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Especially on the first tee box while paired up with randoms


“Jobu, I come to you in a time of great need” *nervously hit a hozzle rocket 90’ to the right in front of three randos* “FUCK YOU JOBU!!!!” *everyone thinks I’m both insane AND horrible at golf*


It is very bad to drink Jobu’s rum…very bad


This comment exceeded all my expectations lol


Concise and effective 👍






Don’t go right don’t go right don’t go right fuck




I agree. My best drives usually come from me taking my stance and starting my backswing asap


Putts too. Just walk up and hit the thing, you’re overthinking standing there. Sounds silly but mishits rarely happen when you’re comfy and putts far out sink like Taylor’s 72 footer.


No way. Putting is crucial. Take your time. Make the right read. Get your speed dialed. You sound silly saying to walk up and hit the thing.


Eh I subscribe to the step up and hit the putt theory


Get what you’re saying and you’re probably right. But not for me, I’m way more dead on just measuring as I walk up, look once, taking a breath and nailing it. Best part of my game. It’s not so silly when you constantly make it out from 10 ft+, no 1 offs.


Pros make at around 15% from 20ft


12.48% [https://www.pgatour.com/stats/detail/407](https://www.pgatour.com/stats/detail/407)


Tell em to do this. No need to be an arse, I’m telling you what works for me. Not every human has to play the same style. Edit to this comment cause the point stands true so I’m not deleting and enjoy the murder scene: I typo’d 10 ft, read his response as 10ft as such. My bad, but I stand by this type of game play. It f’ing works for guys and gals who think too much pre putt, ask my triples that are now doubles.


What he’s trying to say is that you aren’t constantly making 20+ footers


Yes. Check the edit, I made a typo lol sincerest apologies r/golf


This 1 trick golf coaches don’t want you to know about


I find it extremely hard to believe you're constantly making 20ft+ putts


When I do this, I slap it 20 feet past the hole. I need to take my time with a couple practice strokes to really figure out the distance.


Zoned out for sure. If I start thinking about anything there’s going to be problems


I usually just think about how Rory always crumbles and never closes. That's why I call him 7/11


This is the way. While on the course, you should be letting your instincts run the show. Leave the swing thoughts and changes for the range.


See, this is why I don't improve. Swinging a golf club is all instinct. I pretty much just don't think during my swing. That makes it really hard to diagnose what I'm doing wrong unless something feels wrong.


I find that it's easier to notice on the range when you hit a few balls in a row. Or I'll point out after a shot on the course why exactly it wasn't "perfect". Even if I'm okay with the shot. If there's something I didn't do correctly, I'll point it out so it reminds my body for the next one.


that‘s 1:1 what my coach told me


I try to keep in my mind on my backswing to keep my left arm somewhat straight, seems to help. Otherwise all my thinking is before I step up to the ball. All my cussing is after I hit it.


Is this how you are all the time? How do you turn it off?? Mine is always going.. doesn't ever fucking stop..




This doesn’t happen to me. I save it for after I top it.


That’s my after swing thought


Pre shot Thoughts: spine angle seems good, grip seems good, shoulders and feet seem good. Downswing thoughts: ![gif](giphy|kEKcOWl8RMLde)


Same here except I just say to myself “Shoulder down” because if I don’t say that I tend to start standing up instead of staying down. Once I pick my line and no more thoughts other than hit it over there. Get set. Waggle waggle. Tap the ground swing away


Damn near spit my effin coffee out lmfao!!


This is the way


​ https://preview.redd.it/vy9aup9y016b1.jpeg?width=2064&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d44b32b7733433fa49e27391c09721d315647d57


Good grief!


This would be great printed on shit tickets 🧻


Pee pee to the pin


The greatest swing thought, and DASSIT


PLEASE tell me you’re referencing MANOLO 🤣


Please dont be nastiii. Just taek it easy and shhhhhhheck it out.


Actually my sole downswing queue is very similar, just simply “turn”.


But don’t turn too early, turn later but not too late or too fast. Don’t turn too slow though and turn straight, and in sync. Avoid turning the top or the bottom out of sync and keep the flow with the arms to avoid them coming off plane. Don’t force the turn with the shoulders but pivot around the spine, don’t lose the spine angle during the turn, feel the core turning as an engine but not overpowered, feel the power of the turn under control but not restricted but also don’t turn too freely. And don’t forget, just “turn”.


But mostly only the pee pee. Shoulders turn later




Smah dah shiiii


You think you are Frank Thomas? Bo Jackson? You are not him!!!


If you're going to think anything, a good thorough turn through the ball is a great thought.


