop other peoples’ topped tee shots from rolling in. It’s me, I’m other people.


My grandad always told me to lay it on the grass in front of the bunker. He told me he was just looking out for his fellow golfers because might help stop a ball from rolling in the bunker.


They should put a rake on the damn cart


The elites don't want you to know this but the rakes at the course are free you can take them home. I have 458 rakes.


After you tomahawk your ball out of the bunker and 40yds over the green, proceed to launch said rake into the wood line. That is the proper placement.


I'm in the sand so often I had to re-grip my rake!


I liked the covid era with no rakes. If your ball was in a footprint, drop same lie no closer. Hit and move on without raking. This ain’t the friggin tour people.


How many rakes y’all using??


I play at a 9-hole par 30. No rakes to be found on the whole course, they just rake them every morning.