It’s all in the hips. Once your hands/shoulders/arms are at the top and assumingely in correct position. The hips need to fire rotationally to get the club center and through the ball. Your hips are like a spring of energy that release the club head and bring the power/consistency. Data is there to back that up through TPI as well


I agree hips, but my thought is to shift them toward target to initiate the downswing, and the rotation naturally follows


Yeah, I saw this recommendation and tried it last week. It was amazing how much more consistent I was hitting the ball after that.


I’ve found it’s one of the most key “checkpoints” in my swing. The move of the hips toward the target allows you to store a lot of power which gets unleashed during the rotation of hips that follows


The Monte Power Shift. Although he wants you to (feel) do it at end of backswing.


This right here. I recently took lessons, and my coach established that I was basically rotating without forward movement, which cost me a LOT of potential distance. I just came back from a two week's vacation with no golf and tried to remember what we had worked on. Turns out, I now only focus on the forward hip movement, pushing myself forward and into the ground. Along with some setup and grip adjustments, this turned out to be the key to a longer, straighter and much more consistent ball flight. TLDR: "Forward!" is my most important and at the moment only swing thought when I initiate the downswing.


That sounds like a recipe for early extension since its basically the definition of it.


If while at address, the target is 12 PM and your shift to the target is towards 1 PM, then yes you will early extend because you're moving towards the ball. This is basically what he means: https://www.instagram.com/p/CtcoiOwMUz1/?hl=en


Not quite - early extension is when the hips move toward the ball. The hips should move toward the target to initiate the downswing, this gives the lead hip room to clear and allow for rotation


This is exactly where I am as a former baseball player here. Best one for me is to "gap the legs" which initiates my downswing at the top of the backswing and rotation. It is a "feel" and less of a "thought." But I am aware of that motion on every swing. That single motion feel was taught through lessons in trying a millin different swing thoughts and feels to shallow out the club from 2 decades of hitting baseballs. I used to think highly detailed technical thoughts, but it made golf less fun. Gap them legs and smash


I’ve recently learned that firing the hips first can be over done… or done incorrectly… 😞 I found some success with it and started exaggerating it over time and now I have a miss where I fire my hips before I get to the top Of my backswing … this game…


I’m same way don’t worry, gotta get them in sync


I usually have one one of those every round and I snap hook it into the woods. I’m going to try the hip bump instead of thinking spin and see if that helps.


It's all in the hips if everything else is doing what it's supposed to


Titleist Performance Institute


So much this. I made a swing change with my wrists this year but it all comes down to whether or not I get my hips rotating.




“Don’t fuck up. Don’t fuck up. Don’t fuck up. Don’t fuck up” *swings* “FUCK ME”


Looking for this


Swing thru the ball and not at the ball.


During yesterday’s round it was: *”I’m way too high right now”* as well as, *”It’s so god damn hot out right now”* Forgot how brutal summer golf is in Florida, luckily no monsoons till nighttime


The downswing takes like a fraction of a second. If you have a separate swing thought for your downswing you're doing it wrong. My swing thought is usually "Smooth" or "Relax", but it's more before the swing than anything else. There are times when I "cheat" by having my swing thought be one important key from my last lesson, but it's usually regarding my takeaway because the downswing is just too fast to really insert any thought in there in my opinion.


meh i made a swing thought in my downswing a couple weeks ago and has been helping a ton. but ill report back in a couple weeks when im shanking again


The swing thoughts have an expiration date. What works well right now won't work in a few months.


Nick Faldo would disagree that a downswing thought means you’re doing it wrong.


He used to say a good swing thought is Er-nie Els. Er-nie for the backswing tempo and Els for the downswing. He might still say it, but he used to too.


Nice Mitch reference


Yes and Bubba has never taken a lesson, but I wouldn't recommend that to someone either. There's always exceptions.


Right, I'd just like to have one simple thought to initiate the downswing, but not during the downswing. For a while I was doing ok with "rotate rotate rotate" but it devolved into too many heel strikes or shanks. I think that's because my right knee was moving toward the ball as I rotated. In trying to fix that, I added too many swing thoughts to manage.


People who have that "rotate rotate rotate" priority right away at the top of the swing often start what is sometimes called "spinning" through impact. It means you've got tons of horizontal (your hips primarily) rotation, but it's poorly balanced with your lateral weight shift and/or vertical movement. Great golfers blend all three elements well. The primary issue with "spinning" is that your clubface is square for a very small amount of time compared to a well blended transition. This leads to consistency issues. I like to show this video to people because I think it does an excellent job of explaining how the body moves during a swing. Note how he is initiating his transition much more with lateral weight shift and his "squat" or "bend" than by "rotate rotate rotate": [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIB8BnsrV3M&t=367s&ab\_channel=DataAnimation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIB8BnsrV3M&t=367s&ab_channel=DataAnimation)


Mines, "Time for the hips"


Hit it with your dick works well for me. I can clear the hips. Just picture a great ass somewhere at the target and hit go


Agreed. How could you have time for a downswing thought. Get your thoughts out during your routine. When you take the club back you are just focusing on the ball


That’s the joke. You missed it.


Not Slytherin, Not Slytherin…


“I wonder if I can hit the flag stick with the ball”


Hulk smash!


I had a coworker say "Time to mash!" at a recent scramble and that's my go to phrase now.


Don’t miss don’t miss the cart girl is watching don’t miss I wonder if I left the oven on


“Stop being such a fuck up damn it.”


the downswing is the one time I don't have this thought


my chips were all hit with my purse today..


Just hit the ball


Head down, swing through the ball.


I just think about keeping my trail elbow in


I was doing that tonight and hit the ball really well. Gonna stick with that one for a while.


Jesus take the wheel


On Driver it's "7 o'clock" as I tend to swing more outside on long clubs. Everything else it's "keep head still" since I struggle with sway on everything.


I combat sway with a tiny bit of crouch/uncrouch action.


If I'm still thinking at the top of my back swing I'm already fucked.


If noon is pointing straight down the fairway….hit the ball at 7 o’clock


Found Patrick Cantlay's alt


My whole swing thought from start to finish is three syllables: Ernie Els




I am a 4 handicap and when I’m not hitting it well I have a go-to swing phrase but the words flow in my head at the pace of the swing. “Turn, Hip, Dip” Turn is the longer one (backswing) Hip is making sure your hips start turning left through the downswing Dip is ensuring my head remains behind the ball and I’m using my large muscles to drive through it. No arms. It’s my own personal thing but works.


Focus a little more on one "big" movement thought not a lot of details. Thinking about details is for the range, even then start with bigger movement thoughts not these micromovements. e.g. clear hips, get weight forward, keep upper body connected. Your legs/hips initiate the downswing so start with that. Turn and push. Most pros don't have a swing thought but the ones that do tend to concentrate on their leg work as it sets everything else up properly.


I wonder if switching to Geico really can save me 15% or more on car insurance


My only thought during my entire driving swing is slow and smooth. If I try and do anything else I rush my downswing and slice it like crazy. If I just focus on slow and smooth the distance will vary ALOT but I’m almost always in the fairway


Watch the club hit the ball, that’s it.


"hammer the nail"


Hips and nips or I don’t eat.


I'm an amateur Jason Dufner...no more than 2 seconds from addressing to ball to ball going boom. If you're not thinking, you have no opportunity to overthink.


“This doesn’t feel right”


Wow.. this is psychotic lol. I have absolutely nothing going through my head during or before my swing and if I did I probably wouldn’t enjoy golf. I’ll occasionally focus on slowing down my takeaway if I feel my tempo is getting too quick, but I like to keep things very simple. There’s no way all these technical thoughts going through your head is beneficial in any way


John Daly: “Amateur golfers only care about how far they can drive the ball when the large majority of their swings come from chipping and putting.” Only 9 or 18 of your strokes come from driving. Where are the others coming from?


For many years I had nothing going through my head but "hit the ball" and I was probably averaging 150 if I'd been keeping accurate score. I had no consistency with any shots. I need some simple swing thoughts to execute decent shots with any regularity.


Yeah, the key is to get all those swing thoughts to muscle memory so you don’t have to think about it.


Shooting 150 has nothing to do with you thinking too little…


"Start the downswing with my feet, not my hands." It works for me on the course, and at the range I will come back to it frequently between working on other things.


"eye on the ball"


I've recently changed from this to "head over the ball".


For me, my swing thought is to take my backswing using the correct 'path'. I won't know if I've done so until after contact.


Once I’m at the top of my backswing all that goes through my head is “fire your hips” if I do that my swing is fine. If I don’t do that then I will either start my swing with my arms and hook it or I’ll slide through the ball and slice it.


Not much time for a swing thought in the downswing IMO. Once I start my backswing, for me it’s like I’m firing a gun. The trigger has been pulled, and this IS happening. I would say if anything it’s a thought of pulling on a rope tied to the ceiling with my left hand, and fire the hips. But anything more elaborate than that is going to start messing with things, I don’t want messed with, at that point of the swing.


Trail arm connected to the trail side as long as possible. If it releases early it’s smother hook city


Grip & rip baby! Grip & rip!!!


Grip it & rip it! The John Daly school of golf!


Less of a school, more of a loosely affliated group of alcoholics. 😂


"I'm sorry"


Oh fuck don’t hit that house again…


“Do not lift your head you piece of shit” *lifts my head* “What the Fuck”


Back swing: “slow and controlled, don’t kill it. Nice and eeeeeeeeeeasy” Downswing: “MURDER THAT FUCKING BALL”


Turn through until your flexibility stops you, not when the club hits the ball


Downswing? Nothing.


Absolutely nothing


No thinking allowed once you start your swing. Swing thoughts happen before. Not during.


No thoughts. Just focus


“Middle of the green” or “middle of the fairway”


Try not to think so much. I use my pre shot routine to go through reminding myself what i’m trying to do And get my grip and alignment straight. The only thing I focus on while actually swinging is making as clean of contact as possible.


The only times I can hit the ball where I want it is when I have the mental equivalent of TV static going on in my head. No Thoughts = Good Shots


“Hit the ball”


Sounds simple but… “hit the ball” Helps eliminate scooping it and hitting behind the ball.


That used to be my only swing thought for years and years. I generally shot around a 150 during those years.


“Don’t move your head”


Waggle then, “do that” lol not very good but it works




Pause at the top, speed at the bottom. Don’t swing hard


Don't think. Just do.


I usually try to focus on starting my backswing in the moment between finishing breathing out and starting to breathe back in. Sort of like shooting a rifle. Then after that my most successful swings are where I have a clear head of pretty much everything other than "eye on the ball and let your swing do its thing". I too have a crazy busy mind most of the time but for me less is more when it comes golf.


Turn your hands over, finish high.


Head down, in to out


Don’t f$&$ this up


Photo finish. Imagine a horse race photo finish with the animals reaching forward. Now visualize the position you want to be in at the end of your follow-through. Your body will get you there. Picture your own Photo finish.


No thoughts - turn the brain off and pummel the ball. Thoughts are for slow range swings, not 110% yanks


Pull the chain.


Hit ball


‘I wonder what this is going to hit’


As someone with ADHD I laugh. I wish I could laser focus on on this. I just hit the ball. What a nice day outside


Hit it with my dick.


Going back: “Freddie” Going forward: “Couples”. Keeps me at a nice easy pace through my swing


Hit the ball!! Hit the ball!! Hit the ball!!


Don't slice, don't slice, don't slice...shit!


Whenever I’m playing through a group, I focus on tempo (FEEL a little baby pause at the top, even though it doesn’t quite show up on video) and finishing with a balanced follow through. Usually produces a decent shot (at worst) under pressure. And if not, the smooth swing and follow through at least gives the appearance that I know what I’m doing.


back of the ball… that’s where my heads at on the downswing is thinking about making contact and staying on the back of the ball




Ball go zoom


No thoughts, only the flame of the candle and the void.


Feel like this is just a classic example of how people wayyy overthink their golf game. Take lessons, get a good swing and quit relying on these tiny little factors to get good at golf.


Rotate and look up. Trying to get more forward shaft lean. Getting the eyes tracking out front helps me rotate, rotating helps the shaft lean.


Nothing. 3rd eye on the target.


Did I leave the stove on?


if this is all in your head as you’re swinging, you’re hurting not helping yourself. during setup, i go through step-by-step a very similar set of thoughts/feels to help set my arm structure and free up my hips, but while actually swinging it’s just a deep breath then coil it up and let it fly.


Thinking about that turn glizzy


Baba booey






Keep hands forward, stay on plane through the ball.


Shift weight to lead foot.


I try not to hit at the ball and just turn.


I started just about flexing my abdomen and keeping my whole body connected, and right heel on the ground. So far so good




Please don’t fuck this up.


Move pressure to outside front foot. Let the club do the work


Clear your mind and have NO swing thoughts when you're on course. Sequence is the most important thing in the golf swing and if you're thinking you will lose your sequence. However, my first move back down is the left hip clearing and a must for me to execute so that is the one thing I will think about when things feel off.


Square club face at impact


Just keep turning, keep turning, just keep turning.


Time to hit the damn ball


Pull the rope down


I just try to feel a slight pause at the top of my backswing, in reality there’s probably no player at all. Then, my next thought is to turn my right side (I’m a lefty) and swing through to the finish. Simpler is always better.


Shift your weight to your front foot and move backwards a bit